0:00:14.729,0:00:18.600 On a personal note, 0:00:20.880,0:00:26.900 this is a picture of me[br]taken around the time that my grandmother 0:00:26.930,0:00:32.080 was diagnosed with end-stage heart[br]disease and sent home to die. 0:00:32.979,0:00:35.045 She already had so many bypass surgeries, 0:00:35.070,0:00:36.554 basically run out of plumbing, 0:00:36.579,0:00:38.846 confined to a wheel chair,[br]crushing chest pain. 0:00:38.871,0:00:43.688 Her life was over at age 65. 0:00:45.447,0:00:48.442 But then she heard about[br]this guy, Nathan Pritikin, 0:00:48.467,0:00:50.692 one of our early[br]lifestyle medicine pioneers, 0:00:50.717,0:00:53.975 and what happened next is actually[br]detailed in Pritikin's biography. 0:00:54.000,0:00:57.564 My grandma was one[br]of the "death's door" people. 0:00:57.589,0:01:01.044 Frances Greger, my grandmother,[br]arrived in a wheel chair. 0:01:01.069,0:01:03.532 Mrs. Greger had heart disease,[br]angina, claudication. 0:01:03.557,0:01:05.736 Her condition is so bad, 0:01:05.761,0:01:09.269 she could no longer walk[br]without great pain in her chest and legs. 0:01:09.294,0:01:11.415 Within three weeks, though, 0:01:11.440,0:01:13.606 she was not only out of her wheel chair, 0:01:13.631,0:01:18.063 she was walking 10 miles a day! 0:01:18.088,0:01:21.717 Here's a picture of my grandma[br]at her grandson's wedding, 0:01:21.742,0:01:24.822 15 years after doctors[br]abandoned her to die. 0:01:24.992,0:01:29.724 She was given a medical death sentence[br]at age 65, but thanks to a healthy diet, 0:01:29.749,0:01:34.601 She was able to enjoy another 31 years on[br]this planet until age 96 -- 0:01:34.626,0:01:39.377 (Applause) 0:01:39.412,0:01:42.891 to enjoy her six grand kids including me. 0:01:42.916,0:01:46.265 That's why I went into medicine. 0:01:46.300,0:01:48.019 (Laughter) 0:01:48.044,0:01:53.245 Years later, when Dr. Dean Ornish published[br]his landmark lifestyle heart trial, 0:01:53.270,0:01:55.860 proving with something called[br]quantitative angiography, 0:01:55.909,0:01:58.965 that indeed heart disease could[br]be reversed, arteries opened up, 0:01:58.990,0:02:00.846 without drugs, without surgery, 0:02:00.871,0:02:03.900 just a plant-based diet[br]and lifestyle program, 0:02:03.925,0:02:07.174 I assumed this was going [br]to be the game changer. 0:02:07.396,0:02:11.871 My family had seen it with their own eyes,[br]but here it was in black and white, 0:02:11.896,0:02:15.359 published in some of the most prestigious[br]medical journals in the world, 0:02:15.384,0:02:17.760 yet nothing happened. 0:02:17.785,0:02:19.213 I said, "wait a second." 0:02:19.238,0:02:23.048 If effectively the cure[br]to our number one killer 0:02:23.073,0:02:25.588 could get lost [br]down some rabbit hole and ignored, 0:02:25.613,0:02:29.333 what else might there be in the medical[br]literature that could help my patients, 0:02:29.358,0:02:32.877 but just didn't have a corporate[br]budget driving its promotion? 0:02:33.248,0:02:37.437 Well, I made it[br]my life's mission to find out. 0:02:37.462,0:02:39.535 For those who are not familiar[br]with my work, 0:02:39.560,0:02:40.868 every year I read through 0:02:40.869,0:02:44.154 every issue of every English language[br]nutrition journal in the world 0:02:44.179,0:02:46.500 so busy folks like you don't have to. 0:02:46.600,0:02:47.966 (Laughter) 0:02:47.991,0:02:52.226 I then compile the most interesting,[br]ground breaking, and practical findings 0:02:52.251,0:02:57.170 in new videos and articles I upload daily[br]to my nonprofit site, NutritionFacts.org. 0:02:57.195,0:02:58.818 Everything on the website is free. 0:02:58.843,0:03:01.397 There are no ads[br]and no corporate sponsorships. 0:03:01.422,0:03:04.181 Strictly non-commercial.[br]Not selling anything. 0:03:04.206,0:03:07.170 Just put it up as a public[br]service, as a labor of love, 0:03:07.195,0:03:12.212 as a tribute to my grandmother. 0:03:12.237,0:03:17.360 New videos and articles every day on[br]the latest in evidence-based nutrition. 0:03:17.385,0:03:19.694 What a concept! 0:03:19.760,0:03:22.164 So where did Pritikin[br]get his evidence from? 0:03:22.189,0:03:25.548 A network of missionary hospitals[br]set up throughout sub-Saharan Africa 0:03:25.573,0:03:29.363 uncovered what may be one of the[br]most important medical advance -- 0:03:29.388,0:03:32.487 according to one of our best[br]medical figures of the last century, 0:03:32.512,0:03:33.666 Dr. Dennis Burkit -- 0:03:33.691,0:03:36.899 the fact that many of our major[br]and commonest diseases 0:03:36.900,0:03:40.322 were universally rare, like heart disease. 0:03:40.347,0:03:42.780 In the African population of Uganda,[br]for example, 0:03:42.805,0:03:46.076 coronary heart disease[br]was almost non-existent. 0:03:46.101,0:03:49.841 Wait a second,[br]our number one killer almost non-existent? 0:03:49.866,0:03:51.771 What were they eating? 0:03:51.796,0:03:53.390 (Laughter) 0:03:53.500,0:03:57.458 Well, they're eating[br]lots of vegetables and grains and greens, 0:03:57.459,0:04:02.678 and their protein almost[br]entirely from plant sources, 0:04:02.679,0:04:05.739 and they had the cholesterol[br]levels to prove it, 0:04:05.740,0:04:09.579 very similar to what one sees[br]in kind of a modern day plant eater. 0:04:09.580,0:04:11.949 You say, "Wait a second." 0:04:11.950,0:04:16.399 Maybe they were just dying early, never[br]lived long enough to get heart disease. 0:04:16.423,0:04:22.599 No. Here's age-matched heart attack[br]rates in Uganda versus St. Louis. 0:04:22.600,0:04:26.488 Out of 632 autopsies in Uganda,[br]only one myocardial infarction. 0:04:27.035,0:04:32.005 Out of 632 age and gender matched[br]autopsies in Missouri, 0:04:32.030,0:04:33.951 136 myocardial infarctions -- 0:04:33.976,0:04:36.720 more than 100 times[br]the rate of our leading killer. 0:04:36.745,0:04:40.680 They were so blown away, went back,[br]did another 800 autopsies in Uganda. 0:04:40.705,0:04:44.693 Still just that one small healed infarct;[br]it wasn't even the cause of death. 0:04:44.871,0:04:50.477 Out of 1,427 patients, less than 1/1,000, 0:04:50.548,0:04:54.892 whereas here our disease is an epidemic. 0:04:54.917,0:05:01.465 Atherosclerosis, hardening of arteries,[br]is a disease that begins in childhood. 0:05:01.490,0:05:06.340 By age 10, nearly all the kids raised [br]on the standard American diet 0:05:06.365,0:05:09.498 already have fatty streaks[br]building up inside of their arteries -- 0:05:09.523,0:05:12.147 the first stage of the disease. 0:05:12.172,0:05:15.791 These streaks then[br]turn into plaques in our 20s, 0:05:15.976,0:05:20.986 get worse in our 30s,[br]an then can start killing us off. 0:05:21.588,0:05:23.550 In the heart, it's called a heart attack; 0:05:23.575,0:05:27.294 in the brain, the same disease[br]can cause a stroke. 0:05:27.380,0:05:33.629 So if there's anyone here today[br]older than age 10 -- 0:05:33.654,0:05:36.653 (Laughter) 0:05:36.800,0:05:40.535 then the question isn't whether or not[br]to eat healthy to prevent heart disease; 0:05:40.574,0:05:46.490 it's whether you want to reverse[br]the heart disease you likely already have, 0:05:46.515,0:05:48.649 whether you know it or not. 0:05:48.674,0:05:50.138 But is that even possible? 0:05:50.163,0:05:52.653 When researchers took people[br]with heart disease, 0:05:52.678,0:05:54.418 put them on the plant-based diet 0:05:54.419,0:05:57.262 eaten by populations[br]that didn't get epidemic heart disease, 0:05:57.310,0:05:59.988 their hope was that we could[br]slow the disease down a bit, 0:06:00.013,0:06:03.754 maybe even stop it. 0:06:03.779,0:06:07.008 But instead something miraculous happened. 0:06:07.009,0:06:09.618 As soon as people stopped[br]eating artery-clogging diets, 0:06:09.619,0:06:12.404 their bodies were able to dissolve[br]some of the plaque away, 0:06:12.429,0:06:14.990 opening arteries, only without drugs,[br]without surgery, 0:06:15.015,0:06:18.108 suggesting the bodies[br]wanted to be healthy all along, 0:06:18.133,0:06:20.162 but weren't never given the chance. 0:06:21.328,0:06:26.287 That remarkable improvement in blood[br]flow to the heart muscle itself 0:06:26.439,0:06:32.460 was after just three weeks[br]of plant-based nutrition. 0:06:32.485,0:06:36.269 The human body is a self-healing machine, 0:06:36.294,0:06:40.829 unless you're sticking it[br]with a fork three times a day. 0:06:41.030,0:06:46.438 Now sure, you can use moderation [br]and hit yourself with a smaller hammer -- 0:06:46.439,0:06:47.929 (Laughter) 0:06:48.249,0:06:51.282 but why beat yourself up at all? 0:06:51.307,0:06:52.896 This is nothing new. 0:06:52.921,0:06:56.351 American Heart Journal, 1977,[br]cases like Mr. F.W. here. 0:06:56.376,0:06:58.085 His heart disease was so bad, 0:06:58.110,0:07:01.100 that he couldn't even[br]make it to the mail box. 0:07:01.489,0:07:03.950 He started eating healthier,[br]and a few months later, 0:07:03.975,0:07:07.175 he was climbing mountains, with no pain. 0:07:07.176,0:07:08.326 All right? 0:07:08.351,0:07:09.674 (Laughter) 0:07:09.699,0:07:13.881 Now there are these fancy new classes[br]of anti-angina drugs on the market now. 0:07:13.906,0:07:15.793 They cost thousands of dollars a year, 0:07:15.818,0:07:18.853 but at the highest dose, may be able[br]to extend exercise duration 0:07:18.878,0:07:21.377 as long as 33.5 seconds. 0:07:21.402,0:07:24.009 (Laughter) 0:07:24.034,0:07:26.348 It doesn't look like those[br]choosing the drugs 0:07:26.373,0:07:30.675 are going to be climbing[br]mountains anytime soon. 0:07:30.699,0:07:31.849 (Laughter) 0:07:31.850,0:07:34.179 Plant-based diets aren't just[br]safer and cheaper. 0:07:34.204,0:07:39.915 They can work better since you're treating[br]the underlying cause of the disease. 0:07:42.133,0:07:45.993 Normally I'd go on to cancer and talk[br]about the other 15 leading causes of death, 0:07:46.018,0:07:49.750 talk about how diet may playing a role[br]in preventing, arresting, and reversing 0:07:49.775,0:07:52.915 each of our top 15 killers, but[br]what more do you need to know? 0:07:52.940,0:07:57.650 There's only one diet ever been proven[br]to reverse heart disease 0:07:57.675,0:08:00.183 in the majority of patients:[br]a plant-based diet. 0:08:00.208,0:08:04.947 So any time someone tries to sell you[br]on some new diet, do me a favor, 0:08:04.972,0:08:06.444 Ask them one simple question. 0:08:06.469,0:08:09.651 "Has this diet been proven[br]to reverse heart disease, 0:08:09.676,0:08:12.214 the number one reason[br]me and my loved ones will die?" 0:08:12.239,0:08:15.235 I mean, if the answer is, "No,"[br]why would you even consider it? 0:08:15.260,0:08:17.837 If that's all a plant-based diet could do, 0:08:17.862,0:08:21.212 reverse the number one killer[br]of men and women, 0:08:22.006,0:08:25.585 shouldn't that kind of be default[br]diet until proven otherwise? 0:08:25.610,0:08:28.610 The fact it can also be useful[br]to prevent, arrest, and reverse 0:08:28.635,0:08:31.333 other top killers like[br]type II diabetes and hypertension 0:08:31.358,0:08:36.893 would seem to make the case for[br]plant-based eating simply overwhelming. 0:08:36.918,0:08:41.876 Most deaths in the United States [br]are preventable 0:08:41.916,0:08:45.293 and related to nutrition. 0:08:45.622,0:08:47.869 According to the Global Burden[br]of Disease study, 0:08:47.894,0:08:50.815 the largest study of human[br]disease risk factors in history, 0:08:50.840,0:08:53.129 funded by the[br]Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 0:08:53.130,0:08:58.391 the number one cause of death in[br]these United States: it's our diet. 0:08:58.416,0:09:04.435 The number one cause of disability[br]in the United States: it's our diet. 0:09:04.460,0:09:07.216 Now bumping tobacco smoking to number two, 0:09:07.241,0:09:10.616 cigarettes now only kill about a half[br]a million Americans every year, 0:09:10.641,0:09:16.671 whereas our diet kills hundreds[br]of thousands more. 0:09:16.696,0:09:19.988 So if most deaths are preventable,[br]related to nutrition, 0:09:19.989,0:09:23.538 then obviously nutrition[br]is the number one thing 0:09:23.539,0:09:25.442 taught in medical school, right? 0:09:25.467,0:09:26.661 (Laughter) 0:09:26.686,0:09:30.319 I mean, I mean, obviously[br]it's the number one thing 0:09:30.320,0:09:35.513 your doctor talks to you about[br]every single visit, right? 0:09:36.905,0:09:39.446 How could there be this disconnect 0:09:39.471,0:09:44.109 between the science[br]and the practice of medicine? 0:09:46.000,0:09:49.279 Let's do a thought experiment. 0:09:49.304,0:09:54.611 Imagine yourself a smoker[br]back in the 1950s. 0:09:54.635,0:09:56.738 (Laughter) 0:09:56.809,0:10:02.422 Back in the 1950s the average[br]per capita cigarette consumption 0:10:02.447,0:10:04.315 was 4,000 cigarettes a year, 0:10:04.350,0:10:09.469 meaning the average person walking around[br]smoked half a pack a day, on average. 0:10:09.470,0:10:12.579 The media was telling people to smoke. 0:10:12.580,0:10:16.793 Famous athletes agreed, even Santa Claus[br]wanted you to smoke. 0:10:16.817,0:10:18.817 (Laughter) 0:10:20.381,0:10:21.585 I mean, look. 0:10:21.610,0:10:24.767 You want to keep fit and stay slender? 0:10:24.792,0:10:28.668 So, make sure to smoke [br]and eat lots of hot dogs to stay trim, 0:10:28.669,0:10:32.059 and lots of sugar to stay slim and trim. 0:10:32.263,0:10:37.115 A lot better than that apple there.[br]I mean, sheesh, right? 0:10:37.383,0:10:39.763 "Though apples do connote[br]goodness and freshness," 0:10:39.788,0:10:41.877 reads one internal tobacco industry memo, 0:10:41.902,0:10:44.875 bringing up "many possibilities[br]for youth-oriented cigarettes." 0:10:44.900,0:10:49.457 They wanted to make apple-flavored[br]cigarettes for kids. Shameless. 0:10:51.330,0:10:54.329 "For digestion's sake, you smoke." 0:10:54.618,0:10:57.999 No curative powers[br]claimed by Philip Morris, 0:10:58.000,0:11:02.645 but hey, better to be safe[br]than sorry and smoke. 0:11:04.614,0:11:09.182 "Blow in her face and she'll[br]follow you anywhere!" 0:11:09.206,0:11:13.930 (Laughter) 0:11:17.466,0:11:19.565 "No woman ever says no." 0:11:19.590,0:11:23.075 They're "so round, so firm,[br]so fully packed." 0:11:23.100,0:11:25.693 (Laughter) 0:11:25.718,0:11:31.473 After all, John Wayne smoked them[br]until he got lung cancer and died. 0:11:31.900,0:11:36.271 You know, back then [br]even the paleo folks were smoking. 0:11:36.295,0:11:38.295 (Laughter) 0:11:38.930,0:11:41.820 And so were the doctors. 0:11:41.830,0:11:46.140 Now this is not to say there wasn't[br]controversy within the medical profession. 0:11:46.150,0:11:50.949 Sure, you know, some doctors smoked[br]Camels, but others preferred Lucky's, 0:11:50.950,0:11:53.199 so there was a little disagreement there. 0:11:53.200,0:11:55.982 The leader of the US Senate agreed, 0:11:56.007,0:11:58.358 who would want[br]to give their throat a break? 0:11:58.359,0:12:01.158 "Not a single case of throat irritation." 0:12:01.159,0:12:07.495 How could there be when "cigarettes[br]are just as pure as the water you drink." 0:12:08.860,0:12:11.338 Maybe up in Flint, Michigan. 0:12:11.362,0:12:13.362 (Laughter) 0:12:13.387,0:12:15.829 But don't worry, if you do get irritated, 0:12:15.830,0:12:20.469 your doctor can just write you[br]a prescription for cigarettes. 0:12:20.470,0:12:23.739 This is in the Journal[br]of the American Medical Association. 0:12:23.740,0:12:26.788 So when the AMA is saying smoking,[br]on balance, is good for you; 0:12:26.789,0:12:29.268 when the American Medical[br]Association is saying that, 0:12:29.269,0:12:33.965 where could you turn back then[br]if you just wanted the facts? 0:12:33.990,0:12:36.519 What's the new data advanced by science? 0:12:36.520,0:12:41.040 Well, she was too tired for fun,[br]and "then she smoked a Camel." 0:12:41.064,0:12:43.064 (Laughter) 0:12:43.150,0:12:47.140 Babe Ruth spoke of proof-positive[br]medical science, 0:12:47.150,0:12:53.099 that is when he still could speak[br]before he died of throat cancer. 0:12:53.591,0:12:59.053 You know, if by some miracle back then[br]there was a SmokingFacts.org website 0:12:59.078,0:13:01.089 that could deliver the science directly, 0:13:01.090,0:13:03.759 bypassing commercially[br]corruptible institutional filters, 0:13:03.760,0:13:05.830 you would have known of studies like this. 0:13:06.337,0:13:09.699 This is an Adventist study[br]out of California and published in 1958, 0:13:09.700,0:13:15.069 showing that non-smokers had at least 90%[br]less lung cancer than smokers, right? 0:13:15.270,0:13:17.099 But this wasn't the first. 0:13:17.124,0:13:21.573 When famed surgeon Michael DeBakey[br]was asked why studies back in the '30s 0:13:21.598,0:13:24.938 linking lung cancer and[br]smoking were simply ignored, 0:13:24.963,0:13:27.344 he had to remind people[br]what it was like back then. 0:13:27.369,0:13:30.470 We were a smoking society.[br]It was everywhere. 0:13:30.495,0:13:32.276 It was in the movies, airplanes; 0:13:32.301,0:13:34.638 medical meetings[br]were one heavy haze of smoke. 0:13:34.663,0:13:38.673 Smoking was, in a word, normal. 0:13:39.660,0:13:42.668 OK. So back to our thought experiment. 0:13:42.669,0:13:48.099 If you're a smoker in the '50s[br]in the know, what do you do? 0:13:48.100,0:13:49.888 I mean with access to the science, 0:13:50.438,0:13:52.800 you realize the best available[br]balance of evidence 0:13:52.825,0:13:55.158 suggests your smoking habit—[br]not so good for you. 0:13:55.159,0:13:57.569 So do you change or do you wait? 0:13:57.570,0:14:04.509 If you wait until your doc says, between[br]puffs, to quit, you'd have cancer by then. 0:14:05.239,0:14:08.198 If you wait until the powers[br]that be officially recognize it, 0:14:08.223,0:14:10.959 like the Surgeon General did in the[br]subsequent decade, 0:14:10.984,0:14:12.969 you'd be dead by then. 0:14:12.994,0:14:19.639 It took more than 7,000 studies[br]and the deaths of countless smokers 0:14:19.640,0:14:23.249 before the first Surgeon General's report[br]against smoking came out. 0:14:23.274,0:14:26.669 You'd think maybe after[br]the first 6,000 studies, 0:14:26.670,0:14:30.438 could give people[br]a little heads up or something? 0:14:30.463,0:14:32.728 Powerful industry. 0:14:32.753,0:14:38.659 Maybe we should have stopped[br]smoking after the 700th study, like this. 0:14:38.928,0:14:42.781 As a smoker in the '50s, one on hand,[br]you had society, the government, 0:14:42.806,0:14:46.619 the medical profession itself[br]telling you to smoke. 0:14:46.620,0:14:50.944 And on the other hand,[br]all you had was the science, 0:14:50.969,0:14:54.216 if you're even aware of studies like this. 0:14:54.271,0:14:56.139 All right, let's fast forward 55 years. 0:14:56.140,0:14:58.499 There's a new[br]Adventist study out of California 0:14:58.500,0:15:02.024 warning Americans about something else[br]they may be putting in their mouths. 0:15:02.448,0:15:05.500 Of course, it's not just one study;[br]put all the studies together. 0:15:05.550,0:15:08.854 The mortality from all causes together,[br]many of our dreaded diseases, 0:15:08.879,0:15:13.847 significantly lower among those eating[br]more plant-based diets. 0:15:14.020,0:15:20.511 So, instead of someone going along[br]with America's smoking habits in the '50s, 0:15:20.829,0:15:26.608 imagine you or someone you know going[br]along with America's eating habits today. 0:15:28.000,0:15:29.181 What would you do? 0:15:29.206,0:15:32.925 With access to the science, you realize[br]the best available balance of evidence 0:15:32.950,0:15:35.094 suggests your eating habits[br]are not so good. 0:15:35.119,0:15:36.958 So do you change, or do you wait? 0:15:36.983,0:15:41.854 If you wait until your doctor tells you,[br]between bites, to change, 0:15:41.994,0:15:43.190 it'll be too late. 0:15:43.215,0:15:46.008 In fact even after[br]the Surgeon General's report came out, 0:15:46.033,0:15:49.432 the American Medical Association[br]went on record refusing to endorse it. 0:15:49.457,0:15:53.016 Why? Could it have been because they[br]were just handed the $10 million check 0:15:53.041,0:15:56.275 from the tobacco industry?[br]Maybe. 0:15:56.300,0:15:57.462 (Laughter) 0:15:57.487,0:15:59.876 We know why the tobacco[br]industry was sucking up, 0:15:59.901,0:16:02.511 why the AMA was sucking up[br]to the tobacco industry, 0:16:02.536,0:16:05.395 but why weren't more and more[br]individual doctors speaking up? 0:16:05.420,0:16:08.319 There were a few gallant souls[br]ahead of their time, 0:16:08.344,0:16:10.718 speaking up against[br]industries killing millions, 0:16:10.743,0:16:11.963 but why not more? 0:16:11.988,0:16:18.857 Maybe it's because the majority[br]of physicians themselves 0:16:18.882,0:16:20.400 smoked cigarettes. 0:16:20.425,0:16:22.914 Just like most physicians[br]today continue to eat foods 0:16:22.939,0:16:26.156 that are contributing to our[br]epidemics of dietary disease. 0:16:26.181,0:16:28.580 What was the AMA's rallying cry back then? 0:16:28.605,0:16:30.327 Everything in moderation. 0:16:30.352,0:16:36.060 Extensive scientific studies have proven[br]smoking in moderation, oh, that's fine. 0:16:36.341,0:16:38.621 Sound familiar? 0:16:38.646,0:16:41.395 The food industry used[br]the same tobacco industry tactics, 0:16:41.420,0:16:43.758 twisting the science, misinformation. 0:16:43.871,0:16:45.361 The same scientists were hired, 0:16:45.386,0:16:48.429 paid to downplay the risks [br]of cigarettes and toxic chemicals, 0:16:48.454,0:16:52.193 are the same paid for by the[br]National Confectioners Association 0:16:52.218,0:16:53.927 to downplay the risks of candy, 0:16:53.952,0:16:59.054 and the same paid for by the meat[br]industry to downplay the risks of meat, 0:16:59.192,0:17:01.673 whereas animal foods and processed foods, 0:17:01.698,0:17:07.906 you're killing off at least[br]14 million people every year. 0:17:07.931,0:17:11.502 So those of us involved in this kind[br]of evidence-based nutrition revolution, 0:17:11.528,0:17:15.157 we're talking about 14 million lives[br]in the balance. 0:17:15.795,0:17:18.075 Maybe, plant-based nutrition 0:17:18.099,0:17:22.122 should be considered as the nutritional[br]equivalent of quitting smoking, 0:17:22.146,0:17:23.691 but how long do we have to wait 0:17:23.715,0:17:26.290 before the CDC says don't wait[br]for open heart surgery; 0:17:26.316,0:17:30.147 to start eating healthier as well. 0:17:30.306,0:17:32.386 Until the system changes, 0:17:32.435,0:17:36.907 we need to take personal responsibility[br]for our health, for our family's health. 0:17:36.932,0:17:41.281 We can't wait until society[br]catches up to the science again 0:17:41.678,0:17:45.332 because it's a matter of life and death. 0:17:45.409,0:17:47.452 A few years ago 0:17:47.500,0:17:51.662 Dr. Kim Williams became President[br]of the American College of Cardiology. 0:17:51.687,0:17:53.025 He was asked in an interview 0:17:53.050,0:17:56.155 why he follows the same diet he recommends[br]to all of his patients, 0:17:56.180,0:17:57.600 a strictly plant-based diet. 0:17:57.625,0:18:00.815 "I don't mind dying,"[br]Dr. Williams replied. 0:18:01.516,0:18:04.352 "I just don't want it to be my own fault." 0:18:04.377,0:18:05.765 (Laughter) 0:18:06.400,0:18:07.894 Thank you. 0:18:07.918,0:18:11.825 (Applause)