1 00:00:00,061 --> 00:00:01,429 (Louisiana channel) 2 00:00:01,429 --> 00:00:02,628 (Jonathan Safran Foer novels have a lot to learn from poetry) 3 00:00:02,628 --> 00:00:06,502 Well, people often talk about the death of literature. 4 00:00:06,502 --> 00:00:09,021 I think people have been speaking about it since shortly 5 00:00:09,021 --> 00:00:11,880 after the first work of literature was ever made 6 00:00:11,880 --> 00:00:14,414 but there's more and more talk about it 7 00:00:14,414 --> 00:00:19,136 and it's been propelled by diminishing readership, 8 00:00:19,136 --> 00:00:23,213 by what feels like an increasing apathy, 9 00:00:23,213 --> 00:00:31,920 or even anxiety or even mistrust of literature 10 00:00:33,273 --> 00:00:36,135 and the movement towards screens, everything being 11 00:00:36,135 --> 00:00:39,476 on a screen and what would that mean for books 12 00:00:39,476 --> 00:00:41,797 which aren't very well served on a screen. 13 00:00:41,797 --> 00:00:44,321 It's not that you can't read a book on a screen perfectly well 14 00:00:44,321 --> 00:00:45,459 but you can't read a book on a screen 15 00:00:45,475 --> 00:00:49,801 that also has email and your calendar and texting. 16 00:00:49,801 --> 00:00:52,665 Books can't compete with those kinds of media. 17 00:00:52,665 --> 00:00:56,384 So we wonder will people read books? 18 00:00:56,384 --> 00:01:01,774 And I think that there are still things and there will always be things 19 00:01:01,774 --> 00:01:06,506 that only literature can do, only literature can communicate. 20 00:01:06,506 --> 00:01:09,773 I don't think that literature is necessarily any better, 21 00:01:09,773 --> 00:01:12,354 whatever than means, than film or dance or music. 22 00:01:13,154 --> 00:01:17,029 In fact, I'm often drawn personally more 23 00:01:17,029 --> 00:01:19,061 to film and dance than I am to literature 24 00:01:19,061 --> 00:01:21,056 but I know that there are moments in my life 25 00:01:21,056 --> 00:01:25,084 when I feel a need for literature and only for literature. 26 00:01:25,084 --> 00:01:28,619 So for example, the mother of my oldest friend 27 00:01:28,634 --> 00:01:30,013 passed away about week ago. 28 00:01:30,013 --> 00:01:32,940 And I went down to visit her in Washington DC - I live in New York. 29 00:01:33,355 --> 00:01:38,583 And I was quite worried about what to say and how to fill 30 00:01:38,583 --> 00:01:42,145 what I thought might be very awkward, or even painful silences. 31 00:01:42,898 --> 00:01:48,079 And I brought poems, about 20 poems. 32 00:01:48,079 --> 00:01:50,410 And I read them to her and we talked about them. 33 00:01:51,025 --> 00:01:54,097 And in that moment when we, together, 34 00:01:54,097 --> 00:01:58,068 mostly just her, of course, but together, were confronting 35 00:01:58,068 --> 00:02:03,954 this, the biggest moment of life which is death, 36 00:02:05,507 --> 00:02:07,254 we relied on poetry. 37 00:02:07,500 --> 00:02:12,489 And I think that poems and stories and novels are very helpful 38 00:02:13,473 --> 00:02:18,760 exactly when we most need language in the most, sort of dire, 39 00:02:18,760 --> 00:02:22,757 or urgent or existential moments of life. 40 00:02:24,311 --> 00:02:28,981 Novels are meant to be read over the course of many hours or many days 41 00:02:28,981 --> 00:02:34,611 and even a story takes half an hour to read. 42 00:02:34,611 --> 00:02:39,174 And I just wasn't sure, in this case, what her energy level would be, 43 00:02:39,174 --> 00:02:40,835 so I wanted them to be quite small. 44 00:02:40,835 --> 00:02:43,904 But even though that's the case, it's also true 45 00:02:43,904 --> 00:02:47,213 that poetry is the most condensed form of literature 46 00:02:47,213 --> 00:02:48,951 and in certain ways, it's its most pure form. 47 00:02:50,690 --> 00:02:55,530 I don't think that novels are any less good than poetry 48 00:02:55,530 --> 00:02:59,743 but I think that novels have a lot to learn from poetry 49 00:02:59,743 --> 00:03:03,928 in terms of what's possible, how direct one can be, 50 00:03:03,928 --> 00:03:06,547 how concentrated language can be, 51 00:03:06,547 --> 00:03:09,380 and how evocative and resonant. 52 00:03:09,380 --> 00:03:11,527 You know, sometimes I think novels make the mistake 53 00:03:11,527 --> 00:03:15,320 of being too much like their own description. 54 00:03:15,643 --> 00:03:18,494 You know, somebody says, ''What is this book about?'' 55 00:03:20,262 --> 00:03:23,089 My dream is to write a novel where somebody would have to say: 56 00:03:23,779 --> 00:03:26,281 "I could tell you, I suppose, but that would really miss the point. 57 00:03:26,281 --> 00:03:27,319 You just have to read it." 58 00:03:27,319 --> 00:03:28,741 That, to my mind, is a good novel. 59 00:03:28,741 --> 00:03:31,815 A novel that is its own synopsis, 60 00:03:31,815 --> 00:03:34,263 just an expanded version of its synopsis, 61 00:03:35,063 --> 00:03:37,653 comes awfully close to television actually. 62 00:03:39,006 --> 00:03:43,415 I think that novels can still do something that poetry does 63 00:03:43,415 --> 00:03:48,902 in terms of being kind of ineffable or mysterious 64 00:03:48,902 --> 00:03:52,487 or not quite graspeable, just on a much larger scale. 65 00:03:53,290 --> 00:03:57,491 All of my life, I have been more drawn to the visual arts than to literature. 66 00:03:57,491 --> 00:04:02,054 And even still, when I'm feeling 67 00:04:03,536 --> 00:04:05,837 like I can't remember why I wanted to be a writer, 68 00:04:06,344 --> 00:04:10,512 I don't go to books, I actually go to paintings or sculpture. 69 00:04:10,767 --> 00:04:14,471 To me, the distinctions have been drawn too sharply, 70 00:04:14,471 --> 00:04:22,198 you know, the difference between a musician, a writer, an artist, a dancer. 71 00:04:22,874 --> 00:04:27,095 We've categorized them, segregated them, 72 00:04:27,556 --> 00:04:29,758 so that there's very, very little overlap. 73 00:04:29,758 --> 00:04:32,857 But in fact they're all just people who want to make things 74 00:04:32,857 --> 00:04:36,287 that you could say have no use. 75 00:04:37,017 --> 00:04:39,055 You know, everything in life has a use. 76 00:04:39,055 --> 00:04:41,668 The person who made the camera that this is being shot with, 77 00:04:41,668 --> 00:04:44,878 made it so that it could record something like this. 78 00:04:44,878 --> 00:04:48,247 And a television or a computer that someone's watching it on 79 00:04:48,247 --> 00:04:50,853 was made with specific functions in mind. 80 00:04:51,499 --> 00:04:54,506 A bridge is made so that people can get from one land mass to another. 81 00:04:54,506 --> 00:04:57,584 But novels and paintings and songs really... 82 00:04:58,353 --> 00:04:59,806 They might have effects in the world, 83 00:04:59,806 --> 00:05:02,180 they might be political, they might be entertaining, 84 00:05:03,087 --> 00:05:05,324 they might be objects of commerce, 85 00:05:06,617 --> 00:05:07,911 but they're not really, really made for any of those reasons, 86 00:05:07,911 --> 00:05:09,580 they're just made for their own sake. 87 00:05:10,149 --> 00:05:14,253 And I think that anyone who makes something for its own sake, 88 00:05:14,683 --> 00:05:16,151 whether you try to have it published 89 00:05:16,152 --> 00:05:19,407 or whether you're just, you know, rearranging twigs on the ground 90 00:05:19,407 --> 00:05:20,522 because it pleases you, 91 00:05:21,691 --> 00:05:23,067 people who do that are artists. 92 00:05:23,067 --> 00:05:28,225 And, you know, because we live in a world in which you have to have a job 93 00:05:28,225 --> 00:05:32,721 and in which it's expected that you will grow within your job, 94 00:05:34,105 --> 00:05:36,609 and because we like to have an answer to the question 95 00:05:36,609 --> 00:05:37,893 'What is it that you do?' 96 00:05:37,893 --> 00:05:39,239 You know, you meet someone at a party, or... 97 00:05:39,239 --> 00:05:40,646 they say ''What do you do?'' 98 00:05:41,199 --> 00:05:43,398 It makes us uncomfortable not to have an answer. 99 00:05:43,398 --> 00:05:48,123 But the truth is, you know, the different art forms 100 00:05:48,123 --> 00:05:51,338 are much, much more similar than they are different. 101 00:05:52,310 --> 00:05:53,760 When I'm not working on a book, 102 00:05:54,221 --> 00:05:57,435 I am somebody who just kind of moves through the world 103 00:05:57,435 --> 00:06:00,230 and sees nice things and tries to remember them, but usually doesn't, 104 00:06:00,230 --> 00:06:03,478 and hears jokes and tries to remember them but usually doesn't 105 00:06:03,478 --> 00:06:08,590 and so on and has ideas that disappear. 106 00:06:08,590 --> 00:06:12,368 But when I'm writing, I save those things 107 00:06:12,937 --> 00:06:16,486 so that I can use them, you know, rearrange them. 108 00:06:16,486 --> 00:06:18,732 Nothing comes from nothing. 109 00:06:20,263 --> 00:06:23,618 I think that there's an impression that books or art, 110 00:06:24,310 --> 00:06:28,004 making art is a much more romantically creative act than it is, 111 00:06:28,004 --> 00:06:33,386 as if inspiration strikes and suddenly something appears 112 00:06:33,386 --> 00:06:35,922 but that's not really -- that hasn't been my experience at all. 113 00:06:35,922 --> 00:06:38,845 It's much more about being attentive to what's around 114 00:06:38,845 --> 00:06:43,443 and starting to get to know what you like and what you find useful 115 00:06:44,565 --> 00:06:46,983 and then collecting those things instead of everything, 116 00:06:46,983 --> 00:06:49,955 collecting those things and then figuring out 117 00:06:49,955 --> 00:06:52,804 what the most pleasing arrangement of them is for you. 118 00:06:53,511 --> 00:06:55,026 There's nothing objective about it. 119 00:06:55,026 --> 00:06:57,862 It's not the case that, you know, someone else will necessarily like it, 120 00:06:58,292 --> 00:07:04,487 but it really does feel like making collage just with, you know, 121 00:07:04,487 --> 00:07:11,734 the whole world as your cupboard of things to arrange. 122 00:07:12,795 --> 00:07:15,702 Certainly in art, I think, the most important things 123 00:07:15,702 --> 00:07:17,155 happen on a subconscious level. 124 00:07:17,570 --> 00:07:20,624 When I approach a writing project, I don't think about it like that. 125 00:07:21,562 --> 00:07:25,707 In fact, and I say this not as a joke or to sort of disparage myself, 126 00:07:25,707 --> 00:07:27,807 but I really don't think about much at all. 127 00:07:27,807 --> 00:07:33,264 It's very -- I'm just very open, you know, to what do I feel like working on, 128 00:07:33,264 --> 00:07:36,134 what's interesting to me right now, what am I curious about? 129 00:07:37,856 --> 00:07:42,268 But I never think about what the potential use of something would be. 130 00:07:42,268 --> 00:07:44,429 Like I was saying before, there's a quality of art 131 00:07:44,429 --> 00:07:46,826 that is useless in the very, very best way. 132 00:07:46,826 --> 00:07:49,325 I mean, that is like the very highest compliment I could pay. 133 00:07:49,325 --> 00:07:53,367 And if I started thinking about what I would achieve 134 00:07:53,367 --> 00:07:58,572 for myself psychologically or in search of meaning or catharsis, 135 00:07:58,572 --> 00:07:59,963 that's just another kind of use, 136 00:07:59,963 --> 00:08:02,047 just in almost the same way that 137 00:08:02,047 --> 00:08:05,046 trying to make something you could sell for money is a kind of use. 138 00:08:05,784 --> 00:08:07,791 It's not to say that those two thing might, you know, 139 00:08:07,791 --> 00:08:08,937 wouldn't be good in your life, 140 00:08:08,937 --> 00:08:12,875 but I don't think that they make a good work of art. 141 00:08:12,875 --> 00:08:14,174 They're not a good starting point. 142 00:08:16,266 --> 00:08:17,658 Don DeLillo once said: 143 00:08:17,658 --> 00:08:20,887 "Nobody writes his first book. It just happens." 144 00:08:20,887 --> 00:08:22,986 At a certain point, you find the printer is, you know, 145 00:08:22,986 --> 00:08:24,301 all these pages are coming out. 146 00:08:24,301 --> 00:08:26,769 You think: "Oh my God, I can't believe I did this!" 147 00:08:27,796 --> 00:08:28,780 I believe that. 148 00:08:29,087 --> 00:08:31,550 I mean, maybe it's a little different if you start late in life, 149 00:08:32,211 --> 00:08:38,939 and you've been, you know, sort of incubating an idea for a long time 150 00:08:38,939 --> 00:08:40,962 but most people when they write their first book, 151 00:08:40,962 --> 00:08:44,702 at a certain point, they realize they have a book on their hands. 152 00:08:44,702 --> 00:08:47,773 And the second book is different because then, 153 00:08:47,773 --> 00:08:49,580 you have something that you're responding to, 154 00:08:49,580 --> 00:08:51,218 you have your own expectations. 155 00:08:51,218 --> 00:08:53,579 If you published your first book, you have the world' expectations. 156 00:08:53,579 --> 00:08:57,603 So I found the second book somewhat more difficult because of that, 157 00:08:57,603 --> 00:09:01,332 but I'd started the second book before my first book was published. 158 00:09:01,332 --> 00:09:05,498 So in a way, I was able to escape some of those traps. 159 00:09:05,498 --> 00:09:07,638 But then, after I have written two novels, 160 00:09:07,638 --> 00:09:10,639 I wrote a work of non-fiction about eating animals, 161 00:09:10,639 --> 00:09:12,123 about animal farming. 162 00:09:12,123 --> 00:09:15,077 And I think it's not a coincidence that I decided to move in a different direction 163 00:09:18,031 --> 00:09:20,985 because I was starting to feel the weight of momentum. 164 00:09:21,508 --> 00:09:23,847 You know, I didn't want to do a third thing 165 00:09:23,847 --> 00:09:26,186 because I've done two previous things. 166 00:09:26,186 --> 00:09:28,526 I didn't want to make a choice about tomorrow 167 00:09:28,526 --> 00:09:30,518 just because of what I did yesterday. 168 00:09:31,087 --> 00:09:33,533 So maybe even to a fault, I resisted that 169 00:09:35,655 --> 00:09:38,999 and decided to move off and try something else. 170 00:09:39,521 --> 00:09:44,308 I think there are a lot of ways of talking about choices in art. 171 00:09:45,938 --> 00:09:47,976 And it's a mistake to think that 172 00:09:47,976 --> 00:09:51,638 the way we talk about it retrospectively as critics, 173 00:09:53,437 --> 00:09:55,198 which is very useful and interesting, 174 00:09:55,198 --> 00:09:58,195 but it's a mistake that that's the same language of creation. 175 00:09:59,748 --> 00:10:01,417 Somebody once said, I can't remember who 176 00:10:01,417 --> 00:10:03,393 - maybe it was Oscar Wilde, I can't remember - 177 00:10:03,962 --> 00:10:06,156 said: "There are only two kinds of objects in the world: 178 00:10:06,156 --> 00:10:08,117 those that charm us and those that don't charm us." 179 00:10:08,840 --> 00:10:14,883 And, you know, something can be charming in the most completely simple way 180 00:10:14,883 --> 00:10:17,064 and for whatever reason, it speaks to us. 181 00:10:17,064 --> 00:10:19,295 We like it. It is for us. 182 00:10:20,202 --> 00:10:22,636 If something isn't charming, it's mundane and it's not that we hate it, 183 00:10:22,636 --> 00:10:24,731 it's just that it has no great effect on us. 184 00:10:25,423 --> 00:10:29,661 And each person, of course, has his own or her own sense of what is charming. 185 00:10:30,568 --> 00:10:32,717 And, you know, in a way, 186 00:10:32,717 --> 00:10:36,714 writing just boils down to asking that question again and again, 187 00:10:36,714 --> 00:10:38,275 like, this is charming or not. 188 00:10:38,951 --> 00:10:41,494 Something charming can mean that it's very painful. 189 00:10:41,494 --> 00:10:44,037 It doesn't mean that it's happy and beautiful. 190 00:10:44,037 --> 00:10:49,669 It can mean it's very ugly, it can mean that it is funny, 191 00:10:49,669 --> 00:10:52,534 it can mean that it is serious, it can be tragic, it can be comic. 192 00:10:53,257 --> 00:10:56,258 I think charming really just means, in a certain way, 193 00:10:56,258 --> 00:11:00,943 that it's authentic and exceptional to you. 194 00:11:00,943 --> 00:11:03,729 I mean, people often ask me why do I write about family so often. 195 00:11:03,729 --> 00:11:06,068 I find that such a weird question. 196 00:11:06,068 --> 00:11:07,198 I don't even know how to answer 197 00:11:07,198 --> 00:11:09,082 because the answer feels so obvious to me. 198 00:11:09,882 --> 00:11:13,974 You know, nobody asks J.K. Rowling why she writes about wizards so much. 199 00:11:14,466 --> 00:11:15,658 That, to me, is weird. 200 00:11:15,658 --> 00:11:19,733 That's a weird choice she made that requires some explanation 201 00:11:19,733 --> 00:11:22,582 because nobody knows wizards, nobody interacts with wizards, 202 00:11:22,582 --> 00:11:25,855 nobody can't fall asleep at night because of their relationship to wizards, 203 00:11:25,855 --> 00:11:27,616 but everyone has a family. 204 00:11:27,616 --> 00:11:29,423 Even people whose families are absent. 205 00:11:30,130 --> 00:11:32,408 Maybe even, especially people whose families are absent. 206 00:11:33,131 --> 00:11:34,892 You know, these are the main themes of life 207 00:11:34,892 --> 00:11:38,589 and they've been the main themes of literature since Genesis. 208 00:11:41,188 --> 00:11:43,629 So I assume I'll always write about family. 209 00:11:44,121 --> 00:11:46,344 Families is also especially important to me 210 00:11:48,020 --> 00:11:51,846 but you know, whether it will take the form of fathers and sons-in-laws, 211 00:11:51,846 --> 00:11:54,989 or whether it will take the form of a married couple in a comedy, 212 00:11:55,604 --> 00:11:56,656 that I don't know. 213 00:11:57,041 --> 00:11:59,572 (Louisiana Channel) 214 00:12:00,156 --> 00:12:04,198 (Supported by Nordea Fonden) 215 00:12:04,198 --> 00:12:07,298 (louisiana.dk/channel)