[Suspenseful music]
This is Craig Anderson, University Librarian,
may I have your attention.
We have a very serious situation on our hands.
At this time, the library is under siege by
a horde of the un-dead.
Yes, there are zombies in the library.
We are counting on our students to defeat
these zombies.
The Ask a Librarian chat is a live program
that you can actually ask a librarian any question you want.
So in this situation I would ask a librarian
how do you get these zombies to stop screaming at us?
It’s great having a quiet study area because
when all else has failed
I can come over here and study in peace and quiet.
[Zombie groaning noises]
[The zombie groaning stops]
The group study rooms are places for group study
with a computer and a big screen TV.
It would be good for a zombie attack because it’s
booked out
and you can also hide away from the zombies.
You can’t go in there - I’ve booked that!
The subject guide helps us find valuable information
about any subject in RMIT,
like how to survive in a zombie apocalypse.
Oh no!
[Zombie groaning]
Find a big book. Big fat book and pa! Ja!
After a long and terrifying day, I am very
relieved to announce
that the zombie threat has passed.
RMIT students were strong and resourceful,
and together we prevailed.
The zombies have been defeated!
[Zombie groaning]
I think...