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NEWSNIGHT - Paxman vs Brand. Full Interview.

  • 0:01 - 0:05
    [J] Russell Brand who are you
    to edit a political magazine?
  • 0:05 - 0:09
    [R] Well, I suppose like a person who's been
    politely asked by attractive woman.
  • 0:09 - 0:11
    I don't know what the typical criteria is,
  • 0:11 - 0:14
    I don't know many people that edit political magazines.
  • 0:14 - 0:16
    Boris, he used to do on, didn't he?
  • 0:16 - 0:19
    So I'm a person with crazy hair
    quite good sense of humor,
  • 0:19 - 0:21
    don't know much about politics,
    I'm ideal!
  • 0:21 - 0:23
    [J] But is it true you don't even vote?
  • 0:23 - 0:25
    [R] Yeah. No, I don't vote.
  • 0:25 - 0:27
    [J] Well how do you have any authority
    to talk about politics then?
  • 0:27 - 0:32
    [R] Well I don't get my authority from this
    pre-existing paradigm which is quite narrow
  • 0:32 - 0:34
    and only serves a few people.
  • 0:34 - 0:39
    I look elsewhere for alternatives that might be of service to humanity.
  • 0:39 - 0:42
    Alternate means, alternate political systems.
  • 0:42 - 0:43
    [J] They being?
  • 0:43 - 0:45
    [R] Well I've not invented it yet Jeremy!
  • 0:45 - 0:48
    I had to do a magazine last week,
    I've had a lot on me plate!
  • 0:48 - 0:50
    But, I say, here's the thing that it shouldn't do:
  • 0:50 - 0:52
    shouldn't destroy the planet,
  • 0:52 - 0:55
    shouldn't create massive economic disparity,
  • 0:55 - 0:57
    shouldn't ignore the needs of the people.
  • 0:57 - 1:01
    The burden of proof is on the people with the power
    not people like doing a magazine
  • 1:01 - 1:05
    [J] How do you imagine the people get power?
  • 1:05 - 1:08
    [R] Well I imagine there are sort of hierarchical systems that have been preserved for generations...
  • 1:08 - 1:10
    [J] They get power by being voted in...
  • 1:10 - 1:12
    You won't even be asked to vote.
  • 1:12 - 1:16
    [R] That's quite a narrow
    quite narrow prescriptive parameter
  • 1:16 - 1:17
    that changes within the...
  • 1:17 - 1:19
    [J] In a democracy, that's how it works.
  • 1:19 - 1:23
    [R] Well I don't think it's working very well Jeremy,
    given that the planet is being destroyed,
  • 1:23 - 1:25
    given there's economic disparity of a huge degree.
  • 1:25 - 1:28
    What you're saying there is no alternative?
    There is no alternative?
  • 1:28 - 1:31
    [J] No I'm not saying that. I'm saying that
    if you can't be asked to vote,
  • 1:31 - 1:33
    why should we be asked to listen
    to your political point of view?
  • 1:33 - 1:35
    [R] You don't have to listen to my
    political point of view,
  • 1:35 - 1:37
    but it's not that I'm not-voting out of apathy,
  • 1:37 - 1:42
    I'm not-voting out of absolute indifference, and weariness, and exhaustion,
  • 1:42 - 1:45
    from the lies, treachery, deceit of the political class,
  • 1:45 - 1:47
    that has been going on for generations now,
  • 1:47 - 1:49
    and which has now reached fever pitch
  • 1:49 - 1:52
    where we have a disenfranchised, disillusioned, despondent underclass,
  • 1:52 - 1:54
    that are not being represented
    by that political system.
  • 1:54 - 1:58
    So voting for it is tacit complicity with that system;
  • 1:58 - 2:00
    that's not something I'm offering up.
  • 2:00 - 2:01
    [J] Well why don't you change it then?
  • 2:01 - 2:03
    [R] I'm trying to!
  • 2:03 - 2:04
    [J] Well why don't you start by voting?
  • 2:04 - 2:06
    [J laughing] I don't think it works!
    People have voted already,
  • 2:06 - 2:08
    and that's what created the current paradigm.
  • 2:08 - 2:09
    [J] When did you last vote?
  • 2:09 - 2:10
    [R] Never.
  • 2:10 - 2:12
    [J] You've never ever voted?
  • 2:12 - 2:13
    [R] No, do you think that's really bad?
  • 2:13 - 2:16
    [J] So you struck an attitude, what,
    before the age of 18?
  • 2:16 - 2:18
    [R] Well i was busy being a drug addict at that point,
  • 2:18 - 2:20
    because I come from the kind of social conditions
    that are exacerbated
  • 2:20 - 2:24
    by an indifferent system that really just administrates for large corporations
  • 2:24 - 2:27
    and ignores the population that it was voted in to serve.
  • 2:27 - 2:30
    [J] You're blaming the political class for the fact
    that you had a drug problem?
  • 2:30 - 2:33
    [R] No no no. I'm saying I was part of the social and economic class
  • 2:33 - 2:36
    that is underserved by the current political system,
  • 2:36 - 2:39
    and drug addiction's one of the problems it creates.
  • 2:39 - 2:43
    When you have huge underserved impoverished populations, people get drug problems,
  • 2:43 - 2:48
    and also don't feel like they want to engage
    with the current political system
  • 2:48 - 2:50
    because they see that it doesn't work for them,
  • 2:50 - 2:53
    they see that it makes no difference,
    they see that they're not served.
  • 2:53 - 2:55
    [J] Of course it doesn't work for them
    if they don't bother to vote!
  • 2:55 - 2:59
    [R] Jeremy my darling, I'm not saying...
    The apathy doesn't come from us the people,
  • 2:59 - 3:01
    the apathy comes from the politicians
    they are apathetic to our needs.
  • 3:01 - 3:04
    They're only interested in servicing
    the needs of corporations.
  • 3:04 - 3:10
    Look at what... ain't the Tories going to court, to take the EU to court because they're trying to curtail bank bonuses?
  • 3:10 - 3:12
    Is that what's happening at the moment
    in our country?
  • 3:12 - 3:13
    It is, innit?
  • 3:13 - 3:15
    So why am i gonna tune in for that?
  • 3:15 - 3:17
    [J] You don't believe in democracy,
    you want a revolution, don't you?
  • 3:17 - 3:20
    [R] The planet is being destroyed,
    we are creating an underclass,
  • 3:20 - 3:23
    we are exploiting poor people all over the world
  • 3:23 - 3:27
    and the genuine legitimate problems of the people
    are not being addressed by our political class.
  • 3:27 - 3:29
    [J] All of those things may be true...
  • 3:29 - 3:30
    [R] They are true!
  • 3:30 - 3:33
    [J] But you took... I wouldn't argue with you about many of them...
  • 3:33 - 3:35
    [R] Well 'ow come I feel so cross with you?
  • 3:35 - 3:38
    It can't be because of that beard, it's gorgeous!
  • 3:38 - 3:40
    and if the Daily Mail don't want it, I do!
  • 3:40 - 3:43
    I'm against them! Grow it longer!
    Tangle it into your armpit hair!
  • 3:43 - 3:46
    [J] You are a very trivial man.
  • 3:46 - 3:47
    [R] Oh, do you think I'm trivial?
  • 3:47 - 3:48
    [J] Yes!
  • 3:48 - 3:51
    [R] A minute ago you were avin' a go at me because I want a revolution, now I'm trivial!
  • 3:51 - 3:53
    I'm bouncin' about all over the place!
  • 3:53 - 3:56
    [J] I'm not having a go at you because you want a revolution, many people want a revolution,
  • 3:56 - 3:58
    but I'm asking you what it will be like?
  • 3:58 - 4:00
    [R] Well I think what it won't be like is
  • 4:00 - 4:03
    a huge disparity between rich and poor
  • 4:03 - 4:10
    where 300 Americans have the same amount of wealth as the 85 million poorest Americans,
  • 4:10 - 4:15
    where there is a an exploited and underserved underclass that have been continually ignored,
  • 4:15 - 4:18
    where welfare is slashed while Cameron and Osborne go to court
  • 4:18 - 4:23
    to defend the rights of bankers to continue receiving their bonuses, that's all I'm saying.
  • 4:23 - 4:26
    [J] What's the scheme? That's all i'm asking, what's the scheme?
  • 4:26 - 4:29
    You talk vaguely about revolution, what is it?
  • 4:29 - 4:32
    [R] I think a socialist egalitarian system based on the massive redistribution of wealth,
  • 4:32 - 4:37
    heavy taxation of corporations and massive responsibility for energy companies
  • 4:37 - 4:39
    and any companies exploiting the environment,
  • 4:39 - 4:41
    I think they should be tax...
  • 4:41 - 4:43
    I think the very concept of profit
    should be hugely reduced.
  • 4:43 - 4:47
    David Cameron says profit isn't a dirty word,
    I say profit is a filthy word
  • 4:47 - 4:49
    because wherever there is profit
    there is also deficit,
  • 4:49 - 4:52
    and this system currently
    doesn't address these ideas.
  • 4:52 - 4:56
    And so why would anyone vote for it?
    Why would anyone be interested?
  • 4:56 - 4:57
    [J] Who would levy these taxes?
  • 4:57 - 5:00
    [R] I think we do need like... there needs to be a centralized administrative system...
  • 5:00 - 5:02
    [J] A government?
  • 5:02 - 5:07
    [R] Well maybe call it something else, call it like
    the AdminBots so they don't get ahead of themselves...
  • 5:07 - 5:09
    [J] How would they be chosen?
  • 5:09 - 5:13
    [R] Jeremy, don't ask me to sit here in an interview with you in a bloody hotel room,
  • 5:13 - 5:15
    and devise a global utopian system.
  • 5:15 - 5:17
    I'm merely pointing out that the current...
  • 5:17 - 5:19
    [J] You are calling for revolution!
  • 5:19 - 5:23
    [R] Yeah! Absolutely! I'm calling for change,
    I'm calling for genuine alternatives.
  • 5:23 - 5:25
    [J] There are many people
    who would agree with you...
  • 5:25 - 5:26
    [R] Good!
  • 5:26 - 5:29
    [J] The current system is not engaging with all sorts of problems, yes,
  • 5:29 - 5:33
    and they feel apathetic, really apathetic,
  • 5:33 - 5:36
    but if they were to take you seriously and not to vote...
  • 5:36 - 5:40
    [R] Yeah they shouldn't vote, that's one thing they should do: don't bother voting
  • 5:40 - 5:41
    because when it reaches... there's a point...
  • 5:41 - 5:46
    you see these little valves, these sort of like cozy little valves of recycling & Prius and like, turn ups somewhere,
  • 5:46 - 5:51
    it stops us reaching the pit point where we think this is enough now,
  • 5:51 - 5:55
    stop voting, stop pretending, wake up!
    Be in reality now. Time to be in reality now.
  • 5:55 - 5:59
    Why vote? We know it isn't going to make any difference, we know that already.
  • 5:59 - 6:02
    So you know I have more impact out West Ham United, cheering them on,
  • 6:02 - 6:06
    and they lost the city, unnecessarily, sad.
  • 6:06 - 6:08
    [J] Now you're being facetious.
  • 6:08 - 6:11
    [R] Well, facetiousness has as much value
    as seriousness.
  • 6:11 - 6:15
    I think you're making the mistake
    of mistaking seriousness for solemnity.
  • 6:15 - 6:16
    [J] We're not going to solve world problems
    by facetiousness.
  • 6:16 - 6:21
    [R] We're not going to solve them with the current system! At least facetiousness is funny.
  • 6:21 - 6:22
    [J] Sometimes.
  • 6:22 - 6:24
    [R] Yes, sometimes Jeremy.
  • 6:24 - 6:26
    So listen, so let's approach this optimistically.
  • 6:26 - 6:29
    You've spent your whole career berating and haranguing politicians,
  • 6:29 - 6:32
    and then when someone like me, a comedian, goes "yeah they're all worthless,
  • 6:32 - 6:34
    what's the point in engaging with any of them?"
  • 6:34 - 6:36
    you sort of have a go at me
    because I'm not poor anymore.
  • 6:36 - 6:38
    [J] I'm not having a go at you about that.
  • 6:38 - 6:43
    I'm just asking why would you take you seriously when you're so unspecific ...
  • 6:44 - 6:47
    [R] ...weII firstly I don't mind if you take me seriously.
  • 6:47 - 6:52
    I'm here just to draw attention to a few ideas.
    I just wanna have a little bit of a laugh.
  • 6:52 - 6:55
    I'm saying there are people with alternative ideas that are far better qualified than i am,
  • 6:55 - 6:57
    and far better qualified more importantly
  • 6:57 - 7:00
    than the people that are currently doing that job,
  • 7:00 - 7:03
    because they're not attempting to solve
    these problems, they're not.
  • 7:03 - 7:05
    They're attempting to placate the population.
  • 7:05 - 7:09
    Their measures that are currently being taken around climate change are indifferent,
  • 7:09 - 7:11
    will not solve the problems.
  • 7:11 - 7:15
    [J] It's possible as human beings they're simply overwhelmed by the scale of the problem.
  • 7:15 - 7:19
    [R] Not really, well, possibly it might be that, I mean but that's just semantics really,
  • 7:19 - 7:23
    whether they're overwhelmed by it or tacitly maintaining it because it's habitual...
  • 7:23 - 7:27
    I mean like, mate, this is what I noticed
    when I was in that house of parliament:
  • 7:27 - 7:30
    It's decorated exactly the same as Eton,
    It's decorated exactly the same as Oxford,
  • 7:30 - 7:33
    so certain type people goes in there and thinks
    "oh! this makes me nervous!"
  • 7:33 - 7:36
    and another type of people go in there go
    "this is how it should be!"
  • 7:36 - 7:38
    and I think that's gotta change now.
  • 7:38 - 7:42
    We can no longer have erroneous duplicitous systems held in place
  • 7:42 - 7:46
    unless it's only systems that serve the planet and serve the population of the planet,
  • 7:46 - 7:48
    can be allowed to survive.
  • 7:48 - 7:51
    Not ones that serve elites, be they political or corporate elites.
  • 7:51 - 7:53
    And this is what's currently happening.
  • 7:53 - 7:54
    [J] You don't really believe that.
  • 7:54 - 7:55
    [R] I completely believe it.
  • 7:55 - 7:58
    Don't look at me all bleary like you're at
    a fireside with a pipe n your beard.
  • 7:58 - 8:01
  • 8:01 - 8:04
    ...he went to the same primary school as Boris though didn't he?
  • 8:04 - 8:06
    [J] He did, but he then went to a comprehensive school in North London.
  • 8:06 - 8:08
    [R] That's very good, that's all very well and good...
  • 8:08 - 8:13
    but what i'm saying is that within the existing paradigm the change is not dramatic enough, not radical enough,
  • 8:13 - 8:16
    so you can well understand public disturbances
    and public dissatisfaction
  • 8:16 - 8:20
    when there are not genuine changes
    and genuine alternatives being offered.
  • 8:20 - 8:24
    I say that when there is a genuine alternative,
    a genuine option, then vote for that.
  • 8:24 - 8:30
    But until then? Pffffft! Don't bother. Why pretend? Why be complicit in this ridiculous illusion?
  • 8:30 - 8:35
    [J] Because by the time somebody comes along you might think it worth voting for, it may be too late.
  • 8:35 - 8:37
    [R] I don't think so because the time is now,
  • 8:37 - 8:40
    this movement is already occurring.
    it's happening everywhere,
  • 8:40 - 8:44
    we're in a time where communication is instant-
    aneous & there are communities all over the world.
  • 8:44 - 8:50
    the Occupy movement made a difference even if only in that it introduced to the popular public lexicon
  • 8:50 - 8:52
    the idea of the 1% versus the 99%.
  • 8:52 - 8:58
    People for the first time in a generation are aware of massive corporate and economic exploitation.
  • 8:58 - 9:02
    These things are not nonsense and these as subjects are not being addressed.
  • 9:02 - 9:04
    They have... no one's doing anything about tax havens,
  • 9:04 - 9:10
    no one's doing anything about their political affiliations and financial affiliations at the Conservative Party,
  • 9:10 - 9:13
    so until people are addressing
    things that are actually real,
  • 9:13 - 9:16
    why wouldn't i be facetious?
    Why would I take it seriously?
  • 9:16 - 9:21
    Why would I encourage a constituency of young people that are absolutely indifferent, to vote?
  • 9:21 - 9:24
    Why would we? Aren't you bored?
    Aren't you more bored than anyone?
  • 9:24 - 9:27
    Ain't you been talking on year after year listening to their lies? Their nonsense?
  • 9:27 - 9:31
    Then it's this one gets in, then it's that one gets in,
    but this problem continues?
  • 9:31 - 9:35
    Why we gonna continue to contribute to this facade?
  • 9:35 - 9:37
    [J] I'm surprised you can be facetious
    when you're that angry about it.
  • 9:37 - 9:40
    [R] Yeah I am angry. I am angry.
  • 9:40 - 9:42
    Because for me it's real.
  • 9:42 - 9:46
    Because for me it's not just some peripheral thing that I turn up once in awhile to church faithful.
  • 9:46 - 9:49
    For me, this is what I come from,
    this is what I care about.
  • 9:51 - 9:52
    [J] Do you see any hope?
  • 9:52 - 9:56
    [R] Yeah, totally, there's gonna be a revolution,
    it's totally going to happen.
  • 9:56 - 10:00
    I ain't got a flicker of doubt,
    this is the END.
  • 10:00 - 10:01
    This is time to wake up.
  • 10:01 - 10:04
    I remember, I seen you in that program
    where you look at your ancestors,
  • 10:04 - 10:07
    and you saw the way your grandmother,
    who had to brass herself,
  • 10:07 - 10:10
    or got fucked over by the aristocrats
    who ran her a gaff,
  • 10:10 - 10:14
    you cried because you knew that it was unfair,
    and unjust.
  • 10:14 - 10:15
    And that was, what was that, a century ago?
  • 10:15 - 10:16
    That's happening to people now.
  • 10:16 - 10:18
    I just come from a woman is being treated like that,
  • 10:18 - 10:22
    I've just been talking to a woman, today,
    who's being treated like that.
  • 10:22 - 10:24
    So if we can engage that feeling instead of
  • 10:24 - 10:30
    some moment of lacrimo sentimentality trotted out on the tv for people to pour over emotional porn,
  • 10:30 - 10:34
    if we can engage that feeling, and change things, why wouldn't we?
  • 10:34 - 10:38
    Why is that naive? Why is that not my right because I'm an actor?
  • 10:38 - 10:40
    I mean, I've taken the right.
  • 10:40 - 10:41
    I don't need the right from you.
  • 10:41 - 10:43
    I don't need the right from anybody.
  • 10:43 - 10:44
    I'm takin' it.
NEWSNIGHT - Paxman vs Brand. Full Interview.

Newsnight's Jeremy Paxman talks to Russell Brand about voting, revolution and beards...


captions by the Radical Access Mapping Project

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