0:00:08.148,0:00:13.160 Hi. In this recording we are going to look[br]at an app called Storify which you can see 0:00:13.160,0:00:20.160 here on my iPad. I'm just going to open it[br]by tapping on that one. Storify as you can 0:00:21.509,0:00:28.509 see is an app for creating multimedia stories.[br]We'll just have a look a a couple of examples 0:00:29.519,0:00:36.519 quickly. This is one I collected on building[br]a personal learning network and what the story 0:00:37.410,0:00:42.650 is, is like a page which is a collection of[br]different media. As you can see I've got a 0:00:42.650,0:00:49.650 number of videos here that play from within[br]the media and this one is coming from YouTube