Wow.. Girls! Yes. Girls.. Are these girls? Unbelievable... Your suits are so pretty. Thank you. Yours too! What the hell are you doing there? -Damn he’s here. Where’s the line?! Hurry! Quick! Assemble -We’re doomed! God help us. -Get in line! Like a thread! Hurry! Pull in your stomach! Hurry up! Hurry! Attention! -Someone stop him... Attention! And who would you be? New classmates sir. They just got here. Is that so.. So they will be a part of this class. Yes sir. Oh... Is that so.. Welcome! Get in line! Ladies would you mind getting in line as well please? Damn, look at him acting cool for the girls already. Prick Badi. Guys! This year I’m changing the gymnastic system entirely. Oh no! He’s gonna talk nonsense again. We’re switching to a philosophical system. [Chinese traditional music] Known all around the world... ...coming from East Asia... ...with its own philosophy... ..what’s the name of this sport? -Could it be cholera? WHAT?! -Jesus! ANSWER ME! He loves to keep us guessing. These idiots couldn’t answer. Could you, perhaps? No sir. That’s alright. You can one day. -Şaban! He’s calling me again. WHAT? -COME HERE! I’m coming. Tell me the name of this sport. Could it be wrestling? Don’t be ridiculous! I like you Şaban. -Thank you So let me give you a hint. It’s like this... [Starts yelling] I got it. Boxing! Don’t test me! My son. It’s aired on tv. Bonanza! NO IT'S NOT! It has a teacher. Like this... Oh. Charlie’s Angels! IDIOT! His teacher refers to him as an animal. How rude! Are you trying to call me a cow sir? No. It’s a jumping animal. Ah! Frog! What else? Flea?! Congrats. So it’s flea! No. Grasshopper. GRASSHOPPER! Can you guess the name of the show now? Yes I can. Oldboy. NO! Sir! Can I guess? Yes of course! Go ahead. Kung fu. Bravo. I congratulate you. I also congratulate the rest of the ladies. And I congratulate you sir. You explained it so well. Yes. Kung fu! What? Sport of the century! I’ll teach you all! My little grasshoppers! He finally lost it. What a pity! He was a good man. [Screams] Sir... Yes, grasshopper? Are you gonna teach us fung ku? No, grasshopper. Kung fu. I got it. Fung ku. Stupid grasshopper, don't test me! Kung fu. Ok, i'm saying fung ku too?