[Sad instrumental music.] June Legg: I was a nurse in Llwynypia hospital. We were all asked if we would like to help out, and my children were the same age as the ones that were... were trapped, in the school. And I didn't know if I could do it. I wanted to help, but I -- I just couldn't. And the nurse said, well, she said, "Think that at least the mothers will know that you're doing... [whispers] you'll be doing it for them. For the children, as well." And, uh... I realized, after, yes. [Sad music.] But, I -- I'm glad that she said that, because I had thought that I would just break down, but, uh... we went over to Aberfan. We were all posted up on the tip. And we were told, when the Klaxon horn went, to move. And we were there, we had a few minor injuries. And then, the Klaxon horn went. And we went down to an old chapel, by the river, and we were all getting ready to help out there, and we had the cover to move, because the river was flooding in. So, off we went again, and, somehow, I got lost from all the rest, and eventually, I found them. They were all being taken in the ambulance, for exposure. Because they only had their uniforms on. So, so they were taken back, and I was left there. I was going to meet my husband, because he was in the police force. He was there as well. Eventually, I found our little mini car, and my husband came, thank goodness. [Exhales.] And everywhere seemed to me to be black. Absolutely, it was pouring, and it was like black rain. There was a little road beside a canal, one drop on one side and the canal on the other, And luckily, we've been rallying, so we were able to follow the road, and we arrived safely home. But I'll never forget. Never forget that. I was just glad, in a way, that I didn't have to see any of the children, but I was there ready, if needed. [Sad instrumental music.]