0:00:02.390,0:00:04.019 - [Instructor] Are you[br]constantly finding yourself 0:00:04.019,0:00:05.730 behind at work or school? 0:00:05.730,0:00:06.820 Do you arrive at the end of the day 0:00:06.820,0:00:10.120 and realize you've accomplished[br]nothing on your to-do list? 0:00:10.120,0:00:13.230 Well, odds are you're not[br]very good at time management, 0:00:13.230,0:00:16.520 and that is not doing your[br]psychological health any favors. 0:00:16.520,0:00:19.074 In fact, a study published[br]in Work and Stress 0:00:19.074,0:00:22.190 found that workers who didn't[br]productively manage their time 0:00:22.190,0:00:24.358 felt less in control of their lives. 0:00:24.358,0:00:26.109 Here's the good news. 0:00:26.109,0:00:27.507 You can get better. 0:00:27.507,0:00:29.554 Paying attention to[br]how you spend your time 0:00:29.554,0:00:31.940 will help you manage it more effectively. 0:00:31.940,0:00:34.510 And we're gonna help you[br]learn how to do just that. 0:00:34.510,0:00:36.517 Today on WellCast, we're[br]gonna get you in control 0:00:36.517,0:00:39.460 of your day with our RAC method. 0:00:39.460,0:00:42.270 Recording, analyzing, and changing. 0:00:42.270,0:00:45.240 Three easy steps to great time management. 0:00:45.240,0:00:49.420 Pause and print a copy of our[br]handy WellCast day planner. 0:00:49.420,0:00:50.260 Finished printing? 0:00:50.260,0:00:51.840 Let's dive in. 0:00:51.840,0:00:53.617 Step one, recording. 0:00:53.617,0:00:54.877 When you wake up tomorrow, 0:00:54.877,0:00:57.400 note the time in your day planner. 0:00:57.400,0:01:00.720 As the day progresses, write[br]down everything that you do. 0:01:00.720,0:01:02.780 Yes, we mean everything. 0:01:02.780,0:01:04.336 The ten minutes you spent getting dressed. 0:01:04.336,0:01:06.470 The half day of productive work, 0:01:06.470,0:01:09.100 the hours you spent between[br]social networking sites, 0:01:09.100,0:01:10.454 we mean it all. 0:01:10.454,0:01:12.630 Keep this up from the time you wake up 0:01:12.630,0:01:13.753 until you go to sleep. 0:01:14.850,0:01:17.360 Step two, analyzing. 0:01:17.360,0:01:19.510 At the end of the day,[br]go through the schedule 0:01:19.510,0:01:21.880 and highlight any chunks[br]of time that you don't feel 0:01:21.880,0:01:23.450 were used productively. 0:01:23.450,0:01:26.460 Pick out your five biggest[br]time wasters in your day. 0:01:26.460,0:01:27.460 Be honest with yourself. 0:01:27.460,0:01:29.410 You spent a half an hour[br]by the coffee machine 0:01:29.410,0:01:30.940 talking to your coworker. 0:01:30.940,0:01:32.650 You spent an hour on Facebook, 0:01:32.650,0:01:36.060 and you stared into space for 20 minutes. 0:01:36.060,0:01:37.726 Come on, you get the picture. 0:01:37.726,0:01:41.290 Especially focus on the[br]time wasters at work. 0:01:41.290,0:01:42.360 Why? 0:01:42.360,0:01:44.430 A study published by the[br]British Medical Journal 0:01:44.430,0:01:46.380 says that workplace stress is minimized 0:01:46.380,0:01:47.913 by effective time management. 0:01:48.810,0:01:51.140 It also says that workplace[br]stress bleeds over 0:01:51.140,0:01:54.270 into home life and undermines[br]a relaxed life at home. 0:01:54.270,0:01:55.480 Here's the ugly part. 0:01:55.480,0:01:57.950 Add up all the time you wasted. 0:01:57.950,0:01:59.820 How much productive time did you blow 0:01:59.820,0:02:02.660 on activities that got you no results? 0:02:02.660,0:02:05.310 Step three, changing. 0:02:05.310,0:02:08.720 Now it's time to come up with[br]a way to get that time back. 0:02:08.720,0:02:11.350 Here are three ways to change[br]your time wasting habits 0:02:11.350,0:02:13.700 and become a better time manager. 0:02:13.700,0:02:15.140 Prioritize. 0:02:15.140,0:02:17.080 To-do lists are a really effective way 0:02:17.080,0:02:19.620 to manage your time and your priorities. 0:02:19.620,0:02:22.550 Limit the number of tasks[br]you have on this list to five 0:02:22.550,0:02:26.020 and assign rankings to them[br]in order of importance. 0:02:26.020,0:02:26.900 Declutter. 0:02:26.900,0:02:29.089 Not only is decluttering[br]great for your health, 0:02:29.089,0:02:32.020 but you won't waste time[br]digging around piles of stuff 0:02:32.020,0:02:35.399 to find that one piece of[br]paper that you really need. 0:02:35.399,0:02:38.540 Check out our WellCast on[br]clutter for some helpful tips 0:02:38.540,0:02:40.270 on lightening your load. 0:02:40.270,0:02:41.550 Schedule. 0:02:41.550,0:02:44.290 Hey, we all try to kill[br]two birds with one stone. 0:02:44.290,0:02:46.300 But odds are, multi-tasking will actually 0:02:46.300,0:02:48.880 just stress you out and[br]delay you even more. 0:02:48.880,0:02:52.879 Instead, set aside blocks of[br]time for individual activities. 0:02:52.879,0:02:56.240 For each activity, set[br]start and stop points. 0:02:56.240,0:02:58.400 This way, your day is cleanly segmented. 0:02:58.400,0:03:00.272 Then, stick to this schedule. 0:03:00.272,0:03:02.550 Try going one week using these tips 0:03:02.550,0:03:04.610 to reduce your wasted time. 0:03:04.610,0:03:07.270 At the end of a week, go figure[br]out where you've improved 0:03:07.270,0:03:10.592 your time management skills[br]and how much time you've saved. 0:03:10.592,0:03:12.200 Let's recap. 0:03:12.200,0:03:14.200 Today you learned how to[br]manage your time better 0:03:14.200,0:03:17.260 by using our WellCast RAC method. 0:03:17.260,0:03:20.090 You recorded, analyzed,[br]and hopefully changed 0:03:20.090,0:03:21.910 how you use your time. 0:03:21.910,0:03:23.347 You did this by learning how to prioritize 0:03:23.347,0:03:26.720 your most important tasks,[br]declutter your workspace 0:03:26.720,0:03:29.640 to save you time, and you[br]learned how to build yourself 0:03:29.640,0:03:32.180 an effective schedule[br]to block out your day. 0:03:32.180,0:03:34.642 Hey, how did RAC work for you? 0:03:34.642,0:03:37.074 We want to hear how much[br]time you were wasting 0:03:37.074,0:03:38.883 and how much you're saving now. 0:03:40.440,0:03:42.458 Tweet us at @WatchWellCast, 0:03:42.458,0:03:46.316 email us at WatchWellCast@gmail.com, 0:03:46.316,0:03:48.179 or leave a comment down below. 0:03:48.179,0:03:49.743 We'll see you next time. 0:03:51.138,0:03:54.221 (upbeat piano music)