1 00:00:01,373 --> 00:00:03,854 [Deflagration] 2 00:00:03,869 --> 00:00:05,867 [Music and intro] 3 00:00:05,867 --> 00:00:09,384 [Off voice] Travel back in time to the Ancient city of Pompeii 4 00:00:09,384 --> 00:00:14,042 where sexual excesses and slavery were a regular part of everyday life. 5 00:00:14,580 --> 00:00:18,770 What happened to its citizens when life was suddenly shattered by an explosion 6 00:00:19,339 --> 00:00:21,731 more powerful than a nuclear bomb? 7 00:00:22,546 --> 00:00:24,218 It's one of the stories of the ages.(Ancient Mysteries) 8 00:00:24,218 --> 00:00:26,009 one of the ancient mysteries. 9 00:00:28,038 --> 00:00:31,309 [Leonard Nimoy] Before we unlock the future, we must find the keys to the past. 10 00:00:31,570 --> 00:00:36,460 I'm Leonard Nimoy. Join us as we the door to Ancient Mystery, beginning now. 11 00:00:43,765 --> 00:00:48,200 [Leonard Nimoy] For an eternity, the volcanic cone of Mount Vesuvius 12 00:00:48,200 --> 00:00:52,079 has dominated the landscape of Southern Italy. 13 00:00:52,079 --> 00:00:54,980 Two thousand years ago, it would shape history. 14 00:00:54,980 --> 00:01:01,980 At that time, Rome was an all-powerful empire. 15 00:01:05,950 --> 00:01:12,619 Pompeii was one of its most prosperous provincialtowns, thriving at the foot of Vesuvius. 16 00:01:12,619 --> 00:01:14,220 (Explosion noise) 17 00:01:14,220 --> 00:01:20,790 Suddenly, a terrible explosion shook the earthand Vesuvius entered the annals of history 18 00:01:20,790 --> 00:01:27,790 as one of the most devastating volcanic disastersever recorded. 19 00:01:28,960 --> 00:01:35,960 The people ran for their lives. Some tookcover in their homes. Others tried fleeing 20 00:01:36,119 --> 00:01:38,290 to the nearby sea. 21 00:01:38,290 --> 00:01:43,799 But thousands would not escape. 22 00:01:43,799 --> 00:01:48,490 In a matter of hours, homes, buildings andthe people themselves were covered 23 00:01:48,490 --> 00:01:54,549 by a thick layer of volcanic ash and dĂŠbris. 24 00:01:54,549 --> 00:02:01,549 Everything was entombed and forgotten, tolie in undiscovered silence for centuries. 25 00:02:04,049 --> 00:02:11,049 Archeologists discovered the hollow cavitieswhich the decayed bodies left behind. 26 00:02:11,370 --> 00:02:15,390 These were used as molds to produce eerieplaster casts of the victims. 27 00:02:15,390 --> 00:02:22,390 And the once vital inhabitants of ancientPompeii now lie here, distorted in agony, 28 00:02:23,700 --> 00:02:27,090 exactly where they fell. 29 00:02:27,090 --> 00:02:29,870 What secrets did the people leave behind? 30 00:02:29,870 --> 00:02:32,290 What misteries are entombed with them? 31 00:02:32,290 --> 00:02:39,290 A journey into the ancient past to a cityfrozen in time. 32 00:02:44,220 --> 00:02:50,540 (Pompeii: Buried Alive) 33 00:02:50,540 --> 00:02:54,760 (Act I) 34 00:02:54,760 --> 00:03:01,080 (The Mountain Speaks) 35 00:03:01,080 --> 00:03:03,180 [Music] 36 00:03:03,180 --> 00:03:10,180 [Nimoy] Today, two million people live aroundthe foot of Mount Vesuvius near Naples, in 37 00:03:13,269 --> 00:03:15,610 Southern Italy. 38 00:03:15,610 --> 00:03:19,930 The inhabitants of modern-day Pompeii arevery much aware of the constant threat 39 00:03:19,930 --> 00:03:25,620 posed by this still active volcano. 40 00:03:25,620 --> 00:03:31,220 Farmers tend fruitful fields where, just afew feet below, lie the remains of an ancient 41 00:03:31,220 --> 00:03:34,150 civilization. 42 00:03:34,150 --> 00:03:41,150 Sprawling over 160 acres, the layout of ancientPompeii is much like that of any modern city. 43 00:03:43,330 --> 00:03:47,459 Unequal among historical sites for its remarkablestate of preservation, 44 00:03:47,459 --> 00:03:54,129 Pompeii is a unique showcase of ancient artand architecture. 45 00:03:54,129 --> 00:03:58,049 There is an abundance of original mosaicsand frescoes, 46 00:03:58,049 --> 00:04:01,319 some as vivid as though they were createdyesterday. 47 00:04:01,319 --> 00:04:08,209 The city offers archaeologists a once in anlifetime opportunity to explore the mysteries 48 00:04:08,209 --> 00:04:10,739 of those who once inhabited the Roman World. 49 00:04:10,739 --> 00:04:12,390 (The Roman Empire 79 C.E.) 50 00:04:12,390 --> 00:04:17,590 [Nimoy] During the 1st century of the CommonEra, Rome was a powerful empire, 51 00:04:17,590 --> 00:04:21,019 straddling Europe and the Near East, fromBritain to Egypt. 52 00:04:21,019 --> 00:04:23,060 (Map of Italy, with Rome and Pompeii marked) 53 00:04:23,060 --> 00:04:30,060 [Nimoy] Pompeii was a thriving commercialcenter with a population of 20,000. 54 00:04:30,199 --> 00:04:37,199 Then, these streets leading to the city'sforum were bustling with farmers and merchants 55 00:04:37,470 --> 00:04:38,490 from afar, 56 00:04:38,490 --> 00:04:44,490 trading produce and merchandise. 57 00:04:44,490 --> 00:04:51,490 Many of the local citizens were wealthy, enjoyinga relatively affluent and placid way of life. 58 00:04:54,250 --> 00:04:57,060 Mount Vesuvius always loomed in the background. 59 00:04:57,060 --> 00:05:02,139 But as far as the people were concerned, itwas just another mountain, a good place to 60 00:05:02,139 --> 00:05:03,190 cultivate vines. 61 00:05:03,190 --> 00:05:07,380 [Haraldur Sigurdsson - Professor of Oceanography,University of Rhode Island] The Romans living 62 00:05:07,380 --> 00:05:11,889 in the area were not aware of the fact thatthe mountain was a volcano. 63 00:05:11,889 --> 00:05:17,919 For example, the most famous of these Romanswas Pliny the Elder, who was a great historian 64 00:05:17,919 --> 00:05:19,970 and a writer. 65 00:05:19,970 --> 00:05:25,699 And he described many volcanoes in Italy,but he never mentioned Vesuvius as a volcano. 66 00:05:25,699 --> 00:05:32,190 [Nimoy] The 24th of August, in the year 79,was an ordinary Summer's day, 67 00:05:32,190 --> 00:05:38,820 with the people of Pompeii uneventfully goingabout their daily business. 68 00:05:38,820 --> 00:05:45,820 The slight rumbling sounds coming from Vesuviusin the early morning were largely ignored. 69 00:05:46,350 --> 00:05:48,270 [Ann Koloski-Ostrow - Assistant Professorof Classical Studies, Brandeis University] 70 00:05:48,270 --> 00:05:52,300 People proceeded as if everything was normal. 71 00:05:52,300 --> 00:05:56,729 Women at home were probably getting theirchildren ready for short siestas, 72 00:05:56,729 --> 00:06:01,490 slaves were bustling about the kitchen, gettingeverything ready for what would be 73 00:06:01,490 --> 00:06:04,039 the evening hours at home. 74 00:06:04,039 --> 00:06:09,770 Men were thinking about spending an afternoonat the public baths, but the rumbling didn't 75 00:06:09,770 --> 00:06:11,789 stop. 76 00:06:11,789 --> 00:06:13,819 [Music] 77 00:06:13,819 --> 00:06:20,819 [Nimoy] Suddenly, around 12 noon, a deafeningexplosion shook the entire city. 78 00:06:25,360 --> 00:06:26,130 The people watched, horrified, as Vesuviuserupted. 79 00:06:26,130 --> 00:06:27,680 Pillars of black volcanic ash 80 00:06:27,680 --> 00:06:34,680 and of red-hot magma spewed miles high intothe sky. 81 00:06:35,479 --> 00:06:42,479 Then, a torrent of suffocating ash fell uponthe city, followed by complete darkness. 82 00:06:47,190 --> 00:06:49,130 [Music] 83 00:06:49,130 --> 00:06:55,199 At the same time, stones hailed down fromheaven. 84 00:06:55,199 --> 00:06:59,870 Gradually, Pompeii became buried in whitepellets of solidified ash. 85 00:06:59,870 --> 00:07:04,389 [James L. Franklin, Jr. - Professor of ClassicalStudies, Stanford University] They hadn't 86 00:07:04,389 --> 00:07:06,360 seen an eruption before, 87 00:07:06,360 --> 00:07:10,050 so I don't think that they had any idea - trueidea - of what they were encountering. 88 00:07:10,050 --> 00:07:16,900 They must have been really terrified, however,with the addition of the eruption to the earthquake. 89 00:07:16,900 --> 00:07:20,870 And I suspect it took a lot of them an awfullylong time to figure out 90 00:07:20,870 --> 00:07:25,160 that they were actually going to be buriedby these pellets. 91 00:07:25,160 --> 00:07:30,590 [Nimoy] Two men whose names have come downto us from their time were witness to the 92 00:07:30,590 --> 00:07:32,470 inferno: 93 00:07:32,470 --> 00:07:39,470 Pliny the Elder, an admiral in the Roman Navy,died, attempting to rescue victims. 94 00:07:39,949 --> 00:07:46,949 His nephew, Pliny the Younger, wrote the onlyeye-witness report to have survived the disaster. 95 00:07:48,880 --> 00:07:55,880 *"On Mount Vesuvius, broad sheets of fireand leaping flames' blazed at several points,* 96 00:07:56,259 --> 00:08:03,259 *their bright glare, emphasized by the darknessof the night.* 97 00:08:03,509 --> 00:08:09,440 *The buildings were now shaking with violentshocks and seemed to be swaying to and fro,* 98 00:08:09,440 --> 00:08:11,680 *as if they were torn from their foundations.* 99 00:08:11,680 --> 00:08:18,139 *Outside, on the other hand, there was thedanger of falling pumice stones. It was a* 100 00:08:18,139 --> 00:08:20,720 choice of fears." 101 00:08:20,720 --> 00:08:27,720 [Koloski-Ostrow] Some huddled in corners,collecting their belongings with them there, 102 00:08:28,139 --> 00:08:32,630 and thought: "We'll wait it out, it will stop."But it didn't stop. 103 00:08:32,630 --> 00:08:39,380 And 17 hours later, it was still raining ashes,and many of the roofs of the town had collapsed 104 00:08:39,380 --> 00:08:45,519 from the weight of these ashes, some peoplethen were trapped in their cellars, 105 00:08:45,519 --> 00:08:50,440 others were trapped in their homes, and manyothers still were trapped as they tried to 106 00:08:50,440 --> 00:08:52,680 flee the city. 107 00:08:52,680 --> 00:08:59,680 [Nimoy] Pliny the Elder did not grasp theseverity of the situation until it was already 108 00:08:59,730 --> 00:09:00,940 too late: 109 00:09:00,940 --> 00:09:06,490 *"My uncle decided to go down to the shoreand investigate the possibility of an escape* 110 00:09:06,490 --> 00:09:07,070 by the sea. 111 00:09:07,070 --> 00:09:12,019 *The flames and smell of sulfur drove theothers to take flight.* 112 00:09:12,019 --> 00:09:16,110 *And he stood, leaning on two slaves, andthen, suddenly collapsed,* 113 00:09:16,110 --> 00:09:22,149 *I imagine because of the dense fumes stifledhis breathing and choked him."* 114 00:09:22,149 --> 00:09:28,290 [Nimoy] Pliny the Younger also describes hisown death-defying escape: 115 00:09:28,290 --> 00:09:35,290 *"You could hear the shrieks of women, thewailing of infants, the shouting of men.* 116 00:09:37,180 --> 00:09:42,370 *Then ashes began to fall again, this timein heavy showers.* 117 00:09:42,370 --> 00:09:46,750 *We rose from time to time and shook themoff.* 118 00:09:46,750 --> 00:09:50,420 *Otherwise, we would have been buried andcrushed beneath.* 119 00:09:50,420 --> 00:09:56,810 *I derived some poor consolation in my beliefthat the whole world was dying with me, and* 120 00:09:56,810 --> 00:09:58,279 I with it." 121 00:09:58,279 --> 00:10:02,670 [Nimoy] As the night wore on, thousands wouldperish. 122 00:10:02,670 --> 00:10:05,250 (Act II) 123 00:10:05,250 --> 00:10:10,390 (The Death Of Herculaneum) 124 00:10:10,390 --> 00:10:17,390 [Nimoy] Death and destruction rained downfrom the sky for an entire day and night. 125 00:10:19,160 --> 00:10:21,620 As Pompeii riled in agony,(Map of Italy with Rome, Vesuvius and Pompeii) 126 00:10:21,620 --> 00:10:28,279 another town, lay in the direct path of thevolcano's fury, nine miles away, 127 00:10:28,279 --> 00:10:35,279 neighboring Herculaneum was a seaside resortfor the Roman rich and famous. 128 00:10:35,769 --> 00:10:42,000 But even fame and wealth would not save theinhabitants, that terrible night. 129 00:10:42,000 --> 00:10:49,000 As Vesuvius erupted, Herculaneum was entombedin a layer of ash 40-feet thick. 130 00:10:49,040 --> 00:10:56,040 Today, beneath the rubble and debris, piecesof carbonized wood can still be seen. 131 00:10:57,910 --> 00:11:04,529 Such evidence enables volcanologists to reconstructthe city's final moments. 132 00:11:04,529 --> 00:11:09,410 Even complete window shutters and doors arepreserved. 133 00:11:09,410 --> 00:11:14,269 Artifacts like these reveal that Herculaneum'sdestruction was very different from that of 134 00:11:14,269 --> 00:11:14,760 Pompeii. 135 00:11:14,760 --> 00:11:20,810 [Sigurdsson] We know that around midnight,the style of the eruption changed dramatically. 136 00:11:20,810 --> 00:11:26,320 Instead of a very high eruption column, allof a sudden, the ash and pumice comes out 137 00:11:26,320 --> 00:11:27,110 of the crater 138 00:11:27,110 --> 00:11:32,850 as a flow, a glowing avalanche, a dust cloudthat is moving like a nuclear blast 139 00:11:32,850 --> 00:11:38,500 in all directions from the crater at a velocityof 100 to 200 miles per hour. 140 00:11:38,500 --> 00:11:42,610 And within minutes, this cloud would havereached Herculaneum. 141 00:11:42,610 --> 00:11:47,810 And this cloud is hot enough to carbonizewood and to melt glass. 142 00:11:47,810 --> 00:11:50,720 Obviously, it is lethal. 143 00:11:50,720 --> 00:11:57,720 [Nimoy] At Herculaneum's public baths, thismarble washing bowl now stands below the window, 144 00:11:58,500 --> 00:12:01,730 where it once stood in ancient times. 145 00:12:01,730 --> 00:12:08,070 But when the bath was excavated, the bowlwas found hurled across the room. 146 00:12:08,070 --> 00:12:13,410 Its impression can still be seen imprintedon the solidified volcanic magma. 147 00:12:13,410 --> 00:12:17,519 [Sigurdsson] The Vesuvius' eruption in 79A.D. 148 00:12:17,519 --> 00:12:23,240 was one of the largest volcanic explosionsin history. 149 00:12:23,240 --> 00:12:28,610 In terms of the energy, the amount of energyinvolved, it is much larger than any nuclear 150 00:12:28,610 --> 00:12:29,329 explosion 151 00:12:29,329 --> 00:12:31,769 that has been set off on the earth. 152 00:12:31,769 --> 00:12:38,380 [Nimoy] One of the great mysteries of Herculaneumis the absence of human skeletal remains in 153 00:12:38,380 --> 00:12:40,160 the town. 154 00:12:40,160 --> 00:12:45,510 The houses and streets seemed to be deserted. 155 00:12:45,510 --> 00:12:47,180 What happened to the people? 156 00:12:47,180 --> 00:12:52,720 Did they know something that their neighborsin Pompeii did not? 157 00:12:52,720 --> 00:12:59,370 Were they forewarned of the disaster, andhad time to escape? 158 00:12:59,370 --> 00:13:03,970 Archaeologists always thought so, until agrisly discovery was made. 159 00:13:03,970 --> 00:13:09,170 [Koloski-Ostrow] More recent excavations,right at the sea shore of Herculaneum, 160 00:13:09,170 --> 00:13:16,170 have brought a much grimmer and sadder resultto our understanding of this mystery. 161 00:13:16,920 --> 00:13:23,920 Upwards of a hundred victims have been found,and some of them are so well-preserved 162 00:13:24,769 --> 00:13:29,820 and give us such poignant details of thosetragic final moments, 163 00:13:29,820 --> 00:13:35,769 that we can say quite a bit about their storiesand what happened to them at the end of the 164 00:13:35,769 --> 00:13:36,410 city. 165 00:13:36,410 --> 00:13:39,660 [Nimoy] This was the first time we ever comeface to face 166 00:13:39,660 --> 00:13:45,130 with human remains from the ancient Romanworld. 167 00:13:45,130 --> 00:13:48,760 As it was a Roman custom to always crematetheir dead, 168 00:13:48,760 --> 00:13:55,760 the other thing of the skeletons at Herculaneumand Pompeii was a rare discovery. 169 00:13:57,449 --> 00:14:03,810 This was once a soldier, found face down,watching the sand, his sword still with him. 170 00:14:03,810 --> 00:14:06,910 [Joseph J. Deiss - Professor of Classics,University of Florida] It's an extraordinary 171 00:14:06,910 --> 00:14:11,510 find, because no other Roman soldier has everbeen discovered anywhere. 172 00:14:11,510 --> 00:14:16,880 And he was wearing, he had his sword belt,he had his money belt, he had three gold coins, 173 00:14:16,880 --> 00:14:22,760 and he was all prepared to be rescued. Andit never happened. 174 00:14:22,760 --> 00:14:28,389 [Nimoy] Physical anthropologists examinedthe skeletons in detail. 175 00:14:28,389 --> 00:14:34,449 Through their work, we've gained a new insightinto the lives of these long-lost people. 176 00:14:34,449 --> 00:14:41,360 [Koloski-Ostrow] In one of the chambers, Imet a family of twelve victims. 177 00:14:41,360 --> 00:14:48,360 We find a young woman, probably about 14,clutching very closely a baby of 7 months 178 00:14:49,220 --> 00:14:50,680 in her arms 179 00:14:50,680 --> 00:14:57,290 trying to protect this child from the inevitabledeath that is soon to come. 180 00:14:57,290 --> 00:15:02,889 [Nimoy] At first, it seemed that this wasthe baby's older sister. 181 00:15:02,889 --> 00:15:08,680 Then, investigations pointed to a more poignantand tragic story. 182 00:15:08,680 --> 00:15:12,360 [Koloski-Ostrow] The baby is very likely anaristocratic baby, 183 00:15:12,360 --> 00:15:18,899 it had in its ear a gold earring with a smallpearl on it, 184 00:15:18,899 --> 00:15:23,459 whereas the bones of the 14-year old girlare bones that show 185 00:15:23,459 --> 00:15:29,779 she has done far heavier labor than a girlof her age do. 186 00:15:29,779 --> 00:15:36,779 She's not well-nourished, her teeth are inpoor condition, she very likely had a difficult, 187 00:15:37,660 --> 00:15:41,779 not to say, a terrible life. 188 00:15:41,779 --> 00:15:48,550 [Nimoy] The conclusion was that this is theskeleton of an overworked slave girl. 189 00:15:48,550 --> 00:15:52,160 One of her duties may have been to protectand tend the baby. 190 00:15:52,160 --> 00:15:57,170 Her life style stood in stark contrast tothat of the more affluent citizens of the 191 00:15:57,170 --> 00:15:58,899 town. 192 00:15:58,899 --> 00:16:05,410 The gleaming white teeth of some remains indicatehealthy nutrition, at least for most of the 193 00:16:05,410 --> 00:16:06,120 population. 194 00:16:06,120 --> 00:16:12,009 [Deiss] This is the only find of Roman bodies,the only important find ever made. 195 00:16:12,009 --> 00:16:16,430 So, for the first time, we can find what Romanswere really like, 196 00:16:16,430 --> 00:16:21,639 not just the way they look from statues andfrescoes. 197 00:16:21,639 --> 00:16:28,639 [Nimoy] Perhaps the most moving example tosurvive Pompeii's fearful night of destruction 198 00:16:29,350 --> 00:16:33,550 are these silent forms. 199 00:16:33,550 --> 00:16:39,410 After what must have been a terrible death,bodies decomposed, leaving eerie cavities 200 00:16:39,410 --> 00:16:44,490 within the hardened volcanic ash. 201 00:16:44,490 --> 00:16:49,560 These are casts made by archaeologists afterfilling the hollow spaces with plaster of 202 00:16:49,560 --> 00:16:50,790 Paris, 203 00:16:50,790 --> 00:16:55,670 forever preserving the forms of the victims,exactly as they were caught at the moment 204 00:16:55,670 --> 00:17:02,670 of death. 205 00:17:06,419 --> 00:17:13,419 This man was wearing a wide belt identifyinghis status as a slave. 206 00:17:13,740 --> 00:17:20,740 All slaves had to wear a heavy belt inscribedwith the name and title of their owner. 207 00:17:22,640 --> 00:17:28,549 Two thousand years after death, the peopleof Pompeii still tell a haunting, yet silent 208 00:17:28,549 --> 00:17:30,380 tale. 209 00:17:30,380 --> 00:17:35,780 Can we ever understand the destruction ofan entire community, on such an unprecedented 210 00:17:35,780 --> 00:17:39,730 scale? 211 00:17:39,730 --> 00:17:46,730 (Act III) 212 00:17:47,630 --> 00:17:51,630 (In the Shadow of Vesuvius) 213 00:17:51,630 --> 00:17:56,360 [Nimoy] The eruption of Vesuvius in the year79 is comparable to the drama of Mount St 214 00:17:56,360 --> 00:17:57,220 Helen's 215 00:17:57,220 --> 00:17:59,850 in the State of Washington in 1980. 216 00:17:59,850 --> 00:18:06,850 In both cases, volcanic ash was hurled highinto the air, followed by a devastating explosion. 217 00:18:09,830 --> 00:18:16,830 But the eruption of Vesuvius was 3 times morepowerful than that of Mount St Helen's. 218 00:18:21,260 --> 00:18:27,039 In just a few hours, two prosperous citiesdisappeared from the face of the earth, 219 00:18:27,039 --> 00:18:34,039 taking with them the great works and accomplishmentsof their inhabitants. 220 00:18:34,750 --> 00:18:41,480 Where ash and lava once covered the cities,grass and vines slowly took possession of 221 00:18:41,480 --> 00:18:42,730 the land. 222 00:18:42,730 --> 00:18:48,289 Gradually, the place faded from memory. 223 00:18:48,289 --> 00:18:52,660 More than 1,500 years would pass before Herculaneumwould be rediscovered. 224 00:18:52,660 --> 00:18:56,030 It was totally by accident. 225 00:18:56,030 --> 00:19:03,030 In 1709, two monks were sinking a well, whenthey inadvertently struck the marble floor 226 00:19:03,850 --> 00:19:05,049 of an ancient theater. 227 00:19:05,049 --> 00:19:07,919 [John J. Dobbins - Associate Professor ofArchaeology, University of Virgina] Pompei 228 00:19:07,919 --> 00:19:10,150 was also discovered by accident. 229 00:19:10,150 --> 00:19:15,720 The digging of a canal actually produced partof the city, and it became clear that there 230 00:19:15,720 --> 00:19:16,539 was something there, 231 00:19:16,539 --> 00:19:20,520 and during the early days, excavation wasnot an archaeological enterprise, 232 00:19:20,520 --> 00:19:25,539 but was really a treasure-hunting activity,in order to provide objects for the royal 233 00:19:25,539 --> 00:19:26,410 collection. 234 00:19:26,410 --> 00:19:33,410 [Nimoy] During the 17th and 18th centuries,kings from Vienna and Spain ruled Naples. 235 00:19:37,770 --> 00:19:43,470 To provide their courts with classical statues,Roman gold and silver, they ordered excavations 236 00:19:43,470 --> 00:19:46,000 of the ruins. 237 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:50,669 Plundering the area in search of ancient bounty,treasure-hunters secretly sank 238 00:19:50,669 --> 00:19:57,289 numerous shafts and tunnels, many of themstill visible today. 239 00:19:57,289 --> 00:20:04,289 It was only in 1861 that orderly scientificexcavations at Pompeii and Herculaneum began, 240 00:20:04,350 --> 00:20:08,419 and have continued unabated ever since. 241 00:20:08,419 --> 00:20:15,419 (Man chattering while typing on keyboard) 242 00:20:19,470 --> 00:20:26,470 [Nimoy] Today, cutting-edge computer technologyis used by John Dobbins at the University 243 00:20:27,809 --> 00:20:28,789 of Virginia 244 00:20:28,789 --> 00:20:34,250 to rebuild ancient Pompeii. 245 00:20:34,250 --> 00:20:39,539 In binary building blocks, he's reconstructing,a 3-dimensional computer images, 246 00:20:39,539 --> 00:20:42,710 a series of public buildings from the city'sforum. 247 00:20:42,710 --> 00:20:49,710 [Dobbins] There is not evidence of a colony,in front of the sanctuary of the end of Augustus 248 00:20:49,830 --> 00:20:53,740 So this seems to have been just an open areaat the... 249 00:20:53,740 --> 00:20:57,980 [Nimoy] Modern technology provides uniquenew tools in the search to unravel 250 00:20:57,980 --> 00:21:02,750 the ancient mysteries of Pompeii and of itsinhabitants. 251 00:21:02,750 --> 00:21:09,070 [Dobbins] In many ways, Pompeii, more thanany other city in the classical world, demystifies 252 00:21:09,070 --> 00:21:10,270 ancient life. 253 00:21:10,270 --> 00:21:15,220 because it puts the modern viewer in closeproximity with all of those aspects. 254 00:21:15,220 --> 00:21:20,880 There is an immediacy, it's possible to connectwith Pompeii, because it is preserved well, 255 00:21:20,880 --> 00:21:25,020 the buildings are tri-dimensional, they aretaller than we are. 256 00:21:25,020 --> 00:21:29,370 You can go into those houses and have a feelingthat the people have just gone away. 257 00:21:29,370 --> 00:21:31,919 and that you're stumbling into someone's house. 258 00:21:31,919 --> 00:21:37,000 [Nimoy] Once inside their homes, a searchfor their belongings brings us closer to the 259 00:21:37,000 --> 00:21:41,110 people who once lived here. 260 00:21:41,110 --> 00:21:48,110 Walking these silent passages, we brush withphantoms from a long gone civilization. 261 00:21:49,419 --> 00:21:54,440 Complete dwellings can be explored, allowingthe visitor to vividly travel backwards in 262 00:21:54,440 --> 00:21:57,799 time. 263 00:21:57,799 --> 00:22:04,799 Even the frescoes and the mosaics seem toharbor a life of their own. 264 00:22:05,030 --> 00:22:10,260 Ancient technology and plumbing laid bare,revealing a remarkably advanced piping system 265 00:22:10,260 --> 00:22:13,480 for distributing water. 266 00:22:13,480 --> 00:22:19,789 In the panic and confusion of the devastatingvolcanic eruption, everything was left exactly 267 00:22:19,789 --> 00:22:21,340 as it was, 268 00:22:21,340 --> 00:22:24,900 including this complete wine shop. 269 00:22:24,900 --> 00:22:29,970 Intact objects of daily life were to be foundeverywhere. 270 00:22:29,970 --> 00:22:34,870 Even a loaf of ordinary bread, carbonizedby the hot gas of the explosion. 271 00:22:34,870 --> 00:22:41,870 [Koloski-Ostrow] Pompeii and Herculaneum becomeopportunities for us to time-travel 272 00:22:42,750 --> 00:22:49,750 to the ancient world: not just time-travelto a century, or to a period or to a decade, 273 00:22:50,789 --> 00:22:57,789 but in fact, time-travel to one day in theancient world, to 24 August 79 C.E. 274 00:23:00,750 --> 00:23:06,010 and see the moment in which these people mettheir deaths. 275 00:23:06,010 --> 00:23:12,559 [Nimoy] Obvious everywhere is the enormouswealth and extravagance of the villas of the 276 00:23:12,559 --> 00:23:17,190 well-to-do: 277 00:23:17,190 --> 00:23:24,190 wall paintings and mosaics of exquisite artistry, 278 00:23:29,250 --> 00:23:35,110 decorative cosmetic boxes, complete with delicateinstruments, fashioned from wood and ivory, 279 00:23:35,110 --> 00:23:41,720 solid gold jewelry, embellished with expensivegem stones. 280 00:23:41,720 --> 00:23:48,429 All of these objects conjure the ghosts oftheir owners, recalling a once living, breathing 281 00:23:48,429 --> 00:23:49,270 society. 282 00:23:49,270 --> 00:23:55,140 [Dobbins] We actually have some sense of lifebreathed into those ruins by the writings 283 00:23:55,140 --> 00:23:56,250 of Pliny the Younger, 284 00:23:56,250 --> 00:24:01,929 once again, who describes in tremendous detailthe pleasures of living in these villas. 285 00:24:01,929 --> 00:24:05,700 They enjoyed their meals, and they enjoyedthat in the proximity of their garden, 286 00:24:05,700 --> 00:24:10,500 with fountains playing and the light comingin, the breeze, dining, water 287 00:24:10,500 --> 00:24:15,370 music and all that. 288 00:24:15,370 --> 00:24:20,950 [Nimoy] The extent of the wealth enjoyed bysociety is not known. 289 00:24:20,950 --> 00:24:26,450 But clearly, only a small fraction of thepeople lived in plush opulence. 290 00:24:26,450 --> 00:24:29,640 [Franklin] There is an incredible difference 291 00:24:29,640 --> 00:24:33,770 between the wealthy and everybody else, youknow, in the Roman world. 292 00:24:33,770 --> 00:24:38,590 There is essentially no middle class. Thereare only very wealthy people and very poor 293 00:24:38,590 --> 00:24:39,600 people. 294 00:24:39,600 --> 00:24:45,730 [Nimoy] The privileged few often spent theirtime in ornate atriums, lavishly decorated 295 00:24:45,730 --> 00:24:47,409 with art works, 296 00:24:47,409 --> 00:24:54,409 but mysteriously, much of the decor is essentiallyGreek in origin. 297 00:24:54,710 --> 00:25:01,120 Alexander the Great, the Greek warrior emperor,in battle. 298 00:25:01,120 --> 00:25:08,120 This mosaic was found in Pompeii, yet it isan exact copy of a similar work of art made 299 00:25:08,380 --> 00:25:09,909 in Greece. 300 00:25:09,909 --> 00:25:16,000 Why? Why does so much of Pompeii and Herculaneumspeak so strongly of Greek influence? 301 00:25:16,000 --> 00:25:23,000 [Franklin] The Romans were absolutely overwhelmed,I think, by the Greek World, and then, 302 00:25:23,590 --> 00:25:25,669 the world that follows Alexander the Great, 303 00:25:25,669 --> 00:25:31,549 the Hellenistic world of great sophisticationand culture that came to Italy. 304 00:25:31,549 --> 00:25:33,919 The Romans didn't fight it at all, they gavein and said: 305 00:25:33,919 --> 00:25:36,029 "Wow, if it's that good, let's make ten copies." 306 00:25:36,029 --> 00:25:40,750 [Nimoy] Another mosaic reveals a lively sceneof street musicians. 307 00:25:40,750 --> 00:25:47,750 A delicate work of extraordinary craftsmanship,it bears the signature of the artist who made 308 00:25:48,470 --> 00:25:49,510 it: 309 00:25:49,510 --> 00:25:53,559 "Dioscurides of Samos", in Greece. 310 00:25:53,559 --> 00:25:59,600 [Koloski-Ostrow] The themes of the paintingswere frequently adapted from Greek literature. 311 00:25:59,600 --> 00:26:06,380 And we can understand that it's very likelymany of the painters were Greek slaves, 312 00:26:06,380 --> 00:26:13,380 were actual Greeks who were brought to Pompeiito do the decoration of these houses. 313 00:26:14,830 --> 00:26:21,830 [Nimoy] Perhaps the most famous of all artworks discovered here are these bronze sculptures, 314 00:26:22,510 --> 00:26:27,440 depicting two young wrestlers. 315 00:26:27,440 --> 00:26:33,720 Still in mint condition, the were found inthe garden of the Villa dei Papiri, near Herculaneum. 316 00:26:33,720 --> 00:26:40,720 [Dobbins] These are wonderful pieces of artand they will have been done in Greece and 317 00:26:41,029 --> 00:26:41,580 shipped over. 318 00:26:41,580 --> 00:26:46,010 There was a major trade in shipping all sortsof statuary over from Greece. 319 00:26:46,010 --> 00:26:48,150 So, that surely, would be Greek. 320 00:26:48,150 --> 00:26:53,789 [Franklin] The Romans never were into statuaryand painting. 321 00:26:53,789 --> 00:26:56,620 This came to them from the Greek world. 322 00:26:56,620 --> 00:27:00,929 The Romans got to the Greek world, whetherit's here on the bay of Naples or over in 323 00:27:00,929 --> 00:27:03,000 Greece, with armies 324 00:27:03,000 --> 00:27:08,020 and practicality, and going in and fighting. 325 00:27:08,020 --> 00:27:13,029 [Nimoy] Most historians conclude that whilethe Romans were emulating and admiring the 326 00:27:13,029 --> 00:27:13,450 Greeks 327 00:27:13,450 --> 00:27:20,450 in art and literature, they themselves wereinnovative leaders in more practical fields. 328 00:27:23,789 --> 00:27:30,789 The extensive use of the arch and concretewere two of their great contributions to civilization. 329 00:27:35,730 --> 00:27:41,529 Romans conquered the world and built theirempire on the mighty power of the sword, 330 00:27:41,529 --> 00:27:48,529 but then reinforced it with massive civilengineering skills. 331 00:27:48,590 --> 00:27:50,690 Little in this world unfolds as we predict. 332 00:27:50,690 --> 00:27:54,980 The people of Pompeii could not have for seen 333 00:27:54,980 --> 00:27:59,419 the contributions they would make to the chainof humanity. 334 00:27:59,419 --> 00:28:06,419 In the first century before the Common Era,the wealthy lounged in luxurious indoor baths, 335 00:28:06,549 --> 00:28:08,279 illuminated by sunlight. 336 00:28:08,279 --> 00:28:13,970 Thanks to an anonymous Roman, who had inventedglass windows. 337 00:28:13,970 --> 00:28:20,730 Villas with glass windows would spread throughoutthe Roman empire and the Mediterranean, 338 00:28:20,730 --> 00:28:26,080 eventually leading to the design of the greenhouse. 339 00:28:26,080 --> 00:28:30,510 In the ensuing centuries, the popularity ofthe greenhouse would soar, 340 00:28:30,510 --> 00:28:36,659 inspiring interest in harnessing the powerof the sun. 341 00:28:36,659 --> 00:28:39,640 This quest would reach bold new types in 1959,when Pioneer IV, 342 00:28:39,640 --> 00:28:46,640 the United States' first solar-powered satellite,was launched into orbit. 343 00:28:50,529 --> 00:28:56,570 An enduring link to the modern world, Pompeiiand Herculaneum's architectural marvels still 344 00:28:56,570 --> 00:28:57,510 stand, 345 00:28:57,510 --> 00:29:01,440 just as they did two millennia ago. 346 00:29:01,440 --> 00:29:05,539 (Act IV) 347 00:29:05,539 --> 00:29:11,700 (The Oldest Obsession) 348 00:29:11,700 --> 00:29:18,700 [Nimoy] From the ashes of Pompeii, ghostlyeyes stare at us across the centuries. 349 00:29:21,260 --> 00:29:26,529 Tantalizing clues can be found here, revealingintimate details 350 00:29:26,529 --> 00:29:27,320 of the relationship between men and women. 351 00:29:27,320 --> 00:29:34,320 A lady of the house holding a stylus and writingtablet, 352 00:29:37,080 --> 00:29:40,350 indicating that she is literate and well-educated. 353 00:29:40,350 --> 00:29:47,350 Though long gone, we even know the names ofsome of these people: Terentius Neo, wife 354 00:29:48,610 --> 00:29:51,289 of the town baker; 355 00:29:51,289 --> 00:29:55,710 [Franklin] I would say that they are obviouslya loving couple. 356 00:29:55,710 --> 00:30:00,120 They have that quality that Roman marriagesare always looking for: 357 00:30:00,120 --> 00:30:04,779 a husband and wife who actually get alongand spend their lives together. 358 00:30:04,779 --> 00:30:10,200 Many Romans find true love in their lives,and when you read Roman tombstones, Roman 359 00:30:10,200 --> 00:30:10,730 inscriptions, 360 00:30:10,730 --> 00:30:12,640 you find that expressed over and over: 361 00:30:12,640 --> 00:30:17,520 "To my incredibly sweet wife, who lived withme without an argument for forty years." 362 00:30:17,520 --> 00:30:24,120 [Nimoy] This captivating portrait was discoveredin a mansion once owned by a woman 363 00:30:24,120 --> 00:30:26,240 we know only as Julia Felix. 364 00:30:26,240 --> 00:30:32,860 Could this be her? An independent, rich womanof property? 365 00:30:32,860 --> 00:30:37,510 From evidence that has transcended the centuries,we know that most women lived in a subdued 366 00:30:37,510 --> 00:30:44,510 and restricted life style, deeply secludedwithin the privacy of their home. 367 00:30:44,820 --> 00:30:49,020 Those who belonged to an aristocratic family,living in one of the lavish villas, 368 00:30:49,020 --> 00:30:53,980 would also be responsible for running theday to day affairs of the house and would 369 00:30:53,980 --> 00:30:55,570 manage the slaves. 370 00:30:55,570 --> 00:31:02,570 But in spite of what we know, the true statusof women in ancient Rome still remains a mystery. 371 00:31:04,179 --> 00:31:08,809 [Dobbins] Women in the Roman world were noton the same power with men, 372 00:31:08,809 --> 00:31:13,700 they didn't have the same rights to hold office,they could not vote. 373 00:31:13,700 --> 00:31:20,700 [Franklin] Well-born women at Pompeii, thematrons of these grand houses at Pompeii, 374 00:31:21,440 --> 00:31:26,419 wielded their power very much within the realmof the private household, 375 00:31:26,419 --> 00:31:30,679 at dinner parties and among the family. 376 00:31:30,679 --> 00:31:35,600 They certainly would in no way even want acareer. 377 00:31:35,600 --> 00:31:39,529 It would be unheard of. When we are talkingabout women's liberation today, 378 00:31:39,529 --> 00:31:43,649 we often talk about the ability of a womanto go out and build a career. 379 00:31:43,649 --> 00:31:47,120 A Roman woman simply wouldn't want to do that. 380 00:31:47,120 --> 00:31:54,120 [Nimoy] But one career for women did flourish:the so-called oldest profession in the world. 381 00:31:56,460 --> 00:32:03,460 In the center of Pompeii stands a very conspicuoushouse: the town's main brothel. 382 00:32:03,580 --> 00:32:10,580 Six small darkly lit rooms greet the visitor,each one with its own stone bed. 383 00:32:10,610 --> 00:32:14,419 These would have been covered by fine blanketsand furs. 384 00:32:14,419 --> 00:32:20,240 But how do we know what activity really tookplace in these rooms? 385 00:32:20,240 --> 00:32:25,970 The paintings on the walls reveal it all,in graphic detail. 386 00:32:25,970 --> 00:32:30,360 [Koloski-Ostrow] We mustn't over-glamorizethe institution, however. 387 00:32:30,360 --> 00:32:37,360 The young women were captured slaves, whoworked for a pimp, 388 00:32:37,519 --> 00:32:43,350 no doubt were often abused and underfed, andbrutally treated. 389 00:32:43,350 --> 00:32:50,350 Yet it was an accepted part of society andany number of Roman gentlemen from all levels 390 00:32:50,399 --> 00:32:51,610 of society 391 00:32:51,610 --> 00:32:57,890 would have felt free to use the services thatwere offered there. 392 00:32:57,890 --> 00:33:01,899 [Nimoy] Paintings which would be termed pornographictoday 393 00:33:01,899 --> 00:33:06,640 were not restricted to the Roman brothel. 394 00:33:06,640 --> 00:33:11,539 They're found in many private homes of distinguishedcitizens. 395 00:33:11,539 --> 00:33:16,390 In the entrance hall to the house of the well-establishedfamily named Vettii, 396 00:33:16,390 --> 00:33:20,600 the visitor is greeted by this explicit painting. 397 00:33:20,600 --> 00:33:26,120 Excavators also found a remarkable collectionof novel wind chimes, replete with their original 398 00:33:26,120 --> 00:33:28,120 bells. 399 00:33:28,120 --> 00:33:31,610 These winged phalluses were used as decorationsin the home, 400 00:33:31,610 --> 00:33:36,309 were suspended from columns in the garden. 401 00:33:36,309 --> 00:33:42,730 [Koloski-Ostrow] It shocks us, it makes uswonder about the morality of these people. 402 00:33:42,730 --> 00:33:49,000 Clearly, this particular figure and many representationsof the nude phallus 403 00:33:49,000 --> 00:33:55,149 found throughout the city, were there as goodluck symbols, as symbols of fertility, 404 00:33:55,149 --> 00:34:02,149 symbols to shed fertile children and opportunityon a household, not as objects of perversion. 405 00:34:04,049 --> 00:34:08,549 [Franklin] We really do find ourselves ina completely different world here, 406 00:34:08,549 --> 00:34:15,549 than the ancients did, I supposed. Becausemany ancient cults are flagrantly orgiastic, 407 00:34:18,070 --> 00:34:24,079 involve sexuality, and it is used for religiousexpression. 408 00:34:24,079 --> 00:34:31,079 That really got removed from religion, atleast as I understand it, but largely through 409 00:34:31,179 --> 00:34:31,829 Christianity. 410 00:34:31,829 --> 00:34:37,159 [Nimoy] Barely discernible fertility symbolscan still be found on many walls in and around 411 00:34:37,159 --> 00:34:37,820 Pompeii. 412 00:34:37,820 --> 00:34:44,440 [Franklin] When, for example, the site wasbeing excavated in the 18th-19th century, 413 00:34:44,440 --> 00:34:47,179 and the excavators took hatchets to theseand destroyed them, 414 00:34:47,179 --> 00:34:49,800 because they were obscene beyond belief, 415 00:34:49,800 --> 00:34:53,889 it tells you a great deal more about yourself,I mean, than it does about the objects, I 416 00:34:53,889 --> 00:34:54,139 mean 417 00:34:54,109 --> 00:34:58,540 we all know that there are phalluses in thisworld. 418 00:34:58,540 --> 00:35:04,570 Sexuality was an ordinary daily part of everyRoman's life, the way it is of most of our 419 00:35:04,570 --> 00:35:04,839 lives, 420 00:35:04,839 --> 00:35:07,640 though we don't like to talk about it openly. 421 00:35:07,640 --> 00:35:13,420 And the idea that you would be hiding sexualityin any way, to an ancient Roman, would just 422 00:35:13,420 --> 00:35:14,150 - 423 00:35:14,150 --> 00:35:15,450 would seem absurd. 424 00:35:15,450 --> 00:35:22,450 [Nimoy] What might seem outrageous today wasconsidered perfectly normal 20 centuries ago. 425 00:35:23,430 --> 00:35:27,339 (Act V) 426 00:35:27,339 --> 00:35:34,339 (Roman Life Roman Death) 427 00:35:35,160 --> 00:35:42,160 [Nimoy] As Pompeii and Herculaneum slowlyyielded their treasures to the modern world, 428 00:35:42,320 --> 00:35:49,060 what did the artifacts reveal about the workingsof ancient Roman society? 429 00:35:49,060 --> 00:35:53,800 In confronting the cities' rich aristocrats,we may envy them for their flamboyant life 430 00:35:53,800 --> 00:35:54,470 style. 431 00:35:54,470 --> 00:35:59,109 Yet there is a dark side to the story. 432 00:35:59,109 --> 00:36:06,109 The cities' opulent habits were founded uponhuge reserves of human labor. 433 00:36:07,579 --> 00:36:13,020 And this, in turn, required a constant provisionof slaves . 434 00:36:13,020 --> 00:36:16,960 As the Roman Empire marched in triumph acrossconquered territory, 435 00:36:16,960 --> 00:36:23,589 it consumed vast human resources, absorbingslaves as the spoils of war. 436 00:36:23,589 --> 00:36:29,380 [Koloski-Ostrow] All the time, capturing citiesmeant killing the men 437 00:36:29,380 --> 00:36:35,910 and taking into slavery the women and childrenof the town, and bringing them wholesale into 438 00:36:35,910 --> 00:36:36,510 Rome. 439 00:36:36,510 --> 00:36:41,150 They came from Egypt, they came from Greece,they came from Tunisia. 440 00:36:41,150 --> 00:36:47,609 They would - it was as much a slave tradeas there was a trade in cloth, in wine, 441 00:36:47,609 --> 00:36:52,540 and in other articles produce. 442 00:36:52,540 --> 00:36:59,540 [Nimoy] In this massive structure, many aslave saw his last moments on earth. 443 00:37:01,820 --> 00:37:07,650 Together with many prisoners of war and convictedcriminals, death would come violently 444 00:37:07,650 --> 00:37:14,650 as victims were forced to compete in the arena. 445 00:37:17,560 --> 00:37:22,599 Known as the gladiator games, they took placehere, in a massive amphitheater, 446 00:37:22,599 --> 00:37:27,210 which accommodated up to 20,000 spectators. 447 00:37:27,210 --> 00:37:32,849 All of Pompeii's population would gather toenjoy the bloody spectacle of people fighting 448 00:37:32,849 --> 00:37:39,849 for their lives. 449 00:37:40,390 --> 00:37:45,490 One of the most popular forms of entertainmentwas the fight-to-death contest. 450 00:37:45,490 --> 00:37:52,490 A heavily armed gladiator, wearing a bronzehelmet and shield, bearing only a short sword, 451 00:37:52,619 --> 00:37:57,540 would be pitched against a completely nakedopponent equipped with a long spear and a 452 00:37:57,540 --> 00:37:58,359 net. 453 00:37:58,359 --> 00:38:05,359 It was brutal, a source of cheap thrills forthe blood-thirsty audience. 454 00:38:05,930 --> 00:38:12,930 [Dobbins] This was an institutionalized violence, 455 00:38:13,900 --> 00:38:20,119 as there are many institutionalized acts ofwhat we would call violence in our own society: 456 00:38:20,119 --> 00:38:27,119 executions and wars. And yet we consider thatthose are appropriate under certain circumstances. 457 00:38:27,950 --> 00:38:34,140 [Nimoy] Most slaves were kept, not as fighters,but as servants. 458 00:38:34,140 --> 00:38:39,960 Large villas had up to 50 slaves, eternallyembroiled in the hustle-bustle of household 459 00:38:39,960 --> 00:38:40,560 service. 460 00:38:40,560 --> 00:38:46,020 [Franklin] There are so many slaves in Romanantiquity and in Pompeii in particular, 461 00:38:46,020 --> 00:38:48,190 because that was a way to keep alive. 462 00:38:48,190 --> 00:38:54,609 The wealthy needed a whole household of slavesbecause there was no middle class, 463 00:38:54,609 --> 00:38:56,390 no industry the way we have it. 464 00:38:56,390 --> 00:39:02,710 So they couldn't go to the tailor: there essentiallywere no tailors, you had to have 465 00:39:02,710 --> 00:39:07,810 a dress-maker, a tailor, a shoemaker, allof that, on your personal staff. 466 00:39:07,810 --> 00:39:12,730 [Nimoy] To better understand the people ofPompeii, it is important to remember that 467 00:39:12,730 --> 00:39:17,660 two thousand years ago, the law was supreme. 468 00:39:17,660 --> 00:39:20,869 Civic responsibility was taken very seriously. 469 00:39:20,869 --> 00:39:27,790 Sometimes, these concepts drove people apart,including fathers and their sons. 470 00:39:27,790 --> 00:39:32,890 [Franklin] The father has complete legal power. 471 00:39:32,890 --> 00:39:37,790 He could kill any of his children at any timefor disobedience, 472 00:39:37,790 --> 00:39:42,640 and there are great episodes, particularlyin early Roman history, which makes one wonder 473 00:39:42,640 --> 00:39:47,690 about the veracity of them, of fathers doingexactly that. 474 00:39:47,690 --> 00:39:53,130 A consul orders his son not to engage theenemy in battle. 475 00:39:53,130 --> 00:39:57,390 The son engages the enemy in battle and hasa great success, 476 00:39:57,390 --> 00:40:02,270 and he comes back and his father kills him,because the father had told him not to engage 477 00:40:02,270 --> 00:40:02,670 the enemy. 478 00:40:02,670 --> 00:40:06,630 And there's nothing that can be said aboutit: that his right as a father. 479 00:40:06,630 --> 00:40:13,200 [Nimoy] Although, today, we subscribe to lawsand virtues similar to those of the Pompeians, 480 00:40:13,200 --> 00:40:18,730 they held their own beliefs about the sanctityof human life. 481 00:40:18,730 --> 00:40:25,730 [Franklin] They don't have this sacred viewfor life - the way we do - 482 00:40:25,869 --> 00:40:30,230 I'm sure each of them had it for his own life,but when it came to life in general, 483 00:40:30,230 --> 00:40:31,339 well, people die. 484 00:40:31,339 --> 00:40:38,339 There were so many poor people that you seedeath all of the time. 485 00:40:41,040 --> 00:40:48,040 [Nimoy] Their attitudes on death and justiceseems foreign to us today. 486 00:40:50,750 --> 00:40:54,319 Roman values were quite different from theJudeo-Christian tradition 487 00:40:54,319 --> 00:41:01,050 that was being introduced to the Western Worldat that time. 488 00:41:01,050 --> 00:41:08,050 [Koloski-Ostrow] There is no text or bookor Bible with a set of morals that the Romans 489 00:41:08,839 --> 00:41:09,810 follow. 490 00:41:09,810 --> 00:41:13,480 Religion, to the Romans, is very much a ritual. 491 00:41:13,480 --> 00:41:20,480 And without that moral superstructure, withouta text or a set of relgious rules and regulations 492 00:41:20,940 --> 00:41:27,940 that you're following in some way, it makessociety much freer in terms of what's allowed. 493 00:41:28,260 --> 00:41:35,260 [Nimoy] In the years since 79, when Pompeiiand Herculaneum met their doom, 494 00:41:35,530 --> 00:41:38,660 Vesuvius has erupted more than 70 times. 495 00:41:38,660 --> 00:41:44,030 [Journalist] Vesuvius once again strikes terrorinto the surrounding Italian countryside. 496 00:41:44,030 --> 00:41:51,030 A giant wall of lava, in some places 30-feethigh, circles irresistibly forward through 497 00:41:51,109 --> 00:41:52,390 field and farm. 498 00:41:52,390 --> 00:41:59,390 [Nimoy] In 1944, as Italy reeled from theclosing phases of World War II, Vesuvius erupted 499 00:42:00,210 --> 00:42:01,150 again. 500 00:42:01,150 --> 00:42:05,349 But unlike the eruption that devastated Pompeii,this time, 501 00:42:05,349 --> 00:42:09,849 the volcano spewed deadly molten lava as wellas ash. 502 00:42:09,849 --> 00:42:16,849 The flow moved at a swift 12 feet per minute,destroying entire towns and villages in its 503 00:42:24,000 --> 00:42:26,980 path. 504 00:42:26,980 --> 00:42:33,980 The worst eruption occurred in 1631, when18,000 lost their lives. 505 00:42:36,980 --> 00:42:43,980 [Journalist] Vesuvius, unpredictable and unconquerable,has had its way. 506 00:42:47,869 --> 00:42:54,869 [Nimoy] Today, the mountain is silent onceagain, its anger long vented. 507 00:42:57,250 --> 00:43:01,250 And Vesuvius broods like a great sentinelabove the landscape. 508 00:43:01,250 --> 00:43:08,250 At its feet lie only the ruins and remainsof a once proud Roman heritage 509 00:43:08,270 --> 00:43:12,400 in which many mysteries yet prevail. 510 00:43:12,400 --> 00:43:19,369 [Franklin] The mystery is that although wehave all of these objects, 511 00:43:19,369 --> 00:43:22,440 like we have no place else in all of the Romanworld, 512 00:43:22,440 --> 00:43:27,859 these people are still just beyond our grasp. 513 00:43:27,859 --> 00:43:32,130 The human element there, which we share withthem helps, but they are - 514 00:43:32,130 --> 00:43:34,930 they're just beyond our grasp. 515 00:43:34,930 --> 00:43:41,930 [Koloski-Ostrow] Pompeii offers a wonderfulpoetic magic for all of us. 516 00:43:42,310 --> 00:43:46,800 It makes us touch our own feelings about lifeand death, 517 00:43:46,800 --> 00:43:51,440 yet at the same time that we feel that emotionand that we feel 518 00:43:51,440 --> 00:43:55,819 such sympathy for the victims of that eruption, 519 00:43:55,819 --> 00:44:01,490 as we uncover the pumice stones and removethe pyroclastic mud flows, 520 00:44:01,490 --> 00:44:07,170 we have to realize we're coming into a worldof enormous cultural difference and this - 521 00:44:07,170 --> 00:44:12,260 the quest for that truth is what the archaeologist'smission must be. 522 00:44:12,260 --> 00:44:19,260 [Nimoy] In one dreadful night, a volcano entombedan entire ancient community. 523 00:44:20,770 --> 00:44:25,819 But in spite of the evidence that lies here,it is difficult to comprehend a society so 524 00:44:25,819 --> 00:44:28,430 remote from our own. 525 00:44:28,430 --> 00:44:32,300 The people of Pompeii may continue to remaina mystery to us for all time.