1 00:00:05,457 --> 00:00:09,288 In Keerom, farmers grows areca nut but it is hard to sell it. 2 00:00:09,288 --> 00:00:12,806 In Wamena, people love to chew it, but there's no areca nut. 3 00:00:13,548 --> 00:00:23,076 In this situation, we saw a chance to link mama-mama (Papuan women) in Keerom, who have areca nut trees, 4 00:00:23,176 --> 00:00:27,044 with mama-mama who sell these on the streets in Wamena. 5 00:00:28,134 --> 00:00:33,134 Let's us Sell Areca Nut 6 00:00:44,341 --> 00:00:50,319 We buy it from the Butonese merchants. 7 00:00:51,038 --> 00:00:55,810 But we don't make any profit. 8 00:00:56,957 --> 00:00:59,681 How much are these pinang (areca nuts)? 5,000 (rupiah). 9 00:01:01,740 --> 00:01:06,108 Sometimes I buy it from the Butonese. I get one kilogram for 70,000 (rupiah). 10 00:01:06,704 --> 00:01:10,562 But for the past several days, it was for 65,000 (rupiah). 11 00:01:15,100 --> 00:01:21,192 After I buy it, I display it here from morning until night. 12 00:01:22,001 --> 00:01:24,763 At night up until 8 or 9PM. 13 00:01:25,858 --> 00:01:28,883 Sometimes if these nuts aren't sold, I bring them back home. 14 00:01:33,856 --> 00:01:37,835 They sell pinang in the small stores too, so it's hard to compete. 15 00:01:38,895 --> 00:01:43,657 In that store, they sell kerosene, cooking oil and other stuff as well. 16 00:01:43,800 --> 00:01:45,887 So we mama-mama (Papuan women), what can we do? 17 00:01:45,937 --> 00:01:48,204 We're not into starting a conflict with them. No! 18 00:01:48,285 --> 00:01:51,021 But how do we empower the Papuan women? 19 00:01:51,872 --> 00:01:54,946 If they don't have enough money to begin with, we help them to get it. 20 00:01:55,787 --> 00:01:58,682 They can potentially become agents (distributors) for buying 21 00:01:59,457 --> 00:02:04,920 Mama-mama who have areca nut trees can also potentially become agents for gathering (the nuts). 22 00:02:05,493 --> 00:02:07,677 Itâs a positive competition 23 00:02:08,857 --> 00:02:13,053 We faced obstacles but the Father from YTHP opened a business for us. 24 00:02:14,023 --> 00:02:18,364 He is very kind. His efforts have opened doors for us. 25 00:02:18,364 --> 00:02:22,325 So we think this (business) could make our lives better and happier. 26 00:02:25,115 --> 00:02:28,537 Yayasan Teratai Hati Papua (Teratai Hati Papua Foundation) helps us now. 27 00:02:28,537 --> 00:02:30,844 This help enables us. 28 00:02:30,894 --> 00:02:33,051 We can sell pinang but it's not like before. 29 00:02:35,932 --> 00:02:39,131 YTHP helps us to buy two kilograms of pinang. 30 00:02:39,751 --> 00:02:45,562 We can buy three kilograms. It depends on us, but if we want to buy more than two kilograms, we need to pay for it ourselves 31 00:02:46,292 --> 00:02:51,448 So, the price of areca nut can increase, but it is not a problem if it goes up or down 32 00:02:51,888 --> 00:02:54,016 We've set our price. Fixed. 33 00:02:55,606 --> 00:03:02,244 We take one kilogram. If we sell it all, we get 140,000, 150,000 rupiah. 34 00:03:02,354 --> 00:03:05,166 From that we can give 70,000 rupiah back. 35 00:03:12,136 --> 00:03:16,834 So we are asking the government, please take care of us. 36 00:03:16,854 --> 00:03:19,674 Papuan women can only sell small items 37 00:03:20,092 --> 00:03:22,375 Don't give permission to the big merchants (to sell pinang). 38 00:03:22,435 --> 00:03:27,299 They should only permit the big merchants to sell goods other than pinang 39 00:03:27,759 --> 00:03:32,043 Don't put small tables outside the store and sell onions, pinang. Give that chance to the Papuan women 40 00:03:32,083 --> 00:03:35,652 The Papuan women should sell these, and not the stores 41 00:03:35,652 --> 00:03:37,152 Take pity on them