0:00:08.119,0:00:11.229 Muscles and joints shift and jostle. 0:00:11.229,0:00:16.658 The heart’s pounding rhythm speeds up. [br]Blood roars through arteries and veins. 0:00:16.658,0:00:21.028 Over the course of a pregnancy, [br]every organ in the body changes. 0:00:21.028,0:00:23.514 Ignited by a range of hormones, 0:00:23.514,0:00:26.937 these changes begin [br]as soon as pregnancy begins. 0:00:30.384,0:00:36.238 Just days after fertilization, the embryo [br]implants in the lining of the uterus. 0:00:36.238,0:00:39.608 Because its DNA doesn’t exactly match [br]the mother’s, 0:00:39.608,0:00:43.510 the immune system should theoretically [br]recognize it as an invader, 0:00:43.510,0:00:48.417 attack, and destroy it, like it would [br]bacteria or other harmful microbes. 0:00:48.417,0:00:51.577 That’s the challenge: [br]the mother’s immune system 0:00:51.577,0:00:57.083 needs to protect both her and the fetus, [br]but can’t act as it usually does. 0:00:57.083,0:01:01.053 What happens is not as simple [br]as decreasing the immune response. 0:01:01.053,0:01:06.144 Instead, it’s a complex interaction [br]we’re just beginning to understand, 0:01:06.144,0:01:08.984 involving many different types [br]of immune cells— 0:01:08.984,0:01:13.523 some of which seem to protect the fetus [br]from attack by other immune cells. 0:01:15.977,0:01:20.537 The body also creates an antibacterial [br]plug made of mucus on the cervix, 0:01:20.537,0:01:24.512 which keeps germs away [br]and stays sealed until labor. 0:01:24.512,0:01:26.096 As a pregnancy progresses, 0:01:26.096,0:01:30.076 the uterus expands upward and outward [br]with the growing fetus. 0:01:30.076,0:01:33.806 To make room, hormones [br]called progesterone and relaxin 0:01:33.806,0:01:36.347 signal muscles to loosen. 0:01:36.347,0:01:41.208 The muscles that propel food and waste [br]through the digestive tract also loosen, 0:01:41.208,0:01:42.638 which makes them sluggish, 0:01:42.638,0:01:46.777 causing constipation as passage [br]through the tract slows down. 0:01:46.777,0:01:48.826 Loosened muscles [br]at the top of the stomach 0:01:48.826,0:01:52.147 might allow acid to escape [br]into the esophagus and throat, 0:01:52.147,0:01:54.347 causing heartburn and reflux. 0:01:54.347,0:01:56.607 These changes can worsen morning sickness, 0:01:56.607,0:02:03.121 which is caused in part by hormone HCG— [br]and can also happen at other times of day. 0:02:03.121,0:02:06.091 As the uterus grows, [br]it pushes on the diaphragm, 0:02:06.091,0:02:10.487 the muscle that expands and contracts [br]the chest with each breath. 0:02:10.487,0:02:12.917 This limits the diaphragm’s range. 0:02:12.917,0:02:17.592 To compensate, the hormone progesterone [br]acts as a respiratory stimulant, 0:02:17.592,0:02:21.317 making the pregnant woman breathe [br]faster so both she and the baby 0:02:21.317,0:02:25.122 can both get enough oxygen [br]with less lung capacity. 0:02:25.122,0:02:29.222 This all may leave the pregnant woman [br]feeling short of breath. 0:02:29.222,0:02:32.702 Meanwhile, the kidneys [br]make more erythropoietin, 0:02:32.702,0:02:35.812 a hormone that increases [br]red blood cell production. 0:02:38.901,0:02:43.690 The kidneys also keep extra water and salt[br]rather than filtering it out into urine 0:02:43.690,0:02:46.420 to build up the volume of the blood. 0:02:46.420,0:02:50.892 A pregnant woman’s blood volume [br]increases by 50% or more. 0:02:50.892,0:02:52.399 But it’s also a bit diluted, 0:02:52.399,0:02:56.384 because it only has 25% [br]more red blood cells. 0:02:56.384,0:03:00.214 Usually, the body makes blood cells [br]using iron from our food. 0:03:00.214,0:03:04.154 But during pregnancy, the fetus [br]is also building its own blood supply 0:03:04.154,0:03:06.014 from nutrients in the mother’s food— 0:03:06.014,0:03:09.284 leaving less iron and other nutrients [br]for the mother. 0:03:09.284,0:03:12.304 The heart has to work extra hard [br]to pump all this blood 0:03:12.304,0:03:14.444 through the body and placenta. 0:03:14.444,0:03:16.834 A pregnant woman’s heart rate increases, 0:03:16.834,0:03:21.334 but we don’t fully understand how blood [br]pressure changes in a healthy pregnancy— 0:03:21.334,0:03:23.401 an important area of research, 0:03:23.401,0:03:25.904 because some of the most serious [br]complications 0:03:25.904,0:03:29.274 are related to the heart [br]and blood pressure. 0:03:29.274,0:03:31.921 The expanding uterus may press on veins— 0:03:31.921,0:03:35.191 causing fluid buildup [br]in the legs and feet. 0:03:35.191,0:03:38.851 If it presses on a large vein [br]called the inferior vena cava, 0:03:38.851,0:03:41.949 it might interfere with blood [br]returning to the heart, 0:03:41.949,0:03:46.608 causing a dizzying drop in blood pressure [br]after standing for too long. 0:03:46.608,0:03:51.220 Some of these changes start [br]to reverse even before birth. 0:03:51.220,0:03:54.670 Shortly before delivery, [br]the fetus drops down, 0:03:54.670,0:03:56.941 decreasing the pressure on the diaphragm 0:03:56.941,0:04:00.911 and allowing the pregnant woman [br]to take deeper breaths. 0:04:00.911,0:04:02.491 During labor and birth, 0:04:02.491,0:04:05.721 much of the extra fluid in the body [br]is lost when the water breaks. 0:04:08.612,0:04:13.232 The uterus shrinks back down [br]in the weeks after birth. 0:04:13.232,0:04:16.545 Like the rest of the body, [br]pregnancy affects the brain— 0:04:16.545,0:04:20.246 but its effects here are some [br]of the least understood. 0:04:20.246,0:04:23.096 Recent studies show differences [br]in brain scans 0:04:23.096,0:04:25.606 after pregnancy and early parenting, 0:04:25.606,0:04:28.706 and suggest that these changes [br]are adaptive. 0:04:28.706,0:04:31.736 That means they could help [br]with parenting skills, 0:04:31.736,0:04:37.505 such as an increased ability to read [br]facial cues since babies can’t talk. 0:04:37.505,0:04:41.085 The lack of information about pregnancy’s [br]effects on the brain 0:04:41.085,0:04:47.174 highlights a general truth: historically, [br]almost all the research around pregnancy 0:04:47.174,0:04:51.044 has focused on the fetus, [br]rather than pregnant women. 0:04:51.044,0:04:53.775 Experiences of pregnancy vary widely, 0:04:53.775,0:04:56.245 both within the range [br]of healthy pregnancies 0:04:56.245,0:05:01.711 and due to complicating health conditions—[br]new research will help us understand why, 0:05:01.711,0:05:05.271 and develop effective treatments [br]where necessary. 0:05:05.271,0:05:08.545 In the meantime, [br]every pregnancy is different, 0:05:08.545,0:05:12.269 and it’s important to consult a doctor [br]with any specific questions. 0:05:13.189,0:05:16.779 Today, we’re turning an exciting corner, 0:05:16.779,0:05:21.723 as more research is devoted [br]to the astounding biology of pregnancy.