(Eustace mutters)
Huh? Stupid dog.
You did it wrong!
Just like you painted the chicken coop wrong.
And you did a lousy job repairing the windmill!
You can't do nothin' right.
Ya' amateur! Ya' ought to go
to "Right Thing Doing" school.
Someone who'll make you perfect.
(Muriel) Eustace! Package
for ya'! I think it's that bugle.
My bugle! Yeah!
Heh heh heh heh heh heh!
-(toots bugle)
Wha? Eh.
Gonna fix this thing right up.
Heh heh heh! Heh heh heh.
Meantime, you oil the boiler.
And do it right!
Ho ho ha ha!
Courage, why don't you come
help me make baklava?
I've never made it before. (chuckles)
Remember, Courage. It's supposed
to be thin, crisp, and lighter than air.
Lighter than air.
-Oh well.
Don't worry, Courage.
This time you crush the nuts and I'll bake the fish.
(Muriel hums happily)
Oh, Courage. That table wasn't really sturdy, was it?
Go get Eustace and I'll tidy up.
-You are a disgrace!
What's wrong, Courage?
(tries to communicate)
-I don't see anything.
-(attempts to communicate)
Alright, I'll go fetch Eustance and you tidy up.
(stern woman) That is no way to stand.
I want to see perfect posture.
Shoulders back! Chin out! Ears up and walk!
Eyes ahead! Even steps!
No, no, no, no, no! Can you walk correctly?
Uh-huh! Uh-huh!
If those books stay in place,
you're walking perfectly. Go!
(grunts and groans)
You're not the least bit perfect!
(whimpers sadly)
Can you speak correctly?
Uh-huh! Uh-huh!
Now repeat after me and do it perfectly.
The turkey in Albuquerque is positively perky.
(slurs out what was just said)
No, no! I said perfectly! Now try again.
-The turrrrrrkey!
-The urrrrreeee.
I want a perfect "er". Errrrrrr.
Your speech is abominable!
Your walking is a disgrace!
(whimpers sadly)
Let's see if you can make something perfectly.
Uh-huh! Uh-huh!
Observe each detail of the drawing
and your tower will be...perfect!
Look at the work of another of my pupils.
A perfect pupil.
(laughs) I'm perfect!
(strict woman) As you can see,
yours is decidedly not perfect!
-It's late!
We have a lot to cover tomorrow
so your last assignment of the day is
go to bed and sleep perfectly!
Can you do that?!
You're not perfect.
(mutters nervously)
(yawns and snores)
(begins snoring again)
-(whimpers nervously)
-Stupid dog!
(laughter continues)
(blares horn)
(cock crows)
(blares bugle)
-You're late.
Be perfectly quiet! Sit up straight!
There is going to be a surprise...final exam today.
If you don't get a perfect score
on this exam, there will be consequences.
Everywhere you go for the rest of your life,
everyone will know you're imperfect!
-You have to go to the bathroom?!
Make it quick! While you're there,
practice brushing your teeth.
Do it perfectly!
-(male voice) There's no such thing as perfect.
(male voice) You're beautiful as you are, Courage.
With all your imperfections, you can do anything.
Would you like to try some baklava, Courage?
It's more like gum, really.
But you can blow the sweetest bubbles!
(toots bugle)
Heh heh heh! I'm gonna start
me own band at Cracked Horns!
And now, for your final examination,
draw a perfect number six!
Times up!
I don't see a six here!
That's not perfect! You wrote an imperfect one.
Now you'll never reach the perfect
level of...(voice trails off)
(toots bugle)
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