1 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (ESTV - The Best Teachers in the World Clip 1) 2 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 [Jeff Selingo] ....... in the book, between recruiting better teachers 3 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and better students to become teachers and training of teachers, 4 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and talking about quality instructors, what's more important? 5 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Is it recruiting the best person upfront or does training matter just as much or even more, 6 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in terms of that, in terms of that would-be teacher? 7 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 [John Chubb] Well, the evidence - the evidence on what drives teachers' quality 8 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 is essentially - and this is the first great part - is essentially 9 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that most of the skills that teachers demonstrate in the classroom tend to be learned in the classroom, right? 10 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So - so, selection matters, aptitude matters, certain affect of predisposition, 11 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 emotional affective attributes matter. 12 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And there has been a lot of research on this, and there are screening tools 13 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that school districts can use to identify people who have a higher probability of success. 14 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But in the end, the dominant explanation of success is what teachers learn on the job, right? 15 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So - so training is critical - training is critical. 16 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Most of it right now is done pre-service and what's done in-service leaves a lot to be desired. 17 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And there's a tremendous amount of research on professional development, 18 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 which I review in the book, and it's overwhelmingly negative. 19 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And in school districts, people who are responsible for professional development understand this, 20 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but there hasn't been a lot of improvement. 21 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But the evidence suggests that teachers do learn on the job, they learn differentially. 22 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So not - by the time teachers are four years on the job, some of them are unbelievably great 23 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and some of them really haven't made it. So - 24 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 [Selingo] So then, why do we need training programs at all, 25 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I mean, why don't we just pick the best students from 26 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 - in some ways, like Teach For America teach the best students?