instrumental "The Scientific Conversation" by Etienne Klein Today : What means ''to translate'' ? The great reader and translator, Valery Larbaud was surrounded by books that were bound in a specific colour depending on the original language of these books English novels were bound in blue, Spanish in red, German novels in green and so on and so forth It was about showing that languages are not neutral, they color the texts in a unique and intense way that none of the artworks is taken independently from its source language. Therefore, of course, changes in forms of gateways are possible, but they are always delicate to the act of translation. ''All the work of translation'' written by Valery Larbaud, is word weighing. In one of the trays we narrate one after the other the words of the author, and doing so, we try in turns an undetermined number of words that belong to the native language of the writer, waiting for the moment when balance is found. End of quote.