[Music] You know what we wouldn't have found, if we hadn't had stayed on the trail? A waterfall, a cliff.. "What is that?" "Oh my god, oh my god!" I saw someone. I did I swear. I saw someone "My country tis of thee.." It's a story people know, but don't talk about. Except in whispers, like a ghost story.. "Sweet land of liberty" We don't bother them, and they don't bother us. "Of thee I see" But anyone who goes up there, they don't come back. [Screaming] "Land where my fathers die" It's happened before.. "Land of the pilgrims pray" Descendants of these people are still living up there on the mountain? [Music playing] They said they would be the foundation on which a new nation would be built. "From every mountain sight" "Let freedom ring"