[music] The Paraguayan War is foolish, sordid, and unnecessary, like the majority of them. [gunshots] [music] In a war, the first victim is the truth. Because Brazilian History about the Paraguayan Was was rather unloyal, it practically doesn't exist. [music] That was a genocide. We didn't have a genocide by intention, but we had a genocide in effect. [gunshot] [music] History by choice. [music] After 40 years of independence from Portugal, Brazil is gigantic, rural, poor, illiterate, and enslaved. [music] A country of slaveholders, a savage country, Illiterate, with rough habits. The country has slaves, has a lot of aristocracy. A country with a dependency, very intense poverty, with public health conditions There's the idea that Brazil has a history very meek, pacifist, that Brazil is the home of a gentleman. In 1864, Brazil is a monarchy controlled by a 38-year-old man who has been on the throne since 14 years old: Dom Pedro the 2nd. Dom Pedro appears as a man who is very cultured, but he is a man who is very unprepared. You see that he is a man who lacks polish, right? Who lacks all the trappings of civilization. He's a Brazilian bumpkin. Pedro is a man that had ideals and projects, but in fact didn't have the office of governor. Brazil is confronting a serious economic crisis, and the south of the country begins to bring worrying news. The south of the Brazilian Empire has a border with three republics: Uruguay, Argentina, and Paraguay. Uruguay is in civil war.