I don't care how she's dressed, it's not OK. I don't care how she's walking, it's not OK. Are you serious? Come on, that's embarrassing man, I can't take you anywhere. It's street harassment. It's not a compliment. It's not a compliment. It's street harassment. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease stop. Sweetheart, please stop perpetuating the patriarchal dividend, it's so over. C'mon! You can't be calling stuff out on the street like that. suelta eso [leave it.] PLEASE. STOP. C'mon, please stop. Stop. Please? Por favor, para. Please. Stop. Please stop. Please stop? Please STOP. STOP! PLEASE STOP. [ALL EXCLAIM] UGHHHHH!!! Really man? esa puede ser tu hermana. me entiende? [that could be your sister, you know?] Come on. Right now? You're gonna do this right now? Really original. You never heard of e-Harmony? You know, there's such a thing called J-Date. You could try it out. It's called street harassment, and you could get in trouble for that. I'm sayin'. Has that ever really worked for you? Does that really work for you? I don't care if you think she's hot, it's not OK. Misogyny. Super sexy. Don't do that in front of me. Yeah don't do it at all. Bro, you're givin' Dominican men a bad name. You're giving The Bronx a bad name. Come on, son, you're giving Queens a bad name. You're really giving white guys a bad name. You're also giving black guys a bad name. You're giving us all a pretty bad name. Word. You have any idea how many women and girls are harassed every day? It's not funny. I don't care if everyone does it. It's not OK. It's disrespectful. It's not alright. It's not OK. It's not OK. Knock it off. It's called street harassment, and it's not acceptable.