0:00:09.342,0:00:12.162 I first met Vitaly[br]in the spring of last year. 0:00:13.272,0:00:15.392 He spoke little English, 0:00:15.392,0:00:16.653 but he was very charming. 0:00:17.455,0:00:21.545 On his left arm he had a tattoo[br]of the singer Marilyn Manson. 0:00:21.940,0:00:25.058 On his right leg,[br]he had a tattoo of Winnie-the-Pooh. 0:00:25.058,0:00:26.458 (Laughter) 0:00:26.458,0:00:28.598 It was a rather strange experience. 0:00:28.598,0:00:30.368 I was there to hear his story, 0:00:30.746,0:00:34.316 and it was a story that[br]I would never have believed, 0:00:34.450,0:00:39.980 had I not myself spent eight months[br]in the year of 2014 0:00:40.080,0:00:43.230 in Ukraine covering the war[br]between Moscow and Kiev. 0:00:44.736,0:00:48.196 Now, at around the same time,[br]in August 2014, 0:00:48.603,0:00:51.709 Vitaly found himself[br]in St. Petersburg without a job. 0:00:51.709,0:00:53.049 Vitaly was a journalist. 0:00:53.049,0:00:56.109 But the website he worked for[br]had lost its funding. 0:00:56.611,0:00:58.751 So he sent out endless applications. 0:00:59.403,0:01:00.421 Heard nothing. 0:01:00.424,0:01:01.919 Eventually something came back. 0:01:01.956,0:01:03.030 He'd sent out so many, 0:01:03.032,0:01:06.113 he couldn't even remember[br]which job it had been for. 0:01:06.735,0:01:09.335 He went for an interview,[br]he duly got the job. 0:01:10.579,0:01:13.279 It was at - sorry - 0:01:13.895,0:01:15.515 OK - Let me just - Yeah - 0:01:15.950,0:01:19.110 It was at a nondescript building[br]in the centre of St. Petersburg, 0:01:19.419,0:01:21.459 55 Savushkina Street. 0:01:22.464,0:01:24.275 And when Vitaly started, 0:01:24.475,0:01:27.985 he realized it wasn't quite[br]your every day media company. 0:01:28.355,0:01:32.015 He was assigned to a project[br]called "Ukraine 2". 0:01:33.131,0:01:39.791 His job was to essentially write[br]articles about Ukraine - 0:01:39.798,0:01:41.202 which was fair enough, 0:01:41.204,0:01:43.601 I mean, it's a subject[br]of interest for Russians - 0:01:43.882,0:01:45.732 with some slight differences. 0:01:46.659,0:01:49.059 His job was to write articles 0:01:49.369,0:01:52.609 from websites ending in ".ua". 0:01:52.939,0:01:56.939 That is to say, websites[br]that pretended to be Ukrainian. 0:01:57.464,0:02:01.324 So he would take for example a newspaper[br]called the Donetsk News, 0:02:01.568,0:02:05.568 an Eastern city in Ukraine[br]occupied by pro-Russian separatists. 0:02:06.078,0:02:07.948 And he would write articles about it. 0:02:07.988,0:02:09.116 It wasn't too bad. 0:02:09.196,0:02:11.506 He would stick to the basic facts. 0:02:11.506,0:02:14.536 But he wasn't allowed to use[br]the word terrorist or separatist. 0:02:14.566,0:02:15.966 He had to call them militia. 0:02:16.218,0:02:18.508 The Ukrainian army, on the other hand, 0:02:18.677,0:02:22.357 had to always be referred to[br]as volunteer battalions 0:02:22.619,0:02:23.919 or national guards. 0:02:24.436,0:02:27.786 These are battalions[br]that still exist today, 0:02:27.798,0:02:30.187 that have well-deserved reputations 0:02:30.191,0:02:32.824 for containing far-right[br]or thuggish elements. 0:02:33.159,0:02:35.169 Now, as time passed, 0:02:35.303,0:02:37.041 it became clear to Vitaly 0:02:37.047,0:02:40.312 that he was working in what[br]later would become known to the media 0:02:40.313,0:02:43.652 as a "troll factory" or a "troll farm". 0:02:44.212,0:02:47.012 And the farm had a very clear structure. 0:02:47.313,0:02:51.313 On the first floor was Vitaly[br]writing fake news websites, 0:02:51.321,0:02:52.541 and his colleagues. 0:02:52.541,0:02:54.831 The second floor[br]was a social media department. 0:02:55.120,0:02:57.554 Here cartoons and memes were created 0:02:57.568,0:03:01.681 to spread across all forms of platforms,[br]social media platforms, 0:03:01.692,0:03:04.759 promulgating the Kremlin line on Ukraine. 0:03:04.982,0:03:06.942 On the third floor were the bloggers. 0:03:07.033,0:03:08.844 Now, there were two types of bloggers. 0:03:08.846,0:03:11.674 The first were the "Ukrainian" bloggers 0:03:11.771,0:03:15.231 who would blog about how terrible[br]the situation in Kiev was, 0:03:15.231,0:03:17.384 how parts of the city[br]didn't have electricity, 0:03:17.384,0:03:20.084 how the kindergartens[br]were running low on food. 0:03:20.284,0:03:23.804 The second were the "American" bloggers. 0:03:23.968,0:03:27.638 They would write about how the whole[br]of America supported Putin's actions, 0:03:27.882,0:03:29.652 that Ukrainians were fascists, 0:03:30.303,0:03:31.793 all sorts of things like this. 0:03:32.511,0:03:37.208 Hilariously, or perhaps[br]bitterly hilariously, what would happen is 0:03:37.222,0:03:39.733 the bloggers on the third floor, 0:03:39.746,0:03:42.035 their output would become sources 0:03:42.040,0:03:44.749 for the fake news articles[br]on the first floor. 0:03:44.916,0:03:47.276 So, it was a merry-go-round of lies. 0:03:47.674,0:03:51.104 Now, on the fourth floor[br]were the big time, big time trolls. 0:03:51.124,0:03:52.654 These were the guys and women 0:03:52.666,0:03:55.398 tasked with commenting[br]on Facebook, Twitter, 0:03:55.562,0:03:57.358 and most of all, VKontakte, 0:03:57.362,0:03:59.362 which is the Russian version of Facebook, 0:03:59.368,0:04:02.630 a very, very popular[br]social media platform 0:04:02.645,0:04:05.170 for the Kremlin[br]and the Russian government. 0:04:05.405,0:04:08.328 Now, after a month of working[br]on the fake websites, 0:04:08.335,0:04:11.979 Vitaly was sent[br]to the social media section. 0:04:11.990,0:04:14.580 And his work began[br]to take a different turn. 0:04:15.541,0:04:17.084 So, what he would have - 0:04:17.098,0:04:18.961 When Vitaly was sent to this section, 0:04:18.964,0:04:21.786 he was first given[br]a load of different SIM cards. 0:04:21.999,0:04:25.602 To register on VKontakte,[br]you have to have a phone number. 0:04:25.809,0:04:28.299 And the troll farm had[br]an inexhaustible supply. 0:04:28.470,0:04:30.521 And his job was just to spam 0:04:30.551,0:04:33.979 every, but every, page[br]you could think of with this - 0:04:34.001,0:04:39.882 I mean often group pages[br]that have nothing to do with politics. 0:04:39.885,0:04:42.525 One example, he spammed the site 0:04:42.540,0:04:45.949 devoted to couples meeting up for sex[br]in a small Russian town. 0:04:46.052,0:04:47.492 There was no logic to it. 0:04:47.821,0:04:50.418 He always had to use female profiles, 0:04:50.432,0:04:54.832 as females were seen to be[br]more trusted than male profiles. 0:04:54.952,0:04:56.850 The second thing he had to do, 0:04:56.860,0:05:01.768 and this is central to the dissemination[br]of information in the social media age, 0:05:01.770,0:05:04.250 is it had to be visual. 0:05:04.538,0:05:06.175 This is something I have learned 0:05:06.183,0:05:08.917 from the State Department[br]to the Israeli Defence Forces, 0:05:08.925,0:05:10.698 that if you want information, 0:05:10.705,0:05:14.029 if you want people[br]to look at what you have to say, 0:05:14.033,0:05:15.340 it has to be visual. 0:05:15.699,0:05:17.071 And, in fact, 0:05:17.080,0:05:20.680 people, even when they look at your link,[br]they probably won't click on it. 0:05:20.978,0:05:25.638 So what you do, is you leave your message[br]in the meme, in the visuals. 0:05:25.790,0:05:28.480 So here we have[br]a tearful looking picture of Obama. 0:05:28.483,0:05:32.741 He's saying, "I want to start a war,[br]but none of my friends will join me." 0:05:34.113,0:05:39.103 Here we have[br]a two-panel picture of Obama. 0:05:39.128,0:05:43.797 On the first, he is looking very serious,[br]saying: "We don't talk to terrorists." 0:05:43.823,0:05:46.483 The second panel, he is shown smiling: 0:05:46.496,0:05:48.216 "We only sponsor them!" 0:05:48.753,0:05:50.409 The goal was to attack 0:05:50.423,0:05:53.588 people seen as hostile[br]to the Kremlin's war in Ukraine. 0:05:53.765,0:05:58.589 That was Barack Obama, Angela Merkel[br]and leading Ukrainian politicians. 0:05:59.039,0:06:01.391 Now, after a while, this got to Vitaly. 0:06:01.715,0:06:02.773 He felt dirty, 0:06:02.773,0:06:04.734 he didn't like the work he was doing, 0:06:04.745,0:06:07.100 he was having problems with his nerves. 0:06:07.121,0:06:08.963 So, in the end, he decided to quit. 0:06:08.968,0:06:11.643 His boss, Anna, asked him why,[br]and he told her the truth. 0:06:11.651,0:06:13.860 He said, "I don't believe in[br]what we're doing." 0:06:13.864,0:06:14.968 So, he left. 0:06:14.973,0:06:18.033 But still he couldn't get[br]the experience out of his mind. 0:06:18.163,0:06:20.753 He felt like he had to make amends. 0:06:20.825,0:06:24.925 So, he decided to write[br]an article about his experiences. 0:06:25.611,0:06:27.866 He wrote it anonymously, 0:06:27.877,0:06:30.846 and he presented it as if he were female. 0:06:30.860,0:06:34.141 Because the majority of the[br]trolls farms' [employees] were [females]. 0:06:34.307,0:06:36.043 It came out, and it did well. 0:06:36.043,0:06:37.432 It got a lot traction. 0:06:37.437,0:06:41.068 Even [Alexei] Navalny,[br]the Russian opposition leader, tweeted it. 0:06:41.543,0:06:45.987 Unfortunately, Vitaly's attempts[br]at anonymity had been less successful. 0:06:46.003,0:06:47.450 An hour after it came out, 0:06:47.455,0:06:49.077 he got a text from his boss Anna - 0:06:49.077,0:06:50.387 or ex-boss - 0:06:50.395,0:06:52.351 telling him that he thought he was a hero 0:06:52.353,0:06:54.705 but he was, in fact,[br]a little son-of-a-bitch, 0:06:54.710,0:06:58.440 who couldn't do anything for himself[br]but could only spoil the work of others. 0:06:58.683,0:07:00.421 Then the phone calls started. 0:07:01.068,0:07:03.159 "What the hell do you think you're doing?" 0:07:03.175,0:07:05.555 a gruff male voice[br]called him up one night, 0:07:05.699,0:07:09.436 "Don't you know people can get punched[br]in the face for this sort of thing?" 0:07:09.436,0:07:13.245 For a while, Vitaly was afraid[br]to walk the streets alone. 0:07:15.584,0:07:16.647 Now ... 0:07:17.063,0:07:18.363 if you are tempted - 0:07:18.708,0:07:19.928 Sorry, that's just Putin. 0:07:19.933,0:07:22.637 I never get over that picture,[br]it kills me every time. 0:07:22.645,0:07:26.406 If you are tempted[br]to dismiss Vitaly's story 0:07:26.408,0:07:30.198 as just a bunch of internet nerds[br]playing around ... don't, 0:07:30.546,0:07:32.535 because it is effective. 0:07:32.535,0:07:35.399 I saw it for myself on the ground, 0:07:35.403,0:07:40.674 in Eastern Ukraine as I travelled[br]through the cities, the occupied cities, 0:07:41.181,0:07:43.494 that spring and summer of 2014, 0:07:43.494,0:07:46.494 as they fell almost daily[br]to pro-Russia separatists. 0:07:47.194,0:07:50.274 Now, Marshal McLuhan,[br]the Canadian philosopher said: 0:07:50.275,0:07:55.135 "All media are extensions of some[br]human faculty, psychic or physical." 0:07:55.326,0:07:58.460 Travelling through[br]Eastern Ukraine in 2014, 0:07:58.496,0:08:02.547 it was as if Putin's[br]central nervous system were on display. 0:08:03.285,0:08:08.117 The content that had come[br]from Vitaly's pen, directly, 0:08:08.137,0:08:09.587 was all around me. 0:08:09.998,0:08:14.464 The online world had seeped[br]into the offline reality. 0:08:14.792,0:08:17.048 On the ground in Eastern Ukraine, 0:08:17.070,0:08:20.189 old men parroted geopolitical concepts, 0:08:20.205,0:08:21.687 like Novorossiya, 0:08:21.703,0:08:25.525 a Czarist term referring to part[br]of Eastern Ukraine as belonging to Russia, 0:08:25.539,0:08:27.582 that they barely understood. 0:08:27.607,0:08:29.481 Teenagers, laughingly, showed me 0:08:29.486,0:08:32.143 racist memes of Barack Obama[br]on their smartphone, 0:08:32.150,0:08:34.421 knocked up in the troll factory. 0:08:35.039,0:08:38.437 The belief that Kiev was a fascist junta, 0:08:38.458,0:08:42.308 and that it genuinely wanted to destroy[br]the speaking of Russian in the East, 0:08:42.313,0:08:44.018 was sincerely held. 0:08:44.208,0:08:46.850 This was not, I realized, mere propaganda, 0:08:46.865,0:08:48.919 it wasn't narratives; 0:08:48.929,0:08:51.459 it was the reinvention of reality. 0:08:53.079,0:08:56.929 Now, we have to ask:[br]How did we get here? 0:08:57.670,0:09:02.240 Putin's information age could only[br]be possible in a post-truth age. 0:09:02.589,0:09:05.439 And what has created this age[br]is social media. 0:09:05.560,0:09:08.340 Now, social media brings[br]people together, we know this. 0:09:08.356,0:09:09.716 It's transnational. 0:09:09.725,0:09:13.289 You can speak to your friend[br]in India or... well, not China - 0:09:13.289,0:09:15.989 India or the UK or America or wherever. 0:09:16.134,0:09:19.404 But it does something else[br]that is less discussed: 0:09:19.416,0:09:22.190 it shatters unity, and it divides people. 0:09:22.190,0:09:24.718 It does this in two overarching ways. 0:09:24.723,0:09:26.253 The first is obvious: 0:09:26.538,0:09:29.951 it facilitates direct confrontation. 0:09:30.247,0:09:33.243 If you are a Hillary supporter[br]during the election campaign, 0:09:33.266,0:09:35.509 you can row with Trump supporters online. 0:09:35.515,0:09:37.424 I've seen it happen over Brexit, 0:09:37.429,0:09:41.241 I've seen friends unfriend[br]each other on Facebook over Brexit, 0:09:41.254,0:09:43.386 it facilitates direct confrontation. 0:09:43.386,0:09:45.856 But it does something else more subtle: 0:09:46.453,0:09:51.056 it creates what was called homophily,[br]love of the like-minded. 0:09:51.084,0:09:54.316 Now, when you are on Facebook,[br]you have your friends - 0:09:54.316,0:09:56.926 we understand "friends", OK? - 0:09:56.942,0:10:01.840 and most of your friends are likely[br]to broadly share similar worldviews. 0:10:01.852,0:10:04.400 Now, I am not saying[br]that everyone votes your party, 0:10:04.402,0:10:05.942 there are left, there are right, 0:10:05.943,0:10:08.113 but it's unlikely[br]that anyone in this audience 0:10:08.115,0:10:10.370 is going to be friends[br]with a bunch of Nazis ... 0:10:10.372,0:10:11.773 I would hope anyway. 0:10:12.293,0:10:13.693 So, what happens is, 0:10:13.710,0:10:16.760 first of all you are cocooned[br]with like-minded individuals, 0:10:16.773,0:10:19.553 who post articles that tend[br]to slant to your point of view. 0:10:19.613,0:10:23.663 Second, even more insidious,[br]is the Facebook algorithm. 0:10:23.678,0:10:27.585 People think social media platforms[br]are these impartial mediums, 0:10:27.596,0:10:28.929 but they are not. 0:10:28.933,0:10:32.783 They are capitalist enterprises[br]and their product is us, their users. 0:10:33.625,0:10:35.291 The algorithm is designed 0:10:35.297,0:10:38.244 to keep us on their platforms[br]for as long as possible 0:10:38.258,0:10:41.032 by feeding us content[br]that we know we like. 0:10:41.153,0:10:42.726 So, if you're a Hillary supporter 0:10:42.728,0:10:45.600 and you're clicking on pro-Hillary links[br]during the campaign, 0:10:45.602,0:10:48.912 the algorithm is going to feed you[br]more and more pro-Hillary content, 0:10:48.916,0:10:50.546 and vice versa. 0:10:50.648,0:10:56.250 Thus are our prejudices reaffirmed[br]and hatred of the other exacerbated. 0:10:57.956,0:10:59.319 There he is 0:10:59.323,0:11:01.308 in all his splendiferous stupidity! 0:11:01.633,0:11:03.826 So how did we get here, part 2. 0:11:05.048,0:11:10.017 The rise of social media has coincided[br]with a crisis of faith in the West 0:11:10.017,0:11:11.967 and, critically, its institutions. 0:11:12.311,0:11:14.393 From the 2003 Iraq war, 0:11:14.412,0:11:17.242 in which our politicians[br]took us to war on a lie, 0:11:17.262,0:11:20.094 to the 2008 global financial crisis, 0:11:20.231,0:11:24.551 in which the bankers[br]took us into the Great Recession, 0:11:24.628,0:11:27.398 to the NSA Snowden spying revelations, 0:11:27.412,0:11:30.552 combined with long-term declines[br]in media trust, 0:11:30.693,0:11:35.934 means that the fundamental institutions[br]upon which the West is based 0:11:35.963,0:11:37.748 have been discredited. 0:11:38.329,0:11:39.688 As a result, 0:11:39.692,0:11:42.968 we see the rise of populist demagogues,[br]nationalist demagogues, 0:11:42.968,0:11:44.442 Geert Wilders in Holland, 0:11:44.590,0:11:47.054 Nigel Farage with Brexit, 0:11:47.089,0:11:49.573 Marine Le Pen, recently[br]in the French elections, 0:11:49.602,0:11:51.741 and of course the apotheosis of it: 0:11:51.741,0:11:53.126 Mr. Trump. 0:11:53.142,0:11:55.561 Sorry, there we go again. 0:11:59.457,0:12:01.516 So, what is the end result of all this? 0:12:01.528,0:12:05.218 The end result of all this is[br]that we now live in a post-truth age. 0:12:05.233,0:12:06.883 Now, this has been defined. 0:12:07.053,0:12:10.713 This was Oxford Dictionaries'[br]word of the year 2016, 0:12:10.793,0:12:13.567 and I am going to read out its definition 0:12:13.567,0:12:16.167 because I think[br]it is worth thinking about. 0:12:16.517,0:12:21.647 It was defined as an adjective[br]relating to or denoting circumstances 0:12:21.652,0:12:23.395 in which objective facts 0:12:23.398,0:12:26.072 are less influential[br]in shaping public opinion 0:12:26.076,0:12:28.623 than appeals to emotion[br]and personal belief. 0:12:28.954,0:12:32.067 This was supplemented by the president[br]of the Oxford Dictionaries, 0:12:32.068,0:12:36.999 who said: "It is not surprising[br]that our choice reflects a year 0:12:37.012,0:12:40.682 dominated by highly charged[br]political and social discourse. 0:12:40.890,0:12:44.741 Fuelled by the rise[br]of social media as a news source 0:12:45.089,0:12:50.039 and a growing distrust[br]of facts offered up by the establishment, 0:12:50.151,0:12:55.621 post-truth as a concept has been finding[br]its linguistic footing for some time." 0:12:57.857,0:12:59.725 Now, what are the problems? 0:12:59.895,0:13:02.244 The problems are that[br]in both Europe and the US, 0:13:02.281,0:13:05.181 public broadcasters[br]have to adhere to guidelines. 0:13:05.334,0:13:11.082 And these regard balance, impartiality,[br]professional journalists, etc, etc, etc. 0:13:11.145,0:13:15.325 No such regulation[br]exists for social media. 0:13:15.480,0:13:17.990 And the cost is plain to see. 0:13:18.073,0:13:19.879 Facebook, which has been named 0:13:19.904,0:13:23.016 as the platform most conducive[br]to the spread of false stories, 0:13:23.016,0:13:27.050 has recently announced that is going to[br]start using third-party fact-checkers, 0:13:27.063,0:13:29.339 people like Full Fact or Snopes. 0:13:29.451,0:13:31.162 It's going to self-police, 0:13:31.169,0:13:34.360 it's going to try in some way -[br]imperfectly, in my opinion - 0:13:34.367,0:13:35.977 to combat the phenomenon. 0:13:36.784,0:13:38.584 But what are the results? 0:13:38.827,0:13:42.015 The results are,[br]and this is very dangerous, 0:13:42.025,0:13:46.217 that the post-truth world[br]has created the post-truth leader. 0:13:46.657,0:13:50.686 From Vladimir Putin, who reinvents[br]reality in Eastern Ukraine, 0:13:50.699,0:13:52.205 to Donald Trump, 0:13:52.213,0:13:54.087 whose White House will tell you 0:13:54.088,0:13:56.510 his inauguration crowds[br]were bigger than Obama's 0:13:56.522,0:13:59.109 when you can see that they weren't. 0:13:59.707,0:14:01.749 Now, they are different, let's be fair. 0:14:01.749,0:14:03.696 One is a dictator in all but name; 0:14:03.696,0:14:06.191 the other leads the world's[br]most powerful democracy. 0:14:06.253,0:14:08.859 But, in each case, the goal is the same: 0:14:09.091,0:14:14.061 the more doubt you can sow[br]in people's minds about all information, 0:14:14.180,0:14:18.430 the more you will weaken their propensity[br]to recognize the truth when they see it. 0:14:19.153,0:14:21.476 The goal is not to twist the notion, 0:14:21.485,0:14:22.736 twist the truth, 0:14:22.745,0:14:24.415 like the politicians of old: 0:14:24.634,0:14:27.074 "I did not have sexual relations[br]with that woman", 0:14:27.284,0:14:31.490 but to subvert the very notion[br]that an objective truth exists at all: 0:14:31.498,0:14:34.382 "My crowds were bigger!" -[br]"That's just an alternative fact." 0:14:35.926,0:14:37.696 So this is all very cheerful. 0:14:38.188,0:14:40.352 So I'd like to end[br]on a slightly happier note. 0:14:40.390,0:14:43.747 What can we do to survive[br]in this post-truth age? 0:14:43.754,0:14:46.078 Now, I believe, in the end, 0:14:46.078,0:14:49.930 change is going to have to come[br]at the legislative level: 0:14:49.933,0:14:52.219 governments are going[br]to have to intervene. 0:14:52.285,0:14:55.975 But I have put together, in the interim,[br]a post-truth survival kit 0:14:56.337,0:14:58.959 to surviving, negotiating, 0:14:58.959,0:15:00.262 and trying to make your way 0:15:00.269,0:15:04.205 through this sick information environment,[br]this unhealthy information environment, 0:15:04.205,0:15:05.412 in which we live. 0:15:05.417,0:15:06.551 One. 0:15:06.551,0:15:08.649 Go out of your way[br]to friend or follow people 0:15:08.678,0:15:11.108 that don't necessarily[br]agree with your worldview. 0:15:11.122,0:15:14.235 Please, don't go out and friend[br]a bunch of Golden Dawn supporters, 0:15:14.235,0:15:17.074 but generally try and broaden[br]your circles a bit. 0:15:17.335,0:15:18.452 Two. 0:15:18.454,0:15:22.177 Go directly to the websites[br]of trusted news sources, 0:15:22.182,0:15:24.792 or, better still,[br]buy the newspaper itself. 0:15:24.799,0:15:26.649 Read all of its reporting; 0:15:26.659,0:15:31.212 don't cherry-pick articles with a slant[br]that appeals to your preexisting belief. 0:15:32.371,0:15:33.394 Three. 0:15:33.394,0:15:34.922 Read articles form publications 0:15:34.934,0:15:37.624 whose political views[br]you don't agree with. 0:15:37.740,0:15:39.380 You will learn things. 0:15:39.380,0:15:40.526 Trust me. 0:15:40.531,0:15:41.621 Four. 0:15:41.621,0:15:42.761 Read books. 0:15:42.764,0:15:44.478 Yes, they still exist. 0:15:44.498,0:15:47.618 In fact, I would recommend[br]you read one book in particular. 0:15:47.670,0:15:50.110 It's called: "War in 140 Characters: 0:15:50.126,0:15:54.743 How Social Media Is [Reshaping] Conflict[br][in] the Twenty-First Century." 0:15:54.754,0:15:57.454 It's available on Amazon,[br]by your humble servant. 0:15:57.467,0:16:00.247 Well worth $30 of anybody's money. 0:16:00.777,0:16:02.178 Five. 0:16:02.178,0:16:03.539 Log off. 0:16:03.741,0:16:07.001 Get off Facebook, it will suck your life. 0:16:07.305,0:16:08.595 Leave the house. 0:16:08.652,0:16:09.912 Go and meet friends. 0:16:10.014,0:16:11.008 Have fun. 0:16:11.121,0:16:12.401 You will benefit. 0:16:12.497,0:16:13.667 Thank you very much! 0:16:13.749,0:16:16.389 (Applause) 0:16:16.804,0:16:18.324 Thank you! Thank you! 0:16:18.444,0:16:20.287 (Applause)