Translation & Subtitles: thoseguiltyeyes | I hope this works. We're eating pancakes. They look delicious~ We're having lunch on a day off. Let's eat~ We're eating pancakes~ -It's been a while since we've done this. -Ah, no way? That's true. It's almost... Yeah, rehearsals for the concert start tomorrow. -Ah, from tomorrow. For about a week? -Yeah. This concert's going to be completely different from our usual ones. -There will be project mapping, right? -That's right. It'll be really nice. I can't wait~ -What is this? -Maybe it's butter? Let's eat~ It's so good~ Yeah! It's nice eating on a terrace in the winter~ -It feels nice. -It's not that cold, is it? Surprisingly, it's okay today. We were able to successfully start our crowdfunding project. -We reached our goal in 24 hours, didn't we? -We did. It's thanks to you guys. Thanks so much. I'm really happy. My heart was pounding. I was really nervous. We explained things to the point where you could say it's perfect, and we're happy that you guys will get these items. We had some worries, but since we're getting amazing numbers, it's like we're all working towards furthering that goal. -It really feels like we're we're doing this together. -Definitely. We haven't even gotten the first round of items yet, but we're discussing things like, "Are we releasing another round of stuff?" That's happened a lot of times. We're grateful that everyone's so awesome and supportive. -It was so reassuring when we were in the planning stages. -It was. What should we do next? -Right? -If we don't think of something... I'd like to come out with something soon. For the time being, we've reached our goal. -Until the end of January... -Yes, until January 30th. Until 1/30 you can purchase items on the crowdfunding page. Now, we're seeing how far we can extend our goal percentage until then. Right now it's about 150%. It's the second day. What's the next goal we should set? Hm... What percent... But haven't there been a lot of other people whose projects have reached 1,000%? That's because of the target amount they set themselves. It depends on the extent you set. For the time being, it'd be great if we can get to 200%. (Note: They reached 200% four days after the project launched) So, our next goal is to reach 200%. We'll do our best together with everyone. The bigger the amount we can give in support, the more people we will be able to help out. The funds collected via this crowfunding will be distributed to groups that the two of us have chosen as ones we'd like to receive the money the most. "Saya-Saya" and "Single Mothers' Forum" are the two groups that will receive the funds. We were particular about how we should use the funds. We told the groups exactly which kinds of people we wanted to support, and they agreed with our feelings. We were taught how to properly use them. We hope to convey that again. We decided to go with the option that uses the most direct way of reaching others as possible. So we hope that it helps out those who will be supporting our project in the future and gives them peace of mind. We'll be responsible for delivering [the donations]. Info such as what groups will get the donations and how the funds will be used are all written about in detail on the crowdfunding page, so those interested, please check it out. Like, there might be people who saw the product page first and thought, "Oh no! The items might sell out!" That might have happened on the first day in particular. There are some parts on the page that took a long time to write out. That took the longest amount of time. -But I'm so glad. -Same! -I'm glad we went all out. -That's true. You need a lot of courage to start something like this. In a way, our... How can I put it... For the first time we publicly revealed things that are tough for us to talk about. Yeah. I thought a lot about how much private info I should reveal about myself, like the environment I grew up in. I was wondering if I should tell the fans about those things. I don't want to make our fans feel uncomfortable, nor burst their bubbles. I did a lot of thinking and decided to convey things to an extent. There actually have been many people who have said things like they grew up in this-and-this situation, that they feel this-and-this way, that they're working at so-and-so place, so I'm really glad I talked about it. There have also been many comments that say things like, "I want to do so-and-so, but I don't know where or what I should do." There a lot of people who feel similarly but can't take action on their own. It's the same for us. We were unsure of where we should donate the funds. I'm glad we kicked off to a good start. We're so grateful. The items will be shipped out at the end of March. We want to hurry up and use them too. We feel the same way; we want to use them right away! We wish they could have been delivered for Christmas. We never would have made it in time. It took a lot of time. When you make things, you think, "If I just put this out, then I could totally make it on time." We're going to keep the page up. The page explains what our goal is. I'm glad we started things with a crowdfunding project. -It's delicious. -Bark bark bark There are so many dogs. I saw a really fluffy white dog earlier. It was so cute! It was a big one, wasn't it? -I want to travel. -I do too. Man... I just want to travel overseas already. We're done eating and now we're wandering around. It was delicious. We're walking around now. It's really bright. I wanted her to come Christmas present shopping with me. Presents for the band members and staff. -Seina-chan, are you buying some too? -Yeah, for friends. Nice. Then let's look for some! We're off! I bought a lot of stuff! I have so many bags. They're for the staff and the members. Have a Merry Christmas! I'll do my best for our concert too! Thanks so much for watching! Bye bye!