WEBVTT 00:00:01.424 --> 00:00:03.451 Brother Geoff spoke to us last night 00:00:03.451 --> 00:00:07.351 about the privileges of the Christian. 00:00:07.351 --> 00:00:09.879 And he mentioned to us that privileges 00:00:09.879 --> 00:00:12.627 come with responsibilities. 00:00:12.627 --> 00:00:14.717 And so I'll be speaking more 00:00:14.717 --> 00:00:17.452 on the responsibilities that we have 00:00:17.452 --> 00:00:19.142 in the Christian life. 00:00:19.142 --> 00:00:21.079 If you'll open your Bibles 00:00:21.079 --> 00:00:24.430 to the first letter to the church at Corinth 00:00:24.430 --> 00:00:26.517 in chapter 13. 00:00:26.517 --> 00:00:32.142 I want to begin by stating a concern that I see. 00:00:32.142 --> 00:00:34.752 It's a concern that's repeated in Scripture 00:00:34.752 --> 00:00:36.998 in numerous places. 00:00:36.998 --> 00:00:39.254 And it's a concern that's prevalent 00:00:39.254 --> 00:00:42.078 in the church today. 00:00:42.078 --> 00:00:44.802 The concern pointedly is this: 00:00:44.802 --> 00:00:47.456 How do we handle our differences 00:00:47.456 --> 00:00:50.304 in our local churches? 00:00:50.304 --> 00:00:52.066 I have a concern that 00:00:52.066 --> 00:00:54.938 we all too often view ourselves 00:00:54.938 --> 00:00:57.528 much more spiritually mature 00:00:57.528 --> 00:01:00.107 than we really are. 00:01:00.107 --> 00:01:02.962 And the evidence of our immaturity 00:01:02.962 --> 00:01:06.476 is revealed in our lack of love 00:01:06.476 --> 00:01:08.937 towards one another, 00:01:08.937 --> 00:01:12.798 demonstrated in how we respond to one another 00:01:12.798 --> 00:01:15.081 and handle our differences 00:01:15.081 --> 00:01:18.355 in our local churches. 00:01:18.355 --> 00:01:21.422 I'm concerned this is especially true 00:01:21.422 --> 00:01:25.661 for us in the reformed church 00:01:25.661 --> 00:01:29.659 in the area of doctrinal differences 00:01:29.659 --> 00:01:32.364 and in the area of how we live out 00:01:32.364 --> 00:01:36.398 our convictions in our lives. 00:01:36.398 --> 00:01:39.975 Reformed churches and reformed Christians 00:01:39.975 --> 00:01:42.331 are known for their focus 00:01:42.331 --> 00:01:46.135 and their emphasis on doctrine and truth. 00:01:46.135 --> 00:01:48.672 And praise God for that. 00:01:48.672 --> 00:01:50.579 That is commendable. 00:01:50.579 --> 00:01:52.430 Let me say from the start, 00:01:52.430 --> 00:01:55.482 every Christian and every true church 00:01:55.482 --> 00:01:57.903 should be known and marked 00:01:57.903 --> 00:01:59.847 for their careful attention 00:01:59.847 --> 00:02:01.905 to right doctrine. 00:02:01.905 --> 00:02:03.624 I mean, after all, 00:02:03.624 --> 00:02:05.647 the Scriptures tell us that the church 00:02:05.647 --> 00:02:10.390 is a pillar and buttress of truth. 00:02:10.390 --> 00:02:14.230 Most of you who are here 00:02:14.230 --> 00:02:17.223 in the churches represented here 00:02:17.223 --> 00:02:19.170 are in those because you love 00:02:19.170 --> 00:02:21.748 doctrine and truth. 00:02:21.748 --> 00:02:23.064 You're in those churches 00:02:23.064 --> 00:02:25.659 because the pastors of those churches 00:02:25.659 --> 00:02:29.477 unashamedly proclaim truth, 00:02:29.477 --> 00:02:33.713 uphold truth, and defend truth, 00:02:33.713 --> 00:02:36.996 and the whole counsel of God. 00:02:36.996 --> 00:02:40.356 Beloved, we should thank God for those pastors. 00:02:40.356 --> 00:02:42.271 We should thank God for those churches, 00:02:42.271 --> 00:02:43.769 for those Christians 00:02:43.769 --> 00:02:45.234 who long for truth, 00:02:45.234 --> 00:02:49.654 proclaim truth, and defend truth. 00:02:49.654 --> 00:02:53.047 Over the years, I've gotten to know many of you here. 00:02:53.047 --> 00:02:54.460 I know that you're a people 00:02:54.460 --> 00:02:57.781 who individually study doctrine. 00:02:57.781 --> 00:03:00.072 Your desire is to glorify God 00:03:00.072 --> 00:03:03.169 and you want to take the truths of Scripture 00:03:03.169 --> 00:03:05.709 and apply them in all areas of life 00:03:05.709 --> 00:03:08.414 and be ever conformed 00:03:08.414 --> 00:03:12.733 to the Word of God for the glory of God. 00:03:12.733 --> 00:03:15.559 But we must be careful. 00:03:15.559 --> 00:03:17.318 At the same time that we are 00:03:17.318 --> 00:03:19.428 in our pursuit of truth, 00:03:19.428 --> 00:03:21.206 and the application of truth - 00:03:21.206 --> 00:03:24.114 individually and corporately - 00:03:24.114 --> 00:03:26.092 as local churches, 00:03:26.092 --> 00:03:29.033 that we don't fail to heed 00:03:29.033 --> 00:03:33.070 a very important call in Scripture. 00:03:33.070 --> 00:03:41.226 And that is to maintain the unity of the Spirit in Christ. NOTE Paragraph 00:03:41.226 --> 00:03:43.799 This unity of the Spirit 00:03:43.799 --> 00:03:49.019 that we have in Christ is wonderful. 00:03:49.019 --> 00:03:51.397 It's what we love to experience 00:03:51.397 --> 00:03:53.728 when we gather together 00:03:53.728 --> 00:03:56.565 in fellowships like this. 00:03:56.565 --> 00:03:59.612 It's that unity of Spirit that we've all had 00:03:59.612 --> 00:04:02.203 where maybe we are on a plane trip somewhere 00:04:02.203 --> 00:04:03.750 and we sit down next to someone, 00:04:03.750 --> 00:04:06.975 and we begin a conversation, 00:04:06.975 --> 00:04:10.064 and we feel a bond to them. 00:04:10.064 --> 00:04:11.729 We feel a oneness with them, 00:04:11.729 --> 00:04:13.770 and as we go further in the conversation, 00:04:13.770 --> 00:04:15.011 we begin to realize, 00:04:15.011 --> 00:04:17.190 this is a brother or sister in the faith. 00:04:17.190 --> 00:04:19.609 And we may not even know their name, 00:04:19.609 --> 00:04:21.563 but we love them and we're drawn to them. 00:04:21.563 --> 00:04:23.460 We even want to be with them. 00:04:23.460 --> 00:04:29.269 This is that oneness of spirit that we have in Christ. NOTE Paragraph 00:04:29.271 --> 00:04:31.433 Know this, church, 00:04:31.433 --> 00:04:33.388 the church of Jesus Christ 00:04:33.388 --> 00:04:39.703 is united together supernaturally. 00:04:39.703 --> 00:04:44.029 We are not called in Scripture to create unity. 00:04:44.029 --> 00:04:46.087 Do you know that? 00:04:46.087 --> 00:04:47.708 We are called in Scripture 00:04:47.708 --> 00:04:52.026 to maintain and preserve the unity 00:04:52.026 --> 00:04:58.021 that God Himself has created in us. 00:04:58.021 --> 00:05:02.022 Maintaining our unity in Christ is vitally important 00:05:02.022 --> 00:05:05.433 because the church's unity 00:05:05.433 --> 00:05:09.551 is a living witness to the lost world 00:05:09.551 --> 00:05:12.343 about the saving and uniting power 00:05:12.343 --> 00:05:15.995 of Jesus Christ. 00:05:15.995 --> 00:05:18.634 Jesus Christ, through the gospel, 00:05:18.634 --> 00:05:22.371 brings together a diverse people - 00:05:22.371 --> 00:05:24.430 a people from every nation, tribe, 00:05:24.430 --> 00:05:26.930 tongue, and language. 00:05:26.930 --> 00:05:32.464 and makes them one in Jesus Christ. 00:05:32.464 --> 00:05:36.292 In Christ, we are one body. 00:05:36.292 --> 00:05:38.429 We are one spirit. 00:05:38.429 --> 00:05:40.691 We have one hope. We have one Lord. 00:05:40.691 --> 00:05:42.342 We have one common faith. 00:05:42.342 --> 00:05:44.960 We have one common object of our faith 00:05:44.960 --> 00:05:46.742 and affection of our hearts 00:05:46.742 --> 00:05:51.005 and that is Jesus Christ. NOTE Paragraph 00:05:51.005 --> 00:05:52.841 In our churches; 00:05:52.841 --> 00:05:56.092 in our families of faith 00:05:56.092 --> 00:05:59.893 our unity though is tested. 00:05:59.893 --> 00:06:03.966 It's tested in the midst of our diversity. 00:06:03.966 --> 00:06:05.265 When I speak of diversity, 00:06:05.265 --> 00:06:06.575 I'm not just speaking about 00:06:06.575 --> 00:06:08.968 cultural diversity here. 00:06:08.968 --> 00:06:12.644 Although, there is cultural diversity. 00:06:12.644 --> 00:06:14.300 The diversity I'm speaking about 00:06:14.300 --> 00:06:15.817 is the diversity, maybe, 00:06:15.817 --> 00:06:18.650 in maturity in Christ. 00:06:18.650 --> 00:06:22.160 Or, our growth in the understanding 00:06:22.160 --> 00:06:24.692 of truth and doctrine. 00:06:24.692 --> 00:06:27.323 Or, the diversity in our convictions 00:06:27.323 --> 00:06:30.666 and how we apply the Scriptures 00:06:30.666 --> 00:06:33.460 to our lives. 00:06:33.460 --> 00:06:36.830 How we live out those understandings. NOTE Paragraph 00:06:36.830 --> 00:06:39.240 So what do we do? 00:06:39.240 --> 00:06:41.582 Do we just set doctrine aside? 00:06:41.582 --> 00:06:43.658 Find the lowest common denominator? 00:06:43.658 --> 00:06:46.972 And just rally around that? 00:06:46.972 --> 00:06:48.778 Of course not. 00:06:48.778 --> 00:06:50.657 Of course that's not what we do. 00:06:50.657 --> 00:06:52.804 We do see that happening in some places; 00:06:52.804 --> 00:06:54.295 some of the professing churches 00:06:54.295 --> 00:06:56.005 who set aside doctrine 00:06:56.005 --> 00:06:57.518 for the sake of unity, 00:06:57.518 --> 00:07:01.807 which is a fake unity. 00:07:01.807 --> 00:07:04.296 But no, we don't set aside doctrine. 00:07:04.296 --> 00:07:07.106 Again, the church is the pillar and buttress of truth. 00:07:07.106 --> 00:07:10.034 We must all be consistently growing, 00:07:10.034 --> 00:07:12.590 understanding, defending, 00:07:12.590 --> 00:07:14.832 and proclaiming truth. 00:07:14.832 --> 00:07:16.849 We must be conforming to truth 00:07:16.849 --> 00:07:22.009 personally in our lives. 00:07:22.009 --> 00:07:24.985 We must maintain that unity that we have in Christ 00:07:24.985 --> 00:07:26.542 and the witness that we have 00:07:26.542 --> 00:07:28.991 to a lost and dying world. NOTE Paragraph 00:07:28.991 --> 00:07:31.032 So let me summarize it in one question 00:07:31.032 --> 00:07:32.150 and put it before you, 00:07:32.150 --> 00:07:35.125 and then try to answer it for us. 00:07:35.125 --> 00:07:39.236 How do we as local churches here 00:07:39.236 --> 00:07:41.915 with such diversity 00:07:41.915 --> 00:07:46.311 maintain our unity in Jesus Christ 00:07:46.311 --> 00:07:50.306 while we vigilantly pursue and defend truth. 00:07:50.306 --> 00:07:52.898 That's the question I want to put before us today. 00:07:52.898 --> 00:07:56.025 And I think Paul in 1 Corinthians 13, 00:07:56.025 --> 00:07:58.698 he gives us the answer. 00:07:58.698 --> 00:08:02.244 Let's read 1 Corinthians 13. 00:08:02.244 --> 00:08:03.932 Please follow along as we read 00:08:03.932 --> 00:08:07.527 God's holy and inerrant Word. NOTE Paragraph 00:08:07.527 --> 00:08:10.365 "If I speak in the tongues of men 00:08:10.365 --> 00:08:14.253 and of angels but have not love, 00:08:14.253 --> 00:08:17.657 I'm a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 00:08:17.657 --> 00:08:19.317 If I have prophetic powers 00:08:19.317 --> 00:08:22.276 and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, 00:08:22.276 --> 00:08:24.220 and if I have all faith 00:08:24.220 --> 00:08:26.853 so as to remove mountains, 00:08:26.853 --> 00:08:30.598 but have not love, I am nothing. 00:08:30.598 --> 00:08:32.347 If I give away all I have 00:08:32.347 --> 00:08:35.335 and if I deliver up my body to be burned, 00:08:35.335 --> 00:08:36.991 but have not love, 00:08:36.991 --> 00:08:39.804 I gain nothing. 00:08:39.804 --> 00:08:43.030 Love is patient and kind. 00:08:43.030 --> 00:08:45.320 Love does not envy or boast. 00:08:45.320 --> 00:08:47.607 It is not arrogant or rude. 00:08:47.607 --> 00:08:50.014 It does not insist on its own way. 00:08:50.014 --> 00:08:52.772 It is not irritable or resentful. 00:08:52.772 --> 00:08:54.869 It does not rejoice at wrongdoing, 00:08:54.869 --> 00:08:57.483 but rejoices with the truth. 00:08:57.483 --> 00:08:59.645 Love bears all things; 00:08:59.645 --> 00:09:01.858 believes all things; hopes all thing; 00:09:01.858 --> 00:09:04.655 endures all things. 00:09:04.655 --> 00:09:06.765 Love never fails. 00:09:06.765 --> 00:09:09.302 As for prophecies, they will pass away. 00:09:09.302 --> 00:09:11.721 As for tongues, they will cease. 00:09:11.721 --> 00:09:14.629 As for knowledge, it will pass away. 00:09:14.629 --> 00:09:17.653 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 00:09:17.653 --> 00:09:19.745 but when the perfect comes, 00:09:19.745 --> 00:09:21.916 the partial will pass away. 00:09:21.916 --> 00:09:22.993 When I was a child, 00:09:22.993 --> 00:09:24.503 I spoke like a child; 00:09:24.503 --> 00:09:25.697 I thought like a child; 00:09:25.697 --> 00:09:27.604 I reasoned like a child. 00:09:27.604 --> 00:09:29.572 When I became a man, 00:09:29.572 --> 00:09:31.822 I gave up childish ways. 00:09:31.822 --> 00:09:34.835 For now we see dimly in a mirror, 00:09:34.835 --> 00:09:36.914 but then face to face. 00:09:36.914 --> 00:09:38.872 Now I know in part, 00:09:38.872 --> 00:09:40.515 then I shall know fully 00:09:40.515 --> 00:09:43.856 even as I have been fully known. 00:09:43.856 --> 00:09:47.027 So now, faith, hope, and love abide 00:09:47.027 --> 00:09:49.023 these three, 00:09:49.023 --> 00:09:56.239 but the greatest of these is love." NOTE Paragraph 00:09:56.239 --> 00:09:59.321 I'll be focusing on verses 1-7, 00:09:59.321 --> 00:10:01.454 and I won't even be able to cover them all 00:10:01.454 --> 00:10:03.733 in this short period of time. 00:10:03.733 --> 00:10:05.906 In verses 1 - 3, 00:10:05.906 --> 00:10:07.783 I hope to convince us all 00:10:07.783 --> 00:10:10.408 of the essential need for love 00:10:10.408 --> 00:10:12.050 in our local churches 00:10:12.050 --> 00:10:14.496 in the midst of our differences. 00:10:14.496 --> 00:10:16.232 In verses 4 - 7, 00:10:16.232 --> 00:10:18.496 we will look at the picture 00:10:18.496 --> 00:10:20.714 that Paul paints for us, 00:10:20.714 --> 00:10:23.014 which is nothing less than a portrait 00:10:23.014 --> 00:10:26.662 of Jesus Christ Himself. 00:10:26.662 --> 00:10:28.254 And I believe that we will all 00:10:28.254 --> 00:10:29.993 look at this portrait of love; 00:10:29.993 --> 00:10:33.152 this portrait of Jesus Christ, 00:10:33.152 --> 00:10:34.789 and I think we're all going to see 00:10:34.789 --> 00:10:38.163 that we are falling short. 00:10:38.163 --> 00:10:39.802 What we will all see is 00:10:39.802 --> 00:10:42.256 that the genuineness and the depth 00:10:42.256 --> 00:10:45.566 of our love towards one another 00:10:45.566 --> 00:10:48.097 may be found lacking. 00:10:48.097 --> 00:10:49.871 And I think we're going to discover 00:10:49.871 --> 00:10:52.731 that we're not quite as mature 00:10:52.731 --> 00:10:54.833 as we think we are. 00:10:54.833 --> 00:10:56.135 As Paul said, 00:10:56.135 --> 00:10:58.421 when he was a child, he thought like a child. 00:10:58.421 --> 00:11:00.748 He reasoned like a child. 00:11:00.748 --> 00:11:04.429 He's talking about the maturing process. 00:11:04.429 --> 00:11:06.185 Beloved, I think many of us think 00:11:06.185 --> 00:11:08.599 that we're men or women, 00:11:08.599 --> 00:11:11.772 but by how we handle our differences 00:11:11.772 --> 00:11:14.129 in our local churches, 00:11:14.129 --> 00:11:22.296 we're proving to still be children. NOTE Paragraph 00:11:22.296 --> 00:11:25.149 Well, it's no secret that the answer 00:11:25.149 --> 00:11:27.976 to how do we maintain our unity 00:11:27.976 --> 00:11:30.623 in Jesus Christ in the midst of our diversity 00:11:30.623 --> 00:11:35.499 in our local churches is love. 00:11:35.499 --> 00:11:37.267 Before we walk through these verses, 00:11:37.267 --> 00:11:38.461 I don't know about you, 00:11:38.461 --> 00:11:40.859 but I find it very interesting 00:11:40.859 --> 00:11:45.015 that the greatest treatise on love 00:11:45.015 --> 00:11:48.209 in the entire Bible 00:11:48.209 --> 00:11:50.939 is not written to a man and a woman 00:11:50.939 --> 00:11:53.363 standing at an altar with rings in hand 00:11:53.363 --> 00:11:56.614 about to exchange vows. 00:11:56.614 --> 00:11:59.021 But it's written pointedly 00:11:59.021 --> 00:12:02.127 to a local church. 00:12:02.127 --> 00:12:04.040 A local church - and we've all read 00:12:04.040 --> 00:12:06.504 the book of Corinthians who no doubt 00:12:06.504 --> 00:12:09.762 is in the face of diversity; 00:12:09.762 --> 00:12:11.767 has some differences. 00:12:11.767 --> 00:12:15.852 And the unity that they have supernaturally in Christ, 00:12:15.852 --> 00:12:18.720 right now is at stake 00:12:18.720 --> 00:12:20.484 in this local church. 00:12:20.484 --> 00:12:22.317 And I will tell you, that's true 00:12:22.317 --> 00:12:26.291 for all of us sitting here right now. 00:12:26.291 --> 00:12:28.955 The context again is that this is written 00:12:28.955 --> 00:12:31.940 to a local church 00:12:31.940 --> 00:12:34.780 who had experienced wonderful fellowship 00:12:34.780 --> 00:12:36.993 in their union of Christ. 00:12:36.993 --> 00:12:39.452 And now that fellowship, 00:12:39.452 --> 00:12:42.051 that unity in Christ, 00:12:42.051 --> 00:12:44.307 is in danger. NOTE Paragraph 00:12:44.307 --> 00:12:46.245 Look at verse 1. 00:12:46.245 --> 00:12:48.540 "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, 00:12:48.540 --> 00:12:49.747 but have not love, 00:12:49.747 --> 00:12:52.729 I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal." 00:12:52.729 --> 00:12:54.518 We know from chapter 12 that there 00:12:54.518 --> 00:12:57.130 is a division sprouting up in the church of Corinth 00:12:57.130 --> 00:12:58.857 over spiritual gifts. 00:12:58.857 --> 00:13:01.224 They're priding themselves 00:13:01.224 --> 00:13:03.790 in what gifts they have. 00:13:03.790 --> 00:13:05.321 It seems people are creating 00:13:05.321 --> 00:13:07.724 what you might call subcultures 00:13:07.724 --> 00:13:09.770 within the church. 00:13:09.770 --> 00:13:11.574 Based on what? 00:13:11.574 --> 00:13:15.067 Based on what spiritual gifts they have. 00:13:15.067 --> 00:13:17.530 They're creating spiritual hierarchies 00:13:17.530 --> 00:13:19.858 within their local church it seems. 00:13:19.858 --> 00:13:22.955 Different classes of Christianity. 00:13:22.955 --> 00:13:25.673 Treating some people with preferential treatment 00:13:25.673 --> 00:13:28.398 or elevated treatment over other people 00:13:28.398 --> 00:13:32.974 based on which gifts they have. 00:13:32.974 --> 00:13:34.818 Well, Paul will have none of that. 00:13:34.818 --> 00:13:36.157 In fact, in chapter 12, 00:13:36.157 --> 00:13:37.703 we know that he spent time 00:13:37.703 --> 00:13:39.370 straightening that out. 00:13:39.370 --> 00:13:40.654 He helped them all see 00:13:40.654 --> 00:13:43.014 that the body of Christ is one body 00:13:43.014 --> 00:13:45.141 with many different parts. 00:13:45.141 --> 00:13:46.856 But the gifts within the church 00:13:46.856 --> 00:13:48.363 are distributed by God, 00:13:48.363 --> 00:13:49.946 and we're not to boast in those, 00:13:49.946 --> 00:13:52.049 and they're to be used for the edification 00:13:52.049 --> 00:13:55.351 and the building up of the church as a whole. 00:13:55.351 --> 00:13:56.950 But here in chapter 13, 00:13:56.950 --> 00:13:59.502 Paul says something different. 00:13:59.502 --> 00:14:02.260 Paul says essentially 00:14:02.260 --> 00:14:04.552 you're finding your identity 00:14:04.552 --> 00:14:07.097 in believing that you are something; 00:14:07.097 --> 00:14:09.671 believing that you have something to offer 00:14:09.671 --> 00:14:13.594 based on what gifts God has given to you. 00:14:13.594 --> 00:14:16.564 "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, 00:14:16.564 --> 00:14:18.180 but have not love, 00:14:18.180 --> 00:14:22.015 I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal." 00:14:22.015 --> 00:14:25.296 What is it that Paul's doing here? 00:14:25.296 --> 00:14:26.885 Well, please know this, beloved. 00:14:26.885 --> 00:14:31.376 Paul is not minimizing the importance 00:14:31.376 --> 00:14:34.780 of spiritual gifts in the local church. 00:14:34.780 --> 00:14:36.959 He just spent an entire chapter 00:14:36.959 --> 00:14:39.250 letting them know spiritual gifts 00:14:39.250 --> 00:14:41.420 are important and vital 00:14:41.420 --> 00:14:43.739 to the local church. 00:14:43.739 --> 00:14:45.957 Well, if he's not minimizing the importance 00:14:45.957 --> 00:14:47.246 of spiritual gifts, 00:14:47.246 --> 00:14:50.892 what is it that Paul is doing here then? 00:14:50.892 --> 00:14:57.303 He's maximizing the necessity of love. 00:14:57.303 --> 00:15:01.413 Paul is not minimizing the importance of gifts, 00:15:01.413 --> 00:15:04.823 but maximizing the necessity of love. 00:15:04.823 --> 00:15:06.387 He's essentially saying this, 00:15:06.387 --> 00:15:07.509 if you have gifts - 00:15:07.509 --> 00:15:09.561 even the ones you're all boasting about - 00:15:09.561 --> 00:15:10.985 the gift of tongues maybe, 00:15:10.985 --> 00:15:13.759 but it's not rooted in love; 00:15:13.759 --> 00:15:17.016 it's not used and governed by love, 00:15:17.016 --> 00:15:21.764 then your gifts do not help the church. 00:15:21.764 --> 00:15:24.308 They distract from the church. 00:15:24.308 --> 00:15:27.553 They hurt the church. NOTE Paragraph 00:15:27.553 --> 00:15:29.410 Verse 2. 00:15:29.410 --> 00:15:31.105 "And if I have prophetic powers 00:15:31.105 --> 00:15:33.829 and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, 00:15:33.829 --> 00:15:35.127 and if I have all faith 00:15:35.127 --> 00:15:36.689 so as to remove mountains, 00:15:36.689 --> 00:15:38.082 but have not love, 00:15:38.082 --> 00:15:41.290 I am nothing." 00:15:41.290 --> 00:15:45.691 And I think is where we'll focus our time. 00:15:45.691 --> 00:15:47.604 This is where we in the reformed church 00:15:47.604 --> 00:15:50.372 with our emphasis on doctrine 00:15:50.372 --> 00:15:53.844 seem to struggle a lot. 00:15:53.844 --> 00:15:56.895 Praise God again that we study doctrine, 00:15:56.895 --> 00:15:58.148 and we seek to live it out 00:15:58.148 --> 00:15:59.816 and apply it in all of our lives. 00:15:59.816 --> 00:16:01.494 That's something we must be doing. 00:16:01.494 --> 00:16:04.762 But for many in the reformed church, 00:16:04.762 --> 00:16:07.144 understanding doctrine 00:16:07.144 --> 00:16:09.663 has become everything to them. 00:16:09.663 --> 00:16:11.401 At any time I begin to discuss 00:16:11.401 --> 00:16:13.459 this type of subject, 00:16:13.459 --> 00:16:15.824 like Paul's discussing here in v. 2, 00:16:15.824 --> 00:16:19.286 it's not long before I hear from someone, 00:16:19.286 --> 00:16:21.477 "Jesse, you're minimizing doctrine, 00:16:21.477 --> 00:16:23.473 and doctrine is from God's Word, 00:16:23.473 --> 00:16:26.410 and we can't minimize doctrine." 00:16:26.410 --> 00:16:28.745 So let me say loudly and clearly, 00:16:28.745 --> 00:16:32.616 and I will repeat myself throughout the entire sermon, 00:16:32.616 --> 00:16:36.306 I'm not minimizing doctrine. 00:16:36.306 --> 00:16:37.428 I agree with you. 00:16:37.428 --> 00:16:40.145 All of doctrine is of vital importance 00:16:40.145 --> 00:16:42.931 because it comes from the Word of God. 00:16:42.931 --> 00:16:47.211 I'm not minimizing doctrine. 00:16:47.211 --> 00:16:51.969 I'm not suggesting that we set doctrine aside. 00:16:51.969 --> 00:16:53.681 As a pastor, I'll tell you this. 00:16:53.681 --> 00:16:57.329 I've given myself to doctrine. 00:16:57.329 --> 00:16:59.253 To the study of doctrine. 00:16:59.253 --> 00:17:01.593 To the teaching and preaching of doctrine. 00:17:01.593 --> 00:17:03.903 To the defending of doctrine. 00:17:03.903 --> 00:17:07.095 Week after week, year after year. 00:17:07.095 --> 00:17:12.006 I'm not minimizing doctrine. 00:17:12.006 --> 00:17:17.709 But I'm maximizing the need for love. 00:17:17.709 --> 00:17:21.901 The need for love in our doctrine. 00:17:21.901 --> 00:17:27.147 The need for love in our doctrinal differences. 00:17:27.147 --> 00:17:29.137 Look what Paul is saying here. 00:17:29.137 --> 00:17:31.934 "If I have prophetic powers 00:17:31.934 --> 00:17:37.295 and understand all mysteries and all knowledge..." 00:17:37.295 --> 00:17:39.952 All mysteries. NOTE Paragraph 00:17:39.952 --> 00:17:41.890 One of my favorite portions of Scripture 00:17:41.890 --> 00:17:43.102 is in Luke 24 00:17:43.102 --> 00:17:44.719 after the resurrection of Christ 00:17:44.719 --> 00:17:47.898 on the road with the disciples. 00:17:47.898 --> 00:17:50.149 He's speaking to the disciples. 00:17:50.149 --> 00:17:54.335 And Jesus unlocks all mysteries for them. 00:17:54.335 --> 00:17:55.837 He helps them to see 00:17:55.837 --> 00:17:58.333 how He is the fulfillment, 00:17:58.333 --> 00:18:01.299 and how all of Scripture finds its fulfillment 00:18:01.299 --> 00:18:03.689 in Jesus Christ. 00:18:03.689 --> 00:18:06.527 Jesus who understands all mysteries. 00:18:06.527 --> 00:18:08.887 What a value that would be to the church! 00:18:08.887 --> 00:18:11.261 To have an individual or people in our church 00:18:11.261 --> 00:18:14.104 who understood all the mysteries in Scripture 00:18:14.104 --> 00:18:19.883 and how they find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ. 00:18:19.883 --> 00:18:22.656 What about the one who has all knowledge? 00:18:22.656 --> 00:18:25.453 Deep doctrine. 00:18:25.453 --> 00:18:27.117 This may be the person who has 00:18:27.117 --> 00:18:28.527 all the covenant issues 00:18:28.527 --> 00:18:32.817 sorted out perfectly. 00:18:32.817 --> 00:18:36.153 They have all their eschatology down. 00:18:36.153 --> 00:18:40.740 Paul says here they have all knowledge. 00:18:40.740 --> 00:18:42.235 He's giving them credit. 00:18:42.235 --> 00:18:43.913 You understand all mysteries. 00:18:43.913 --> 00:18:54.109 You have all the knowledge. 00:18:54.109 --> 00:18:57.171 But if you have not love, 00:18:57.171 --> 00:19:02.688 you are nothing. NOTE Paragraph 00:19:02.688 --> 00:19:04.073 Again, I think this is where 00:19:04.073 --> 00:19:06.080 the rubber meets the road for us. 00:19:06.080 --> 00:19:10.141 maybe these churches represented here. 00:19:10.141 --> 00:19:11.868 There are some of us who believe 00:19:11.868 --> 00:19:14.707 we have all the mysteries and knowledge 00:19:14.707 --> 00:19:15.696 figured out. 00:19:15.696 --> 00:19:17.132 And I think if we're honest, 00:19:17.132 --> 00:19:19.049 we need to confess 00:19:19.049 --> 00:19:22.079 we don't have it all figured out. 00:19:22.079 --> 00:19:24.674 We're all still growing. 00:19:24.674 --> 00:19:26.882 These men who have walked in the faith 00:19:26.882 --> 00:19:29.595 40, 50, 60 years faithfully, 00:19:29.595 --> 00:19:31.552 you could bring them up here one by one 00:19:31.552 --> 00:19:32.898 and they would acknowledge, 00:19:32.898 --> 00:19:34.497 listen, I'm still growing. 00:19:34.497 --> 00:19:36.250 The Word of God is still sharpening 00:19:36.250 --> 00:19:38.874 and shaping my understanding of who God is. 00:19:38.874 --> 00:19:41.439 The mysteries are still being unlocked to me. 00:19:41.439 --> 00:19:44.050 The knowledge and the deeper things of the Lord 00:19:44.050 --> 00:19:45.574 are still being revealed to me. 00:19:45.574 --> 00:19:47.749 And praise God, we never stop growing. 00:19:47.749 --> 00:19:49.194 But what Paul says here is, 00:19:49.194 --> 00:19:53.220 what if you did understand all the mysteries 00:19:53.220 --> 00:19:56.882 and have all the knowledge? 00:19:56.882 --> 00:20:05.535 Even then, without love you're nothing. NOTE Paragraph 00:20:05.535 --> 00:20:07.667 In verse 3, Paul goes on to say this: 00:20:07.667 --> 00:20:08.931 "If I give away all I have 00:20:08.931 --> 00:20:10.822 and deliver up my body to be burned 00:20:10.822 --> 00:20:14.557 and have not love, I gain nothing." 00:20:14.557 --> 00:20:16.396 Again, I've talked to so many of you. 00:20:16.396 --> 00:20:20.146 You're living self-sacrificing lives 00:20:20.146 --> 00:20:21.925 so you can be more faithful to Scripture 00:20:21.925 --> 00:20:23.675 and give more. 00:20:23.675 --> 00:20:25.507 I mean, aren't you the kind of people 00:20:25.507 --> 00:20:27.212 you want to see in our church? 00:20:27.212 --> 00:20:30.000 The ones who are gifted by God? 00:20:30.000 --> 00:20:32.093 The ones who have and are studying doctrine 00:20:32.093 --> 00:20:34.001 and have knowledge and understanding? 00:20:34.001 --> 00:20:35.784 The ones who are living sacrificially 00:20:35.784 --> 00:20:37.507 for the glory of the Kingdom of God? 00:20:37.507 --> 00:20:39.866 Aren't these the people we want in our church? 00:20:39.866 --> 00:20:41.418 And the answer is yes. 00:20:41.418 --> 00:20:43.545 And don't they bring value? 00:20:43.545 --> 00:20:45.742 Don't they help edify and build up the church? 00:20:45.742 --> 00:20:49.241 And the answer is maybe. 00:20:49.241 --> 00:20:53.662 But maybe not. 00:20:53.662 --> 00:20:55.741 Do you see the progression that happened 00:20:55.741 --> 00:21:01.090 in these first three verses? 00:21:01.090 --> 00:21:06.997 Without love, we accomplish nothing. 00:21:06.997 --> 00:21:10.717 Without love, we are nothing. 00:21:10.717 --> 00:21:17.719 And without love, we gain nothing. NOTE Paragraph 00:21:17.719 --> 00:21:22.340 What's the conclusion that we must come to? 00:21:22.340 --> 00:21:25.774 In measuring our Christian maturity, 00:21:25.774 --> 00:21:30.149 if we have everything without love, 00:21:30.149 --> 00:21:32.777 we have nothing. 00:21:32.777 --> 00:21:33.923 We have nothing. 00:21:33.923 --> 00:21:37.596 Love is essential. 00:21:37.596 --> 00:21:40.386 Oh, how important the use of gifts are 00:21:40.386 --> 00:21:42.757 in the local church. 00:21:42.757 --> 00:21:45.588 Oh, how important doctrine is 00:21:45.588 --> 00:21:47.332 in the local church. 00:21:47.332 --> 00:21:50.017 Oh, how important sacrificial living 00:21:50.017 --> 00:21:53.777 is in the local church. 00:21:53.777 --> 00:21:57.237 But apart from love, beloved, 00:21:57.237 --> 00:22:00.339 it's nothing. NOTE Paragraph 00:22:00.339 --> 00:22:02.600 Right away, some of you may begin to struggle 00:22:02.600 --> 00:22:03.998 as we talk about doctrine 00:22:03.998 --> 00:22:07.042 and begin to ask a question like, 00:22:07.042 --> 00:22:08.914 "So, are you saying that we should 00:22:08.914 --> 00:22:13.218 let go of doctrine and pursue love?" 00:22:13.218 --> 00:22:16.167 And I want you to know this: No. 00:22:16.167 --> 00:22:21.323 It's not truth or love. 00:22:21.323 --> 00:22:25.550 It's truth in love. 00:22:25.550 --> 00:22:27.675 So often, we have that pendulum swing 00:22:27.675 --> 00:22:29.550 in our life, don't we? 00:22:29.550 --> 00:22:31.585 Where, okay, I'm pursuing truth. 00:22:31.585 --> 00:22:33.111 I'm given to truth. I'm studying. 00:22:33.111 --> 00:22:35.997 I'm reading systematic theology. I'm going through all these things. 00:22:35.997 --> 00:22:37.980 I'm growing in truth; growing in truth. 00:22:37.980 --> 00:22:40.324 And we begin to neglect other areas of our life, 00:22:40.324 --> 00:22:42.309 and you realize, wait a minute, 00:22:42.309 --> 00:22:43.786 I'm lacking in love. 00:22:43.786 --> 00:22:45.271 So what do we often do? 00:22:45.271 --> 00:22:47.983 We overcompensate and we set truth down, 00:22:47.983 --> 00:22:49.572 and we walk over here 00:22:49.572 --> 00:22:51.631 and begin to pursue love. 00:22:51.631 --> 00:22:54.017 Saints, it's not truth or love. 00:22:54.017 --> 00:22:55.357 It's truth in love. 00:22:55.357 --> 00:22:58.550 It's not 50% of truth and 50% of love. 00:22:58.550 --> 00:23:02.367 It's 100% of truth and 100% of love 00:23:02.367 --> 00:23:05.875 working together. 00:23:05.875 --> 00:23:10.999 It's not either/or; it's both/and. NOTE Paragraph 00:23:10.999 --> 00:23:13.084 Well, it's at this point that some of you 00:23:13.084 --> 00:23:16.426 may say, okay, I'm pursuing truth, 00:23:16.426 --> 00:23:18.678 and I believe that I'm loving. 00:23:18.678 --> 00:23:20.528 But you may believe that you're loving 00:23:20.528 --> 00:23:22.660 because all too often, we find - 00:23:22.660 --> 00:23:25.030 especially in reformed circles - 00:23:25.030 --> 00:23:26.827 statements like this: 00:23:26.827 --> 00:23:29.352 Of course, I'm loving. I told them the truth. 00:23:29.352 --> 00:23:34.039 That's the most loving thing you can do. 00:23:34.039 --> 00:23:37.697 Well, it is loving to share truth with people. NOTE Paragraph 00:23:37.697 --> 00:23:39.207 But Paul now in verse 4 00:23:39.207 --> 00:23:40.615 is going to help you see 00:23:40.615 --> 00:23:43.733 what does love look like 00:23:43.733 --> 00:23:46.331 actually lived out. 00:23:46.331 --> 00:23:48.002 He's going to help us see that 00:23:48.002 --> 00:23:50.487 love is not just sharing the right, 00:23:50.487 --> 00:23:51.941 correct doctrine, 00:23:51.941 --> 00:23:55.878 but the spirit in which you share that doctrine 00:23:55.878 --> 00:23:58.782 is vital. 00:23:58.782 --> 00:24:01.128 Here's what Paul's going to show us. 00:24:01.128 --> 00:24:06.951 The genuineness and depth of our love 00:24:06.951 --> 00:24:13.391 is not seen in just sharing truth 00:24:13.391 --> 00:24:15.595 or how we respond to people 00:24:15.595 --> 00:24:19.306 who agree with our doctrinal positions, 00:24:19.306 --> 00:24:23.723 but the genuineness and depth of our love 00:24:23.723 --> 00:24:26.658 is revealed in how you respond 00:24:26.658 --> 00:24:28.997 to people who disagree 00:24:28.997 --> 00:24:41.080 with your doctrinal positions. 00:24:41.080 --> 00:24:43.820 What I keep seeing in reformed circles 00:24:43.820 --> 00:24:47.444 is people pursuing truth. 00:24:47.444 --> 00:24:50.183 And typically as I begin this discussion, 00:24:50.183 --> 00:24:51.997 I'll see them pursuing truth 00:24:51.997 --> 00:24:55.387 as it pertains to doctrines that we would call 00:24:55.387 --> 00:24:58.680 non-salvific. 00:24:58.680 --> 00:25:01.101 Meaning, we're not usually struggling 00:25:01.101 --> 00:25:04.524 in the areas of whether Jesus is God 00:25:04.524 --> 00:25:07.048 or we're saved by grace through faith alone. 00:25:07.048 --> 00:25:09.181 We're dealing in doctrinal areas 00:25:09.181 --> 00:25:11.179 that although very important 00:25:11.179 --> 00:25:14.423 and vital because they're from the Word of God, 00:25:14.423 --> 00:25:17.094 that we know that some through the ages 00:25:17.094 --> 00:25:18.689 have disagreed upon 00:25:18.689 --> 00:25:21.060 and come to different conclusions upon. NOTE Paragraph 00:25:21.060 --> 00:25:23.032 And that's kind of where I want to focus 00:25:23.032 --> 00:25:28.651 my effort and energy today if i could. 00:25:28.651 --> 00:25:31.419 Someone begins to study a doctrinal position. 00:25:31.419 --> 00:25:33.221 Maybe they were unaware of it. 00:25:33.221 --> 00:25:35.756 It wasn't even on their radar before. 00:25:35.756 --> 00:25:37.552 They become passionate about truth, 00:25:37.552 --> 00:25:40.826 as we all should be passionate about truth. 00:25:40.826 --> 00:25:42.681 Well, they begin to talk with others 00:25:42.681 --> 00:25:44.488 in their local church about this truth 00:25:44.488 --> 00:25:46.181 because they're excited about it. 00:25:46.181 --> 00:25:47.792 They see how God can be glorified 00:25:47.792 --> 00:25:50.266 in it and through it. 00:25:50.266 --> 00:25:51.847 And this is good. 00:25:51.847 --> 00:25:53.775 But then they find someone in the church 00:25:53.775 --> 00:25:55.413 or different people in the church 00:25:55.413 --> 00:25:58.740 who disagree with them. 00:25:58.740 --> 00:26:00.828 And it's at this point that I begin to see 00:26:00.828 --> 00:26:03.061 that unity that we have in Jesus Christ - 00:26:03.061 --> 00:26:05.870 that supernatural bond that we have - 00:26:05.870 --> 00:26:09.581 this is where I begin to see a disunity. 00:26:09.581 --> 00:26:12.002 Not a working to preserve and maintain that, 00:26:12.002 --> 00:26:14.358 but a division beginning to occur. NOTE Paragraph 00:26:14.358 --> 00:26:16.319 And I see the divisions occurring really 00:26:16.319 --> 00:26:18.063 in two different ways. 00:26:18.063 --> 00:26:19.876 One of the divisions that may occur 00:26:19.876 --> 00:26:21.187 is they say, 00:26:21.187 --> 00:26:24.007 "Well, if you're not going to side with me 00:26:24.007 --> 00:26:25.682 in my beliefs, I'll just go find 00:26:25.682 --> 00:26:27.152 another group of Christians; 00:26:27.152 --> 00:26:32.079 another church who more believes in these areas 00:26:32.079 --> 00:26:33.798 the way I believe, 00:26:33.798 --> 00:26:36.260 and I'll go be with them." NOTE Paragraph 00:26:36.260 --> 00:26:38.166 But another division I'm actually seeing 00:26:38.166 --> 00:26:39.706 more likely happening, 00:26:39.706 --> 00:26:41.162 and probably more prominent 00:26:41.162 --> 00:26:43.716 in our churches represented here 00:26:43.716 --> 00:26:47.093 is a division that stays in the local church. 00:26:47.093 --> 00:26:49.605 And what this division looks like is this: 00:26:49.605 --> 00:26:51.577 When I find someone who doesn't agree 00:26:51.577 --> 00:26:53.404 with my new study of doctrine 00:26:53.404 --> 00:26:55.195 or my new arrival of understanding, 00:26:55.195 --> 00:26:56.646 or I find someone who doesn't 00:26:56.646 --> 00:26:58.466 live out their convictions 00:26:58.466 --> 00:27:00.865 the same way that I do, 00:27:00.865 --> 00:27:03.858 there's division within the church. 00:27:03.858 --> 00:27:05.363 And that happens by treating 00:27:05.363 --> 00:27:09.935 other Christians in the church who disagree with me 00:27:09.935 --> 00:27:14.359 as second-class Christians. 00:27:14.359 --> 00:27:16.918 "You're not as spiritual as I am." 00:27:16.918 --> 00:27:20.647 "You clearly don't love holiness and God as much as I do." 00:27:20.647 --> 00:27:22.413 "There's something wrong with you, 00:27:22.413 --> 00:27:24.401 or you would come to the same conclusions 00:27:24.401 --> 00:27:25.483 I have come to." 00:27:25.483 --> 00:27:27.220 You would live out your convictions 00:27:27.220 --> 00:27:32.212 the same way I live out my convictions." 00:27:32.212 --> 00:27:33.595 This person that we once had 00:27:33.595 --> 00:27:35.617 such intimate fellowship with; 00:27:35.617 --> 00:27:37.875 that we shared the joy and union 00:27:37.875 --> 00:27:40.667 of fellowship and union in Christ together - 00:27:40.667 --> 00:27:42.860 my brother and sister in the Lord - 00:27:42.860 --> 00:27:46.644 someone who, like me, has been blood-bought, 00:27:46.644 --> 00:27:49.315 now, I realize has come to a different conclusion 00:27:49.315 --> 00:27:51.539 in an area of doctrine, 00:27:51.539 --> 00:27:52.878 and I don't even treat them 00:27:52.878 --> 00:27:59.824 like a brother or sister anymore. 00:27:59.824 --> 00:28:01.402 I want everyone in here to know, 00:28:01.402 --> 00:28:04.316 especially myself is this: 00:28:04.316 --> 00:28:06.673 that's not loving. 00:28:06.673 --> 00:28:09.028 That works directly against our call 00:28:09.028 --> 00:28:12.941 to maintain the unity that we have in Jesus Christ. 00:28:12.941 --> 00:28:17.493 I see this played out in churches all the time. 00:28:17.493 --> 00:28:19.782 Maybe you come to a conviction 00:28:19.782 --> 00:28:23.438 about how you should educate your children. 00:28:23.438 --> 00:28:26.825 Something that never was even on the radar. 00:28:26.825 --> 00:28:30.999 And then your eye diffused that quickening ray in the dungeon. 00:28:30.999 --> 00:28:33.823 And the light came in and Christ became real. 00:28:33.823 --> 00:28:35.369 And then everything in your life 00:28:35.369 --> 00:28:37.606 began to look through the lens of the gospel 00:28:37.606 --> 00:28:39.367 and the Scriptures as we should do. 00:28:39.367 --> 00:28:42.544 And you've come to convictions you've never even thought about. 00:28:42.544 --> 00:28:44.143 How should I educate my children? 00:28:44.143 --> 00:28:45.784 And you arrive at a conclusion. 00:28:45.784 --> 00:28:48.043 I think the best way for me to live this out 00:28:48.043 --> 00:28:52.879 might be for me to homeschool my children. 00:28:52.879 --> 00:28:56.151 And then you become convinced that's the only way 00:28:56.151 --> 00:28:57.914 that you can educate your children 00:28:57.914 --> 00:29:00.592 if you're seeking to glorify God. 00:29:00.592 --> 00:29:03.595 And you begin to look at other people 00:29:03.595 --> 00:29:06.052 who don't follow the conviction 00:29:06.052 --> 00:29:07.681 that you follow there. 00:29:07.681 --> 00:29:11.483 And you begin to categorize them in your mind. 00:29:11.483 --> 00:29:13.165 They don't love Jesus like I do. 00:29:13.165 --> 00:29:15.185 They're not willing to make the sacrifices 00:29:15.185 --> 00:29:17.017 that I'm willing to make. 00:29:17.017 --> 00:29:19.267 Do you see the spiritual pride? 00:29:19.267 --> 00:29:22.090 Do you see the classes of Christianity 00:29:22.090 --> 00:29:23.432 beginning to divide? 00:29:23.432 --> 00:29:25.127 Do you see that the basis 00:29:25.127 --> 00:29:26.723 of our fellowship, 00:29:26.723 --> 00:29:29.057 which was once the sweet union 00:29:29.057 --> 00:29:31.062 of Jesus Christ and the gospel, 00:29:31.062 --> 00:29:32.987 now becomes the basis of: 00:29:32.987 --> 00:29:36.198 well, how do you educate your children? 00:29:36.198 --> 00:29:37.863 What happens when we do that? 00:29:37.863 --> 00:29:40.089 Inevitably, whether we mean to or not, 00:29:40.089 --> 00:29:43.775 we begin to minimize the gospel of Jesus Christ. 00:29:43.775 --> 00:29:45.926 We begin to minimize the power 00:29:45.926 --> 00:29:48.222 of the purchasing blood of Jesus Christ. 00:29:48.222 --> 00:29:49.815 We begin to find fellowship 00:29:49.815 --> 00:29:52.360 in something other than Jesus Christ. 00:29:52.360 --> 00:29:55.591 We begin to find our unity 00:29:55.591 --> 00:30:00.239 in something other than Jesus Christ. 00:30:00.239 --> 00:30:05.095 Saints, it's dividing our churches up. 00:30:05.095 --> 00:30:06.979 That does not work to maintain 00:30:06.979 --> 00:30:14.385 the unity that we have in Jesus Christ. 00:30:14.385 --> 00:30:16.655 How you respond to that person 00:30:16.655 --> 00:30:19.336 who disagrees with your doctrinal position; 00:30:19.336 --> 00:30:21.204 how you respond to that person 00:30:21.204 --> 00:30:23.305 who comes to a different conclusion 00:30:23.305 --> 00:30:25.788 on how you should educate your children 00:30:25.788 --> 00:30:31.199 or what premarital relationships should look like - 00:30:31.199 --> 00:30:33.561 how you respond to that person 00:30:33.561 --> 00:30:36.011 is the evidence and depth of your love 00:30:36.011 --> 00:30:38.042 in the local church. 00:30:38.042 --> 00:30:40.430 You see, if we just keep surrounding ourselves, 00:30:40.430 --> 00:30:41.718 within the church, 00:30:41.718 --> 00:30:43.455 with little subcultures - 00:30:43.455 --> 00:30:45.714 we're the homeschooling group; 00:30:45.714 --> 00:30:47.644 we're the courtship group; 00:30:47.644 --> 00:30:49.667 we're the amillenial group; 00:30:49.667 --> 00:30:51.584 we're this group; we're that group; 00:30:51.584 --> 00:30:53.373 and anyone who doesn't agree with you 00:30:53.373 --> 00:30:55.227 in those areas, although you do have 00:30:55.227 --> 00:30:56.773 union with them in Christ, 00:30:56.773 --> 00:30:59.237 that's not good enough for fellowship anymore. 00:30:59.237 --> 00:31:01.165 I won't let my kids be around anyone 00:31:01.165 --> 00:31:02.460 who doesn't homeschool. 00:31:02.460 --> 00:31:04.719 What are you teaching your children? 00:31:04.719 --> 00:31:06.413 That homeschool is more important 00:31:06.413 --> 00:31:09.099 than union in Jesus Christ. 00:31:09.099 --> 00:31:11.459 I think some of us are going to wake up one day 00:31:11.459 --> 00:31:13.790 and realize we put all of our hope and faith 00:31:13.790 --> 00:31:16.055 in educating our children in our home. 00:31:16.055 --> 00:31:19.778 Homeschooling doesn't save anybody! 00:31:19.778 --> 00:31:25.156 It's Jesus Christ that saves. 00:31:25.156 --> 00:31:36.173 And I homeschool my kids. NOTE Paragraph 00:31:36.173 --> 00:31:38.977 Listen, I'm not implying 00:31:38.977 --> 00:31:40.811 that the love you have 00:31:40.811 --> 00:31:44.072 with the group of people you have surrounded yourself with 00:31:44.072 --> 00:31:46.536 that hold to those same convictions - 00:31:46.536 --> 00:31:49.119 I'm not saying it's not love. 00:31:49.119 --> 00:31:51.168 It is love. I think it's love. 00:31:51.168 --> 00:31:53.450 What I want us to look at is this: 00:31:53.450 --> 00:31:55.796 But what is the depth of my love? 00:31:55.796 --> 00:31:57.513 And Paul seems to think 00:31:57.513 --> 00:31:59.835 the depth of your love is revealed 00:31:59.835 --> 00:32:02.523 not with those you've gathered around yourself 00:32:02.523 --> 00:32:04.444 who affirm you all day, 00:32:04.444 --> 00:32:07.267 but the one who doesn't see it the same way 00:32:07.267 --> 00:32:09.667 and how you treat that brother or sister 00:32:09.667 --> 00:32:11.818 is the reality of the depth of your love 00:32:11.818 --> 00:32:13.922 for the local church. NOTE Paragraph 00:32:13.922 --> 00:32:16.352 Let's look at it in verse 4. 00:32:16.352 --> 00:32:20.869 Paul says, "Love is patient." 00:32:20.869 --> 00:32:25.521 Love suffers long. 00:32:25.521 --> 00:32:30.614 Assumed in this first characteristic of love 00:32:30.614 --> 00:32:32.880 is offense. 00:32:32.880 --> 00:32:35.179 He assumes that there's provocation here 00:32:35.179 --> 00:32:36.340 between two people. 00:32:36.340 --> 00:32:37.987 He assumes there's differences 00:32:37.987 --> 00:32:39.963 and disagreements here. 00:32:39.963 --> 00:32:41.497 Why do we say that? 00:32:41.497 --> 00:32:42.754 Because know this, 00:32:42.754 --> 00:32:46.078 you don't have to suffer long with people 00:32:46.078 --> 00:32:48.253 who agree with you in every point of doctrine 00:32:48.253 --> 00:32:51.078 and live out the same way you do. 00:32:51.078 --> 00:32:52.792 You don't suffer with those people. 00:32:52.792 --> 00:32:55.431 You just sit around and affirm each other. 00:32:55.431 --> 00:32:57.768 Look how spiritual we are! 00:32:57.768 --> 00:33:00.883 Look how unspiritual they are! 00:33:00.883 --> 00:33:03.723 I don't suffer long if you just build me up all day 00:33:03.723 --> 00:33:05.740 and agree with me in every area. 00:33:05.740 --> 00:33:07.920 That's not suffering. 00:33:07.920 --> 00:33:14.390 But Paul says genuine love suffers long. 00:33:14.390 --> 00:33:19.172 Genuine love is revealed in the face of adversity. 00:33:19.172 --> 00:33:24.775 In the face of disagreement. 00:33:24.775 --> 00:33:26.796 So how long are we suffering 00:33:26.796 --> 00:33:29.390 with those who disagree with us 00:33:29.390 --> 00:33:30.746 or have offended us 00:33:30.746 --> 00:33:34.243 because they haven't come to the same conclusions? 00:33:34.243 --> 00:33:38.399 Well, that's the reality of the depth of your love. 00:33:38.399 --> 00:33:40.110 What's assumed in the characteristic 00:33:40.110 --> 00:33:42.292 again is provocation. 00:33:42.292 --> 00:33:45.319 It assumes someone has provoked you here. 00:33:45.319 --> 00:33:46.393 They've provoked you 00:33:46.393 --> 00:33:50.871 by not seeing it the way that you see it. 00:33:50.871 --> 00:33:53.074 "Well, I showed it to them in Scripture. 00:33:53.074 --> 00:33:54.011 It's so clear. 00:33:54.011 --> 00:34:00.386 Why can't they see it?" 00:34:00.386 --> 00:34:03.322 Love when they've been provoked, 00:34:03.322 --> 00:34:06.714 does not provoke back. 00:34:06.714 --> 00:34:17.508 But it suffers long with the other person. 00:34:17.508 --> 00:34:19.430 What becomes very clear in Paul's 00:34:19.430 --> 00:34:21.701 definition of love here 00:34:21.701 --> 00:34:24.001 is that the love Paul is speaking about 00:34:24.001 --> 00:34:27.330 is not the love the world speaks about. 00:34:27.330 --> 00:34:29.277 The love the world speaks about 00:34:29.277 --> 00:34:31.618 is emotion-driven; 00:34:31.618 --> 00:34:33.778 feelings-based. 00:34:33.778 --> 00:34:36.112 And know this, genuine love 00:34:36.112 --> 00:34:38.879 is full of emotion and feelings. 00:34:38.879 --> 00:34:44.038 But it's not feelings-driven or feelings-based. 00:34:44.038 --> 00:34:46.972 Beloved, the love that Paul is calling you and I to 00:34:46.972 --> 00:34:49.962 to preserve the unity we have in Jesus Christ 00:34:49.962 --> 00:34:55.696 is nothing less than the love of Jesus Christ in the gospel. 00:34:55.696 --> 00:34:59.703 This is the love that you and I are being called to. 00:34:59.703 --> 00:35:02.122 This is not a love in word only. 00:35:02.122 --> 00:35:04.684 It's a love in deed and action. 00:35:04.684 --> 00:35:08.335 It's a love in the face of provocation 00:35:08.335 --> 00:35:13.890 that suffers long. NOTE Paragraph 00:35:13.890 --> 00:35:17.153 Let's apply this first characteristic again here. 00:35:17.153 --> 00:35:19.148 Suffering long. 00:35:19.148 --> 00:35:21.424 Someone in the church disagrees 00:35:21.424 --> 00:35:24.343 with a doctrinal position you spent the last six months 00:35:24.343 --> 00:35:27.018 reading three books on and listening to 25 sermons on. 00:35:27.018 --> 00:35:29.805 And you're convinced you've come to the right conclusion. 00:35:29.805 --> 00:35:32.370 You've sat down with them and you've shown it to them, 00:35:32.370 --> 00:35:34.892 and they just don't see what you're talking about. 00:35:34.892 --> 00:35:39.617 In fact, they see the other side of it. 00:35:39.617 --> 00:35:41.463 Now, we become passionate about truth, 00:35:41.463 --> 00:35:44.235 and Christians should be passionate about truth. 00:35:44.235 --> 00:35:47.030 But what this love does 00:35:47.030 --> 00:35:51.030 is it's patient with that person. 00:35:51.030 --> 00:35:52.268 Have you ever noticed - 00:35:52.268 --> 00:35:54.495 and I've seen this in my own life - 00:35:54.495 --> 00:35:55.578 you'll begin to study 00:35:55.578 --> 00:35:57.245 and focus on an area of doctrine. 00:35:57.245 --> 00:36:00.058 Something that maybe wasn't even on the radar 00:36:00.058 --> 00:36:02.729 for the first ten years in your Christianity. 00:36:02.729 --> 00:36:04.952 You spend six months studying on it 00:36:04.952 --> 00:36:06.535 and you're an expert on it. 00:36:06.535 --> 00:36:09.153 You dogmatically go to other people in your church, 00:36:09.153 --> 00:36:11.203 and you can't stop talking about it, 00:36:11.203 --> 00:36:13.513 and you struggle that they can't see it 00:36:13.513 --> 00:36:15.590 the way you've explained it. 00:36:15.590 --> 00:36:18.401 You forget that it was ten years in the faith - 00:36:18.401 --> 00:36:20.241 it wasn't even on your radar. 00:36:20.241 --> 00:36:21.589 But now if they don't come 00:36:21.589 --> 00:36:23.396 to the same conclusion as you've come to, 00:36:23.396 --> 00:36:25.561 you can't even be in fellowship with them anymore 00:36:25.561 --> 00:36:36.816 in the local church. 00:36:36.816 --> 00:36:38.452 Know this, saints, suffering long 00:36:38.452 --> 00:36:40.182 is more than just biting your tongue 00:36:40.182 --> 00:36:42.643 when someone disagrees with you, 00:36:42.643 --> 00:36:45.563 and distancing yourself from them. 00:36:45.563 --> 00:36:47.830 Because one of the things we need to see here 00:36:47.830 --> 00:36:50.223 is that these first two characteristics - 00:36:50.223 --> 00:36:52.177 patience and kindness - 00:36:52.177 --> 00:36:54.941 actually go together. 00:36:54.941 --> 00:36:57.379 One's the other side of the coin of the other. NOTE Paragraph 00:36:57.379 --> 00:36:59.669 Let me put them together with you 00:36:59.669 --> 00:37:03.581 and show you what this really looks like. 00:37:03.581 --> 00:37:05.337 Love is patient. It suffers long 00:37:05.337 --> 00:37:07.328 in the face of provocation. 00:37:07.328 --> 00:37:10.505 But more than that, love is kind. 00:37:10.505 --> 00:37:12.849 The root word here in "kind" has the idea 00:37:12.849 --> 00:37:15.546 of being "fit for use." 00:37:15.546 --> 00:37:17.398 Usefulness. 00:37:17.398 --> 00:37:20.930 Serving each other. 00:37:20.930 --> 00:37:26.259 Think with me for a moment here. 00:37:26.259 --> 00:37:29.062 True love is demonstrated 00:37:29.062 --> 00:37:31.656 when someone disagrees with you 00:37:31.656 --> 00:37:33.961 or offends you, 00:37:33.961 --> 00:37:36.232 and instead of responding back to them 00:37:36.232 --> 00:37:38.150 and provoking them back, 00:37:38.150 --> 00:37:40.868 you do not respond back to them with that, 00:37:40.868 --> 00:37:43.660 but rather you show them patience. 00:37:43.660 --> 00:37:46.810 But more than that, 00:37:46.810 --> 00:37:50.883 you move towards that person 00:37:50.883 --> 00:37:55.949 to serve them in kindness. 00:37:55.949 --> 00:37:59.843 I don't know about you, but that's really hard. 00:37:59.843 --> 00:38:01.256 I'm so convinced I'm right. 00:38:01.256 --> 00:38:02.235 I'm so passionate 00:38:02.235 --> 00:38:04.121 because this is about the glory of God, 00:38:04.121 --> 00:38:06.778 and I think they're robbing the glory of God in their life, 00:38:06.778 --> 00:38:07.820 so I'm trying to show them, 00:38:07.820 --> 00:38:09.631 I'm trying to sit with them and work with them, 00:38:09.631 --> 00:38:11.302 I've walked them through every Scripture in the Bible. 00:38:11.302 --> 00:38:12.531 They still don't see it. 00:38:12.531 --> 00:38:14.306 And they're getting a little frustrated with me 00:38:14.306 --> 00:38:19.141 because I won't stop talking about my doctrinal points so much. 00:38:19.141 --> 00:38:21.357 And what this says is this: 00:38:21.357 --> 00:38:25.883 That even if I'm right in the doctrinal position, 00:38:25.883 --> 00:38:29.977 I'm going to be patient with this brother or sister. 00:38:29.977 --> 00:38:31.930 But more than that, I'm going to begin 00:38:31.930 --> 00:38:33.957 to move towards them 00:38:33.957 --> 00:38:37.619 and serve them in kindness. 00:38:37.619 --> 00:38:39.511 You know what I see happening? 00:38:39.511 --> 00:38:42.416 I shared truth with you and you didn't get it. 00:38:42.416 --> 00:38:44.692 You're not going to be in the circle anymore. 00:38:44.692 --> 00:38:46.491 I'm not going to fellowship with you 00:38:46.491 --> 00:38:51.363 as much as I used to anymore. 00:38:51.363 --> 00:38:53.447 It's one thing to bite your lip 00:38:53.447 --> 00:38:55.138 and not respond when you've been provoked. 00:38:55.138 --> 00:38:56.717 It's a whole other thing to move 00:38:56.717 --> 00:38:58.883 towards that person you disagree with 00:38:58.883 --> 00:39:00.866 and find ways to serve them 00:39:00.866 --> 00:39:05.697 and welcome them in the church. NOTE Paragraph 00:39:05.697 --> 00:39:09.333 Can I ask you something? 00:39:09.333 --> 00:39:14.924 Isn't that what Jesus Christ did to you? 00:39:14.924 --> 00:39:18.044 Weren't you and I provoking Jesus Christ? 00:39:18.044 --> 00:39:20.525 In fact, I think the only thing we were doing 00:39:20.525 --> 00:39:23.849 was provoking Jesus Christ. 00:39:23.849 --> 00:39:27.270 And didn't He pointedly and individually 00:39:27.270 --> 00:39:29.489 not only not give you what you deserved 00:39:29.489 --> 00:39:30.450 which was His wrath? 00:39:30.450 --> 00:39:33.332 He did not. He was long suffering with you. 00:39:33.332 --> 00:39:35.683 But more than just suffering long with you, 00:39:35.683 --> 00:39:39.450 didn't Jesus Christ move towards you 00:39:39.450 --> 00:39:40.976 and seek you out 00:39:40.976 --> 00:39:42.353 and look to serve you 00:39:42.353 --> 00:39:50.916 by laying His life down for you? 00:39:50.916 --> 00:39:54.629 And isn't this exactly what we need to do? 00:39:54.629 --> 00:39:56.464 If we're going to maintain the unity 00:39:56.464 --> 00:39:58.043 we have in our local churches 00:39:58.043 --> 00:39:59.549 in the midst of our diversity, 00:39:59.549 --> 00:40:01.879 we need to respond with Christ-like, 00:40:01.879 --> 00:40:03.406 gospel-centered love 00:40:03.406 --> 00:40:06.183 and move towards those people we disagree with 00:40:06.183 --> 00:40:09.431 and serve them. 00:40:09.431 --> 00:40:12.108 What a testimony that would be to them 00:40:12.108 --> 00:40:15.571 and to those outside. 00:40:15.571 --> 00:40:17.967 This is the love we're called to. 00:40:17.967 --> 00:40:22.221 Gospel-centered love. 00:40:22.221 --> 00:40:26.501 Ask yourself right now, 00:40:26.501 --> 00:40:29.310 those in your local church 00:40:29.310 --> 00:40:32.716 who view premarital relationships different than you, 00:40:32.716 --> 00:40:35.546 who view how to educate your children different than you, 00:40:35.546 --> 00:40:39.419 who've arrived at different conclusions of your favorite doctrines, 00:40:39.419 --> 00:40:41.926 are you moving towards that person 00:40:41.926 --> 00:40:45.282 to serve them and welcome them? 00:40:45.282 --> 00:40:47.935 Because that's the genuine depth of your love 00:40:47.935 --> 00:40:51.477 in the local church right there. 00:40:51.477 --> 00:40:55.660 That's it right there. 00:40:55.660 --> 00:40:57.399 Or are you like so many that I see 00:40:57.399 --> 00:41:00.213 that say, well, I'm only going to associate 00:41:00.213 --> 00:41:03.436 with the people who homeschool like me. 00:41:03.436 --> 00:41:05.796 I don't want their lack of seriousness 00:41:05.796 --> 00:41:08.716 to rub off on me or my children. 00:41:08.716 --> 00:41:10.004 And you forget all along 00:41:10.004 --> 00:41:11.678 that you're speaking about someone 00:41:11.678 --> 00:41:17.441 purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ. 00:41:17.441 --> 00:41:20.097 This is not being patient. 00:41:20.097 --> 00:41:21.832 This is not being kind. 00:41:21.832 --> 00:41:24.506 And it is unloving. 00:41:24.506 --> 00:41:27.165 It's sin. NOTE Paragraph 00:41:27.165 --> 00:41:32.653 Do you know that loveless orthodoxy is sin? 00:41:32.653 --> 00:41:35.307 In Revelation 2, Jesus warned a church 00:41:35.307 --> 00:41:37.750 that seemed to have all their doctrine right, 00:41:37.750 --> 00:41:40.556 debated it, stood in the face of false teachers, 00:41:40.556 --> 00:41:43.200 and hated evil. 00:41:43.200 --> 00:41:45.696 He commended them for all of that. 00:41:45.696 --> 00:41:47.766 And then He turned to them and said this: 00:41:47.766 --> 00:41:50.262 you need to repent though. 00:41:50.262 --> 00:41:52.838 You say, well, they had left their first love 00:41:52.838 --> 00:41:56.134 and that's referring to Jesus Christ. 00:41:56.134 --> 00:41:58.383 I agree. 00:41:58.383 --> 00:42:00.746 But can I ask you this question? 00:42:00.746 --> 00:42:06.339 Where is the evidence of your love for Jesus Christ most revealed? 00:42:06.339 --> 00:42:08.820 In love for His church. 00:42:08.820 --> 00:42:11.048 How can you love Him whom you have not seen 00:42:11.048 --> 00:42:17.217 if you can't love your brother or sister who you do see? 00:42:17.217 --> 00:42:22.560 "I love Jesus!" 00:42:22.560 --> 00:42:24.322 The depth of your love for Jesus 00:42:24.322 --> 00:42:28.141 is revealed in how you love His bride. 00:42:28.141 --> 00:42:29.988 And the reality of love is not just 00:42:29.988 --> 00:42:31.264 those who agree with you, 00:42:31.264 --> 00:42:33.388 but those who have disagreed with you 00:42:33.388 --> 00:42:41.104 and offended you. NOTE Paragraph 00:42:41.104 --> 00:42:43.103 I'm not suggesting in any way, beloved, 00:42:43.103 --> 00:42:46.038 that we do not discuss these doctrines 00:42:46.038 --> 00:42:48.084 or our convictions in our local churches. 00:42:48.084 --> 00:42:49.429 We need to. 00:42:49.429 --> 00:42:50.996 It's one of the means of grace 00:42:50.996 --> 00:42:54.459 that God has used to grow us and sharpen us. 00:42:54.459 --> 00:42:56.464 But I am suggesting that we discuss them 00:42:56.464 --> 00:42:59.282 in the context of gospel-centered unity 00:42:59.282 --> 00:43:04.320 and clothed in Christlike humility and love. 00:43:04.320 --> 00:43:08.658 When we allow something other than Jesus Christ 00:43:08.658 --> 00:43:12.105 to become the basis of our unity and our fellowship, 00:43:12.105 --> 00:43:18.835 again, we inevitably minimize Jesus Christ and the gospel 00:43:18.835 --> 00:43:21.046 and the work against the unity 00:43:21.046 --> 00:43:24.005 that He's given to us. 00:43:24.005 --> 00:43:26.375 Think of this statement and see if it just 00:43:26.375 --> 00:43:30.020 rings wrong for you. 00:43:30.020 --> 00:43:32.465 "Yes, you're my brother in Christ, 00:43:32.465 --> 00:43:35.337 both saved and redeemed by the grace of Jesus Christ, 00:43:35.337 --> 00:43:36.667 and we have that in common 00:43:36.667 --> 00:43:38.714 and we agree on those things, 00:43:38.714 --> 00:43:42.316 but we've come to a different place eschatalogically, 00:43:42.316 --> 00:43:48.875 so I can't even be in fellowship with you anymore." 00:43:48.875 --> 00:43:50.951 I'm not minimizing the importance 00:43:50.951 --> 00:43:53.820 of any other doctrines. 00:43:53.820 --> 00:43:55.524 But I'm saying that the unity 00:43:55.524 --> 00:43:57.072 that we share in Christ, 00:43:57.072 --> 00:43:59.401 and the love within that unity 00:43:59.401 --> 00:44:01.619 should help us be able to work together, 00:44:01.619 --> 00:44:03.679 have these discussions, encourage each other, 00:44:03.679 --> 00:44:05.317 sharpen each other 00:44:05.317 --> 00:44:07.671 without breaking the fellowship and unity we have 00:44:07.671 --> 00:44:09.000 in our local churches 00:44:09.000 --> 00:44:17.834 which is centered upon Jesus Christ. NOTE Paragraph 00:44:17.834 --> 00:44:20.736 So yes, discuss these things. 00:44:20.736 --> 00:44:22.784 Yes, encourage and build up each other 00:44:22.784 --> 00:44:23.993 in these things. 00:44:23.993 --> 00:44:26.485 Yes, sharpen each other in these things. 00:44:26.485 --> 00:44:29.437 But do it clothed in love and humility. 00:44:29.437 --> 00:44:31.799 And when others disagree with you 00:44:31.799 --> 00:44:33.121 or do it differently, 00:44:33.121 --> 00:44:35.438 suffer long with them 00:44:35.438 --> 00:44:37.234 and move towards them 00:44:37.234 --> 00:44:39.446 in kindness and service. 00:44:39.446 --> 00:44:43.589 So we don't treat them like second-class Christians. 00:44:43.589 --> 00:44:45.053 Because know this, 00:44:45.053 --> 00:44:52.489 there are no second-class Christians. 00:44:52.489 --> 00:44:56.910 The fact that our rallying point is a cross 00:44:56.910 --> 00:45:00.083 says one thing: 00:45:00.083 --> 00:45:03.840 the playing field is level. 00:45:03.840 --> 00:45:07.952 The only reason why any of us are getting in is grace. 00:45:07.952 --> 00:45:09.539 That's it. 00:45:09.539 --> 00:45:10.847 And when you make something 00:45:10.847 --> 00:45:15.265 other than the cross and Jesus Christ 00:45:15.265 --> 00:45:17.340 the basis of our fellowship, 00:45:17.340 --> 00:45:22.159 you minimize the work of Christ. 00:45:22.159 --> 00:45:23.812 Jesus Christ identifies 00:45:23.812 --> 00:45:30.602 with the lowest of understanding doctrine Christian. 00:45:30.602 --> 00:45:33.458 They will be welcomed in 00:45:33.458 --> 00:45:36.995 to the same degree that you will be. 00:45:36.995 --> 00:45:39.032 They are loved by Jesus Christ 00:45:39.032 --> 00:45:41.232 in the same way that you are loved, 00:45:41.232 --> 00:45:43.593 because the basis of His love 00:45:43.593 --> 00:45:48.690 is not rooted in you, it's rooted in Himself. NOTE Paragraph 00:45:48.690 --> 00:45:51.912 I'm not condoning immaturity in doctrine. 00:45:51.912 --> 00:45:53.470 I'm not condoning indifference 00:45:53.470 --> 00:45:54.906 to how we live out our lives 00:45:54.906 --> 00:45:57.690 and Jesus Christ is not either. 00:45:57.690 --> 00:46:05.129 But again, Jesus Christ identifies with them. 00:46:05.129 --> 00:46:06.782 We need to be careful how we speak 00:46:06.782 --> 00:46:08.730 about the body of Christ; 00:46:08.730 --> 00:46:12.507 how we treat the body of Christ. 00:46:12.507 --> 00:46:13.918 Jesus said to Saul, 00:46:13.918 --> 00:46:16.094 "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" 00:46:16.094 --> 00:46:18.768 when he was persecuting the church. 00:46:18.768 --> 00:46:21.027 Jesus so identifies with His church 00:46:21.027 --> 00:46:23.057 that how you treat them, 00:46:23.057 --> 00:46:27.835 He views it as how you treat Him. NOTE Paragraph 00:46:27.835 --> 00:46:29.991 Know this, we can have our doctrine right, 00:46:29.991 --> 00:46:32.422 but the doctrine that we believe we have right 00:46:32.422 --> 00:46:34.526 has not had its full work in us 00:46:34.526 --> 00:46:36.826 until it manifests in Christlike love 00:46:36.826 --> 00:46:40.438 towards each other. 00:46:40.438 --> 00:46:43.411 You can have your doctrine right, 00:46:43.411 --> 00:46:46.306 but that doctrine has not had its full work in you 00:46:46.306 --> 00:46:48.910 until it manifests itself through you 00:46:48.910 --> 00:46:55.574 in Christ-centered love. 00:46:55.574 --> 00:47:02.267 This love we're called to is patient and kind. NOTE Paragraph 00:47:02.267 --> 00:47:03.362 One more here. 00:47:03.362 --> 00:47:06.056 Paul says this love "does not envy or boast, 00:47:06.056 --> 00:47:09.513 it is not arrogant or rude." 00:47:09.513 --> 00:47:12.584 Can I tell you that nothing works faster 00:47:12.584 --> 00:47:14.698 at causing disunity in the local church 00:47:14.698 --> 00:47:17.700 as spiritual pride? 00:47:17.700 --> 00:47:19.488 The Corinthians thought: 00:47:19.488 --> 00:47:21.902 We are something. We have these gifts. 00:47:21.902 --> 00:47:24.295 We understand this doctrine. We've arrived. 00:47:24.295 --> 00:47:26.533 We're living sacrificially. Look at us. 00:47:26.533 --> 00:47:29.352 And Paul didn't deny any of those things were important, 00:47:29.352 --> 00:47:30.995 but he knew without love, 00:47:30.995 --> 00:47:35.990 those things would divide the church. 00:47:35.990 --> 00:47:38.725 The genuineness and depth of my love 00:47:38.725 --> 00:47:42.053 is not seen with those who agree with me, 00:47:42.053 --> 00:47:44.076 but with those who disagree with me 00:47:44.076 --> 00:47:46.553 and how I respond to them. 00:47:46.553 --> 00:47:48.573 I've often referred to the local church 00:47:48.573 --> 00:47:53.373 as a brewing pot of sanctification. 00:47:53.373 --> 00:47:55.100 Sometimes I find people just leaving 00:47:55.100 --> 00:47:56.849 local church after local church, 00:47:56.849 --> 00:48:00.074 looking for people who are exactly like themselves. 00:48:00.074 --> 00:48:02.331 One of the reasons God put you in churches 00:48:02.331 --> 00:48:04.112 with such diversity culturally 00:48:04.112 --> 00:48:07.540 and maturity-wise is to abound you 00:48:07.540 --> 00:48:10.216 in Christlike love. 00:48:10.216 --> 00:48:11.582 And that's hard. 00:48:11.582 --> 00:48:13.445 It's a lot more comfortable and easy 00:48:13.445 --> 00:48:15.642 just to keep finding subgroups of Christians 00:48:15.642 --> 00:48:17.282 who believe all that you believe 00:48:17.282 --> 00:48:18.946 and do it all the way you do. 00:48:18.946 --> 00:48:21.578 But that's not how He made the church. 00:48:21.578 --> 00:48:23.600 He made the church diverse, 00:48:23.600 --> 00:48:25.104 so we could abound in love 00:48:25.104 --> 00:48:26.810 as we show patience and kindness 00:48:26.810 --> 00:48:30.956 to those who disagree with us. NOTE Paragraph 00:48:30.962 --> 00:48:33.209 Can I give you one test that you're being 00:48:33.209 --> 00:48:36.108 boastful or arrogant? 00:48:36.108 --> 00:48:37.803 If you constantly feel the need 00:48:37.803 --> 00:48:39.772 to talk about your doctrinal positions 00:48:39.772 --> 00:48:42.199 with everyone in the local church, 00:48:42.199 --> 00:48:46.176 that's a sign of arrogance and boasting. 00:48:46.176 --> 00:48:48.681 If you view everyone in your local church 00:48:48.681 --> 00:48:51.191 as positions rather than people, 00:48:51.191 --> 00:48:52.962 and your goal is just to win everyone 00:48:52.962 --> 00:48:54.114 over to your position - 00:48:54.114 --> 00:48:55.986 you're not even asking people anymore: 00:48:55.986 --> 00:48:58.481 hey, how are you doing? 00:48:58.481 --> 00:49:00.310 What's going on at work? 00:49:00.310 --> 00:49:01.694 How can I be praying for you? 00:49:01.694 --> 00:49:04.370 If every time they walk up to you all they hear about is 00:49:04.370 --> 00:49:06.191 why they should be doing it this way 00:49:06.191 --> 00:49:09.520 or why they should believe this doctrine, 00:49:09.520 --> 00:49:15.569 you're in a dangerous place. 00:49:15.569 --> 00:49:16.849 If you look down at others 00:49:16.849 --> 00:49:17.948 who disagree with you 00:49:17.948 --> 00:49:19.933 and only surround yourself with people 00:49:19.933 --> 00:49:21.735 who look like you and talk like you 00:49:21.735 --> 00:49:23.045 and do like you do, 00:49:23.045 --> 00:49:26.879 that's a sign of spiritual pride. 00:49:26.879 --> 00:49:31.011 It's not preserving unity. NOTE Paragraph 00:49:31.011 --> 00:49:33.423 Let me ask us this question. 00:49:33.423 --> 00:49:38.902 What if Jesus Christ did that to us? 00:49:38.902 --> 00:49:40.768 What if Jesus said to us: 00:49:40.768 --> 00:49:43.196 You know, I know we have this whole gospel thing 00:49:43.196 --> 00:49:45.263 that we agree in, 00:49:45.263 --> 00:49:47.775 but in these areas of doctrine, 00:49:47.775 --> 00:49:49.921 you're wrong. 00:49:49.921 --> 00:49:51.344 And He began to treat you 00:49:51.344 --> 00:49:56.775 like a second-class Christian. 00:49:56.775 --> 00:49:59.274 What would happen? 00:49:59.274 --> 00:50:01.583 Every single one of us would be put out 00:50:01.583 --> 00:50:04.503 of His inner circle. 00:50:04.503 --> 00:50:05.555 Can I tell you this? 00:50:05.555 --> 00:50:10.147 Jesus Christ has never done that to you once. 00:50:10.147 --> 00:50:12.165 He keeps moving towards you 00:50:12.165 --> 00:50:15.846 and pursuing you in love. NOTE Paragraph 00:50:15.846 --> 00:50:18.301 How can we as Christians so freely receive 00:50:18.301 --> 00:50:21.098 this love from Christ on the basis of grace 00:50:21.098 --> 00:50:26.162 and then treat others without love 00:50:26.162 --> 00:50:27.885 because they differ from us 00:50:27.885 --> 00:50:31.316 in different areas of conviction or doctrine? 00:50:31.316 --> 00:50:33.151 You know what that's called? 00:50:33.151 --> 00:50:36.635 Gospel amnesia. 00:50:36.635 --> 00:50:42.762 You're forgetting how Christ has treated you in the gospel. 00:50:42.762 --> 00:50:44.408 To have right doctrine 00:50:44.408 --> 00:50:46.805 but lack love for one another, 00:50:46.805 --> 00:50:48.863 it is sin. NOTE Paragraph 00:50:48.863 --> 00:50:50.540 There's so much more we could say 00:50:50.540 --> 00:50:53.912 here in Corinthians about it. 00:50:53.912 --> 00:50:58.873 But before I finish, I want to encourage you 00:50:58.873 --> 00:51:03.335 because saints, the hope we have 00:51:03.335 --> 00:51:05.179 of maintaining our unity in Christ 00:51:05.179 --> 00:51:06.619 in the midst of our diversity 00:51:06.619 --> 00:51:08.963 is Jesus Christ's gospel-centered love 00:51:08.963 --> 00:51:11.949 towards those who disagree. 00:51:11.949 --> 00:51:14.461 Again, it's not love or truth, 00:51:14.461 --> 00:51:17.671 it's truth in love. 00:51:17.671 --> 00:51:19.464 It's a love that suffers long. 00:51:19.464 --> 00:51:21.344 It's a love that moves towards others 00:51:21.344 --> 00:51:23.262 who disagree; who provoke us. 00:51:23.262 --> 00:51:24.927 And it's about that person - 00:51:24.927 --> 00:51:26.960 serving them in kindness. 00:51:26.960 --> 00:51:29.104 It's a love that keeps no record of wrongs. 00:51:29.104 --> 00:51:32.019 It's a love that believes the best about each other. 00:51:32.019 --> 00:51:33.697 And why? 00:51:33.697 --> 00:51:35.872 Because this is the love that Jesus Christ 00:51:35.872 --> 00:51:37.277 has shown to you 00:51:37.277 --> 00:51:39.775 and continues to show you day after day, 00:51:39.775 --> 00:51:41.065 week after week, 00:51:41.065 --> 00:51:42.377 month after month, 00:51:42.377 --> 00:51:45.683 year after year. NOTE Paragraph 00:51:45.683 --> 00:51:47.248 I will confess to you personally 00:51:47.248 --> 00:51:49.726 that as I studied this, 00:51:49.726 --> 00:51:53.535 and preached six sermons on it in our church, 00:51:53.535 --> 00:51:55.587 I came to the conclusion 00:51:55.587 --> 00:52:00.914 that I'm not quite as loving as I thought I was. 00:52:00.914 --> 00:52:03.342 In fact, I talked to some people in our church 00:52:03.342 --> 00:52:06.756 after we finished six sermons on this. 00:52:06.756 --> 00:52:10.194 And they were discouraged. 00:52:10.194 --> 00:52:12.265 They said I thought I was loving, 00:52:12.265 --> 00:52:14.282 but I realize I've just surrounded myself 00:52:14.282 --> 00:52:17.431 with people who think of the doctrines the way I think of them 00:52:17.431 --> 00:52:19.297 and do it the way I do it, 00:52:19.297 --> 00:52:21.807 but I'm struggling with those who disagree with me 00:52:21.807 --> 00:52:23.991 and I'm not as loving as I thought I could be 00:52:23.991 --> 00:52:31.370 and it's really hard to love those people. 00:52:31.370 --> 00:52:33.337 If that's you today, 00:52:33.337 --> 00:52:35.332 if you say if I'm going to be honest, 00:52:35.332 --> 00:52:37.149 I haven't been treating people 00:52:37.149 --> 00:52:39.134 who disagree with me with kindness, 00:52:39.134 --> 00:52:40.899 looking to move towards them, 00:52:40.899 --> 00:52:42.700 to serve them and welcome them; 00:52:42.700 --> 00:52:44.649 and I've made the basis of my fellowship 00:52:44.649 --> 00:52:46.067 in my local church those who 00:52:46.067 --> 00:52:47.619 agree with me and affirm me. 00:52:47.619 --> 00:52:50.592 And I want to love like you're talking about. 00:52:50.592 --> 00:52:52.527 I see that's how Christ loves me, 00:52:52.527 --> 00:52:54.390 and I want to love like that, 00:52:54.390 --> 00:52:56.694 but I'm really struggling 00:52:56.694 --> 00:52:59.925 to love like that. 00:52:59.925 --> 00:53:01.720 What do we do? 00:53:01.720 --> 00:53:03.395 Well, most of us have been taught 00:53:03.395 --> 00:53:05.057 our whole life 00:53:05.057 --> 00:53:07.017 that Jesus is our example. 00:53:07.017 --> 00:53:08.980 And He is. 00:53:08.980 --> 00:53:11.137 And that when you find yourself struggling 00:53:11.137 --> 00:53:16.065 in obedience to Him, to just try harder. 00:53:16.065 --> 00:53:17.699 And then you keep falling down 00:53:17.699 --> 00:53:22.045 and realizing I can't do this. 00:53:22.045 --> 00:53:28.102 The reason why trying harder doesn't work 00:53:28.102 --> 00:53:31.308 is because the love that you and I are called to 00:53:31.308 --> 00:53:36.109 is not something we can produce on our own. 00:53:36.109 --> 00:53:39.173 Think of Galatians 5 with me. 00:53:39.173 --> 00:53:47.874 The fruit of the Spirit is love. 00:53:47.874 --> 00:53:49.742 What does that tell us? 00:53:49.742 --> 00:53:53.753 The love you and I are called to is a fruit. 00:53:53.753 --> 00:53:57.840 It's something I cannot grit my teeth and produce 00:53:57.840 --> 00:53:59.469 by trying harder. 00:53:59.469 --> 00:54:01.367 It's something that must be produced 00:54:01.367 --> 00:54:04.601 in me and through me. 00:54:04.601 --> 00:54:06.665 Well, does this mean I'm not responsible? 00:54:06.665 --> 00:54:08.412 I don't have a part in this? 00:54:08.412 --> 00:54:12.532 No, you are responsible in this area. 00:54:12.532 --> 00:54:15.074 Well, how do we love like this then? 00:54:15.074 --> 00:54:17.203 I heard an analogy that I'll close with 00:54:17.203 --> 00:54:20.308 and I think will be helpful for you. 00:54:20.308 --> 00:54:21.606 As we all look at the call 00:54:21.606 --> 00:54:23.243 that Paul's put before us of love, 00:54:23.243 --> 00:54:26.352 which is nothing short of Jesus Christ, 00:54:26.352 --> 00:54:27.884 and we become discouraged to see 00:54:27.884 --> 00:54:29.449 I'm struggling to love like this 00:54:29.449 --> 00:54:30.494 and I fall short. 00:54:30.494 --> 00:54:32.213 I want to emulate Jesus Christ. 00:54:32.213 --> 00:54:33.596 I want to love like He does, 00:54:33.596 --> 00:54:35.046 but I'm struggling so much. 00:54:35.046 --> 00:54:36.260 What hope do I have? 00:54:36.260 --> 00:54:37.871 Is it just try harder? 00:54:37.871 --> 00:54:40.224 And here's the analogy. NOTE Paragraph 00:54:40.224 --> 00:54:43.567 Let's say all of you love music. 00:54:43.567 --> 00:54:46.593 And you love beautiful music. 00:54:46.593 --> 00:54:48.100 And I come to you and I say, 00:54:48.100 --> 00:54:51.811 well, I want you to begin to produce, 00:54:51.811 --> 00:54:54.287 write, and play music like Mozart. 00:54:54.287 --> 00:54:56.300 He's your example. 00:54:56.300 --> 00:54:57.717 And you say wonderful. 00:54:57.717 --> 00:54:59.117 I want that kind of music. 00:54:59.117 --> 00:55:00.565 I want to produce that music; 00:55:00.565 --> 00:55:02.496 write that music; play that music. 00:55:02.496 --> 00:55:04.829 And you sit down and you study Mozart. 00:55:04.829 --> 00:55:06.089 You look at Mozart. 00:55:06.089 --> 00:55:07.560 You examine Mozart. 00:55:07.560 --> 00:55:11.523 And you try really hard. 00:55:11.523 --> 00:55:14.606 And you fall miserably on your face 00:55:14.606 --> 00:55:16.731 over and over again 00:55:16.731 --> 00:55:19.262 and you become discouraged. 00:55:19.262 --> 00:55:20.862 You say, I'm trying so hard 00:55:20.862 --> 00:55:22.319 to play music like Mozart; 00:55:22.319 --> 00:55:23.238 to compose. 00:55:23.238 --> 00:55:26.650 I just don't find the strength to do that. 00:55:26.650 --> 00:55:28.815 And I would agree with you. 00:55:28.815 --> 00:55:32.882 You're not going to play like Mozart if you try harder. 00:55:32.882 --> 00:55:34.394 But what if I told you this? 00:55:34.394 --> 00:55:37.938 The spirit of Mozart was going to come 00:55:37.938 --> 00:55:40.868 and reside inside of you? 00:55:40.868 --> 00:55:43.247 And compose through you? 00:55:43.247 --> 00:55:44.914 And write through you? 00:55:44.914 --> 00:55:47.737 And empower you to write music? 00:55:47.737 --> 00:55:48.944 To compose music? 00:55:48.944 --> 00:55:50.810 And to play music like him? 00:55:50.810 --> 00:55:52.438 Then, you'd be mightily encouraged 00:55:52.438 --> 00:55:54.737 and say yes, I can play music! 00:55:54.737 --> 00:55:56.173 I can compose like Mozart. 00:55:56.173 --> 00:55:58.574 Not because of my strength, my trying harder, 00:55:58.574 --> 00:56:02.935 but because the spirit of Mozart lives in me. 00:56:02.935 --> 00:56:05.888 Well, beloved, that's what happened in the gospel. 00:56:05.888 --> 00:56:08.517 Jesus Christ not only forgives you and I 00:56:08.517 --> 00:56:10.211 for our lovelessness, 00:56:10.211 --> 00:56:13.359 He takes up residence within us. 00:56:13.359 --> 00:56:16.935 It is the Spirit of Christ and His love in us 00:56:16.935 --> 00:56:19.216 working through us, 00:56:19.216 --> 00:56:23.680 being produced for His glory. 00:56:23.680 --> 00:56:25.618 So where do we begin with that though? 00:56:25.618 --> 00:56:28.925 You need to begin by confessing inability. 00:56:28.925 --> 00:56:32.534 John 15:5 - I can't do this, God. 00:56:32.534 --> 00:56:35.459 Then by faith, you abide in Christ. 00:56:35.459 --> 00:56:36.931 You be led by the Spirit. 00:56:36.931 --> 00:56:39.223 You walk by the Spirit. 00:56:39.223 --> 00:56:41.995 And you lay hold of the truth of the gospel 00:56:41.995 --> 00:56:44.054 that Jesus Christ in us 00:56:44.054 --> 00:56:46.628 will produce His fruit through us 00:56:46.628 --> 00:56:49.989 and make it so we can maintain 00:56:49.989 --> 00:56:53.371 the unity of Christ in our local churches 00:56:53.371 --> 00:56:56.163 for the glory of God. 00:56:56.163 --> 00:56:58.008 This is our gospel. 00:56:58.008 --> 00:57:03.762 It not only forgives, it empowers. NOTE Paragraph 00:57:03.762 --> 00:57:11.603 Let's pray. 00:57:11.603 --> 00:57:14.706 Father, in the name of Jesus, 00:57:14.706 --> 00:57:19.942 I pray that You would help each of us. 00:57:19.942 --> 00:57:22.692 Lord, convict us of our lovelessness. 00:57:22.692 --> 00:57:25.900 Help us to mark it for what it is which is sin. 00:57:25.900 --> 00:57:28.529 Help us believe the gospel. 00:57:28.529 --> 00:57:30.605 That if we confess this sin, 00:57:30.605 --> 00:57:33.586 You're faithful and just to cleanse us and forgive us. 00:57:33.586 --> 00:57:37.417 But help us believe the rest of the gospel. 00:57:37.417 --> 00:57:39.497 That the Spirit of Christ is now in us. 00:57:39.497 --> 00:57:43.597 That love that we so seek to emulate. 00:57:43.597 --> 00:57:47.363 His power is towards us who believe. 00:57:47.363 --> 00:57:48.939 God, that we would abide more 00:57:48.939 --> 00:57:51.444 and appropriate the gospel more. 00:57:51.444 --> 00:57:53.561 Led by the Spirit; walking by the Spirit. 00:57:53.561 --> 00:57:56.996 And that Your fruit would be manifest 00:57:56.996 --> 00:57:59.617 in us and through us for Your glory. 00:57:59.617 --> 00:58:01.722 God, accomplish these things. 00:58:01.722 --> 00:58:03.507 Preserve the unity in Your church 00:58:03.507 --> 00:58:05.642 for the testimony of Jesus Christ 00:58:05.642 --> 00:58:08.227 to a lost and dying world. 00:58:08.227 --> 00:58:10.208 In the name of Jesus we pray, 00:58:10.208 --> 00:58:11.630 Amen.