0:00:00.270,0:00:01.862 Hi KQED, 0:00:01.862,0:00:03.848 my name is Stephen Malnowski. 0:00:03.848,0:00:06.047 Let me tell you what I've been making. 0:00:06.978,0:00:09.594 A while ago, when I was learning to read music, 0:00:09.594,0:00:11.826 I could follow the score for a single instrument 0:00:11.826,0:00:15.378 [violin playing] 0:00:18.490,0:00:21.234 much more easily than a score with many instruments. 0:00:21.234,0:00:24.104 [orchestra playing] 0:00:26.491,0:00:28.889 To make complex scores that were easier to read, 0:00:28.889,0:00:32.930 I condensed them by putting all the notes on a single staff, 0:00:32.930,0:00:34.837 like in piano music. 0:00:34.837,0:00:39.593 Unfortunately, this made it hard to see which instrument was playing which note. 0:00:39.593,0:00:42.470 I tried coloring the notes by instrument. 0:00:42.470,0:00:46.354 That worked better, but since all the note symbols were about the same size, 0:00:46.354,0:00:51.193 a long note for one instrument could easily be lost among shorter notes of other instruments. 0:00:51.193,0:00:54.137 The solution was to use bar graph notation. 0:00:54.137,0:00:57.145 At first, I drew paper scrolls by hand, 0:00:59.974,0:01:02.688 but later I learned how to make them with computer software. 0:01:02.688,0:01:06.761 The first version, on the Atari 800, looked and sounded like this: 0:01:06.761,0:01:10.149 [electronic song plays] 0:01:26.325,0:01:30.630 The second one, on an IBM PC, looked like this: 0:01:30.630,0:01:35.858 [harpsichord arrangement] 0:02:03.118,0:02:06.379 Over the years, I experimented with other ways of showing music. 0:02:06.379,0:02:09.764 [classical piano playing] 0:02:23.416,0:02:26.134 [Beethoven's 5th Symphony] 0:03:04.092,0:03:04.092 [adagio piece] 0:03:26.138,0:03:29.162 [allegro violin] 0:03:43.130,0:03:45.943 [Bach's Cello Suite #1] 0:03:54.561,0:03:59.656 Recently a violinist told me he wanted to use my visualizations in live performance. 0:03:59.656,0:04:04.307 So I made a version of my software in which the timing of the animation is controlled with a crank. 0:04:07.713,0:04:10.058 We tried this out with the symphony orchestra. 0:04:10.058,0:04:12.254 It worked.