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數目教會我的事 Lesson Taught by Figures | 廖以淳 Leow Wee Jonn | TEDxPetalingStreet

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數目教會我的事 Lesson Taught by Figures | 廖以淳 Leow Wee Jonn | TEDxPetalingStreet

數字,僅僅是故事的冰山一角;電子商務,跨越國界把世界縮小。Zalora 聯合創辦人兼 Photobook Worldwide 總執行長廖以淳以經驗喚醒大家,數目只是小事情,其背後的故事更為重要。事業若要成功,就要超越數字,處理好數字背後的細節。

Figure is only a tip of the iceberg. E-commerce deeply connects the world and makes us closer to one another. “Behind every figure, there is a significant story. To succeed in life, one must think beyond figures and manage the complexity behind them”, shared by Leow Wee Jonn, former Managing Director of Zalora Malaysia and CEO of Photobook Worldwide.
#TEDx #TEDxPetalingStreet #TEDx茨廠街 #Momentum2016 #敢動2016 #LeowWeeJonn #廖以淳

Photobook Worldwide 執行長

曾是大马 Zalora 联合创办人及董事总经理的廖以淳,任内掌管市场营销、资讯工艺和客户服务。在他领导下,Zalora 的品牌知名度、网站流量和收入增长都在区域内保持领先。2008至2012年,他曾担任贝恩策略顾问,累积丰富经验,包括公司审查评鉴、整倂收购、营运周转、利润提升和公司成长策略等。拥有伦敦经济学院经济学学士的他,现有的业务目标,就是从地域扩展到管道扩张,让 Photobook Worldwide 成为全球性相片产品公司。

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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Chinese, Traditional
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  • 0:41 - 0:45 在那個時候我在英國唸書, eBay 非常紅,

    㢈該不會是: eBay 非常紅
    不是eBay 是非常紅

    Thank you

  • Revision #17
    0:41 - 0:45 在那個時候我在英國唸書, eBay 是非常紅,

    應該是: eBay 非常紅

    而不是 eBay 是非常紅

    Thank you for noting

Chinese, Traditional subtitles

No revisions available.