0:00:04.771,0:00:06.813 Okay, well, I want to revisit; 0:00:06.813,0:00:08.653 we looked at it two weeks ago. 0:00:08.653,0:00:11.677 We began to think about 0:00:11.677,0:00:16.408 this topic of anxiety. 0:00:16.408,0:00:25.593 So, Luke 12. 0:00:25.593,0:00:29.535 And this is just somewhat of a parallel 0:00:29.535,0:00:31.548 to what we looked at 2 weeks ago 0:00:31.548,0:00:33.497 just to start; 0:00:33.497,0:00:36.979 just to kind of prime the pump. 0:00:36.979,0:00:40.205 My Bible - now this isn't inspired - 0:00:40.205,0:00:44.543 it is not inspired, but at Luke 12:22, 0:00:44.543,0:00:46.991 I have a heading that says: 0:00:46.991,0:00:48.704 "Do not be anxious." 0:00:48.704,0:00:51.850 We're talking about anxiety. 0:00:51.850,0:00:55.485 And we talked about anxiety attacks. 0:00:55.485,0:01:01.034 Some, like between 20 [br]and 30 million people 0:01:01.034,0:01:03.901 have supposedly been diagnosed 0:01:03.901,0:01:07.222 with some form of anxiety attacks, 0:01:07.222,0:01:08.638 panic attacks. 0:01:08.638,0:01:10.084 Like I said last time, 0:01:10.084,0:01:13.121 perhaps that's the same thing 0:01:13.121,0:01:14.619 as a nervous breakdown. 0:01:14.619,0:01:21.581 Maybe that's just a bit of [br]an older description of this. 0:01:21.581,0:01:23.271 Anxiety. 0:01:23.271,0:01:25.906 The Bible has something [br]to say about anxiety. 0:01:25.906,0:01:27.404 It's not just the psychologists 0:01:27.404,0:01:30.043 that say something about it. 0:01:30.043,0:01:35.081 And verse 22, listen to what Jesus says. 0:01:35.081,0:01:37.445 "Therefore, I tell you, 0:01:37.445,0:01:43.790 do not be anxious about your life." 0:01:43.790,0:01:46.235 Do not be anxious. 0:01:46.235,0:01:48.319 That's what we're told in Scripture. 0:01:48.319,0:01:50.997 No anxiety. 0:01:50.997,0:01:56.762 Don't be anxious. 0:01:56.762,0:01:59.477 And we can look down through here. 0:01:59.477,0:02:02.999 Verse 25, "Which of you by being anxious 0:02:02.999,0:02:07.067 can add a single hour [br]to his span of life?" 0:02:07.067,0:02:08.194 You can't. 0:02:08.194,0:02:11.810 In other words, your anxiety 0:02:11.810,0:02:13.583 doesn't fix things, 0:02:13.583,0:02:15.201 it doesn't help things, 0:02:15.201,0:02:19.734 it doesn't improve the situation. 0:02:19.734,0:02:23.543 It doesn't do any good[br]is basically the thing. 0:02:23.543,0:02:25.773 Verse 26, "If then, you are not able 0:02:25.773,0:02:28.198 to do as small a thing as that, 0:02:28.198,0:02:31.746 why are you anxious about the rest?" 0:02:31.746,0:02:34.177 In other words, you should not be. 0:02:34.177,0:02:40.466 No anxiety. 0:02:40.466,0:02:43.098 Verse 29, "Do not seek 0:02:43.098,0:02:45.191 what you are to eat, [br]what you are to drink, 0:02:45.191,0:02:47.405 nor be worried." 0:02:47.405,0:02:48.595 So you have it. 0:02:48.595,0:02:51.124 Don't be anxious. 0:02:51.124,0:02:53.838 Don't be worried. 0:02:53.838,0:02:55.583 You keep reading a little further. 0:02:55.583,0:02:59.817 Verse 32, "Fear not, little flock." 0:02:59.817,0:03:01.913 So, don't fear. 0:03:01.913,0:03:03.296 Don't be worried. 0:03:03.296,0:03:05.292 Don't be anxious. 0:03:05.292,0:03:09.244 Here's one of the things [br]that we have to recognize. 0:03:09.244,0:03:15.503 The Gospel deals with anxiety. 0:03:15.503,0:03:17.540 And so we should have that expectation. 0:03:17.540,0:03:20.075 We should have the expectation 0:03:20.075,0:03:23.685 that we know, we recognize, 0:03:23.685,0:03:24.939 if you're not saved 0:03:24.939,0:03:26.420 and you don't know the Lord, 0:03:26.420,0:03:28.553 and you're in your sin 0:03:28.553,0:03:30.178 and death is coming 0:03:30.178,0:03:33.158 and you've got to face [br]God on judgment day, 0:03:33.158,0:03:35.844 there's all manner of [br]things to be afraid of, 0:03:35.844,0:03:37.344 to be worried about, 0:03:37.344,0:03:39.454 to be anxious about. 0:03:39.454,0:03:41.437 You have every reason to be fearful 0:03:41.437,0:03:42.855 and anxious 0:03:42.855,0:03:45.096 if you're approaching judgment day 0:03:45.096,0:03:48.370 and you do not have your sins forgiven. 0:03:48.370,0:03:49.436 You're in trouble. 0:03:49.436,0:03:52.993 You're in trouble. You should be worried. 0:03:52.993,0:03:54.425 But the Christian, 0:03:54.425,0:03:56.602 what Jesus is saying is look, 0:03:56.602,0:04:04.016 My people don't have a reason 0:04:04.016,0:04:06.136 to be anxious, to be worried, 0:04:06.136,0:04:08.193 or to be fearful. 0:04:08.193,0:04:09.958 They don't. 0:04:09.958,0:04:13.618 The Gospel deals with that. 0:04:13.618,0:04:15.895 And Jesus isn't just saying 0:04:15.895,0:04:19.377 that well, if you've got anxiety attacks 0:04:19.377,0:04:21.705 and you become a Christian, 0:04:21.705,0:04:26.538 I will help you manage your anxiety. 0:04:26.538,0:04:28.347 That's not it. 0:04:28.347,0:04:31.916 Jesus comes along and He says, 0:04:31.916,0:04:34.011 "don't be anxious. 0:04:34.011,0:04:37.267 Don't be worried. Don't fear. 0:04:37.267,0:04:40.549 Fear not, little flock." 0:04:40.549,0:04:41.947 Why? 0:04:41.947,0:04:45.345 I mean, you know the image [br]that came to my mind today? 0:04:45.345,0:04:46.976 Have you ever seen a parent 0:04:46.976,0:04:50.449 when a child is traumatized? 0:04:50.449,0:04:52.770 A child gets scared by something? 0:04:52.770,0:04:55.458 I have this image in my mind. 0:04:55.458,0:04:57.669 I remember when we [br]were planting the church 0:04:57.669,0:05:01.510 down in Stockdale, Texas. 0:05:01.510,0:05:07.794 Caleb Mussulman was about that tall. 0:05:07.794,0:05:10.151 He's already graduated from college 0:05:10.151,0:05:12.747 and got himself a job as an engineer. 0:05:12.747,0:05:14.884 But he was just this little guy. 0:05:14.884,0:05:16.610 We came out of the building 0:05:16.610,0:05:18.556 and there was a house back behind there 0:05:18.556,0:05:19.803 and they had a pit bull. 0:05:19.803,0:05:21.611 And this pit bull reared up. 0:05:21.611,0:05:23.603 We came out the door 0:05:23.603,0:05:25.264 and he was there 0:05:25.264,0:05:28.315 and I think his parents [br]were over by their van. 0:05:28.315,0:05:31.731 So there was a good distance between them. 0:05:31.731,0:05:34.579 That pit bull raised up over there 0:05:34.579,0:05:36.669 and it began to bark 0:05:36.669,0:05:39.648 and it came running full speed. 0:05:39.648,0:05:42.458 And it hit the end of its chain 0:05:42.458,0:05:46.258 and it stopped it dead in its tracks. 0:05:46.258,0:05:49.426 But Caleb was terrified. 0:05:49.426,0:05:54.441 And I went, but it's like, [br]he didn't want me. 0:05:54.441,0:05:56.540 He wanted his dad. 0:05:56.540,0:05:58.382 His dad was the place of safety. 0:05:58.382,0:06:00.284 And have you ever seen a father? 0:06:00.284,0:06:02.318 They pick up a child like that 0:06:02.318,0:06:03.561 and they say, 0:06:03.561,0:06:07.772 "It's okay. It's okay." 0:06:07.772,0:06:13.824 Well, isn't that the way a parent 0:06:13.824,0:06:15.715 oftentimes tries to comfort the child? 0:06:15.715,0:06:17.599 You know, they fall and they're crying, 0:06:17.599,0:06:22.617 or they get scared or something. 0:06:22.617,0:06:25.931 The parent puts their arms around them 0:06:25.931,0:06:27.968 and says, "It's going to be okay." 0:06:27.968,0:06:30.830 But you know the thing about that, 0:06:30.830,0:06:35.365 they don't really know [br]if it's going to be okay. 0:06:35.365,0:06:39.767 Parents can't protect their [br]children from everything. 0:06:39.767,0:06:42.591 What they say is going to be okay, 0:06:42.591,0:06:45.430 it may not be okay. 0:06:45.430,0:06:47.322 But you know when God lays His arms 0:06:47.322,0:06:48.865 around His children 0:06:48.865,0:06:52.481 and says it's going to be okay, 0:06:52.481,0:06:56.072 it is going to be okay. 0:06:56.072,0:06:57.780 And that's what we have. 0:06:57.780,0:07:00.215 That's what the Gospel answers. 0:07:00.215,0:07:02.996 It's going to be okay. 0:07:02.996,0:07:04.848 If He tells you not to fear, why? 0:07:04.848,0:07:10.002 It's because you don't have to fear. 0:07:10.002,0:07:12.709 Listen, if He's forgiven your sins, 0:07:12.709,0:07:14.429 what do you have to fear? 0:07:14.429,0:07:16.685 If you have God on your side, 0:07:16.685,0:07:18.767 and He's stronger than everything else - 0:07:18.767,0:07:20.918 in fact, He's not just stronger, 0:07:20.918,0:07:25.094 He is minutely in control. 0:07:25.094,0:07:26.907 You don't have to fear. 0:07:26.907,0:07:30.275 In fact, if Jesus says fear not, 0:07:30.275,0:07:33.575 if He says do not be anxious[br]and we are anxious, 0:07:33.575,0:07:34.460 it's sin. 0:07:34.460,0:07:35.891 And as we looked at last time, 0:07:35.891,0:07:37.614 the real issue is 0:07:37.614,0:07:40.894 we are questioning the character of God. 0:07:40.894,0:07:42.772 That's really the issue. 0:07:42.772,0:07:45.125 We're doubting God. 0:07:45.125,0:07:46.802 When God wraps His arms around us 0:07:46.802,0:07:48.841 and says, "you're Mine, 0:07:48.841,0:07:50.226 and you're going to be okay, 0:07:50.226,0:07:51.659 and you don't have to worry," 0:07:51.659,0:07:53.439 if we go on worrying, 0:07:53.439,0:07:56.696 what we're really doing, 0:07:56.696,0:07:59.506 the big deal is that we're saying, 0:07:59.506,0:08:01.302 "we don't trust You." 0:08:01.302,0:08:03.214 "We don't believe You." 0:08:03.214,0:08:04.948 And see, we have to walk by faith. 0:08:04.948,0:08:06.622 Because you know, the thing is, 0:08:06.622,0:08:09.966 you know how God puts His arms around us? 0:08:09.966,0:08:13.860 Through words written in a book. 0:08:13.860,0:08:16.632 Not by actual arms 0:08:16.632,0:08:20.650 that we physically feel wrap around us. 0:08:20.650,0:08:22.296 What's my point? 0:08:22.296,0:08:25.078 My point is when a child is laid hold of 0:08:25.078,0:08:26.411 by a parent, 0:08:26.411,0:08:28.563 there are physical arms,[br]they feel the warmth, 0:08:28.563,0:08:31.540 they feel the security,[br]they feel the strength. 0:08:31.540,0:08:33.880 You know where our [br]strength, where our security 0:08:33.880,0:08:35.635 has to be felt? 0:08:35.635,0:08:39.172 Through words in a book. 0:08:39.172,0:08:40.161 That's it. 0:08:40.161,0:08:44.773 We walk by faith, not by sight. 0:08:44.773,0:08:47.216 But you know what? 0:08:47.216,0:08:50.923 Just because it's words [br]and not physical arms, 0:08:50.923,0:08:53.869 doesn't make it any less. 0:08:53.869,0:08:55.798 In fact, it's all the more, 0:08:55.798,0:08:58.556 because those everlasting arms, 0:08:58.556,0:09:00.922 if God is with us, who can be against us? 0:09:00.922,0:09:05.109 And when He says He's with us by word, 0:09:05.109,0:09:08.553 it would be more like the parent 0:09:08.553,0:09:13.798 yelling from far away to their little boy 0:09:13.798,0:09:18.886 in words, "Don't worry. [br]It's going to be okay." 0:09:18.886,0:09:21.462 God is speaking to us from Heaven. 0:09:21.462,0:09:24.731 He's speaking to us [br]through an inspired book. 0:09:24.731,0:09:31.551 Now, what happened last time is - 0:09:31.551,0:09:34.452 and I don't know if [br]everybody really recognized 0:09:34.452,0:09:38.830 or understood maybe 0:09:38.830,0:09:41.752 what our sister Claudia had brought up. 0:09:41.752,0:09:46.350 She asked a question - 0:09:46.350,0:09:50.145 sister, how did you ask the question? 0:09:50.145,0:09:55.247 (unintelligible) 0:09:55.247,0:09:56.649 Tim: Say that again. 0:09:56.649,0:09:58.941 James: When does [br]concern turn into anxiety? 0:09:58.941,0:10:02.599 Tim: Okay, when does [br]concern turn into anxiety? 0:10:02.599,0:10:03.972 How do you test it? 0:10:03.972,0:10:07.445 And you know, I gave a little, 0:10:07.445,0:10:09.645 perhaps a minute answer to that, 0:10:09.645,0:10:11.798 which I think the things that were said 0:10:11.798,0:10:16.516 were right, but as time went on, 0:10:16.516,0:10:18.846 I thought more and more about that. 0:10:18.846,0:10:21.260 And I thought, you know what, 0:10:21.260,0:10:26.757 looking at good anxiety versus bad anxiety 0:10:26.757,0:10:32.668 would be a worthwhile [br]little study for tonight. 0:10:32.668,0:10:34.946 So, let's open our Bibles. 0:10:34.946,0:10:37.057 Look at Philippians. 0:10:37.057,0:10:45.764 We're just going to look at some of these. 0:10:45.764,0:10:56.871 Philippians 4:6 0:10:56.871,0:11:15.768 Somebody want to read [br]that if they find it? 0:11:15.768,0:11:18.798 "Do not be anxious about anything, 0:11:18.798,0:11:21.766 but in everything by [br]prayer and supplication 0:11:21.766,0:11:23.430 with thanksgiving, 0:11:23.430,0:11:26.086 let your requests be made known to God." 0:11:26.086,0:11:29.589 Tim: Okay. Don't be anxious for anything. 0:11:29.589,0:11:31.255 So, let me ask this question. 0:11:31.255,0:11:37.766 Is there a place for any anxiety? 0:11:37.766,0:11:40.604 If you're going to be honest to that text 0:11:40.604,0:11:41.754 what's the answer? 0:11:41.754,0:11:43.551 What's the obvious answer? 0:11:43.551,0:11:44.757 No. 0:11:44.757,0:11:46.603 But here's the thing, 0:11:46.603,0:11:50.024 Scripture will often make 0:11:50.024,0:11:56.328 dogmatic statements about something 0:11:56.328,0:12:01.114 when the truth is that the word 0:12:01.114,0:12:05.221 that's being used, like here "anxiety," 0:12:05.221,0:12:09.645 don't be anxious about anything. 0:12:09.645,0:12:11.386 There are words in Scripture 0:12:11.386,0:12:13.532 that sometimes can be used 0:12:13.532,0:12:15.475 in a negative connotation, 0:12:15.475,0:12:17.684 and sometimes in either a neutral 0:12:17.684,0:12:19.376 or a positive connotation. 0:12:19.376,0:12:21.125 And what we have to do is recognize 0:12:21.125,0:12:22.918 how the word is being used. 0:12:22.918,0:12:24.952 There are places in our Bibles 0:12:24.952,0:12:29.159 where anxiety is actually a good thing. 0:12:29.159,0:12:30.557 But we have to understand it. 0:12:30.557,0:12:32.657 We have to understand it in context. 0:12:32.657,0:12:34.392 Because it's the same word. 0:12:34.392,0:12:35.717 It's the exact same word. 0:12:35.717,0:12:38.066 The exact same word can be used 0:12:38.066,0:12:39.187 in a good way; 0:12:39.187,0:12:41.133 it can be used in a negative way. 0:12:41.133,0:12:44.057 Can anybody think about any other word 0:12:44.057,0:12:45.669 that's used in Scripture 0:12:45.669,0:12:48.121 that can either be used in a bad way 0:12:48.121,0:12:49.428 and a neutral way, 0:12:49.428,0:12:51.179 or a bad way and a good way? 0:12:51.179,0:12:53.041 Same word. 0:12:53.041,0:12:55.565 World. 0:12:55.565,0:13:00.192 Following the course of the world. 0:13:00.192,0:13:03.422 Right there at the [br]beginning of Ephesians 2. 0:13:03.422,0:13:07.117 Obviously, dead in trespasses and sins, 0:13:07.117,0:13:08.866 following the course of this world, 0:13:08.866,0:13:11.302 following the prince [br]of the power of the air. 0:13:11.302,0:13:13.912 "World" there is bad. 0:13:13.912,0:13:16.274 Love not the world. 0:13:16.274,0:13:25.511 But, the world can be [br]that which God created. 0:13:25.511,0:13:28.179 What's another word? 0:13:28.179,0:13:31.059 Fear. Absolutely. 0:13:31.059,0:13:33.047 There is a bad fear. 0:13:33.047,0:13:35.115 Give me an example of a bad fear. 0:13:35.115,0:13:37.279 Well, we could say, Luke 12. [br]We just saw it. 0:13:37.279,0:13:38.957 "Fear not, little flock." 0:13:38.957,0:13:44.078 But then, I'm thinking of 2 Corinthians 7 0:13:44.078,0:13:47.835 where we're basically working out 0:13:47.835,0:13:49.507 this self-cleansing; 0:13:49.507,0:13:51.780 cleansing ourselves of every defilement 0:13:51.780,0:13:54.016 of body and mind. 0:13:54.016,0:13:57.782 Anybody know how? 0:13:57.782,0:13:59.581 Yes, bringing holiness to completion 0:13:59.581,0:14:00.942 in the fear of the Lord. 0:14:00.942,0:14:02.144 That is a good one. 0:14:02.144,0:14:06.694 Anybody think of any [br]other words like that? 0:14:06.694,0:14:08.531 Lust. That's another one. 0:14:08.531,0:14:11.874 Typically, when it gets translated "lust" 0:14:11.874,0:14:14.086 it has a negative connotation, 0:14:14.086,0:14:17.460 but the word is "passion" or "desire" 0:14:17.460,0:14:21.150 and it often can be a good one. 0:14:21.150,0:14:25.227 Any other words? 0:14:25.227,0:14:33.228 Hate? 0:14:33.228,0:14:39.255 Hate can be good and hate can be bad. 0:14:39.255,0:14:42.764 But that's got more to do [br]with the object of the hatred, 0:14:42.764,0:14:48.753 but yes, that could be in that category. 0:14:48.753,0:14:50.599 Law? 0:14:50.599,0:14:59.510 (unintelligible) 0:14:59.510,0:15:02.261 Yeah, there can be [br]different meanings to law. 0:15:02.261,0:15:06.167 That's for sure. 0:15:06.167,0:15:10.302 There are places like [br]where Scripture would say 0:15:10.302,0:15:13.007 that we're dead to the law. 0:15:13.007,0:15:15.156 Well, what that means is 0:15:15.156,0:15:16.853 whatever the law is there, 0:15:16.853,0:15:19.301 it's good that we die to it. 0:15:19.301,0:15:21.666 But then we're also living to another law, 0:15:21.666,0:15:24.419 so yes, depending on [br]how that word is used. 0:15:24.419,0:15:29.270 Maybe flesh has various [br]connotations to it. 0:15:29.270,0:15:31.519 Flesh can definitely be an evil thing 0:15:31.519,0:15:34.145 or a negative thing. 0:15:34.145,0:15:37.792 Works. Yes, works. 0:15:37.792,0:15:39.825 But anyway, you get the idea. 0:15:39.825,0:15:45.222 Anxiety falls into that camp. 0:15:45.222,0:15:49.272 I want to give you four of what I think 0:15:49.272,0:15:56.723 are the clearest New Testament examples - 0:15:56.723,0:15:58.283 when I say New Testament, 0:15:58.283,0:15:59.275 you have to remember 0:15:59.275,0:16:02.385 there is an Old Testament Greek. 0:16:02.385,0:16:04.600 It's the Septuagint. 0:16:04.600,0:16:06.771 And we can find the [br]word back there as well, 0:16:06.771,0:16:08.210 but in the New Testament, 0:16:08.210,0:16:11.333 the four most obvious uses. 0:16:11.333,0:16:14.147 And it's the exact same [br]word in the original. 0:16:14.147,0:16:16.968 Exact same. 0:16:16.968,0:16:21.024 One example would be found 0:16:21.024,0:16:23.810 in 1 Corinthians 12:25. 0:16:23.810,0:16:26.637 Let's look at that. 0:16:26.637,0:16:28.530 Somebody read that when you get there. 0:16:28.530,0:16:43.132 1 Corinthians 12:25. 0:16:43.132,0:16:45.694 "That there may be [br]no division in the body, 0:16:45.694,0:16:48.905 but that the members may have[br]the same care for one another." 0:16:48.905,0:16:50.322 Tim: That word "care," 0:16:50.322,0:16:52.171 that is exactly the word 0:16:52.171,0:16:56.178 from Philippians 4:6 for anxiety. 0:16:56.178,0:16:57.924 Now the thing is, 0:16:57.924,0:17:00.008 you do have to recgonize this, 0:17:00.008,0:17:01.671 it's the same word, 0:17:01.671,0:17:04.112 but sometimes it's found [br]in the noun forms; 0:17:04.112,0:17:07.273 sometimes it's found in the adjective form 0:17:07.273,0:17:09.374 as we look at these different examples. 0:17:09.374,0:17:12.535 You have anxieties - that's the noun form. 0:17:12.535,0:17:16.252 Or being anxious - that's the adjective. 0:17:16.252,0:17:22.161 So, what we have here, 0:17:22.161,0:17:24.859 read that again about care. 0:17:24.859,0:17:25.829 Listen to this. 0:17:25.829,0:17:30.200 This has to do with being [br]in the same church together. 0:17:30.200,0:17:32.369 "That there may be no [br]divisions in the body, 0:17:32.369,0:17:34.801 but that the members [br]may have the same care 0:17:34.801,0:17:35.865 for one another." 0:17:35.865,0:17:38.701 Tim: See, the members of [br]this body have care. 0:17:38.701,0:17:42.831 This body is not this universal body. 0:17:42.831,0:17:45.629 You can't care for people [br]that you don't know 0:17:45.629,0:17:48.087 out in the middle of nowhere in China. 0:17:48.087,0:17:51.667 I mean, you might be able to support [br]a missionary that's going over there. 0:17:51.667,0:17:53.279 But the obvious implication here 0:17:53.279,0:17:54.902 of being a member of a body 0:17:54.902,0:17:56.467 is it's the local body. 0:17:56.467,0:17:59.383 You're living for each other. 0:17:59.383,0:18:01.538 And the actual word is: 0:18:01.538,0:18:05.704 you're being anxious for each other. 0:18:05.704,0:18:07.796 That's the word. 0:18:07.796,0:18:09.792 You're being anxious for each other. 0:18:09.792,0:18:12.501 I'll show you another similar usage 0:18:12.501,0:18:14.985 in 2 Corinthians 11:28. 0:18:14.985,0:18:17.105 Somebody can read that [br]when they get there. 0:18:17.105,0:18:23.670 2 Corinthians 11:28. 0:18:23.670,0:18:26.003 "And apart from other things, 0:18:26.003,0:18:28.529 there is the daily pressure on me 0:18:28.529,0:18:31.918 of my anxiety for all the churches." 0:18:31.918,0:18:33.427 Tim: Right, there it is again. 0:18:33.427,0:18:36.527 So you have members in the same body, 0:18:36.527,0:18:38.059 or members in this body 0:18:38.059,0:18:41.564 that are supposed to be [br]anxious for each other. 0:18:41.564,0:18:44.631 You have Paul who is admitting 0:18:44.631,0:18:47.352 that above all the trials [br]that he's dealing with, 0:18:47.352,0:18:49.326 one of the greatest ones 0:18:49.326,0:18:51.223 above and beyond them all 0:18:51.223,0:18:53.955 is the fact that he carries around anxiety 0:18:53.955,0:18:55.102 for the churches. 0:18:55.102,0:18:56.185 What churches? 0:18:56.185,0:18:57.304 Well, all the churches. 0:18:57.304,0:18:59.618 He even would write to churches [br]that he had never visited, 0:18:59.618,0:19:01.071 never seen them face to face. 0:19:01.071,0:19:02.555 And he would say to them 0:19:02.555,0:19:05.836 he's praying for them all the time. 0:19:05.836,0:19:07.509 He carried about a burden. 0:19:07.509,0:19:10.908 Let's see something similar. 0:19:10.908,0:19:14.173 Go back to Philippians 2:20. 0:19:14.173,0:19:15.554 I love this. 0:19:15.554,0:19:19.512 This is one of the great descriptions - 0:19:19.512,0:19:22.527 we often think about [br]qualifications for ministry 0:19:22.527,0:19:25.101 coming from the pastoral epistles. 0:19:25.101,0:19:29.912 Well, there are qualifications 0:19:29.912,0:19:32.867 that we can find in other places. 0:19:32.867,0:19:35.344 The book of Acts chapter 20 is tremendous. 0:19:35.344,0:19:41.642 1 Peter has some great [br]things to say about elders. 0:19:41.642,0:19:47.619 But this, what words are [br]spoken about Timothy! 0:19:47.619,0:19:50.511 You want to talk about [br]qualifications for the ministry. 0:19:50.511,0:19:54.865 Somebody read Philippians 2:20. 0:19:54.865,0:19:56.994 "For I have no one like-minded 0:19:56.994,0:19:59.827 who will sincerely care for your welfare." 0:19:59.827,0:20:01.374 Tim: That word "care" - 0:20:01.374,0:20:03.650 again, same word that we have 0:20:03.650,0:20:05.885 in Philippian 4:6 0:20:05.885,0:20:08.130 that says be anxious for nothing. 0:20:08.130,0:20:09.618 Isn't this interesting? 0:20:09.618,0:20:12.217 If you were listening to Paul speak 0:20:12.217,0:20:13.965 in the original Greek, 0:20:13.965,0:20:15.689 you know what he says? 0:20:15.689,0:20:17.756 He says to the church 0:20:17.756,0:20:19.756 I don't have any man like him. 0:20:19.756,0:20:21.732 He's anxious for you. 0:20:21.732,0:20:23.839 And then he turns around and says to them 0:20:23.839,0:20:27.704 be anxious for nothing. 0:20:27.704,0:20:30.753 And he uses exactly the same word. 0:20:30.753,0:20:34.037 Look, they're not going [br]to misunderstand him. 0:20:34.037,0:20:36.268 They recognize in one case 0:20:36.268,0:20:39.106 it's used in a very positive way. 0:20:39.106,0:20:40.805 In the other case, 0:20:40.805,0:20:42.842 it's used in a negative way. 0:20:42.842,0:20:46.239 Now keep reading. Who was reading that? 0:20:46.239,0:20:49.006 Keep reading. 0:20:49.006,0:20:50.656 "For all seek their own, 0:20:50.656,0:20:52.804 not the things which are of Christ Jesus." 0:20:52.804,0:20:55.983 Tim: Aye aye aye... 0:20:55.983,0:20:57.882 You talk about convicting! 0:20:57.882,0:20:59.024 When I read that, 0:20:59.024,0:21:00.170 every time I read that, 0:21:00.170,0:21:04.334 that is convicting. 0:21:04.334,0:21:06.839 I'm blown away by that statement. 0:21:06.839,0:21:08.004 Think about it. 0:21:08.004,0:21:10.881 How many men did Paul work with 0:21:10.881,0:21:12.237 over the years? 0:21:12.237,0:21:14.002 You just think through the epistles. 0:21:14.002,0:21:15.443 Who are the men that he names? 0:21:15.443,0:21:17.974 Who are the men that he's [br]sending in different directions? 0:21:17.974,0:21:19.606 He worked for a time with Demas. 0:21:19.606,0:21:21.073 We know Demas defected. 0:21:21.073,0:21:22.874 But he worked with Tychicus. 0:21:22.874,0:21:24.107 he worked with Onesimus. 0:21:24.107,0:21:25.429 He worked with Epaphras. 0:21:25.429,0:21:26.962 He worked with Apollos. 0:21:26.962,0:21:28.600 He worked with Timothy. 0:21:28.600,0:21:29.919 He worked with Silas. 0:21:29.919,0:21:31.343 He worked with Barnabas. 0:21:31.343,0:21:33.080 At least those guys. 0:21:33.080,0:21:34.233 He worked with Luke. 0:21:34.233,0:21:36.786 He worked with Mark. 0:21:36.786,0:21:38.880 (incomplete thought) 0:21:38.880,0:21:41.514 How about Epaphroditus? 0:21:41.514,0:21:43.772 He worked with all these different guys. 0:21:43.772,0:21:47.563 And yet, he's able to say, 0:21:47.563,0:21:50.579 nobody has the anxiety for your soul. 0:21:50.579,0:21:53.986 He doesn't mind his own things; 0:21:53.986,0:21:58.169 he minds the things of Christ 0:21:58.169,0:22:00.786 What a statement! 0:22:00.786,0:22:01.862 (from the room) 0:22:01.862,0:22:04.362 I think of Mary and Martha. 0:22:04.362,0:22:06.276 Martha actually told the Lord, 0:22:06.276,0:22:09.162 "do You not care that my sister 0:22:09.162,0:22:11.026 has left me to serve alone?" 0:22:11.026,0:22:12.190 But then Christ says, 0:22:12.190,0:22:14.855 "You're anxious and troubled [br]about many things." 0:22:14.855,0:22:17.315 (unintelligible) 0:22:17.315,0:22:20.312 Tim: Exactly, that's a bad anxiety. 0:22:20.312,0:22:23.044 So right there, 0:22:23.044,0:22:29.837 you care about the wrong things. 0:22:29.837,0:22:31.244 That. 0:22:31.244,0:22:32.885 That's at the heart of this. 0:22:32.885,0:22:35.694 See, this is really where we [br]want to make the distinction. 0:22:35.694,0:22:36.906 How do we know? 0:22:36.906,0:22:38.367 What are the tests? 0:22:38.367,0:22:41.363 When can you look at yourself and say, 0:22:41.363,0:22:43.229 wow, the anxiety that I'm feeling - 0:22:43.229,0:22:46.350 because look, if you [br]have the kind of anxiety 0:22:46.350,0:22:48.304 that Jesus says you should not have 0:22:48.304,0:22:50.031 and Paul says you should not have, 0:22:50.031,0:22:51.888 you know those are imperatives. 0:22:51.888,0:22:53.756 There are imperatives that are given 0:22:53.756,0:22:55.282 that say - it's a commandment - 0:22:55.282,0:22:58.256 don't be anxious. 0:22:58.256,0:23:01.012 Which means if you are, it's sin. 0:23:01.012,0:23:03.278 When you blatantly contradict 0:23:03.278,0:23:04.424 something in your life 0:23:04.424,0:23:06.140 that Scripture tells you not to do, 0:23:06.140,0:23:07.616 that's sin. 0:23:07.616,0:23:11.002 What is sin? 0:23:11.002,0:23:12.551 Sin is transgression of the law. 0:23:12.551,0:23:14.593 It's transgression of the commandments. 0:23:14.593,0:23:17.564 It's transgression of the will of God. 0:23:17.564,0:23:22.616 The will of God is what God [br]sets forth in His Word. 0:23:22.616,0:23:23.903 It's sin. 0:23:23.903,0:23:25.864 So how do we distinguish between the two? 0:23:25.864,0:23:27.069 Before we move on, 0:23:27.069,0:23:29.287 I want to give you one more example 0:23:29.287,0:23:32.170 of the positive use of this 0:23:32.170,0:23:37.725 and it's found in 1 Corinthians 7. 0:23:37.725,0:23:42.044 1 Corinthians 7:32-34, 0:23:42.044,0:23:44.645 we have an interesting usage 0:23:44.645,0:23:51.039 of the word anxiety several times. 0:23:51.039,0:23:52.377 Somebody that gets there, 0:23:52.377,0:23:53.634 you can go ahead and read 0:23:53.634,0:24:00.584 1 Corinthians 7:32-34. 0:24:00.584,0:24:03.626 "I want you to be free from anxieties. 0:24:03.626,0:24:05.436 The unmarried man is anxious 0:24:05.436,0:24:07.546 about the things of the Lord, 0:24:07.546,0:24:09.297 how to please the Lord. 0:24:09.297,0:24:11.263 But the married man is anxious 0:24:11.263,0:24:12.951 about worldly things, 0:24:12.951,0:24:16.205 how to please his wife." 0:24:16.205,0:24:20.120 Tim: Keep going. 0:24:20.120,0:24:22.869 "And the unmarried or betrothed woman 0:24:22.869,0:24:25.162 is anxious about the things of the Lord." 0:24:25.162,0:24:27.171 Tim: Okay, stop. 0:24:27.171,0:24:33.497 Now, look, isn't that [br]convoluted in itself? 0:24:33.497,0:24:36.614 Listen to what he says in v. 32. 0:24:36.614,0:24:40.676 He doesn't want them anxious. 0:24:40.676,0:24:43.172 And yet in v. 34, what does he say? 0:24:43.172,0:24:44.786 That the unmarried woman 0:24:44.786,0:24:48.211 is anxious about what? 0:24:48.211,0:24:49.899 The things of the Lord. 0:24:49.899,0:24:52.228 So when he says he doesn't [br]want them anxious, 0:24:52.228,0:24:53.785 is that what he's talking about? 0:24:53.785,0:24:55.195 Well, no, if you look at the flow, 0:24:55.195,0:24:56.828 it's obvious what he's talking about. 0:24:56.828,0:24:58.074 He comes along and he says 0:24:58.074,0:24:59.738 I don't want you anxious. 0:24:59.738,0:25:02.085 But there's a context there. 0:25:02.085,0:25:06.043 He's saying if you get married, 0:25:06.043,0:25:07.612 you're going to be anxious 0:25:07.612,0:25:09.376 about things of the world. 0:25:09.376,0:25:11.155 If you don't get married, 0:25:11.155,0:25:14.130 then you'll stay focused 0:25:14.130,0:25:16.222 and be anxious only about 0:25:16.222,0:25:19.803 the things of the Lord. 0:25:19.803,0:25:21.987 But that's a positive use right there. 0:25:21.987,0:25:25.302 Be anxious about the things of the Lord. 0:25:25.302,0:25:26.634 That's a good thing. 0:25:26.634,0:25:28.352 In fact, that's why he doesn't want 0:25:28.352,0:25:30.960 people to marry. 0:25:30.960,0:25:35.669 So any of you guys thinking [br]about getting married... 0:25:35.669,0:25:39.190 I still recommend marriage. 0:25:39.190,0:25:43.434 But okay, we don't need to sidestep. 0:25:43.434,0:25:45.495 But here's the thing. 0:25:45.495,0:25:47.651 There's good use. There's bad use. 0:25:47.651,0:25:49.725 You obviously see that from Scripture. 0:25:49.725,0:25:52.802 We looked at examples of both. 0:25:52.802,0:25:55.667 But the question that is on the table 0:25:55.667,0:25:58.682 is how do we know the difference? 0:25:58.682,0:26:02.341 Obviously, Jesus tells His disciples 0:26:02.341,0:26:04.934 don't be anxious. 0:26:04.934,0:26:07.342 We saw that in Matthew 6. 0:26:07.342,0:26:09.444 We looked at it today in Luke 12. 0:26:09.444,0:26:12.494 We heard from it our brother Tony 0:26:12.494,0:26:15.494 mentioned Martha. 0:26:15.494,0:26:17.057 Jesus said, 0:26:17.057,0:26:20.530 "Martha, you're anxious about 0:26:20.530,0:26:22.893 all sorts of things." 0:26:22.893,0:26:25.298 Good or bad? Obviously bad. 0:26:25.298,0:26:27.638 Why? What's the comparison? 0:26:27.638,0:26:29.359 Her sister. 0:26:29.359,0:26:32.291 Her sister who is not [br]full of these anxieties. 0:26:32.291,0:26:35.299 She's seated at the feet of Christ. 0:26:35.299,0:26:37.622 She's chosen the good part. 0:26:37.622,0:26:39.627 It wouldn't be taken away from her. 0:26:39.627,0:26:42.616 So how can we distinguish? 0:26:42.616,0:26:48.626 Because here's the thing. 0:26:48.626,0:26:51.881 I'll tell you this. 0:26:51.881,0:26:55.388 I have four children. 0:26:55.388,0:26:57.949 Somebody has said, 0:26:57.949,0:27:00.557 as a parent, you can only be as happy 0:27:00.557,0:27:03.684 as your saddest child. 0:27:03.684,0:27:06.176 There's something to that. 0:27:06.176,0:27:09.695 Do you know with every child that you have 0:27:09.695,0:27:13.288 a new set of anxieties? 0:27:13.288,0:27:16.188 (incomplete thought) 0:27:16.188,0:27:19.106 I went bike riding this afternoon, 0:27:19.106,0:27:22.601 which I typically do right [br]before this study with Craig. 0:27:22.601,0:27:24.579 And I told Craig that we had 0:27:24.579,0:27:26.097 a number of visiting families 0:27:26.097,0:27:27.683 and we had some people that were 0:27:27.683,0:27:29.405 looking at moving here. 0:27:29.405,0:27:31.334 We rode for a little while, 0:27:31.334,0:27:35.152 and Craig said something like, 0:27:35.152,0:27:38.869 I don't know if that's a good thing. 0:27:38.869,0:27:41.587 And I said, well, it's true. 0:27:41.587,0:27:44.371 It's kind of like a parent [br]having another child, 0:27:44.371,0:27:45.923 adopting another child. 0:27:45.923,0:27:48.045 With each family that comes to the church, 0:27:48.045,0:27:52.927 typically it brings responsibilities. 0:27:52.927,0:27:54.300 It brings anxieties. 0:27:54.300,0:27:56.062 Often, it brings problems. 0:27:56.062,0:28:02.972 And you know, if you think about it, 0:28:02.972,0:28:05.499 okay, Paul comes along and he says, 0:28:05.499,0:28:08.573 hey, I want you free from anxieties. 0:28:08.573,0:28:10.719 I just want you to be [br]anxious about the Lord. 0:28:10.719,0:28:13.056 So don't get married, [br]because if you get married, 0:28:13.056,0:28:14.016 you know what? 0:28:14.016,0:28:16.032 Then you've got concerns about a wife. 0:28:16.032,0:28:17.220 And if you've got a wife, 0:28:17.220,0:28:18.380 then you might have kids 0:28:18.380,0:28:22.465 and you've got concerns [br]about all those things. 0:28:22.465,0:28:24.120 And you know what? 0:28:24.120,0:28:26.789 You know what we could say? 0:28:26.789,0:28:29.424 I just want to withdraw. 0:28:29.424,0:28:31.025 I don't want to have a family. 0:28:31.025,0:28:32.526 I want to keep my distance. 0:28:32.526,0:28:34.576 You know, if you get too close to people, 0:28:34.576,0:28:36.468 then all of a sudden, you care, 0:28:36.468,0:28:37.917 and if you care, 0:28:37.917,0:28:38.963 it hurts. 0:28:38.963,0:28:40.594 And there's burden. 0:28:40.594,0:28:42.260 There's troubles. 0:28:42.260,0:28:43.509 Can you imagine? 0:28:43.509,0:28:45.921 There's that family that has 18 kids. 0:28:45.921,0:28:47.026 I thought about that. 0:28:47.026,0:28:49.191 Oh, 18 children... 0:28:49.191,0:28:53.204 it's like 18 children just multiplies. 0:28:53.204,0:28:54.223 I have four. 0:28:54.223,0:28:56.546 It multiplies by over four-fold 0:28:56.546,0:28:59.387 the things that you feel; 0:28:59.387,0:29:02.157 the potentials for them [br]to be in car accidents, 0:29:02.157,0:29:04.269 or get leukemia, 0:29:04.269,0:29:07.266 or to marry a lost spouse, 0:29:07.266,0:29:09.540 and the person divorces them, 0:29:09.540,0:29:15.556 or have your grandchildren be stillborn. 0:29:15.556,0:29:17.760 You could think that way. 0:29:17.760,0:29:19.062 And you know what? 0:29:19.062,0:29:20.872 You know what the truth is? 0:29:20.872,0:29:23.402 If I really don't want to have anxieties, 0:29:23.402,0:29:25.559 the best thing is don't be married, 0:29:25.559,0:29:26.854 don't have children, 0:29:26.854,0:29:28.392 certainly, don't be a pastor. 0:29:28.392,0:29:29.568 Don't be like Timothy. 0:29:29.568,0:29:30.913 Don't be like Paul who's got 0:29:30.913,0:29:32.857 all these anxieties over the churches. 0:29:32.857,0:29:34.004 Don't be like Timothy 0:29:34.004,0:29:36.516 who's got anxieties over [br]the people at Philippi. 0:29:36.516,0:29:38.358 Don't get close to anybody. 0:29:38.358,0:29:40.113 In fact, withdraw. 0:29:40.113,0:29:45.548 Go build a cabin out somewhere far away. 0:29:45.548,0:29:47.021 Listen, I'm serious. 0:29:47.021,0:29:50.109 If you do that, 0:29:50.109,0:29:51.656 many of the anxieties - 0:29:51.656,0:29:54.485 now, I know, you could all of a sudden 0:29:54.485,0:29:57.049 have anxieties that a grizzly [br]bear's going to come 0:29:57.049,0:30:06.728 carry you off at night. 0:30:06.728,0:30:09.926 But, what we don't want to do clearly 0:30:09.926,0:30:13.062 is fall into that thinking. 0:30:13.062,0:30:14.956 Let me tell you, 0:30:14.956,0:30:16.999 a lot of people that struggle 0:30:16.999,0:30:19.172 with anxiety attacks, 0:30:19.172,0:30:20.676 you know what they end up doing 0:30:20.676,0:30:22.254 in the midst of their anxieties? 0:30:22.254,0:30:24.506 They end up withdrawing. 0:30:24.506,0:30:26.834 They don't want to be around people. 0:30:26.834,0:30:29.258 Why? It's too much. 0:30:29.258,0:30:30.525 It's just too much. 0:30:30.525,0:30:34.587 It's overwhelming anxiety. 0:30:34.587,0:30:36.636 But here's the thing, 0:30:36.636,0:30:38.391 we need to recognize 0:30:38.391,0:30:40.584 that there's good anxiety 0:30:40.584,0:30:42.510 and there's bad anxiety. 0:30:42.510,0:30:46.780 The reality is to love more people, 0:30:46.780,0:30:50.164 it's like the body in 1 Corinthians 12. 0:30:50.164,0:30:52.941 You be a member of this body. 0:30:52.941,0:30:55.133 You know what it says there? 0:30:55.133,0:30:59.837 We weep with those who weep. 0:30:59.837,0:31:02.444 You know if you weep with those who weep, 0:31:02.444,0:31:04.104 like if it's really true, 0:31:04.104,0:31:09.922 you can only be as happy [br]as your saddest child, 0:31:09.922,0:31:12.477 the truth is if that's what [br]God wants from us - 0:31:12.477,0:31:16.791 we're to weep with those who weep, 0:31:16.791,0:31:17.984 then you know what, 0:31:17.984,0:31:24.339 loving people brings certain sorrows. 0:31:24.339,0:31:28.061 You know what the problem [br]is if you love people? 0:31:28.061,0:31:32.492 It opens you up to pain. 0:31:32.492,0:31:34.851 And it opens you up to worry 0:31:34.851,0:31:35.929 very possibly. 0:31:35.929,0:31:37.559 Because if you love somebody, 0:31:37.559,0:31:40.506 you're concerned about them. 0:31:40.506,0:31:43.397 And what we certainly don't want to do 0:31:43.397,0:31:45.536 as we try to steer people away 0:31:45.536,0:31:49.435 from the negative anxieties, 0:31:49.435,0:31:51.461 we want to at the same time 0:31:51.461,0:31:55.616 encourage that they embrace 0:31:55.616,0:31:57.599 the good anxieties. 0:31:57.599,0:32:00.146 So how can you tell the difference? 0:32:00.146,0:32:04.125 How can you tell Paul 0:32:04.125,0:32:07.609 who says, look, above all the things - 0:32:07.609,0:32:11.498 somebody look at that [br]text in 2 Corinthians. 0:32:11.498,0:32:17.808 That text was found in 2 Corinthians 11. 0:32:17.808,0:32:22.345 And the text specifically was in v. 28. 0:32:22.345,0:32:27.100 Maybe I'll read that one. 0:32:27.100,0:32:32.707 2 Corinthians 11. 0:32:32.707,0:32:37.323 Listen to this. 0:32:37.323,0:32:43.543 (incomplete thought) 0:32:43.543,0:32:45.816 What Paul's doing here 0:32:45.816,0:32:47.393 is he's comparing himself 0:32:47.393,0:32:50.951 to these false apostles. 0:32:50.951,0:32:55.896 V. 22, "Are they Hebrews? So am I. 0:32:55.896,0:32:59.592 Are they Israelites? So am I. 0:32:59.592,0:33:02.440 Are they offspring of Abraham? So am I. 0:33:02.440,0:33:05.111 Are they servants of Christ? 0:33:05.111,0:33:06.301 I'm a better one." 0:33:06.301,0:33:09.808 Now he's not speaking pridefully here. 0:33:09.808,0:33:12.768 He was a true apostle. 0:33:12.768,0:33:16.112 They were false apostles. 0:33:16.112,0:33:17.930 And he says it right away. 0:33:17.930,0:33:19.385 I'm talking like a madman. 0:33:19.385,0:33:21.328 He knew this sounds arrogant, 0:33:21.328,0:33:24.661 and he says I'm talking [br]like a madman here. 0:33:24.661,0:33:26.474 But I've been in far greater labors. 0:33:26.474,0:33:29.666 I've suffered much more [br]for Christ than any of them 0:33:29.666,0:33:32.620 because I'm preaching a [br]message that gets persecuted. 0:33:32.620,0:33:34.134 Unlike those guys. 0:33:34.134,0:33:35.396 They're ear ticklers. 0:33:35.396,0:33:36.886 They're man pleasers. 0:33:36.886,0:33:41.068 Anyway, look what he says. 0:33:41.068,0:33:43.784 "Far greater labors, 0:33:43.784,0:33:48.211 far more imprisonments." 0:33:48.211,0:33:52.187 Some of us have perhaps been in jail. 0:33:52.187,0:33:54.733 He was in jail for Christ's sake. 0:33:54.733,0:33:56.406 But not just that. 0:33:56.406,0:33:59.889 Countless beatings. 0:33:59.889,0:34:03.330 If we had one person in our midst 0:34:03.330,0:34:10.692 who had been beaten just once 0:34:10.692,0:34:12.801 for the name of Christ, 0:34:12.801,0:34:17.223 we would so highly esteem that person. 0:34:17.223,0:34:21.512 Any of you... (incomplete thought). 0:34:21.512,0:34:23.899 Kevin - he got punched right? 0:34:23.899,0:34:28.350 (incomplete thought) 0:34:28.350,0:34:30.481 Suffering for Christ's sake. 0:34:30.481,0:34:32.730 I mean, people that [br]are willing to do that. 0:34:32.730,0:34:35.941 I love that. 0:34:35.941,0:34:39.103 But he was beaten - he [br]didn't even know the number 0:34:39.103,0:34:41.646 of times he was beaten. 0:34:41.646,0:34:45.087 He was often near death. 0:34:45.087,0:34:46.296 Like he says at times, 0:34:46.296,0:34:50.460 they feared for their lives. 0:34:50.460,0:34:52.977 "Five times I received at [br]the hands of the Jews 0:34:52.977,0:34:55.000 40 lashes less one." 0:34:55.000,0:34:58.219 The most you could give [br]under Mosaic Law: 40. 0:34:58.219,0:34:59.698 So they always did 39 0:34:59.698,0:35:03.367 lest they should accidentally go over. 0:35:03.367,0:35:04.861 Can you imagine? 0:35:04.861,0:35:07.954 I've got a rod right there behind Wendy. 0:35:07.954,0:35:10.649 Can somebody imagine if I took that rod 0:35:10.649,0:35:14.035 and I beat you with it 39 times? 0:35:14.035,0:35:19.215 As hard as I could? 0:35:19.215,0:35:21.978 This is what he went through. 0:35:21.978,0:35:25.122 "Once I was stoned and left for dead." 0:35:25.122,0:35:26.605 We know about that account. 0:35:26.605,0:35:29.279 "Three times I was shipwrecked. 0:35:29.279,0:35:32.209 A night and a day I was adrift at sea. 0:35:32.209,0:35:34.475 Frequent journeys and dangers from rivers, 0:35:34.475,0:35:35.905 danger from robbers, 0:35:35.905,0:35:37.331 danger from my own people, 0:35:37.331,0:35:38.632 danger from the Gentiles, 0:35:38.632,0:35:40.849 danger in the city, [br]danger in the wilderness, 0:35:40.849,0:35:43.353 danger at sea,[br]danger from false brothers, 0:35:43.353,0:35:46.075 in toil, hardship, [br]many sleepless nights, 0:35:46.075,0:35:48.222 hunger and thirst,[br]often without food, 0:35:48.222,0:35:49.724 in cold and exposure 0:35:49.724,0:35:51.503 and apart from other things, 0:35:51.503,0:35:53.386 there is the daily pressure on me 0:35:53.386,0:35:56.279 of my anxieties for all the churches." 0:35:56.279,0:35:58.635 It's like he's gets done, 0:35:58.635,0:36:00.240 and it's like you want to know 0:36:00.240,0:36:04.140 what really is a burden to me? 0:36:04.140,0:36:06.742 Not all those things. 0:36:06.742,0:36:10.554 Daily I carry around this burden 0:36:10.554,0:36:12.164 for the churches. 0:36:12.164,0:36:13.085 We want that. 0:36:13.085,0:36:14.394 We want that kind of love. 0:36:14.394,0:36:16.339 That is a good anxiety. 0:36:16.339,0:36:19.282 We should pursue that. 0:36:19.282,0:36:22.171 But okay, how do we know the difference? 0:36:22.171,0:36:33.648 How do we know when we feel panicked, 0:36:33.648,0:36:36.265 or we feel cares, we feel burdens, 0:36:36.265,0:36:42.405 we feel anxiety, we feel cares? 0:36:42.405,0:36:43.947 What's a good mark 0:36:43.947,0:36:47.658 that the thing is good or bad? 0:36:47.658,0:36:48.795 Here's some things. 0:36:48.795,0:36:50.087 You guys can be thinking 0:36:50.087,0:36:52.037 if I don't hit on one that you think of, 0:36:52.037,0:36:53.566 I'll give you the opportunity 0:36:53.566,0:36:56.842 after I throw these out. 0:36:56.842,0:36:59.321 Number one, 0:36:59.321,0:37:02.387 here's a question that you need to ask. 0:37:02.387,0:37:07.598 What are you concerned about? 0:37:07.598,0:37:09.674 See, that's a good thing to ask. 0:37:09.674,0:37:12.236 Because I can tell you this, 0:37:12.236,0:37:15.707 every time in Scripture 0:37:15.707,0:37:19.916 that it's a good anxiety, 0:37:19.916,0:37:24.391 it's being anxious for people 0:37:24.391,0:37:26.405 or the 1 Corinthians 7, 0:37:26.405,0:37:32.432 it's being anxious for the Lord. 0:37:32.432,0:37:35.140 Versus the bad anxieties 0:37:35.140,0:37:39.647 which would be being anxious for money 0:37:39.647,0:37:43.090 or for clothing or for food 0:37:43.090,0:37:44.738 or for drink 0:37:44.738,0:37:49.466 or for the physical things. 0:37:49.466,0:37:50.592 You know what Paul said 0:37:50.592,0:37:52.245 when it came to financial things? 0:37:52.245,0:37:53.493 When it came to wealth? 0:37:53.493,0:37:55.427 When it came to provision in this world? 0:37:55.427,0:37:57.814 He said God has taught me 0:37:57.814,0:37:59.773 both how to be abased 0:37:59.773,0:38:01.948 and how to abound. 0:38:01.948,0:38:05.659 In other words, I don't [br]freak out either way. 0:38:05.659,0:38:09.687 He's taught me how to go through both 0:38:09.687,0:38:11.334 resting on Him 0:38:11.334,0:38:13.485 and trusting in Him. 0:38:13.485,0:38:16.386 He says this to the Philippians. 0:38:16.386,0:38:18.750 He's going to supply our every need 0:38:18.750,0:38:21.093 according to His riches [br]in glory through Christ. 0:38:21.093,0:38:23.736 It's going to happen. 0:38:23.736,0:38:25.061 He's taught us. 0:38:25.061,0:38:29.248 But think about what you're anxious about. 0:38:29.248,0:38:31.097 It doesn't mean that a bad anxiety 0:38:31.097,0:38:32.874 can't be attached to people. 0:38:32.874,0:38:35.891 But it's just a point well worth making 0:38:35.891,0:38:39.655 that when Paul was [br]anxious for the churches, 0:38:39.655,0:38:41.731 it was people. 0:38:41.731,0:38:47.142 When Timothy was anxious [br]for the Philippians, 0:38:47.142,0:38:50.901 it was people. 0:38:50.901,0:38:57.455 When you think about these examples 0:38:57.455,0:38:59.808 and then the 1 Corinthians 7, 0:38:59.808,0:39:03.087 where the person that marries, 0:39:03.087,0:39:05.275 he's anxious for the things of his wife 0:39:05.275,0:39:07.706 versus the girl that stays single - 0:39:07.706,0:39:10.517 she's anxious for the things of the Lord. 0:39:10.517,0:39:12.847 That's the first thing to think about. 0:39:12.847,0:39:14.812 What are we anxious about? 0:39:14.812,0:39:17.791 Is it people and is it the Lord 0:39:17.791,0:39:20.606 who are driving our concerns? 0:39:20.615,0:39:22.377 Or is it stuff? 0:39:22.377,0:39:24.857 Is it the fear of whether God's going to 0:39:24.857,0:39:25.935 provide for us? 0:39:25.935,0:39:27.953 Is it the fear of whether we're going to 0:39:27.953,0:39:29.763 get something that we think we want? 0:39:29.763,0:39:36.087 Even if that's a spouse. 0:39:36.087,0:39:40.350 Just panicking because you're not sure 0:39:40.350,0:39:41.601 about tomorrow. 0:39:41.601,0:39:43.838 You're just worried all the time. 0:39:43.838,0:39:45.446 How am I going to make it? 0:39:45.446,0:39:48.596 How am I going to take care of my family? 0:39:48.596,0:39:53.169 How is this going to happen? 0:39:53.169,0:39:55.734 So that's the first thing. 0:39:55.734,0:40:01.443 The second thing is this. 0:40:01.443,0:40:05.783 Look at Matthew 13:22. 0:40:05.783,0:40:12.284 This is the well known parable 0:40:12.284,0:40:17.754 of the four soils. 0:40:17.754,0:40:21.970 The third soil type 0:40:21.970,0:40:24.889 is found in Matthew 13:22. 0:40:24.889,0:40:28.861 The explanation, the interpretation. 0:40:28.861,0:40:34.924 Somebody want to read that? 0:40:34.924,0:40:38.209 "As for what was sown among the thorns, 0:40:38.209,0:40:40.461 this is the one who hears the Word 0:40:40.461,0:40:42.015 and the cares of the world..." 0:40:42.015,0:40:43.520 Tim: Right there. 0:40:43.520,0:40:44.712 The cares of the world? 0:40:44.712,0:40:47.161 That's the anxieties of the world. 0:40:47.161,0:40:48.334 Keep going. 0:40:48.334,0:40:50.350 "...and the deceitfulness of riches 0:40:50.350,0:40:53.689 choke the Word and proves unfruitful." 0:40:53.689,0:40:55.619 Tim: It chokes the Word 0:40:55.619,0:40:59.916 and it proves unfruitful. 0:40:59.916,0:41:05.294 Cares of the world 0:41:05.294,0:41:09.525 lead to no fruitfulness. 0:41:09.525,0:41:11.476 In fact, if you compare this 0:41:11.476,0:41:14.986 to the other Gospels, 0:41:14.986,0:41:19.974 what happens is it chokes, 0:41:19.974,0:41:25.952 it keeps the fruit from [br]coming to fruition. 0:41:25.952,0:41:28.372 Or, look at this text. 0:41:28.372,0:41:31.190 Luke 21:34. 0:41:31.190,0:41:41.350 Somebody read that when you get there. 0:41:41.350,0:41:42.673 "But watch yourselves, 0:41:42.673,0:41:44.826 lest your hearts be weighed down 0:41:44.826,0:41:47.542 with dissipation and drunkenness 0:41:47.542,0:41:49.271 and cares of this life 0:41:49.271,0:41:51.447 and that day come upon you suddenly 0:41:51.447,0:41:53.431 like a trap." 0:41:53.431,0:41:55.093 Tim: There it is. 0:41:55.093,0:41:59.274 Cares of this life. 0:41:59.274,0:42:02.375 Cares of this life. 0:42:02.375,0:42:06.098 You get weighed down by them. 0:42:06.098,0:42:10.090 And what does it say there in Matthew 13? 0:42:10.090,0:42:16.393 It said that there's a choking. 0:42:16.393,0:42:19.068 These cares choke. 0:42:19.068,0:42:20.725 And what happens? 0:42:20.725,0:42:22.532 There's not fruit. 0:42:22.532,0:42:25.947 And so the thing that [br]we need to ask is this: 0:42:25.947,0:42:32.217 Does your anxiety produce fruit 0:42:32.217,0:42:35.489 or does it choke it? 0:42:35.489,0:42:37.377 Because think about this. 0:42:37.377,0:42:40.612 If a person is having anxiety attacks, 0:42:40.612,0:42:42.275 and they can't even get themselves 0:42:42.275,0:42:44.412 to get out of their bed [br]or out of their home 0:42:44.412,0:42:46.656 on a Sunday to come to the service, 0:42:46.656,0:42:49.693 to use their spiritual gifts [br]to strengthen other people, 0:42:49.693,0:42:51.291 to encourage other people, 0:42:51.291,0:42:54.276 to get there to stir up one another 0:42:54.276,0:42:55.394 to love and good works 0:42:55.394,0:42:57.747 and not forsake the assembling together, 0:42:57.747,0:42:59.235 to get there and hear about 0:42:59.235,0:43:01.389 what's happening in other people's lives, 0:43:01.389,0:43:02.975 to bear one another's burdens, 0:43:02.975,0:43:04.710 to rejoice with those who rejoice, 0:43:04.710,0:43:06.874 to weep with those who weep - 0:43:06.874,0:43:08.616 if you're not able, 0:43:08.616,0:43:12.065 do you know what that anxiety is doing? 0:43:12.065,0:43:15.287 It's choking fruit. 0:43:15.287,0:43:19.299 Whereas Paul, thinking about [br]the churches all the time, 0:43:19.299,0:43:21.711 his care for the churches, 0:43:21.711,0:43:26.139 that didn't produce a choking. 0:43:26.139,0:43:29.606 That didn't produce a fruitlessness. 0:43:29.606,0:43:31.456 That didn't produce in Paul 0:43:31.456,0:43:34.004 a desire to fly away 0:43:34.004,0:43:36.604 and build a cabin out in the woods. 0:43:36.604,0:43:39.310 You know what it did? 0:43:39.310,0:43:43.412 Listen to him speak [br]to every single church. 0:43:43.412,0:43:47.785 He says I am constantly remembering you 0:43:47.785,0:43:50.178 in prayer. 0:43:50.178,0:43:52.035 That's fruit. 0:43:52.035,0:43:55.273 His anxiety caused him 0:43:55.273,0:43:56.852 to take those churches 0:43:56.852,0:43:58.516 before the throne of grace 0:43:58.516,0:44:01.910 over and over and over again. 0:44:01.910,0:44:04.199 It caused him to go to those churches, 0:44:04.199,0:44:05.642 to risk his life. 0:44:05.642,0:44:07.289 Do you remember what he said 0:44:07.289,0:44:08.716 to the church at Rome? 0:44:08.716,0:44:12.261 He says, oh, I have longed to come to you 0:44:12.261,0:44:15.126 that I might have some fruit among you. 0:44:15.126,0:44:18.120 He wanted to come and preach the Gospel. 0:44:18.120,0:44:20.105 He wanted his faith and their faith 0:44:20.105,0:44:23.559 to mutually edify each other. 0:44:23.559,0:44:26.105 Listen to how he talked [br]to the church at Corinth. 0:44:26.105,0:44:27.834 He talked about coming, 0:44:27.834,0:44:29.661 and what did he want to do? 0:44:29.661,0:44:32.504 He didn't want to come [br]and have to use the rod. 0:44:32.504,0:44:34.087 But he would if he had to. 0:44:34.087,0:44:35.591 Why? Because he would come 0:44:35.591,0:44:37.104 to set things in order. 0:44:37.104,0:44:38.602 What did Paul send Titus 0:44:38.602,0:44:43.446 to the churches in Crete to do? 0:44:43.446,0:44:45.690 Good things. Fruitful things. 0:44:45.690,0:44:47.854 When Paul and Barnabas 0:44:47.854,0:44:50.162 went through the churches in Acts 14, 0:44:50.162,0:44:51.772 do you know what they were doing? 0:44:51.772,0:44:54.331 They were encouraging the brethren 0:44:54.331,0:44:56.326 and appointing elders. 0:44:56.326,0:44:57.722 But good things. 0:44:57.722,0:44:59.362 They were risking their life. 0:44:59.362,0:45:01.376 They were risking imprisonment. 0:45:01.376,0:45:03.247 They were risking beatings. 0:45:03.247,0:45:04.445 Why? 0:45:04.445,0:45:07.515 Listen, when Paul said 0:45:07.515,0:45:12.625 that he could just as well die as live, 0:45:12.625,0:45:14.203 what did he say? 0:45:14.203,0:45:15.401 What did he say? 0:45:15.401,0:45:17.691 I desire to depart and be with Christ, 0:45:17.691,0:45:19.523 but what? 0:45:19.523,0:45:22.519 James: To remain in the [br]flesh is far more necessary... 0:45:22.519,0:45:23.874 Tim: For their sakes. 0:45:23.874,0:45:27.656 See, kill me. Chop my head off, Nero. 0:45:27.656,0:45:29.815 And I get to go to glory. 0:45:29.815,0:45:32.927 But you know what?[br]You know what's more needful? 0:45:32.927,0:45:36.320 Not that I fly away, build a cabin 0:45:36.320,0:45:40.392 outside of Frisco, Colorado. 0:45:40.392,0:45:46.181 He says it's more necessary that I stay. 0:45:46.181,0:45:49.574 Why? Because the people of God needed him. 0:45:49.574,0:45:53.219 See, this is what I would ask you. 0:45:53.219,0:45:56.400 Whatever anxieties you have in your life, 0:45:56.400,0:45:58.971 is it leading to fruit? 0:45:58.971,0:46:00.743 Because what we see 0:46:00.743,0:46:02.885 is that the anxieties of this world 0:46:02.885,0:46:08.882 choke the Word and there's no good fruit. 0:46:08.882,0:46:10.861 It doesn't come to fruition. 0:46:10.861,0:46:14.202 Versus the kind of care that Timothy had. 0:46:14.202,0:46:16.282 Listen, the kind of care that was there 0:46:16.282,0:46:17.927 in 1 Corinthians 12. 0:46:17.927,0:46:19.225 You've got this body - 0:46:19.225,0:46:20.995 this body full of these members. 0:46:20.995,0:46:22.193 And these members, 0:46:22.193,0:46:25.179 they have anxiety for each other. 0:46:25.179,0:46:27.124 And so what do they do? 0:46:27.124,0:46:29.191 They weep with each other. 0:46:29.191,0:46:30.664 They rejoice with each other. 0:46:30.664,0:46:32.148 And of course, that chapter 0:46:32.148,0:46:33.886 is speaking about spiritual gifts. 0:46:33.886,0:46:35.603 They're using their spiritual gifts 0:46:35.603,0:46:37.786 to build up one another. 0:46:37.786,0:46:40.311 You see, that's what you have to think. 0:46:40.311,0:46:45.640 Is your anxiety causing you 0:46:45.640,0:46:48.072 to pray for those people? 0:46:48.072,0:46:49.755 Is it for people? 0:46:49.755,0:46:51.459 Is it for the Lord? 0:46:51.459,0:46:55.898 And is it causing you to pursue fruit? 0:46:55.898,0:46:58.610 Are you anxious for the Lord? 0:46:58.610,0:47:00.594 If you cross reference what it says 0:47:00.594,0:47:03.179 about the young man who doesn't marry, 0:47:03.179,0:47:05.773 and the young lady who doesn't marry, 0:47:05.773,0:47:07.942 the young man, it talks about 0:47:07.942,0:47:09.972 being freed up so he can pursue 0:47:09.972,0:47:11.753 righteousness and holiness. 0:47:11.753,0:47:13.318 With the young lady, so she can 0:47:13.318,0:47:15.279 be anxious about the things of the Lord. 0:47:15.279,0:47:17.270 That's an interesting parallel. 0:47:17.270,0:47:20.641 What does it mean to be anxious [br]for the things of the Lord? 0:47:20.641,0:47:24.415 It means you're set [br]on a course of holiness. 0:47:24.415,0:47:28.206 You're set on a course of righteousness. 0:47:28.206,0:47:29.245 (from the room) 0:47:29.245,0:47:31.048 Early on, you were talking about 0:47:31.048,0:47:33.894 being anxious for people and for the Lord. 0:47:33.894,0:47:35.700 That text of Mary and Martha, 0:47:35.700,0:47:38.277 it seems to attach bad anxiety 0:47:38.277,0:47:40.520 with being distracted. 0:47:40.520,0:47:43.384 So Martha was distracted with much serving 0:47:43.384,0:47:46.345 whereas Mary, it says the Lord says, 0:47:46.345,0:47:49.138 one thing was necessary, 0:47:49.138,0:47:51.770 and so she chose it, right? 0:47:51.770,0:47:53.324 And she wasn't distracted 0:47:53.324,0:47:54.956 be the cares of this world. 0:47:54.956,0:47:56.550 They didn't choke out the Word. 0:47:56.550,0:48:00.788 She was focused on the Lord specifically. 0:48:00.788,0:48:05.867 Tim: I want you to think here. 0:48:05.867,0:48:08.677 You have one sister 0:48:08.677,0:48:12.396 sitting at the feet of [br]Christ as He teaches. 0:48:12.396,0:48:15.643 You have another sister in the kitchen 0:48:15.643,0:48:19.032 making food for Jesus. 0:48:19.032,0:48:23.207 Now I want you to really think about that. 0:48:23.207,0:48:26.565 We can fool ourselves. 0:48:26.565,0:48:29.014 And I think Martha did. 0:48:29.014,0:48:32.162 Martha believed: 0:48:32.162,0:48:34.918 what I'm doing, I'm serving the Lord, 0:48:34.918,0:48:38.180 and my sister is lazy. 0:48:38.180,0:48:39.529 And I need help. 0:48:39.529,0:48:42.605 And I think when she appealed to the Lord, 0:48:42.605,0:48:45.382 she fully expected the Lord to say, 0:48:45.382,0:48:49.863 Mary, get up off your rear [br]and go help your sister. 0:48:49.863,0:48:59.566 Because think if you're Martha. 0:48:59.566,0:49:04.386 Wasn't it Mary who brought out 0:49:04.386,0:49:08.099 the alabaster box 0:49:08.099,0:49:12.669 and she poured it on Christ? 0:49:12.669,0:49:17.713 Think about serving the Lord. 0:49:17.713,0:49:19.703 Serving the Lord. 0:49:19.703,0:49:21.920 It sounds good. 0:49:21.920,0:49:27.085 That's a biblical thing. 0:49:27.085,0:49:29.470 Here's the amazing thing. 0:49:29.470,0:49:32.688 You can get to where you're even anxious 0:49:32.688,0:49:35.032 about serving the Lord, 0:49:35.032,0:49:38.218 and it's a bad anxiety. 0:49:38.218,0:49:46.845 Because it's an anxiety that is the fruit 0:49:46.845,0:49:49.746 of not choosing the better part. 0:49:49.746,0:49:52.958 It's an anxiety that isn't focused 0:49:52.958,0:49:54.968 on the right things. 0:49:54.968,0:49:58.833 You see, Mary was focused on Christ. 0:49:58.833,0:50:01.974 And she sat there at His feet 0:50:01.974,0:50:05.147 and heard Him teach. 0:50:05.147,0:50:07.514 And this is subtle. 0:50:07.514,0:50:08.868 Because if you asked, 0:50:08.868,0:50:11.297 well, wait, isn't there good fruit 0:50:11.297,0:50:18.729 in making a meal for Jesus? 0:50:18.729,0:50:23.238 Yeah, perhaps, but here's the thing. 0:50:23.238,0:50:26.844 When we think about what [br]we're being anxious about, 0:50:26.844,0:50:28.417 I didn't put that in here, 0:50:28.417,0:50:31.643 but that is a good thing to ask yourself. 0:50:31.643,0:50:34.927 Is my anxiety - 0:50:34.927,0:50:36.602 even though it may seem good, 0:50:36.602,0:50:37.792 it may seem biblical, 0:50:37.792,0:50:41.685 it may seem right and righteous, 0:50:41.685,0:50:44.244 but is my anxiety causing me 0:50:44.244,0:50:49.235 to miss the best parts of Christianity? 0:50:49.235,0:50:51.415 Christ Himself. 0:50:51.415,0:50:55.203 Are my anxieties distracting me? 0:50:55.203,0:50:56.776 Because that's what she was. 0:50:56.776,0:50:58.037 You're distracted. 0:50:58.037,0:51:00.622 You're anxious and you're distracted 0:51:00.622,0:51:01.814 about many things. 0:51:01.814,0:51:03.035 Distracted from what? 0:51:03.035,0:51:08.934 She's chosen the good part. 0:51:08.934,0:51:11.240 That's a good question to ask. 0:51:11.240,0:51:15.802 Is my anxiety in any way 0:51:15.802,0:51:19.921 drawing me away from Christ, 0:51:19.921,0:51:23.851 even if it's serving Him? 0:51:23.851,0:51:26.156 Because I find this, 0:51:26.156,0:51:32.474 if I have a healthy anxiety for you 0:51:32.474,0:51:36.362 as a pastor, 0:51:36.362,0:51:39.334 it takes me to Christ. 0:51:39.334,0:51:40.669 It takes me to Him. 0:51:40.669,0:51:43.689 It takes me to Him to plead 0:51:43.689,0:51:46.245 for you to Him. 0:51:46.245,0:51:50.687 It makes me think, 0:51:50.687,0:51:53.381 honestly, I recognize, 0:51:53.381,0:51:57.012 what I'm preaching on [br]right now in the church, 0:51:57.012,0:52:00.565 that you really focusing [br]on the love of Christ 0:52:00.565,0:52:02.227 is the most healthy thing. 0:52:02.227,0:52:05.132 I recognize you beholding [br]the glory of the Lord 0:52:05.132,0:52:08.289 is at the heart. 0:52:08.289,0:52:10.183 So we need to ask ourselves that. 0:52:10.183,0:52:13.996 Do our anxieties cause us 0:52:13.996,0:52:17.157 to choose Christ and focus on Christ? 0:52:17.157,0:52:19.152 That's a good sign 0:52:19.152,0:52:20.876 that that's a healthy anxiety. 0:52:20.876,0:52:23.331 Or does it, even if it's serving Him 0:52:23.331,0:52:24.927 in a certain respect, 0:52:24.927,0:52:29.267 does it causes us to [br]be distracted from Him? 0:52:29.267,0:52:33.425 Good thought there. 0:52:33.425,0:52:36.538 Number 3 and closely associated to this, 0:52:36.538,0:52:40.856 how do my anxieties [br]affect my prayer life? 0:52:40.856,0:52:42.179 Because remember - 0:52:42.179,0:52:43.595 James probably can quote it - 0:52:43.595,0:52:44.956 Philippians 4:6, 0:52:44.956,0:52:46.621 "Do not be anxious about anything, 0:52:46.621,0:52:48.976 but in everything with [br]prayer and supplication 0:52:48.976,0:52:50.053 with thanksgiving..." 0:52:50.053,0:52:51.284 Tim: Did you hear that? 0:52:51.284,0:52:52.937 Prayer and supplication. 0:52:52.937,0:52:54.864 You are supposed to make your requests 0:52:54.864,0:52:55.853 known to God. 0:52:55.853,0:52:56.891 Here's the thing. 0:52:56.891,0:53:00.017 Be not anxious, but... 0:53:00.017,0:53:01.639 rather... 0:53:01.639,0:53:03.370 what are you supposed to be doing? 0:53:03.370,0:53:05.016 It's like Paul sets these things 0:53:05.016,0:53:06.124 against each other. 0:53:06.124,0:53:08.247 Anxiety over against 0:53:08.247,0:53:10.860 taking these things to the Lord. 0:53:10.860,0:53:12.484 I would ask you this. 0:53:12.484,0:53:17.779 A good indication as [br]to whether your cares, 0:53:17.779,0:53:20.553 your concerns, 0:53:20.553,0:53:22.172 your anxieties, 0:53:22.172,0:53:24.873 whether they're good or bad 0:53:24.873,0:53:28.639 is do they tend to take you to the Lord 0:53:28.639,0:53:29.989 in prayer? 0:53:29.989,0:53:31.857 Or do they traumatize you? 0:53:31.857,0:53:34.295 Do they cause you to neglect the Lord? 0:53:34.295,0:53:36.541 Do they cause you to ignore the Lord? 0:53:36.541,0:53:42.924 Do they cause you to be [br]distracted from the Lord? 0:53:42.924,0:53:45.094 What does it do for your prayer life? 0:53:45.094,0:53:48.468 Because you know what? 0:53:48.468,0:53:51.348 That parent who says 0:53:51.348,0:53:53.071 I have all these children 0:53:53.071,0:54:00.502 and I'm anxious for them, 0:54:00.502,0:54:05.959 well, when you say [br]you're anxious for them, 0:54:05.959,0:54:09.456 does that mean, like Paul [br]being anxious for the churches, 0:54:09.456,0:54:13.116 that you're taking your children 0:54:13.116,0:54:16.154 before the throne of grace all the time 0:54:16.154,0:54:20.609 and pleading, pleading on their behalf? 0:54:20.609,0:54:22.223 Like Job did. 0:54:22.223,0:54:24.425 Bringing that sacrifice. 0:54:24.425,0:54:26.692 Bringing that offering to God, 0:54:26.692,0:54:28.445 in case your children sin. 0:54:28.445,0:54:32.355 You're pleading for their souls. 0:54:32.355,0:54:34.446 Does it bring you there? 0:54:34.446,0:54:36.740 Or is it the kind of thing where 0:54:36.740,0:54:38.012 no, it doesn't. 0:54:38.012,0:54:39.714 You just worry, worry, worry, worry 0:54:39.714,0:54:43.144 and going to God doesn't help, 0:54:43.144,0:54:44.581 and so you don't go there. 0:54:44.581,0:54:46.031 You tend to neglect that. 0:54:46.031,0:54:48.486 Now that's a big indicator 0:54:48.486,0:54:51.304 that your anxieties are basically 0:54:51.304,0:54:53.967 coming from idolatry. 0:54:53.967,0:54:55.591 You've made too much of a god 0:54:55.591,0:54:57.876 out of the thing that [br]you're anxious about, 0:54:57.876,0:55:00.209 whether that be [br]your children or whatever. 0:55:00.209,0:55:07.564 But examine the prayer life. 0:55:07.564,0:55:13.197 I put here "good anxiety suffers." 0:55:13.197,0:55:15.823 We already kind of talked about that. 0:55:15.823,0:55:21.111 But obviously, if being [br]anxious for one another 0:55:21.111,0:55:23.885 means that we weep for one another, 0:55:23.885,0:55:27.437 it means if our brothers [br]or sisters are hurting, 0:55:27.437,0:55:29.614 we seek to enter in. 0:55:29.614,0:55:32.636 We don't seek to be distant. 0:55:32.636,0:55:35.384 And I guess that's one of the things 0:55:35.384,0:55:40.136 that we need to ask ourselves. 0:55:40.136,0:55:44.287 Are we pursuing those kinds of anxieties? 0:55:44.287,0:55:47.286 Are we seeking to feel 0:55:47.286,0:55:51.215 for what other people feel? 0:55:51.215,0:55:55.114 Are we seeking to enter in to bear 0:55:55.114,0:55:59.233 one another's burdens in that sense? 0:55:59.233,0:56:02.440 Because true anxiety - 0:56:02.440,0:56:05.335 the good anxiety - 0:56:05.335,0:56:07.528 is willing to feel pain, 0:56:07.528,0:56:11.863 obviously, from that [br]1 Corinthians 12 passage. 0:56:11.863,0:56:15.356 It's willing to feel pain. 0:56:15.356,0:56:19.614 It's willing to hurt with others. 0:56:19.614,0:56:20.819 (from the room) 0:56:20.819,0:56:23.264 Proverbs 12:25 says, 0:56:23.264,0:56:26.438 "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, 0:56:26.438,0:56:29.382 but a good word makes him glad." 0:56:29.382,0:56:33.265 (unintelligible) 0:56:33.265,0:56:35.126 Tim: Well, let's talk about that. 0:56:35.126,0:56:39.928 I'll just shoot right to that one. 0:56:39.928,0:56:42.586 Read that proverb again. 0:56:42.586,0:56:46.193 "Anxiety in a man's heart [br]weighs him down..." 0:56:46.193,0:56:49.249 Tim: What proverb was that? 0:56:49.249,0:56:56.230 Proverbs 12:25 0:56:56.230,0:57:01.123 Tim: But listen to that. 0:57:01.123,0:57:06.752 Here's one of the questions I want to ask. 0:57:06.752,0:57:12.335 What did Peter say about anxieties? 0:57:12.335,0:57:14.431 Cast them on the Lord. 0:57:14.431,0:57:19.414 Can anybody quote it? I Peter 5:7. 0:57:19.414,0:57:21.794 (unintelligible) 0:57:21.794,0:57:25.053 "Casting all your cares upon Him, 0:57:25.053,0:57:29.633 for He careth for you." (KJV) 0:57:29.633,0:57:32.277 But think about that - casting. 0:57:32.277,0:57:37.828 You know, that comes from a psalm. 0:57:37.828,0:57:39.985 It comes from - somebody find this, 0:57:39.985,0:57:43.135 Psalm 54:23. 0:57:43.135,0:57:45.408 Somebody look that up. 0:57:45.408,0:57:48.623 Tony, throw me a water. 0:57:48.623,0:58:04.073 (unintelligible) 0:58:04.073,0:58:10.937 Psalm 54:23. 0:58:10.937,0:58:24.025 (unintelligible) 0:58:24.025,0:58:25.900 James: It's Psalm 55:22 0:58:25.900,0:58:29.193 Tim: Is it? Both my [br]numbers were off by one? 0:58:29.193,0:58:30.740 Okay, go ahead and read it. 0:58:30.740,0:58:33.318 James: Cast your burden on the Lord? 0:58:33.318,0:58:35.283 Tim: How was I off that much? 0:58:35.283,0:58:38.074 That's really bizarre. 0:58:38.074,0:58:41.752 Anyway, but listen, 0:58:41.752,0:58:44.891 I want you to get this, 0:58:44.891,0:58:47.033 because this is a big one. 0:58:47.033,0:58:50.230 And this is helpful. 0:58:50.230,0:58:53.849 Peter basically says [br]"cast all your cares." 0:58:53.849,0:58:56.246 Cast your anxieties. 0:58:56.246,0:58:59.243 In the Septuagint, 0:58:59.243,0:59:02.844 the word anxiety is [br]used right here as well. 0:59:02.844,0:59:07.799 And this is really where [br]Peter gets this from. 0:59:07.799,0:59:09.858 If you look at the word in the English 0:59:09.858,0:59:12.624 in our ESV and probably in [br]most of the translations, 0:59:12.624,0:59:14.740 it's "burden." 0:59:14.740,0:59:18.629 Cast your burden. 0:59:18.629,0:59:22.119 Okay, think about the proverb. 0:59:22.119,0:59:25.634 Anxiety does what? 0:59:25.634,0:59:28.927 It weighs us down. 0:59:28.927,0:59:31.122 Cast your burden. 0:59:31.122,0:59:35.363 A burden is heavy. 0:59:35.363,0:59:37.530 Let me give you another one. 0:59:37.530,0:59:42.837 Somebody look at 2 Corinthians 11:28 0:59:42.837,0:59:45.578 and read it. 0:59:45.578,0:59:59.490 This is of course Paul [br]talking about the churches. 0:59:59.490,1:00:01.244 Can somebody read that one? 1:00:01.244,1:00:03.083 "And apart from other things, 1:00:03.083,1:00:04.990 there is the daily pressure on me 1:00:04.990,1:00:06.075 of my anxieties..." 1:00:06.075,1:00:07.063 Tim: Right there. 1:00:07.063,1:00:11.546 The daily pressure of the anxiety. 1:00:11.546,1:00:12.744 Let me give you one more. 1:00:12.744,1:00:18.885 Somebody read Luke 21:34 again. 1:00:18.885,1:00:21.700 Because there is a recurring theme. 1:00:21.700,1:00:23.410 There is a pressure. 1:00:23.410,1:00:28.349 Proverbs says anxiety weighs. 1:00:28.349,1:00:30.300 2 Corinthians 11:28, 1:00:30.300,1:00:32.319 there's a pressure. 1:00:32.319,1:00:36.513 Psalm 55, there is a burden. 1:00:36.513,1:00:40.050 Now listen to what Luke 21:34 says. 1:00:40.050,1:00:41.804 Somebody read it. 1:00:41.804,1:00:42.966 "But watch yourselves, 1:00:42.966,1:00:44.796 lest your hearts be weighed down..." 1:00:44.796,1:00:46.509 Tim: Your hearts what? 1:00:46.509,1:00:50.088 Weighed down. 1:00:50.088,1:00:52.740 This is a big one. 1:00:52.740,1:00:57.413 What I would ask you is this. 1:00:57.413,1:01:03.280 When you take your anxieties to the Lord, 1:01:03.280,1:01:06.353 are you lightened? 1:01:06.353,1:01:10.944 See, I think you have a good feel, 1:01:10.944,1:01:15.712 and look, this isn't make-believe. 1:01:15.712,1:01:19.615 When a true Christian goes out 1:01:19.615,1:01:22.111 before the Lord and prays 1:01:22.111,1:01:24.039 and their heart is full of all manner 1:01:24.039,1:01:28.884 of cares and burdens and anxieties, 1:01:28.884,1:01:30.537 and you take those 1:01:30.537,1:01:34.048 and you cast them on the Lord, 1:01:34.048,1:01:37.431 if I have a burden on my back; 1:01:37.431,1:01:39.479 if I'm carrying a couple 1:01:39.479,1:01:42.277 40 pound bags or 80 pound bags 1:01:42.277,1:01:45.739 of concrete, 1:01:45.739,1:01:51.292 and I cast those on somebody else, 1:01:51.292,1:01:53.829 I feel it. 1:01:53.829,1:01:55.421 I'm lightened. 1:01:55.421,1:01:57.393 The thing that all these verses said 1:01:57.393,1:01:58.549 is a recurring theme. 1:01:58.549,1:02:03.374 I kept looking at this Greek word 1:02:03.374,1:02:05.743 in the adjective form [br]and in the noun form 1:02:05.743,1:02:07.898 and I just kept going [br]through them all today 1:02:07.898,1:02:09.630 and just looking at them [br]and looking at them. 1:02:09.630,1:02:10.874 And it jumped out at me - 1:02:10.874,1:02:12.048 this idea of pressure, 1:02:12.048,1:02:13.113 this idea of weight, 1:02:13.113,1:02:17.467 this idea of these things being a burden. 1:02:17.467,1:02:19.958 They weigh the heart down. 1:02:19.958,1:02:22.246 I know this, 1:02:22.246,1:02:25.921 if you're told to cast all your anxieties 1:02:25.921,1:02:27.962 upon the Lord 1:02:27.962,1:02:29.998 because He cares for you - 1:02:29.998,1:02:31.678 I know this, 1:02:31.678,1:02:36.081 that if you actually cast a burden on Him, 1:02:36.081,1:02:38.035 it's no longer on you. 1:02:38.035,1:02:40.392 And I know this. 1:02:40.392,1:02:42.861 I know the reality 1:02:42.861,1:02:46.429 of having such heavy cares. 1:02:46.429,1:02:48.387 Throughout my life, 1:02:48.387,1:02:49.836 there have been times 1:02:49.836,1:02:52.379 I have such cares about my children 1:02:52.379,1:02:54.739 or such cares about the church - 1:02:54.739,1:02:56.331 individuals in the church - 1:02:56.331,1:02:59.382 and you go and pray, 1:02:59.382,1:03:02.308 and it's just like, 1:03:02.308,1:03:04.154 yes, I can go forward now 1:03:04.154,1:03:07.767 because I've unloaded that. 1:03:07.767,1:03:09.485 I still feel the anxiety; 1:03:09.485,1:03:11.229 I still have a concern, 1:03:11.229,1:03:15.785 but the Lord had promised. 1:03:15.785,1:03:17.304 He's promised to help. 1:03:17.304,1:03:20.778 He's promised to be [br]One Who answers prayer. 1:03:20.778,1:03:23.066 He's promised to do all manner of things. 1:03:23.066,1:03:24.691 And I know He cares. 1:03:24.691,1:03:27.809 And I know He's working everything [br]for good for His people. 1:03:27.809,1:03:31.091 And I know that He loves this [br]church far more than I do. 1:03:31.091,1:03:33.151 (incomplete thought) 1:03:33.151,1:03:35.427 And this is one of the [br]things you want to ask. 1:03:35.427,1:03:37.640 Because I'll guarantee you this, 1:03:37.640,1:03:41.451 if you try to pray, you attempt to pray, 1:03:41.451,1:03:43.749 you're full of these anxieties, 1:03:43.749,1:03:45.173 you're having panic attacks 1:03:45.173,1:03:47.008 and whatever other thing, 1:03:47.008,1:03:49.141 and you seek to go to the Lord, 1:03:49.141,1:03:50.630 and it doesn't help 1:03:50.630,1:03:52.983 and it doesn't do anything, 1:03:52.983,1:03:54.351 you don't feel light; 1:03:54.351,1:03:55.673 you don't feel helped; 1:03:55.673,1:03:57.276 you don't feel that weight, 1:03:57.276,1:04:01.493 that pressure lifted, 1:04:01.493,1:04:06.390 then I would say there's something wrong. 1:04:06.390,1:04:10.545 Because casting those burdens on Him 1:04:10.545,1:04:12.268 should be a reality. 1:04:12.268,1:04:15.138 And if we're carrying anxieties, 1:04:15.138,1:04:17.786 we should be able to unload them there. 1:04:17.786,1:04:19.231 And if that's not happening; 1:04:19.231,1:04:22.448 if you're not feeling that freedom 1:04:22.448,1:04:24.070 and that lightening 1:04:24.070,1:04:25.843 and that weight and that pressure 1:04:25.843,1:04:27.423 being relieved, 1:04:27.423,1:04:30.993 then you're not really [br]casting your cares on Him. 1:04:30.993,1:04:32.275 So that's key. 1:04:32.275,1:04:34.322 I think that's so key 1:04:34.322,1:04:36.603 to examining your prayer life there. 1:04:36.603,1:04:39.807 (incomplete thought) 1:04:39.807,1:04:41.845 It's because the Septuagint 1:04:41.845,1:04:45.030 doesn't use the same Greek word there. 1:04:45.030,1:04:46.933 That's why I didn't find that proverb, 1:04:46.933,1:04:48.335 but that's very helpful 1:04:48.335,1:04:52.278 because it's basically [br]saying the same thing. 1:04:52.278,1:05:04.666 (unintelligible) 1:05:04.666,1:05:06.520 Tim: Lifting up your heart. 1:05:06.520,1:05:08.561 That's what happens when you feel 1:05:08.561,1:05:10.670 the weight come off. 1:05:10.670,1:05:12.096 And I can tell you, see, 1:05:12.096,1:05:14.296 I like to pray out in [br]these fields over here, 1:05:14.296,1:05:16.255 but I can tell you, there's been times 1:05:16.255,1:05:19.481 I've gone out that door heavy, 1:05:19.481,1:05:22.793 and I've come back in that door 1:05:22.793,1:05:24.311 a lighter man. 1:05:24.311,1:05:25.890 Now sometimes may not as light 1:05:25.890,1:05:28.048 as I would like to have been lightened, 1:05:28.048,1:05:31.538 but definitely many times much lighter. 1:05:31.538,1:05:33.526 (unintelligible) 1:05:33.526,1:05:40.457 Tim: I would not put a weight to it. 1:05:40.457,1:05:48.207 How about this? 1:05:48.207,1:05:50.221 I put this one: 1:05:50.221,1:05:57.381 Can we rejoice, sleep, play? 1:05:57.381,1:06:00.338 What I was thinking about here 1:06:00.338,1:06:03.671 is again, this weighed down thing, 1:06:03.671,1:06:05.883 but think about it. 1:06:05.883,1:06:09.429 Here's Paul with all these anxieties. 1:06:09.429,1:06:11.810 And yet, when he was in Philippi 1:06:11.810,1:06:13.392 and he got thrown in jail, 1:06:13.392,1:06:16.352 what did he and Silas do? 1:06:16.352,1:06:18.337 They sang. 1:06:18.337,1:06:20.709 What did Paul say to the Philippian church 1:06:20.709,1:06:22.408 when he told them they need 1:06:22.408,1:06:24.699 to be not anxious? 1:06:24.699,1:06:26.838 Take everything to God in prayer - 1:06:26.838,1:06:29.078 what did he say to them? 1:06:29.078,1:06:32.878 Just right in those verses? 1:06:32.878,1:06:34.884 In Philippians 4. 1:06:34.884,1:06:36.770 Rejoice in the Lord. 1:06:36.770,1:06:41.145 And again, I say, rejoice. 1:06:41.145,1:06:43.603 Sleep. 1:06:43.603,1:06:45.663 (incomplete thought) 1:06:45.663,1:06:46.750 Think about it. 1:06:46.750,1:06:50.472 Herod just puts James to death. 1:06:50.472,1:06:52.522 And then he sees it pleases the Jews, 1:06:52.522,1:06:53.542 so what does he do? 1:06:53.542,1:06:55.259 He goes out and captures Peter. 1:06:55.259,1:06:56.927 Have you ever thought about Peter 1:06:56.927,1:06:58.681 when he was there in jail 1:06:58.681,1:07:00.586 and the angel came? 1:07:00.586,1:07:03.908 Do you know what the angel did? 1:07:03.908,1:07:08.823 Did he find Peter wide awake, 1:07:08.823,1:07:11.385 fretting that he was [br]going to die tomorrow, 1:07:11.385,1:07:13.407 wringing his hands? 1:07:13.407,1:07:17.377 Anybody remember what he did? 1:07:17.377,1:07:19.792 He kicked him. 1:07:19.792,1:07:22.220 He kicked him. He was sound asleep. 1:07:22.220,1:07:23.560 You ever think about that? 1:07:23.560,1:07:25.416 Here's Peter in prison. 1:07:25.416,1:07:28.921 He knows full well his close friend, 1:07:28.921,1:07:30.997 used to be partner in business - 1:07:30.997,1:07:32.306 in the fishing business 1:07:32.306,1:07:34.232 back there on the Sea of Galilee - 1:07:34.232,1:07:35.887 is dead. 1:07:35.887,1:07:37.342 One of the close comrades! 1:07:37.342,1:07:38.819 One of the Twelve! 1:07:38.819,1:07:41.334 He's the first one and he's dead. 1:07:41.334,1:07:44.344 They're just barely into the book of Acts! 1:07:44.344,1:07:48.291 And now he's been caught. 1:07:48.291,1:07:50.596 He's been caught. He's in prison. 1:07:50.596,1:07:53.814 Well, Herod did it to James. 1:07:53.814,1:07:57.418 And Peter's sound asleep. 1:07:57.418,1:08:00.521 So I would ask you this, 1:08:00.521,1:08:04.842 can you take your anxieties to the Lord 1:08:04.842,1:08:10.456 and put those on Him? 1:08:10.456,1:08:12.337 What was the guy's name? 1:08:12.337,1:08:15.468 Maybe it will come to [br]me as I'm telling the story. 1:08:15.468,1:08:20.213 Anybody remember the evangelist 1:08:20.213,1:08:22.393 who was evangelizing people 1:08:22.393,1:08:31.364 after the Titanic went down? 1:08:31.364,1:08:34.658 I can't think of it right off. 1:08:34.658,1:08:36.704 Yeah, there was one that drowned. 1:08:36.704,1:08:39.198 But there was another guy. 1:08:39.198,1:08:45.486 There was a guy who was in the water 1:08:45.486,1:08:47.197 in the North Atlantic. 1:08:47.197,1:08:49.373 It's in the dark. 1:08:49.373,1:08:51.838 And he found a board, 1:08:51.838,1:08:53.246 and he was holding on to it. 1:08:53.246,1:08:57.275 And he was able to get his [br]body on top of the board. 1:08:57.275,1:08:59.791 And he said, 1:08:59.791,1:09:03.381 "Lord, there's no sense [br]both of us staying awake. 1:09:03.381,1:09:05.797 So I think I'm going to go to sleep." 1:09:05.797,1:09:07.794 And he slept on that board. 1:09:07.794,1:09:09.361 And this guy was rescued. 1:09:09.361,1:09:13.073 There was a guy that was the last convert 1:09:13.073,1:09:17.962 of... maybe his name was Brown. 1:09:17.962,1:09:20.807 But he went to sleep. 1:09:20.807,1:09:25.197 I remember one of these last times 1:09:25.197,1:09:27.429 that maybe two or three years back, 1:09:27.429,1:09:31.217 Ryan Fullerton was at the [br]Denton conference with us, 1:09:31.217,1:09:35.622 and we were talking just about trials 1:09:35.622,1:09:37.987 that we'd gone through in the church. 1:09:37.987,1:09:39.471 And Ryan said - 1:09:39.471,1:09:46.019 I think I was telling him about 1:09:46.019,1:09:49.864 the number of things [br]that we were dealing with 1:09:49.864,1:09:51.382 at a certain time. 1:09:51.382,1:09:53.329 And he said, yeah, he said, 1:09:53.329,1:09:55.303 isn't it amazing? 1:09:55.303,1:09:58.347 He said I was saying this to our elders 1:09:58.347,1:09:59.559 the other day. 1:09:59.559,1:10:03.320 He was telling his elders, 1:10:03.320,1:10:05.955 we can be dealing 1:10:05.955,1:10:10.576 with five major problems in the church. 1:10:10.576,1:10:13.428 He said, any one of which 1:10:13.428,1:10:15.988 when we were young pastors 1:10:15.988,1:10:18.277 would have just traumatized us. 1:10:18.277,1:10:20.640 He says now we can experience five 1:10:20.640,1:10:22.202 problems of that magnitude 1:10:22.202,1:10:25.542 and still go home and [br]play with our children. 1:10:25.542,1:10:27.159 This is what I'm talking about 1:10:27.159,1:10:28.553 when I'm talking about: 1:10:28.553,1:10:30.154 can we rejoice? 1:10:30.154,1:10:31.803 Can we sleep? 1:10:31.803,1:10:33.610 Can we play? 1:10:33.610,1:10:37.342 You see, can you take your anxieties - 1:10:37.342,1:10:40.454 people that are suffering panic attacks 1:10:40.454,1:10:44.706 and they just want to [br]curl up in a fetal position, 1:10:44.706,1:10:46.935 that's not what we're talking about here. 1:10:46.935,1:10:49.343 We're talking about taking your fears, 1:10:49.343,1:10:50.940 taking your cares, 1:10:50.940,1:10:53.484 and being able to cast them on the Lord 1:10:53.484,1:10:56.227 to the place where you can actually 1:10:56.227,1:10:58.616 play with your children, 1:10:58.616,1:11:00.962 and you can actually sleep soundly, 1:11:00.962,1:11:03.262 and you can actually rejoice in the Lord. 1:11:03.262,1:11:04.587 You can go to church 1:11:04.587,1:11:06.422 and you can sing the songs 1:11:06.422,1:11:08.765 and you can be lifted up to glory. 1:11:08.765,1:11:11.731 Yes, there's still burdens there. 1:11:11.731,1:11:15.611 But you're able to unload them. 1:11:15.611,1:11:17.084 This is critical. 1:11:17.084,1:11:23.439 Maybe one more. 1:11:23.439,1:11:26.857 Did you notice 1:11:26.857,1:11:29.977 in the parable of the soils, 1:11:29.977,1:11:34.539 it actually says - yes, the fruit 1:11:34.539,1:11:38.707 doesn't mature, 1:11:38.707,1:11:42.223 but did you see what's actually choked? 1:11:42.223,1:11:46.972 It chokes the Word. 1:11:46.972,1:11:50.072 So here's the thing that I would ask you. 1:11:50.072,1:11:53.023 If you have anxieties, 1:11:53.023,1:11:54.230 if you have cares, 1:11:54.230,1:11:57.525 you want to know if they're good or bad? 1:11:57.525,1:12:03.361 Do those anxieties choke the Word? 1:12:03.361,1:12:06.038 What does that mean? 1:12:06.038,1:12:09.850 This is the Word. 1:12:09.850,1:12:12.078 You know what, you're living 1:12:12.078,1:12:15.339 with healthy anxieties 1:12:15.339,1:12:18.820 if you really care, you're concerned 1:12:18.820,1:12:20.988 about your holiness. 1:12:20.988,1:12:23.050 You hate the sin in your life. 1:12:23.050,1:12:24.535 You hate falls. 1:12:24.535,1:12:27.123 You hate coming short of Christlikeness. 1:12:27.123,1:12:29.349 You've got concerns.[br]You think about it. 1:12:29.349,1:12:30.728 There's anxieties. 1:12:30.728,1:12:32.425 You have anxieties about people 1:12:32.425,1:12:33.740 because you love people. 1:12:33.740,1:12:35.090 You care about people. 1:12:35.090,1:12:36.601 You want to see people make it. 1:12:36.601,1:12:38.426 You don't want to see people perish. 1:12:38.426,1:12:40.068 You have people in your life 1:12:40.068,1:12:42.007 that you've invested in. 1:12:42.007,1:12:43.750 You want to see them succeed. 1:12:43.750,1:12:45.622 You want to see them please the Lord. 1:12:45.622,1:12:48.222 You're invested in that. 1:12:48.222,1:12:49.429 Here's the thing, 1:12:49.429,1:12:59.446 do your cares choke what's in here? 1:12:59.446,1:13:03.313 Or do they fuel what's in here? 1:13:03.313,1:13:05.013 You see, the bad cares 1:13:05.013,1:13:07.739 choke the Word. 1:13:07.739,1:13:11.321 If your big concern all the time 1:13:11.321,1:13:14.853 is, "oh no, I need a better car." 1:13:14.853,1:13:17.286 "Oh no, what about the TV?" 1:13:17.286,1:13:19.644 (incomplete thought) 1:13:19.644,1:13:21.724 Yes, my air conditioning [br]was out last week, 1:13:21.724,1:13:24.683 but if that's all your living about -[br]the cares of the world. 1:13:24.683,1:13:27.248 Where you're so caught up [br]with the air conditioning, 1:13:27.248,1:13:28.080 and the car, 1:13:28.080,1:13:29.633 and you're caught up with money, 1:13:29.633,1:13:31.535 and you're caught up with retirement, 1:13:31.535,1:13:33.355 and you're caught up with your shoes, 1:13:33.355,1:13:36.242 and you're caught up with [br]what the Smith's have next door, 1:13:36.242,1:13:37.859 and you're caught up with your lawn, 1:13:37.859,1:13:39.355 and you're caught up with the garden, 1:13:39.355,1:13:40.898 and you're caught up with the trees, 1:13:40.898,1:13:42.454 and you're caught up with your stuff 1:13:42.454,1:13:43.462 and your hobbies, 1:13:43.462,1:13:46.285 and you're just so consumed. 1:13:46.285,1:13:48.129 Or even if you're caught up with people, 1:13:48.129,1:13:49.579 you're caught up with your kids, 1:13:49.579,1:13:51.464 you're caught up with [br]what you're going to eat 1:13:51.464,1:13:52.452 for the next meal. 1:13:52.452,1:13:55.188 You're just so caught up with these things 1:13:55.188,1:13:57.690 that you know what? 1:13:57.690,1:14:02.320 You don't really live for other people. 1:14:02.320,1:14:05.309 Think about the Word. 1:14:05.309,1:14:07.770 I was hungry and you fed Me. 1:14:07.770,1:14:09.764 But you're so concerned about 1:14:09.764,1:14:10.994 your own bank account 1:14:10.994,1:14:12.589 and your own shirts that you wear 1:14:12.589,1:14:13.848 and your own belt 1:14:13.848,1:14:14.895 and your own purse 1:14:14.895,1:14:17.794 and your own everything. 1:14:17.794,1:14:19.594 The cares of this world. 1:14:19.594,1:14:21.623 Oh no, what am I going to do for college? 1:14:21.623,1:14:23.189 What am I going to do for a job? 1:14:23.189,1:14:27.138 And you're so caught up in your stuff 1:14:27.138,1:14:30.973 that you never have time [br]to love somebody else. 1:14:30.973,1:14:33.663 You don't have time to [br]invest in other people. 1:14:33.663,1:14:39.221 You know, if you're really [br]anxious about somebody - 1:14:39.221,1:14:40.516 James was just telling me 1:14:40.516,1:14:44.123 about somebody he and his wife 1:14:44.123,1:14:48.221 have chosen to care for in another place. 1:14:48.221,1:14:51.330 If you choose to invest in people's lives, 1:14:51.330,1:14:53.201 you're thinking about their needs. 1:14:53.201,1:14:55.161 You're thinking about how to give to them. 1:14:55.161,1:14:57.563 You're thinking about how I can help. 1:14:57.563,1:14:59.331 You see, that's what judgment day - 1:14:59.331,1:15:02.425 Jesus says as much as you did it [br]unto one of the least of these. 1:15:02.425,1:15:04.771 What did they do? 1:15:04.771,1:15:06.450 You don't visit people in prison 1:15:06.450,1:15:08.169 unless you're thinking about those. 1:15:08.169,1:15:11.597 I mean, I don't know, how many of you 1:15:11.597,1:15:14.254 think about Johannes on a regular basis? 1:15:14.254,1:15:19.048 I know he's not there [br]because he's preaching Christ, 1:15:19.048,1:15:24.616 but he professes to be a Christian. 1:15:24.616,1:15:27.428 You know, if you think, 1:15:27.428,1:15:29.194 you feel sighs... 1:15:29.194,1:15:33.373 if you feel warm, fuzzy feelings, 1:15:33.373,1:15:36.136 but you never meet people's needs, 1:15:36.136,1:15:38.331 that's no different than you can 1:15:38.331,1:15:40.673 watch a movie that's a sad story, 1:15:40.673,1:15:41.838 and weep tears. 1:15:41.838,1:15:43.097 You know what that is? 1:15:43.097,1:15:45.121 That's just sentimentality. 1:15:45.121,1:15:46.873 There's no love in that. 1:15:46.873,1:15:50.159 That isn't the kind of anxiety. 1:15:50.159,1:15:55.212 Look, bad anxieties choke the Word. 1:15:55.212,1:15:58.580 Good anxieties do the Word. 1:15:58.580,1:16:03.475 In fact, good anxieties fuel 1:16:03.475,1:16:06.445 the commandments of Scripture. 1:16:06.445,1:16:08.987 When you care about people 1:16:08.987,1:16:10.690 and it produces anxieties, 1:16:10.690,1:16:13.142 like Timothy cared about the Philippians, 1:16:13.142,1:16:14.969 Paul cared about the churches. 1:16:14.969,1:16:16.176 You know what that does? 1:16:16.176,1:16:21.286 That fuels the Scriptures. 1:16:21.286,1:16:24.209 It causes us to all the more embrace them 1:16:24.209,1:16:26.532 and not be hearers only, 1:16:26.532,1:16:28.137 deceiving your own selves, 1:16:28.137,1:16:30.461 but to be doers. 1:16:30.461,1:16:33.673 Oh, I guarantee, true [br]and undefiled religion 1:16:33.673,1:16:34.791 before the Lord 1:16:34.791,1:16:37.418 is to visit the widow and the orphan 1:16:37.418,1:16:42.231 in their afflictions. 1:16:42.231,1:16:47.215 We have people - their Christian life 1:16:47.215,1:16:49.673 is just trying not to sin. 1:16:49.673,1:16:51.261 They're just trying to survive, 1:16:51.261,1:16:52.542 not falling into drugs, 1:16:52.542,1:16:54.131 not falling into alcohol, 1:16:54.131,1:16:56.062 not falling back into prostitution, 1:16:56.062,1:16:58.041 not falling into pornography. 1:16:58.041,1:17:02.182 They're just trying to survive. 1:17:02.182,1:17:08.374 Look, if your anxieties stop there, 1:17:08.374,1:17:12.347 that's not good. 1:17:12.347,1:17:14.383 The good anxieties in Scripture 1:17:14.383,1:17:16.705 is when you care about people 1:17:16.705,1:17:18.966 and it produces fruit 1:17:18.966,1:17:23.549 and it doesn't choke the Word. 1:17:23.549,1:17:27.977 It's consistent with keeping the Word. 1:17:27.977,1:17:29.957 You care. 1:17:29.957,1:17:32.227 You care and you invest your life. 1:17:32.227,1:17:34.707 You care and you share the Gospel. 1:17:34.707,1:17:39.059 You care and you give. 1:17:39.059,1:17:43.374 Good anxiety is an outflow of love 1:17:43.374,1:17:45.696 and love gives. 1:17:45.696,1:17:47.447 And people who give, 1:17:47.447,1:17:49.654 people who are anxious - 1:17:49.654,1:17:52.125 why would somebody be anxious? 1:17:52.125,1:17:54.390 When Paul says he's got this anxiety 1:17:54.390,1:17:56.488 for the churches, you know what it means? 1:17:56.488,1:18:01.287 He's thinking about them all the time. 1:18:01.287,1:18:03.651 You know, we're thinking about new elders. 1:18:03.651,1:18:05.466 I'll tell you, that's what you want. 1:18:05.466,1:18:07.294 You want men who are going to be 1:18:07.294,1:18:09.982 anxious about you. 1:18:09.982,1:18:11.644 That's a good thing. 1:18:11.644,1:18:12.830 I mean, if you find out, 1:18:12.830,1:18:16.036 wow, don't you want somebody like Timothy? 1:18:16.036,1:18:17.642 He doesn't mind his own things; 1:18:17.642,1:18:19.077 He minds the things of Christ, 1:18:19.077,1:18:20.645 and I have no one else like him, 1:18:20.645,1:18:21.658 and he's anxious. 1:18:21.658,1:18:23.545 Wouldn't you like to be able to say that 1:18:23.545,1:18:29.222 about all the elders at our church? 1:18:29.222,1:18:30.669 That we're anxious 1:18:30.669,1:18:34.544 for every single one of you? 1:18:34.544,1:18:36.597 God give us more of that anxiety. 1:18:36.597,1:18:38.668 There is a good anxiety in Scripture. 1:18:38.668,1:18:44.166 Something desperately to be sought. 1:18:44.166,1:18:46.117 We want that anxiety. 1:18:46.117,1:18:47.924 As parents, we want it. 1:18:47.924,1:18:49.577 As elders, we want it. 1:18:49.577,1:18:54.151 As Christians, we want it. 1:18:54.151,1:18:56.048 Anybody want to add anything to that? 1:18:56.048,1:18:57.103 (from the room) 1:18:57.103,1:18:58.533 Could it be said 1:18:58.533,1:19:00.502 that bad anxiety tends to be more selfish 1:19:00.502,1:19:03.302 and good anxiety tends [br]to be more selfless? 1:19:03.302,1:19:04.944 Tim: Yes, definitely. 1:19:04.944,1:19:08.255 The good anxiety is definitely 1:19:08.255,1:19:10.130 a love-motivated thing 1:19:10.130,1:19:15.784 where it seems like the bad anxieties 1:19:15.784,1:19:17.969 turn away from Christ, 1:19:17.969,1:19:19.596 they turn away from the Lord, 1:19:19.596,1:19:24.232 they turn away from others 1:19:24.232,1:19:27.508 and they bring the focus to us, 1:19:27.508,1:19:29.427 even if it's idolatry. 1:19:29.427,1:19:31.642 There's lots of people [br]that get really anxious 1:19:31.642,1:19:33.062 over family members. 1:19:33.062,1:19:34.448 They're just afraid. 1:19:34.448,1:19:35.778 They can't trust the Lord. 1:19:35.778,1:19:38.532 They're afraid something's going [br]to happen to my family member. 1:19:38.532,1:19:42.301 Somebody's going to kill my child.[br]Somebody's going to rape my child. 1:19:42.301,1:19:44.420 There are people that just can't 1:19:44.420,1:19:47.268 trust the Lord with those things. 1:19:47.268,1:19:51.505 There, the thing has stopped being love 1:19:51.505,1:19:54.197 because it doesn't trust the Lord. 1:19:54.197,1:19:56.709 Anything that doesn't [br]trust the Lord is not good 1:19:56.709,1:19:58.800 no matter what kind of [br]spin you're putting on it 1:19:58.800,1:20:00.588 because if you're not trusting the Lord, 1:20:00.588,1:20:02.161 and you're just freaking out 1:20:02.161,1:20:04.879 in a frenzy over - 1:20:04.879,1:20:07.080 oh, I just can't trust the Lord with this 1:20:07.080,1:20:10.671 and so I'm worried all the time. 1:20:10.671,1:20:12.082 Well, that's bad 1:20:12.082,1:20:15.226 because you're not trusting the Lord. 1:20:15.226,1:20:17.546 You're not seeing the Lord for Who He is. 1:20:17.546,1:20:22.516 You're not casting your care on Him. 1:20:22.516,1:20:24.168 It may seem like it's love, 1:20:24.168,1:20:26.458 but what it really is is idolatry. 1:20:26.458,1:20:31.297 You've made a god out of those children. 1:20:31.297,1:20:34.135 And you're not willing [br]to trust the true God 1:20:34.135,1:20:36.330 to take care of them.