WEBVTT 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 so, we're here in the syner of technology 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and I just wanted to ask a simple question. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 What was the greates technological 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 discovery ever made the basis for all 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 subsecuent technology, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and when was it made? 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 The gratest technological brakethrough 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 of human beings is language. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 invented two million years ago 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 in the first and gratest information age 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 by Homo erectus: mom and dad. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Homo erectus was one of the most successful 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 crearures who ever walked the earth. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 The lived on this planet for nearly 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 two million years. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 We have so far lived on this planet 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 for a certain two hundred thousand, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 perhabs as many as five hundred thousand. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 So, we haven't lived the quarter 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 of the time that Homo erectus lived 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 on this planet. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Homo erectus was a marvelous creature. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Had the gratest brain the wolrd 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 have ever seen, maybe the universe 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 had ever seen. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 The range of size of the Homo erectus brain 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 was about 950 CC, 75% of the size 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 of an adult Homo sapiens male 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and roughly in the range of many 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Homo sapiens female, and that proofs 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 to us that size doesn't matter. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 The Homo erectus brain and body 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 were both phenomenal. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 That was the first body Homo erectus 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 stood about as tall as we do. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 They were probably aorund 150 pounds 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and they were the first creatures 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 in the history of the universe capable of 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 persistance hunting or bipedal gate 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 enables us to run long distances and 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 cool down more efficiently than quadrupeds. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 So, Homo erectus was actually able to 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 chase down its prey until the prey 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 either died of heat exhaustion or 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Homo erectus beat it to dead with 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 a stone axe or club. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Homo erectus was a marvelous creature, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and they had many accomplishments. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Homo erectus made a variety of tools 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 starting with the Olduwan tools and, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 they kept these tools and they 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 transported these tools and 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 they improved these tools, so they had 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 an upgrade: Acheulean tools 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and they upgraded this to Levallois tools 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and each tools was better than the one 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 before, but they weren't limited 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 to stone tools. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Homo erectus also made spears wooden 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 tools we have found hundreds of thousands 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 of year old spears, and they made 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 two kinds of sprears. They made spears 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 for throwing and spreasr for thrusting. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 What does spears for thrusting mean? 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 It means you're a 5 ft 8 to 6 ft 1 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Homo erectus male 150 lb 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and you run up and stick that spear 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 into a mastodon. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 These were first creatures, they were 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 brave creatures and they were 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 extremely intelligent creatures. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 So, tools were one of the great 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 accomplishments that lets us know 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 what kind brain they were developing. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 They also had representations of reality. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 This is a 250,000 year old 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 partally naturally form and 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 partially artificially form by humans 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 by Homo erectus venus. It's called 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 the Venus of Berakhat Ram, 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and there's some evidence said 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 it was dyed red on certain parts. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 A shell found on the island of a found 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 in Java, with engravings on the shell 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 by Homo erectus. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Homo erectus wasn't simply a toolmaker. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 they were both makers. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 They traveled the oceans 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 2 million years ago. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 How do we know this? 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Well, the firts island that we find 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 evidence, is the island of Flores in 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 Indonesia, which would have been about 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 a 24 mile boat trip visible from land 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 about the size of the English chanel 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 exept that Flores was then and now 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 surrounded the most treacherous 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 and strongest oceans currents 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 in the world. 99:59:59.999 --> 99:59:59.999 t