It's one-thirty and we have a number of people who put their name down for lightning talks, so let's begin. So, the rules are simple: five minutes and three slides, no more. We actually have a gap for the first session so we may as well skip straight over: Ian. [ Negotiating the projector. ] Ok, so I'm here to plug 'dgit', which is my baby - everybody should be using 'dgit'. Well not quite everyone, but we'll see. Put your hand up if you're comfortable with 'git'. Excellent, that's pretty good. Keep your hand up if you do bug-squashing NMUs. Right, you should be using 'git' for that. You should be using 'dgit' - you can put your hands down now - if you use 'dgit' you will be able to do everything in 'git', you will never need to read another 'debdiff', you can use 'git diff' and 'dgit' will make sure that what you upload is what you meant to upload. You don't have to care about maintainers with poor 'git' workflows or their weird 'git' trees You can just do everything in 'git'. You can cherry-pick your upstream bugfix directly from the upstream branch onto what 'dgit' gives you. Fix up the conflicts, 'dgit push', the job is done. You can 'dgit push' to 'DELAYED' as well now. Ok, so maintainers: who is a Debian package maintainer? Keep your hand up if you maintain it in 'git'. Keep your hand up if it's a 'native' package. You should be uploading it with 'dgit'! [laughter] You can put your hands down now. 'dgit' will publish your actual 'git' history for all its users who will then be able to send you pull requests, patches, you will be able to 'dgit pull' any non-maintainer upload (NMU) you will be able to 'dgit fetch' the NMU and review it just like you would with 'git fetch' even if the uploader didn't use 'dgit'. So maintainers again: who is a Debian maintainer? Who here amongst you generates your original archives from 'git' somehow? Maybe with 'pristine-tar', or 'git-buildpackage' branches, or something? [anticipatory laughter] You should be using 'dgit push', because 'dgit' will push your actual patch queue