If I forgave, and I did Mengele, Hitler; let's say that I would have forgiven them in 19...50. 19...55, ten years after liberation. Would Mengele, Hitler, Himmler, any of them, know, or care? No. Who else would have it really affected? - You. Me. So, let's get to that idea, to understand: Why is the forgiveness? And what would it have done to me? Could I change anything of what happened? The tragedy, could I change it? Could anybody change it? If I climbed to Mount Everest, and screamed on the top of my voice, could anybody do anything? So, basically, once a tragic thing happens, or anything, good or bad, you cannot change it. Does any victim deserve to live without pain that other people, or life, imposed on them? Yes. Every person should be able to live without hurting. I didn't deserve anything to be treated that way. So my question is: If I deserve to live without the pain, how on earth am I going to get there? The only thing that I came up with, it was accidental that I discovered forgiveness. That, by forgiving, I am not forgetting, because I keep talking about it; but I am no longer hurting. I can talk about it without pain, and, also, it makes me feel like I have risen above the pain, because I can discuss it, but not be destroyed by it. So it's a very interesting idea, that to conquer the pain, without really ever -- I never hurt anybody. So, why on earth can't I do it? My solution does not -- I don't punish anybody, I don't send anybody to jail, I don't kill anybody, I don't denounce anybody. I am just forgiving, to heal myself. And I cannot see how on earth that can be wrong.