(ESTV - The Best Teachers in the World Clip 1) [Jeff Selingo] ....... in the book, between recruiting better teachers and better students to become teachers and training of teachers, and talking about quality instructors, what's more important? Is it recruiting the best person upfront or does training matter just as much or even more, in terms of that, in terms of that would-be teacher? [John Chubb] Well, the evidence - the evidence on what drives teachers' quality is essentially - and this is the first great part - is essentially that most of the skills that teachers demonstrate in the classroom tend to be learned in the classroom, right? So - so, selection matters, aptitude matters, certain affect of predisposition, emotional affective attributes matter. And there has been a lot of research on this, and there are screening tools that school districts can use to identify people who have a higher probability of success. But in the end, the dominant explanation of success is what teachers learn on the job, right? So - so training is critical - training is critical. Most of it right now is done pre-service and what's done in-service leaves a lot to be desired.