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154th Knowledge Seekers Workshop January 12, 2017 at 9:00am CET

  • 194:49 - 194:53
    C: Hi, Thorbjorn! I think it's you?
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    T:(laughs) Hello Carolina!
    M:Happy New Year!
  • 194:55 - 194:57
    Caroline:Ha, thank you!
  • 194:57 - 195:00
    Good Morning to everybody!
    R:Hi Caroline!
  • 195:00 - 195:07
    C:I would love to bring something
    very important back to all of us,
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    and that is, if I may,
    don't make it so complicated for people.
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    There are a lot of people,
    which cannot follow your threads,
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    which feel left out,
    which feel crippled,
  • 195:22 - 195:27
    that they don't have the so-called
    intelligence to understand.
  • 195:28 - 195:34
    Because, a lot of people have
    to go back to the initial 'why',
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    and the 'start up,' Mr. Keshe
    repeated it this morning, again.
  • 195:39 - 195:44
    What is the start of all the ganses, the reactors, the Magrav systems, the energy systems, to supply people with what they need, what they are short of?
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    But with the right intent. Don't make it so complicated, because when you wish, when you create, then you already generate to uplift everyone, and every single person, and every soul, within miles around you.
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    And this is something a lot of people have not realized. Your soul is working to what you create, your creation is your intent.
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    I have posted, quite a few times, I don't see nobody reacting on it, and I kept on doing it. I've been wishing, and my 'Wishes' has been followed up, by a lot of Knowledge Seekers. I've seen them re-posting, I've seen them connecting with my 'Wish.' My 'Wish' is always to go to the benefit of the one's which are hurt, and harmed, and short of something, or, or in no position to even stand up for themselves. So, if you could only go back, this is my 'Wish' for today, I wish a lot of people could wish more, every single day, to create the change, because you are the creators, you're the feeders.
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    I wish all the Knowledge Seekers, especially a lot, which are in this special morning Teaching, please go back to your basics, and go back to why you start creating these ganses. With the beautiful feeling, when you start noticing it's working, it's doing this, it's creating that, you, your joy, your pleasure, of seeing the benefits of it. And then, the benefits, and the pleasure, and the joy, of sharing it, with so many other people. Don�t stop sharing, don't stop creating, and passing it on, because the more people we reach, with our intent, the more we uplift more souls, the more we reach.
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    I was passing here in Ghana, and quite a few times somebody said, "Oh these are the shanty towns. You know, like it's something, which is not supposed to be seen, you're not supposed to put your foot in, they're existing all over Africa. They're known, the name, they got plastered the name, 'the shanty towns.' But, I was on a higher road, and I could look down, to all these little roofs, everywhere. I said, "You know something, it looks dusty, but it looks, actually, quite nice, because they have created their own little homes. At least they have a roof above their heads, and a lot of people don�t have a roof above their heads. It�s all a matter how you look at things, how you analyze things, how you observe things.
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    I know Thorbjorn, and a lot of people, they go very, very, very, very deep, but what were you actually doing with your Magravs, which are sitting at home? Do all the ones, the old ones, do you keep them in your house, or do you pass them on to other people? Do you share, and give them out, so other people can have the benefit of it as well? Because, this is a creation process, to give, to as many people, especially now it's winter time in your side, it's very cold, to help and support your neighbors, even family members, people you don�t know.
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    If you have empty houses, if you have empty buildings, if you have empty apartments, bring the Magravs in there, if they are your property, share them. Get people off the street, they don�t need to be in this cold. At least give them a roof above their head. You can do so much, it's just don�t be scared to do it, make the first step, so many other people are going to follow up on what you can create. Because, every blessed soul, which blesses you, will give you the courage, the energy, to give more, to relieve more people from pain. It doesn�t need to be there when there is a disaster, it has to be on day base.
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    Go back to why you created the ganses, why you got beaten, everybody was changing their kitchens, and their garages, and their bedrooms, and their living rooms, into labs, they're still there. You have followed the steps, but generate more with that, give more out. Go back to, you know, it's like you've been stung by a bee, you always remember the pain, please remember the joy of the ganses, the Magrav system, the, everything you have created with your own hands. Please give it out, don�t hold on to nothing.
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    There not only humans suffering, there are animals suffering, there is so much, by just a bottle, just handing it out, you can relieve so much. Don�t make it so complicated. I know, you all want to survive, and the one thing, which is bothering a lot of people is money, but when you generate, you generate more, and this is something, which we try to get across. A lot of people get lost, in setting up companies, production, I've, I've seen things, which they're asking me, I say, "My God, how is this possible?" They are trying me, to post out erm, advertise for somebody, promising on promising, creating Magravs, or reactors. People cannot afford those things, only a certain, small amount of people, can afford it.
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    The whole topic of, I always remember, when Mr. Keshe was coming after me, you remember, he asked you to place erm, crystal in the middle of the Magrav system? I have received one from Dr. Klaus, it's in our lab, and it�s a beautiful crystal. How many people have carried on with putting the crystals in the Magrav systems? You're supposed to create the connections, between the Magravs, with your intent. The more you spread them out, you, more you, you will connect with more people. But, it's always coming back down to the same step, the first step, go back, what created you the joy to make it? What was the pleasure you have received from making it, and the results you received from it, and the benefits you received from it?
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    I made a platform with Vince, recently, and Brett, I posted the link ( out on the Universal Chatrooms, on my Facebook, where people can go and put your testimonies down. We need a feedback, how you have created the Magravs, what you actually have done, and achieved with it, please. Because, a lot of people get more ideas from how, and what you have done, to do something in the same direction, or they come up with other ideas, to expand the knowledge, to expand the thing.
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    I see you're all very busy, but I see the diminishing of the Universal Council rooms, they're not getting used anymore, to bring positive. It�s more like a newsroom,what's going on everywhere, but not so much, any more, that they can contribute, as a positive thing, to make the change. The Testimonial, the first one, was more for health directed, how you can express yourself, with how it works, and how you applied it. That is one step, I've been trying to get the second one on, to see how many people are, actually, donating their work back, into teaching, into sharing, into giving. But I want your word on it, that other people can get beaten by this little, little beautiful thing, you know, I can do this as well.
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    I recently got err, Mikey, Douglas� wife, she comes up with ideas, she comes up how and why, and how she's going to distribute things, and how she's going to make it, and how she's going to make sure it's coming back to the Foundation. I noticed, she was miscalculating something, and I said, "Please can you recalculate, because if you give more, then you do not have to feed back so much too, in money, I prefer you to make more systems, and give more to other people.
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    I am still calling for huge support for North Dakota, for the Indians. There a lot of people, which are on the road, if you are passing, or you know people, or you're in the neighbourhood, please send them support in, by any means you have, if possible. Because they're sitting in the freezing ice cold, in tents, just to stand their ground, that they don�t lose their heritage. There are so many beautiful stories, make your story so beautiful, as so many before you. You have rec, you have received all the tools, go to the joy, and not the complication of it, share, and especially with children.
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    I'm thanking every single person, who has been dedicating their time, and I mean really their time, on translating, on teaching, on creating the platforms, to be able to teach the teachers. You're working all in different levels, you're building a rock, but give the feedback to the Foundation, that it can show, that it can be done, the way you're doing it, it is so beautiful. Don�t be scared if you have, because somebody said, "You know already where I'm donating my time." I said, "Yes, if you don�t want to be known, choose an alias name, and just post what you're re-donating it back." I want to know, other people want to know? You don�t need to stay in the shadows. It's time for you to stand for what you can, and what you do, because it's beautiful, don't hide.
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    And it's not only the ones, which are always coming in the front, which is their important, no, every single one of you, who have been transforming their kitchens, their garages. There, you are all so important, but please step out of the shadows, and bring your knowledge forward. You might think it's nothing, but it is a lot, because there's still people starting, there's still people not knowing about it. I face it every day, you have to restart from A to Z, because they don�t know. So, if we carry further, into a Testimonial site, on how you started, and how you have embraced it, and the reason why you embraced it, and what you have achieved it, and how you're still achieving, that will be beautiful. Because you can be, you know, like a red thread line, to show other people the path, how to start walking on it. Because, actually, the whole thing is just your intent, what you want to do with it, and this is not depending on your intellect, it's not depending on anything, it's your willingness, and then your wishes with it.
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    Remember what Mr. Keshe said, I don�t forget what he said, and I've tried so many times, "Your wish, if it is just, and it is in balance, and it is in the benefit, of what the purpose is supposed to be, and it's connected with your emotional, which means you know the experience of how bad it can be, because it hurts, when you create your wish, within 14 days, you will see the outcome of." Some of my 'Wishes' have been so big, but they have been achieved, it took a little bit longer, so I keep on re-posting, I keep on adding more and more people so I can create a bigger plasma fields, of this wish, so it can reach its targets.
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    So, if you see wishes coming up, don�t be shy, be proud, because I know when you make that wish it will not be empty, it will come with what needs to be done. You create the fields, this is what Mr. Keshe says, �One person on this planet can create the balance for the whole planet, it's just a matter of assembling the right direction, with the right plasma, with the right energy to achieve it's goal.� So, step out of your doors, please, talk about it, even if people don�t want to have anything to do with it. And you have that feeling, you can always go through the different doors of, they are in pain, or they are suffering, just give them something, without explanation, and let them try it, the feedback will come back. Because, nobody likes to suffer, nobody!
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    It can be there, as a point of releasing the suffering, how small, how big, but you will get there, but it's the real intent of your first steps, how you step out of your door, with what you carry, on the knowledge you already gathered. You create the fields that they are open to receive, before you even reach your friend, or your neighbors, or the people you're going to meet, or even just simply strangers. Reas.....
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    RickHello, Caroline?
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    John Wells:Caroline's dropped!
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    ?:Thank you Caroline, that was beautiful!
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    John Wells:Yes, it was certainly beautiful!
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    ?Err, this is what's frustrating, from my point of view, because I�ve, I've been (laughs) I've been pushing and, but I feel alienated, people have gone. I�ve gone to school, to the school and, and locally, and err, their not taking me up on anything, and they know I'm a teacher, they know me family background. I mean me father and forefathers were like war heroes, and stuff. And, you know, the people are turning away, because they're scared, or don't know if that's because in a particular place, that it, you know, the people are scared of the control of these, you know, elites, or whatever, I don't know? But I�ve been talking to everybody, when I go out, you know, when I've been going with so much enthusiasm get like, you know, even family have not taken me up on it. And, so, erm, I got to bit of a stage where a little bit dejected, but that was beautiful, Caroline.
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    Rick: So, what, (coughs) what you need to do is find like-minded people, and you can do that by umm, umm, maybe having a local workshop, for example, with two or three other people, that are also associated with the Keshe Foundation, and want to have a workshop. Chances are, there's probably err, half a dozen, or a dozen people, that err. know each other, and would like to get together, maybe for. Umm, you know, it doesn�t have to be even an official workshop.
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    There's err, one that just occurred err, recently here, there is someone opened up their home to local people, to come experience the plasma erm, technology, and their, their going to be open from 11 in the morning till 5 at night, and it'll be open to the public, for anybody who'd like to come for free, for that time period. And it'll be followed up with other workshops, where they may, or may not, charge for the workshops, and so on, to try to, err, if they're making Magrav units, or making err, other things that require materials, and so on, then there has to be some charges involved.
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    But that's err, I, the way I understand it is err, there'll be some big changes, in the next couple of weeks or so, regarding workshops, and getting people to, umm, easier ways that people to connect with each other. Umm, so that if you're looking for someone in a certain area, err, that you want to connect with someone, you know, in a group say, err, a few people in a group, then that information should be made available to people that want to search out like-minded people. And then, you start to build up umm, maybe a different, err, a different set of friends, or you find out err, there's certain things, certain products for example, or certain technologies, that may very well appeal to your family and friends, that aren�t really accepting the technology so well right now.
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    Err, for example, there's lots of cases err, err, erm, well, for example, err, Douglas could tell you about err, his relationship err, with his father changed, for example, err, when he started, when Douglas started using the gans materials. And, you know, at first there's a lot of scepticism, and then there's err, a chance, where someone is hurting, and you actually show them, or, or give them something to ease their pain, and then that gets their attention, that'll make your family members come around.
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    If you can supply a gans pad, or some other erm, simple thing, like err, Caroline was just talking about, err, to keep it simple and practical, in that sense. And you could always supply erm, gans water, gans pads, err, pain pads, and, and that kind of thing erm, to family members, without, you know, err, getting in trouble for copyright, or for err, manufacturing, or anything like that. It�s just a person to person thing, you take the responsibility, because you work with the knowledge, which you should be getting from the Keshe Foundation, because that's what it's all about. Then erm, you won�t have any err, problem with that sort of interaction, because erm, I think people are becoming quite open, even if they are sceptical, if they try it and it works, that beats the sceptic anytime. So...
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    Caroline: Thank you Rick!
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    ?Thank you, Rick!
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    Caroline:Where did you lose me, Rick? (laughs)
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    Rick:Yes, where, where? Does anybody remember the last err, couple of lines that err, Caroline was saying, before she, she left there, err? Oh I'm ... Yes, it's ..
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    Caroline:And it's not, it's not only Rick, you know, where I notice people respond to, if you touch them in the field, which their interest goes to, not only in suffering, but when I bump into people, you know, they have a fish tank, and they suddenly start running into problems, fishes are dying, I give them the zip bags with the CO2 water, and the fishes, just within 15 minutes, they just change. And people cannot understand, so they want to know more, because they see the change, but they don't understand.
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    You go into people, which are loving their gardens, their flowers, if you apply gans waters in the gardens, you can see immense difference. If they have mould in the house, you just show them, how to spray with the CUO gans water, to get rid. To use, even eteric (essential?) oils, in combination of the gans waters, like lavender and chamomile, they really ease people having breathing problems, because they have mould, they have fungus in the house, because of the wetness of the weather, or the conditions where they are.
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    You can bring so many different different changes, in so many different areas. If you know people, who don�t know how to manage their electricity bills, if it is not affordable to make a Magrav system, go to the Alekz beads system, they do the same job, much easier, much simple, not so costly. Or, ask help from other Knowledge Seekers. If you, you can work in so many different levels, not only to release pain. It's just, you know, that's where their feelings goes, towards their fishes, their animals, their home atmosphere.
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    Even placing simple nano coated copper plates, connected with the nano coated copper wire, in front of the windows, and put a few bottles of the four ganses, in the corners of the room, you re-balance the house. That you have a stable temperature, with inside the house, even if it's only in the room they, they live continuously, but it saves them so much, and they see the difference. You can spray the windows with CO2, gans water, inside and outside. It creates, but it's the way you offer it, that makes that difference, they embrace it, because they can see visually, the change.
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    Don�t stick only to pain pads and pain pens, you have so many levels you can give a hand. And I'm so proud, so many people have started opening their doors. As Rick says, "People are opening their doors to teach, to give."
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    I am faced with a lot of strange situations, here in Ghana, but in a way it's beautiful, because, it continuously confirms, you can bring that little tiny change, and you see the smiles in their faces. If I give simply a gans, a CO2 water, CO2 gans water, in a drinking bottle, and I just give people, which come and go, within a week, I see a shine of happiness on their face. They're laughing, they're smiling, they're happy, they have much more energy, and they come for more bottles.
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    And then, I make sure there is some gans, the �mother gans,' stays in the bot, in the bottom of the bottle, and I make sure they never go below half of the bottle. They only tap from the top, so they don�t lose their mother gans. And they're sharing their waters with other members of the family. And they keep on bringing other people, and they're all giving the same feedback, 'It has made a big difference, we have changed, we can work more, we are more alert.' But the most beautiful thing, which as the first thing I noticed, is when I see them back, is there is a shine in their face.
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    I wish I could, maybe I should do, take pictures of the face, before they use the water, and then after a few days, when they drink the water. There is a radiation, it's like they're beaming, and they don�t even understand themselves, they have not even noticed themselves, but that's the first thing, which comes in my face, you know, the shine, and it's beautiful. And, I can just ask you, go where you enjoy what you can achieve with it, because your results will triple.
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    And join, if there is a 'Wish,' which is appearing in the 'Council rooms', connect to the 'Wish,' you will see it growing, and we will confirm when it's done. One of the biggest 'Wishes,' which came true, you all are aware of, is the one in Aleppo. They ceased fire, people can start living again, they can start building up their life again.
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    In North Dakota, that 'Wish' is still standing there, and they're still standing their ground, but they're achieving so much, which people are not aware of. The tribes are uniting, after 150 years, they're becoming one again, they've been shattered to pieces, now they are all reuniting. You see one ceremony after another, that they're joining back to their original 'One Tribe.' And that's the beauty of it, doesn�t matter how harsh it still looks, but the healing process still is taking place. And they are doing it, and this was one of their prophecies, that this will be achieved. And, this is a lot of knowledge, which a lot of people don�t know. And that was the first thing, which was standing out, that the tribes were making Peace with each other, after so many years. And that's more beautiful than all the rest, and because of their uniting, they make one big huge loving plasma field, and they're achieving it.
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    And I will ask you, please, all of you, just keep on posting on the new link, and the old one, because it's two different compartments, bring your experiences forward, share them. Share them with pleasure. I love you all, and you're all being so great. I know a lot of you have done a lot of sacrifices, in time, in effort, in tolerance, in patience, all of you have really contributed to something very beautiful. And you're getting there. And I thank all of you.
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    You're still there, Rick? Or I lost you?
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    Rick: (laughs) Err, just waiting for your final words there, Caroline!
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    Rick:And also, many, many, many thanks, back to you, of course, for err, your position in, in all of this, which is err, sometimes in the background, err, we don�t hear about what goes on. But I'm sure being with Mr. Keshe all the time is more than a handful. And it probably goes back the same way (laughs) with Mr. Keshe too. But you took, take care of each other, and make it so, that all of this great work can take place, in spite of all the turmoil, that goes on in the world, and so on. So, this is what we work toward, and we're happy to have you, as one of the main guiding hands, in this process. Thank you very much!
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    Carolina: You're welcome, Rick!
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    The only thing I will ask every single one, which is now still maybe present in this morning session, I know there is a lot of turbulence coming, please be aware, get prepared, in so many ways, I have tried to hand reach, or put my hand out to a lot of people to stock up food, for long term. Get enough medicine, which you need, if you are on medicine. Get everything in the house, or near you, know a safe place where you can go, if it gets really bad. Make sure you have enough material, if you need to stay outside your house, in this cold weather. Purchase, or get your tents out, or your camping gear out, that at least you can stay comfortable. Because we know it's going to �go� in certain places.
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    So, please prepare yourself, look after your neighbors, look after friends, inform them. Because, not everybody is here, not everybody is following the Keshe Foundation, but you can, maybe, help them by explaining, that they have already sensed, and felt the first signs, of something is coming. So don�t let them in the dark, start debriefing them, the same you as you do with the technology, start debriefing them to get ready.
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    The people, which have already felt the tremors, especially in Italy, and Greece, and in Peru, and in Fukushima, they know, it is not nice, it�s a horrible feeling. So, inform the people around you, about the same process, to take care, to be prepared, and that they know where to go. Make a lot of gans waters, in reserve, that you can, when something goes wrong, at least, you can help others around you, it doesn�t go bad, and it's water. As long as you have stockpiled water, because that will be the first thing that will be affected.
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    I have been trying not to go, because then people say, 'You're war mongering,� or, 'You're creating panic,' or, You're going for the worst.' No! Because, if you are prepared, it doesn�t go bad, it�s just a good advice. Make sure you have candles in the house, make sure you have fuel in the house, make sure you have a stove, you don't need to be on the grid, that you can cook some food, on a wood stove. Try to find a way, that you can help yourself, if you have to go off the grid, especially people with children, make sure you have everything available for them.
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    And thank you!
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    ?Thank you, Caroline! Love you, love you all!
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    Caroline:Move away from the coastlines, please!
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    Caroline:And stay safe!
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    Rick: Ok! Thank you very much, Caroline!
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    Caroline:You're welcome!
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    Ok! I think we should probably close err, for today�s session, we've done 4 hours here now. Erm, unless there's something that somebody would really like to show, and talk about, err, we could carry on?
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    Rick:Oh, Yes! Right, I was going to end with the erm, err, the videos that we had, the Promotional Videos. So, maybe we should do that?
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    Is that, do you have enough time for that? You can end the err, err, Facebook when you need to, I guess?
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    Vince:Yeah! I'm checking right now, but err let's go ahead, and you can share.
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    Rick:Ok! Let me do the Second Universal Council one first here.
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    I need err, permission to share, actually? Thank you!
154th Knowledge Seekers Workshop January 12, 2017 at 9:00am CET

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Yoruba subtitles

