0:00:00.229,0:00:01.229 Hi there! 0:00:01.229,0:00:02.569 If you’re a kid... 0:00:02.840,0:00:06.100 and you love meeting really[br]cool animals in real life 0:00:06.380,0:00:08.420 and let’s be honest, who doesn’t? 0:00:09.000,0:00:11.000 then this video is[br]for you! 0:00:14.969,0:00:18.730 Hi it's Emily from Bite Size Vegan and welcome[br]to another vegan nugget. 0:00:18.730,0:00:22.660 I’m so excited to finally be making another[br]video just for you. 0:00:22.660,0:00:27.220 We’ve covered a LOT so far in my videos[br]for kids, like why we don’t drink milk, 0:00:27.220,0:00:34.980 eat meat or eggs or honey or wear wool, how[br]you can be a superhero by being vegan, how 0:00:34.980,0:00:39.460 fish have feelings, and we’ve even heard[br]from real vegan kids! 0:00:39.460,0:00:40.460 Whew! 0:00:40.460,0:00:42.850 That’s getting long. 0:00:42.850,0:00:47.280 You can watch all of those videos later if[br]you want linked there and in the video description 0:00:47.280,0:00:48.280 below. 0:00:48.280,0:00:51.269 Now just like in my other videos I promise[br]that I’m not going to show you anything 0:00:51.269,0:00:56.000 scary, that I’ll tell you the truth no matter[br]what and that I won’t talk down to you, 0:00:56.000,0:00:59.129 cause you’re probably smarter than us adults! 0:00:59.129,0:01:01.449 Today we’re going to talk about the zoo! 0:01:01.449,0:01:03.539 If you’re like me, you love animals. 0:01:03.539,0:01:09.500 And the idea of getting to meet amazing animals[br]like lions, giraffes, elephants and monkeys 0:01:09.500,0:01:12.220 face-to-face is pretty exciting! 0:01:12.220,0:01:16.270 What’s even better is that adults think[br]it’s a great idea too. 0:01:16.270,0:01:21.590 A lot of kids go to the zoo with their family[br]or friends, or in school on a class fieldtrip. 0:01:21.590,0:01:24.080 So why would anyone not want to go to the[br]zoo? 0:01:24.080,0:01:28.060 Well, there are a number of reasons why vegans[br]don’t go to the zoo. 0:01:28.060,0:01:32.880 If you don’t know already, being vegan means[br]you don’t eat animals or anything that comes 0:01:32.880,0:01:38.300 out of them like milk, eggs, cheese, or honey[br]or wear anything from their bodies, like wool 0:01:38.300,0:01:39.860 or leather or silk. 0:01:39.860,0:01:42.160 Now this may be a little confusing at first. 0:01:42.160,0:01:46.950 I mean if vegans love animals so much, why[br]wouldn’t we want to go see them? 0:01:46.950,0:01:52.590 Well, being vegan isn’t just about not eating[br]or wearing animals—it’s also about not 0:01:52.590,0:01:54.840 using them for our entertainment. 0:01:54.840,0:01:59.800 So it’s actually because of how much we[br]love animals that we don’t go to the zoo. 0:01:59.800,0:02:02.880 Let’s go over some of the reasons together! 0:02:02.880,0:02:07.020 While there are some pretty horrible zoos[br]out there where all of the animals are in 0:02:07.020,0:02:11.450 really tiny cages, you may have seen zoos[br]where the animals seem to have a lot of space 0:02:11.450,0:02:12.620 to move around. 0:02:12.620,0:02:17.569 But what may seem like a whole lot of room[br]to you and me can still be really small for 0:02:17.569,0:02:18.569 them! 0:02:18.569,0:02:22.890 In nature, some animals, like elephants, will[br]walk for miles every day. 0:02:22.890,0:02:28.230 And birds will migrate thousands of miles[br]every year, with one bird called the arctic 0:02:28.230,0:02:33.569 tern, flying up to 90,000 kilometers, or nearly[br]56,000 miles. 0:02:33.569,0:02:37.489 That’s more than going around the world[br]two times! 0:02:37.489,0:02:43.049 When you look at it that way, even the biggest[br]cages at the nicest zoos look really, really 0:02:43.049,0:02:44.200 small. 0:02:44.200,0:02:47.790 Just imagine being stuck in the same room[br]day after day after day. 0:02:47.790,0:02:52.970 I’m sure that even if you had the coolest[br]toys, sooner or later, you’d start feeling 0:02:52.970,0:02:53.970 a little crazy! 0:02:53.970,0:02:57.249 And that’s just how the animals feel. 0:02:57.249,0:03:01.519 Only it’s not a day or two—it’s every[br]single day for their entire lives. 0:03:01.519,0:03:06.959 If you’ve ever been to a zoo, you may have[br]seen tigers, or panthers walking back and 0:03:06.959,0:03:13.579 forth, or elephants swaying side to side,[br]monkeys climbing up and down again and again, 0:03:13.579,0:03:17.310 or other animals doing the same motions over[br]and over and over. 0:03:17.310,0:03:22.440 This is something called zoochosis, which[br]basically means these animals are going crazy 0:03:22.440,0:03:23.900 from being locked up. 0:03:23.900,0:03:28.799 We’ve talked in other videos about how animals[br]have feelings just like you and me, even if 0:03:28.799,0:03:31.709 they express them in ways we may not understand. 0:03:31.709,0:03:37.080 Well, they can also get depressed, anxious,[br]and even become psychotic when they are in 0:03:37.080,0:03:41.629 really stressful situations, just like you[br]or I would. 0:03:41.629,0:03:46.959 Some animals in zoos were trapped in the wild,[br]taken away from their family and home. 0:03:46.959,0:03:48.359 Imagine how scary that would be! 0:03:48.359,0:03:54.029 Now you may be wondering, if zoos are so bad[br]for the animals, why do so many people support 0:03:54.029,0:03:55.029 them? 0:03:55.029,0:03:59.640 Well, lots of people think zoos are a fun[br]place where kids can go to learn about animals 0:03:59.640,0:04:00.640 and nature. 0:04:00.640,0:04:05.420 I have an entire video about zoos and education[br]that you can watch later here, but from what 0:04:05.420,0:04:10.209 we’ve already talked about, you can see[br]why this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. 0:04:10.209,0:04:15.519 I mean going to the zoo to learn about animals[br]and nature is like riding in bumper cars to 0:04:15.519,0:04:16.670 learn how to drive! 0:04:16.670,0:04:20.950 Either way, you’re not going to really get[br]the right impression! 0:04:20.950,0:04:24.620 People also say that zoos are important because[br]of their conservation programs. 0:04:24.620,0:04:29.450 You see, a lot of different kinds of animals[br]are in danger of going extinct—and some 0:04:29.450,0:04:30.670 already have. 0:04:30.670,0:04:34.970 Humans have destroyed their homes, polluted[br]their habitats, and hunted them until there 0:04:34.970,0:04:36.600 are only a few left. 0:04:36.600,0:04:40.440 Now I’m sure you know that if you hurt someone,[br]or if you’ve done something wrong, it’s 0:04:40.440,0:04:43.710 important to take responsibility and try your[br]best to make it better. 0:04:43.710,0:04:48.390 Well that’s what conservation programs are[br]about—they help these animals repopulate, 0:04:48.390,0:04:51.730 meaning grow in numbers, so that they don’t[br]disappear forever. 0:04:51.730,0:04:56.760 This is of course a very important thing for[br]us to do, but zoos are just not the place 0:04:56.760,0:04:57.760 to do it! 0:04:57.760,0:05:02.420 These animals need to be as close to nature[br]as possible, so that when the time comes, 0:05:02.420,0:05:04.370 they can return to the wild. 0:05:04.370,0:05:09.040 Just like you and I won’t learn much about[br]how animals act in nature at a zoo, neither 0:05:09.040,0:05:11.270 will the animals born there! 0:05:11.270,0:05:16.060 We can help endangered animals without sticking[br]them in a cage for people to look at. 0:05:16.060,0:05:19.010 The sad truth is that zoos are businesses. 0:05:19.010,0:05:24.010 I know I’ve said this before in a lot of[br]my videos for you, but so many times, the 0:05:24.010,0:05:29.560 strange and even really awful things adults[br]do is because of money. 0:05:29.560,0:05:33.470 And I’ll be honest, it can be hard not going[br]to the zoo if it’s one of your favorite 0:05:33.470,0:05:34.470 things! 0:05:34.470,0:05:38.810 But I know you’re old enough and smart enough[br]to know that just because you want something, 0:05:38.810,0:05:42.490 doesn’t mean it’s okay to hurt someone[br]else to get it. 0:05:42.490,0:05:47.500 This is something we adults are usually pretty[br]good at teaching, but not at all something 0:05:47.500,0:05:49.460 we’re good at doing! 0:05:49.460,0:05:54.360 Sometimes the best way to love animals is[br]to leave them alone to be animals! 0:05:54.360,0:05:58.180 You can still learn all about them in their[br]natural habitat, and much better than you 0:05:58.180,0:05:59.600 could in a zoo! 0:05:59.600,0:06:04.310 There are so many books, TV shows, and movies[br]that bring you all over the world to see all 0:06:04.310,0:06:05.610 kinds of amazing animals! 0:06:05.610,0:06:10.880 You can even still meet some of them in real[br]life at places like farm animal sanctuaries. 0:06:10.880,0:06:15.390 I’ve included links on the blog post for[br]this video to help you find places to meet 0:06:15.390,0:06:18.000 animals and how to learn more about them! 0:06:18.000,0:06:22.690 You can be a friend to the animals all over[br]the world when you say NO to zoos! 0:06:22.690,0:06:26.940 And just like we talked about in my video[br]about being a superhero, when you don’t 0:06:26.940,0:06:30.940 eat animals either, you’re also helping[br]the environment, so they can stay in their 0:06:30.940,0:06:32.900 homes where they belong. 0:06:32.900,0:06:34.960 Not in cages or enclosures. 0:06:34.960,0:06:36.560 But with their family. 0:06:36.560,0:06:37.560 Just like it should be. 0:06:37.560,0:06:39.310 Now that’s pretty amazing. 0:06:39.310,0:06:41.580 I hope this video was helpful. 0:06:41.580,0:06:44.980 Let me know what you thought in the comments[br]and if you have other things you’d like 0:06:44.980,0:06:47.440 me to cover, feel free to tell me! 0:06:47.440,0:06:51.240 If you liked this video, do give it a thumbs[br]up and share it around to help other kids 0:06:51.240,0:06:52.240 learn the truth. 0:06:52.240,0:06:55.890 If you’re new here, do hit that big red[br]subscribe button down there for more awesome 0:06:55.890,0:07:00.360 vegan content every week and to not miss out[br]the on the rest of my videos for kids. 0:07:00.360,0:07:04.120 If you’re an adult and you want to help[br]support Bite Size Vegan, check out either 0:07:04.120,0:07:07.030 of the support links in the video description[br]below or click on the Nugget Army icon or 0:07:07.030,0:07:08.070 the link in the sidebar. 0:07:08.070,0:07:12.730 Now go live vegan, say “no way!” to zoo[br]day, and I’ll see you soon!