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The hidden treasures of Timbuktu

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Заховані скарби Тімбукту |Елізабет Кокс | TED-Ed
Elizabeth Cox

On the edge of the vast Sahara desert, citizens snuck out of the city of Timbuktu and took to the wilderness. They buried chests in the desert sand, hid them in caves, and sealed them in secret rooms. Inside these chests was a treasure more valuable than gold: the city's ancient books. Why were they hiding these priceless manuscripts? Elizabeth Cox digs into the literary tradition of Timbuktu. [Directed by AIM Creative Studios, narrated by Bethany Cutmore-Scott, music by André Aires].

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Артем Величко edited Ukrainian subtitles for The hidden treasures of Timbuktu
Артем Величко edited Ukrainian subtitles for The hidden treasures of Timbuktu
Артем Величко edited Ukrainian subtitles for The hidden treasures of Timbuktu
Артем Величко edited Ukrainian subtitles for The hidden treasures of Timbuktu
Артем Величко edited Ukrainian subtitles for The hidden treasures of Timbuktu
Артем Величко edited Ukrainian subtitles for The hidden treasures of Timbuktu
Артем Величко edited Ukrainian subtitles for The hidden treasures of Timbuktu
Артем Величко edited Ukrainian subtitles for The hidden treasures of Timbuktu
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