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  • 0:11 - 0:18
    subMedia Presents
  • 0:23 - 0:26
    una pelicula de franklin lopez
  • 0:30 - 0:35
    inspired by the book 'days of war, nights of love' by Crimethinc.
  • 0:40 - 0:44
    join the resistance fall in love
  • 1:21 - 1:32
    "radio static"
  • 1:32 - 1:33
    its a beautiful day outside
  • 1:33 - 1:36
    maybe I should call in sick
  • 3:00 - 3:08
    Falling in love is the ultimate act of revolution, of resistance to today's tedious, socially restrictive,
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    ...culturally constrictive, patently ridiculous world.
  • 3:23 - 3:25
    Love transforms the world.
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    Where the over formerly felt boredom, he now feels passion.
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    Where she once was complacent,
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    she now is excited and compelled to self-asserting action.
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    The world which once seemed empty and tiresome
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    becomes filled with meaning,
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    filled with risks and rewards,
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    with majesty and danger.
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    Life for the lover is a gift,
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    an adventure with the highest possible stakes;
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    every moment is memorable,
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    heartbreaking in its fleeting beauty.
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    When he falls in love, a man who once felt disoriented,
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    alienated, and confused finally knows exactly what he wants.
  • 3:59 - 4:01
    Suddenly his existence makes sense to him;
  • 4:02 - 4:04
    it becomes valuable, even glorious and noble.
  • 4:06 - 4:09
    Love even poses a threat to our society itself.
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    Passionate love is ignored and feared by the bourgeois
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    for it poses a great danger to the stability and pretense they covert.
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    Love permits no lies, no falsehoods,
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    not even any polite half-truths,
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    but lays all emotions bare and reveals secrets
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    which domesticated men and women cannot bare.
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    You cannot lie with your emotional and sexual response.
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    Situations or ideas excite or repel you, whether you like it or not.
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    Whether it is polite or not
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    whether it is advisable or not
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    You cannot be a lover and a (dreadfully) responsible,
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    (dreadfully) respectable member of today's society at the same time
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    Love makes it possible for individuals to connect to others
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    in a meaningful way
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    It impels them to leave their shells
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    and risk being being honest and spontaneous together.
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    To come to know each other in profound ways
  • 5:00 - 5:04
    Thus love makes it possible for us to care about each other genuinely,
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    rather than at the end of a gun of Christian doctrine.
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    But at the same time it plucks the lover out of the routines
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    a million miles away from the herd of humanity,
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    living as she is in a world entirely different from theirs.
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    In this sense love is subversive,
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    because it poses a threat to the established order of our modern lives.
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    The boring rituals of workday productivity and socialized etiquette
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    no longer mean anything to a man who has fallen in love,
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    for there are more important forces guiding him than mere inertia and deference to tradition.
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    Marketing strategies that depend upon apathy or insecurity
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    have no effect upon him.
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    Entertainment designed for passive consumption,
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    which depends upon exhaustion or cynicism
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    can no longer interest him.
  • 6:00 - 6:02
    There is no place for the passionate, romantic lover
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    in today's world, business or private.
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    For he can see that it might be more worthwhile to hitchhike to Alaska
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    or to sit in the park and watch the clouds sail by
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    with his sweetheart than to study for his calculus exam or sell real estate,
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    And if he decides that it is, he will have the courage to do it
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    rather than be tormented by unsatisfied longing.
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    He knows that breaking into a cemetery and making love under the stars
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    will make for a much more memorable night than watching television ever could.
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    So love poses a threat to our consumer driven economy which depends upon consumption.
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    Similarly, love poses a threat to our political system,
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    for it it difficult to convince a man who has a lot to live for in his personal relationships
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    to be willing to fight and die for an abstraction such as the state;
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    for that matter, it may be difficult to convince him to even pay taxes.
  • 7:04 - 7:08
    It poses a threat to cultures of all kinds, for when human beings are given wisdom
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    and valor by true love they will not be held back by traditions or customs
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    which are irrelevant to the feelings that guide them.
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    Love does indeed pose quite a threat to our society.
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    What if everyone decided right and wrong for themselves
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    without any regard for conventional morality?
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    What if everyone did everything they wanted to with the courage to face any consequences?
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    What if everyone feared loveless monotony more than they fear taking risks,
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    more than they fear being hungry or cold or in danger?
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    What if everyone set down their "responsibilities" and "common sense",
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    and dared to pursue their wildest dreams,
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    to set the stakes high and live each day as if it were their last?
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    Think about what a place the world would be!
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    Certainly it would be different than it is now
  • 7:58 - 8:02
    and it is quite a truism that people from the "mainstream",
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    the simultaneous keepers and victims of the status quo,
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    fear change.
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    We must fight against these cultural restraints that would cripple,
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    and smother our desires.
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    For it is love that gives meaning to life,
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    desire that makes it possible for us to make sense of our existence
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    and find purpose in our lives.
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    Without these, there is no way for us to determine how to live our lives,
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    except to submit to some authority, to some god,
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    master or doctrine that will tell us what to do and how to do it
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    without ever giving us the satisfaction that self-determination does.
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    And so despite the stereotype images
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    used in the media to sell toothpaste and honeymoon suites
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    genuine passionate love is discouraged in our culture.
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    Being carried away by our emotions is frowned upon
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    Instead we are raised to always be on our guard.
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    Lest our hearts lead us astray
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    rather than being encouraged to having the courage to face the consequences
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    of risks at all
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    to be responsible
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    and love itself is regulated.
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    Men must not fall in love with other men,
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    nor women with other women,
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    nor individuals from other ethnic backgrounds with each other,
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    or else the usual bigots who form the front-line offensive
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    in the assault of modern Western culture upon the individual will step in.
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    Men and women who have already entered into a legal/religious contract
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    are not to fall in love with anyone else, even if they no longer feel any passion for their marital partners.
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    Love as most of us know it today is a carefully prescribed and preordained ritual,
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    something that happens on Friday nights in expensive movie theaters and restaurants,
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    something that fills the pockets of the shareholders in the entertainment industries
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    without preventing workers from showing up to the office on time
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    and ready to reroute phone calls all day long.
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    This regulated, commercial "love" is not like the burning fire that consumes
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    the genuine lover.
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    Restrictions, expectations, and regulations smother true love;
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    love is a wild flower that can never grow within the confines prepared for it
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    but only appears where it is least expected.
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    The lover speaks a different moral and emotional language
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    than the typical bourgeois man does.
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    The average bourgeois man has no overwhelming, smoldering desires.
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    Sadly, all he knows is the silent despair that comes of spending his life
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    pursing goals set for him by his educators, his family, his employers, his nation,
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    his nation, and his culture.
  • 11:01 - 11:03
    True love is irresponsible, rebellious,
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    scornful of cowardice,
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    dangerous to the lover and everyone around her.
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    for it serves one master alone
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    the passion that makes the heart beat faster.
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    It disdains anything else
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    but its self preservation
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    duty, or shame.
  • 11:20 - 11:24
    Love urges men and women to heroism and anti heroism
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    to indefensible acts that need no defense for the one who loves
Video Language:
submedia added a translation

English subtitles
