1 00:00:07,500 --> 00:00:14,369 the 2015 polyglot gathering is brought 2 00:00:10,860 --> 00:00:16,670 to you by I talkie become fluent in any 3 00:00:14,369 --> 00:00:16,670 language 4 00:00:16,820 --> 00:00:24,660 ever Gaja on more games non mahir nobody 5 00:00:23,160 --> 00:00:30,929 gets people going actually when I start 6 00:00:24,660 --> 00:00:32,250 singing my dulcet tones okay so thank 7 00:00:30,929 --> 00:00:34,170 you all for for coming 8 00:00:32,250 --> 00:00:37,440 I feel very lucky to have so many people 9 00:00:34,170 --> 00:00:38,430 in the room and so some of you are 10 00:00:37,440 --> 00:00:40,260 probably sitting in this audience 11 00:00:38,430 --> 00:00:42,750 thinking I'm not I need to finger of 12 00:00:40,260 --> 00:00:45,000 English what the hell am I doing here 13 00:00:42,750 --> 00:00:51,060 hands are fifty fall into that category 14 00:00:45,000 --> 00:00:52,500 Oh actually okay not as many as I 15 00:00:51,060 --> 00:00:57,120 thought so they probably all gone to 16 00:00:52,500 --> 00:01:00,920 somewhere else more interesting so in 17 00:00:57,120 --> 00:01:00,920 case you didn't recognize me this is me 18 00:01:01,430 --> 00:01:06,960 my name is Richardson cop for those of 19 00:01:03,840 --> 00:01:09,509 you don't know who I am and then I quite 20 00:01:06,960 --> 00:01:13,380 like languages and that's why I'm here 21 00:01:09,509 --> 00:01:15,630 today and these are a few the things 22 00:01:13,380 --> 00:01:17,580 that I'm engaged in online speaking 23 00:01:15,630 --> 00:01:20,370 fluently actually the Facebook page is 24 00:01:17,580 --> 00:01:22,170 probably more active and the polyglot 25 00:01:20,370 --> 00:01:23,790 workshops and polyglot conference which 26 00:01:22,170 --> 00:01:27,510 I'm sure some of you in the room may 27 00:01:23,790 --> 00:01:28,979 have heard of and but my story today 28 00:01:27,510 --> 00:01:30,510 about learning language is a native 29 00:01:28,979 --> 00:01:34,380 English speaker that doesn't actually 30 00:01:30,510 --> 00:01:38,070 just hold true for speakers of English 31 00:01:34,380 --> 00:01:39,690 as a native language it actually goes 32 00:01:38,070 --> 00:01:42,510 beyond the borders of other countries as 33 00:01:39,690 --> 00:01:44,780 well where there's a dominant single 34 00:01:42,510 --> 00:01:47,340 language and they don't tend to learn 35 00:01:44,780 --> 00:01:50,159 many of the languages or any of the 36 00:01:47,340 --> 00:01:52,920 languages so hopefully they'll be 37 00:01:50,159 --> 00:01:54,930 relevance in this for other people the 38 00:01:52,920 --> 00:01:57,590 idea and the goal for me is to actually 39 00:01:54,930 --> 00:02:00,750 explain some of the difficulties in 40 00:01:57,590 --> 00:02:02,580 learning languages for people from these 41 00:02:00,750 --> 00:02:03,860 countries particularly from my 42 00:02:02,580 --> 00:02:05,990 experience as a native English speaker 43 00:02:03,860 --> 00:02:10,340 that from the United Kingdom 44 00:02:05,990 --> 00:02:12,720 and I hope that it will help to make 45 00:02:10,340 --> 00:02:16,290 people and/or understand and be more 46 00:02:12,720 --> 00:02:18,510 aware of of those difficulties so they 47 00:02:16,290 --> 00:02:19,569 can help language learners when they're 48 00:02:18,510 --> 00:02:21,400 speaking to them 49 00:02:19,569 --> 00:02:25,959 so that's the the goal for me for this 50 00:02:21,400 --> 00:02:29,560 talk but let me just demonstrate what I 51 00:02:25,959 --> 00:02:31,750 mean by this not being true just for 52 00:02:29,560 --> 00:02:36,700 native English speakers and for other 53 00:02:31,750 --> 00:02:39,489 people with a little story so a Spanish 54 00:02:36,700 --> 00:02:42,989 man walks into a clothes shop in London 55 00:02:39,489 --> 00:02:46,510 and he goes he wants to buy some socks 56 00:02:42,989 --> 00:02:48,340 so he walks in he says I'll allow one at 57 00:02:46,510 --> 00:02:51,420 the EM get a comparable didn't I put 58 00:02:48,340 --> 00:02:55,359 forward he's from the south of Spain and 59 00:02:51,420 --> 00:02:58,359 then the shopkeeper looks for in case 60 00:02:55,359 --> 00:02:59,019 I'm sorry I don't understand what you're 61 00:02:58,359 --> 00:03:03,370 talking about 62 00:02:59,019 --> 00:03:06,090 it's red posh and Spanish guys like 63 00:03:03,370 --> 00:03:09,209 quiero comprar una cadena sport for 64 00:03:06,090 --> 00:03:12,700 speaking out a little more clearly and 65 00:03:09,209 --> 00:03:14,650 the English guys well it's a closed shop 66 00:03:12,700 --> 00:03:17,139 so it's gonna want clothes isn't he so 67 00:03:14,650 --> 00:03:19,629 comes back with a shirt he goes no no no 68 00:03:17,139 --> 00:03:20,639 no no es una camisa yo quiero calafate 69 00:03:19,629 --> 00:03:23,560 Ynez por favor 70 00:03:20,639 --> 00:03:25,299 see okay pop see wrong so comes back 71 00:03:23,560 --> 00:03:27,040 with a pair of trousers no no no no no 72 00:03:25,299 --> 00:03:30,849 es un pantalones 73 00:03:27,040 --> 00:03:32,169 yo quiero calcetines por favor see Chris 74 00:03:30,849 --> 00:03:35,440 back again eventually comes back with a 75 00:03:32,169 --> 00:03:37,090 pair of socks he goes s o ck s because 76 00:03:35,440 --> 00:03:38,109 we bloody knew how to spell it in 77 00:03:37,090 --> 00:03:48,549 English why don't you do that in the 78 00:03:38,109 --> 00:03:50,199 first place so as you can see this isn't 79 00:03:48,549 --> 00:03:56,109 a thing just for the native English 80 00:03:50,199 --> 00:03:58,569 speakers so one thing that we always 81 00:03:56,109 --> 00:04:02,709 hear is what you call somebody who 82 00:03:58,569 --> 00:04:06,849 speaks many languages what we call them 83 00:04:02,709 --> 00:04:08,769 oh yeah first one up that was very good 84 00:04:06,849 --> 00:04:10,510 who would have known you'd have said 85 00:04:08,769 --> 00:04:16,199 that first Oh 86 00:04:10,510 --> 00:04:18,430 multilingual or Luxembourgish right 87 00:04:16,199 --> 00:04:22,889 representing the looks and burgers how 88 00:04:18,430 --> 00:04:24,120 many in the room there we go 89 00:04:22,889 --> 00:04:28,110 they don't need to be here they're 90 00:04:24,120 --> 00:04:32,189 already experts what you call somebody 91 00:04:28,110 --> 00:04:33,330 who speaks two or three languages well 92 00:04:32,189 --> 00:04:34,680 there we go look at this 93 00:04:33,330 --> 00:04:38,430 bilingual it's like you wrote these 94 00:04:34,680 --> 00:04:43,349 flies it's amazing okay I'll go thinking 95 00:04:38,430 --> 00:04:44,939 man thana but saying Apple and what do 96 00:04:43,349 --> 00:04:51,740 you call someone who speaks one language 97 00:04:44,939 --> 00:04:51,740 I love it it's like you really seriously 98 00:04:52,370 --> 00:05:02,400 oestrogen and there's a lovely flag that 99 00:04:56,819 --> 00:05:04,349 I found thank you google okay so but why 100 00:05:02,400 --> 00:05:06,060 why do English natives find it so hard 101 00:05:04,349 --> 00:05:08,819 to learn language why why is that a 102 00:05:06,060 --> 00:05:10,500 problem well through this presentation I 103 00:05:08,819 --> 00:05:16,069 wanted to discuss the following things 104 00:05:10,500 --> 00:05:21,210 grammar vocab accent pronunciation 105 00:05:16,069 --> 00:05:22,650 practice picking a language oops and 106 00:05:21,210 --> 00:05:24,349 we'll start with grammar but let's just 107 00:05:22,650 --> 00:05:29,460 look through that quickly 108 00:05:24,349 --> 00:05:30,990 whoa so these are all aspects of what 109 00:05:29,460 --> 00:05:32,460 makes it difficult and as I say this 110 00:05:30,990 --> 00:05:33,779 applies not just to native English 111 00:05:32,460 --> 00:05:35,580 speakers but to other people as well 112 00:05:33,779 --> 00:05:39,020 people who are native speakers of other 113 00:05:35,580 --> 00:05:41,430 languages but why why is this problem 114 00:05:39,020 --> 00:05:43,710 well from my point of view speaking as a 115 00:05:41,430 --> 00:05:46,339 native English speaker born and raised 116 00:05:43,710 --> 00:05:46,339 in the United Kingdom 117 00:05:46,379 --> 00:05:51,899 grama is a problem because in English we 118 00:05:49,169 --> 00:05:54,120 don't have gender in the same way as we 119 00:05:51,899 --> 00:05:57,689 do in other languages so when you get to 120 00:05:54,120 --> 00:05:59,729 Loula in French lessons and people say 121 00:05:57,689 --> 00:06:01,050 the wrong gender and then you get to 122 00:05:59,729 --> 00:06:05,849 German you think okay I've cracked this 123 00:06:01,050 --> 00:06:08,520 gender with French okay it's lawful as 124 00:06:05,849 --> 00:06:09,629 you see nota an old form yep a problema 125 00:06:08,520 --> 00:06:14,009 Mia 126 00:06:09,629 --> 00:06:15,779 duh skinned vow home why is it neuter 127 00:06:14,009 --> 00:06:18,750 why is it then change gender in German 128 00:06:15,779 --> 00:06:20,399 all of this is kind of weird for native 129 00:06:18,750 --> 00:06:21,479 English speakers and you often hear that 130 00:06:20,399 --> 00:06:24,419 they'll make mistakes with the gender 131 00:06:21,479 --> 00:06:26,669 because it's for this reason but this 132 00:06:24,419 --> 00:06:28,680 also applies to finish speakers to 133 00:06:26,669 --> 00:06:33,150 Turkish speakers who don't have gender 134 00:06:28,680 --> 00:06:35,850 as well in their languages verbs 135 00:06:33,150 --> 00:06:37,680 English speakers fluff the verbs that 136 00:06:35,850 --> 00:06:40,020 they already have and they don't change 137 00:06:37,680 --> 00:06:44,160 that much anyway and through the the 138 00:06:40,020 --> 00:06:48,660 pronoun so you know I see you see he 139 00:06:44,160 --> 00:06:50,730 sees oh wow big change but you know then 140 00:06:48,660 --> 00:06:54,780 you get to some of the Latin languages 141 00:06:50,730 --> 00:06:56,400 and the changes are huge they are 142 00:06:54,780 --> 00:07:02,639 there's beer very much 143 00:06:56,400 --> 00:07:07,020 etc etc etc in case oh I love the 144 00:07:02,639 --> 00:07:12,470 reaction in the roof who likes cases you 145 00:07:07,020 --> 00:07:14,520 sick sick sick individuals seriously 146 00:07:12,470 --> 00:07:16,500 there is something we can do for you 147 00:07:14,520 --> 00:07:18,810 later it's in the back room I think 148 00:07:16,500 --> 00:07:20,610 there's a talk on Esperanto it's only 149 00:07:18,810 --> 00:07:24,210 got one case so you'll be quite happy 150 00:07:20,610 --> 00:07:27,840 but it will make it a lot easier ok 151 00:07:24,210 --> 00:07:30,479 grammatical rules and terminology when I 152 00:07:27,840 --> 00:07:33,419 went to university in the UK I went to 153 00:07:30,479 --> 00:07:35,600 study languages so who here thinks that 154 00:07:33,419 --> 00:07:38,460 language students tend to be quite good 155 00:07:35,600 --> 00:07:41,910 at grammatical terminology and what 156 00:07:38,460 --> 00:07:43,680 things mean and getting nods you see 157 00:07:41,910 --> 00:07:44,970 it's the wrong audience for these things 158 00:07:43,680 --> 00:07:48,360 people going yeah definitely they're all 159 00:07:44,970 --> 00:07:50,430 fantastic one of the first things that 160 00:07:48,360 --> 00:07:53,510 they did is took us all aside and said 161 00:07:50,430 --> 00:07:55,590 ok we need to teach you English grammar 162 00:07:53,510 --> 00:07:57,780 because you don't get taught it in the 163 00:07:55,590 --> 00:07:59,970 school in the UK you're not taught 164 00:07:57,780 --> 00:08:02,130 English grammar in the same way as you 165 00:07:59,970 --> 00:08:03,660 you're taught French grammar or German 166 00:08:02,130 --> 00:08:05,970 grammar so often you have a better 167 00:08:03,660 --> 00:08:09,210 understanding of of a foreign languages 168 00:08:05,970 --> 00:08:11,970 grammar than you will of your own but 169 00:08:09,210 --> 00:08:13,650 that isn't that actually is is it is a 170 00:08:11,970 --> 00:08:16,080 problem because when you get to things 171 00:08:13,650 --> 00:08:19,110 like cases if you don't know what a 172 00:08:16,080 --> 00:08:21,660 direct object is then the accusative 173 00:08:19,110 --> 00:08:24,840 sounds really strange or an indirect 174 00:08:21,660 --> 00:08:28,889 object or who here is taught and what a 175 00:08:24,840 --> 00:08:31,039 verb is by saying it's a doing word what 176 00:08:28,889 --> 00:08:34,130 does that mean 177 00:08:31,039 --> 00:08:37,589 none of these or nouns and naming word 178 00:08:34,130 --> 00:08:38,760 ok and then you give a few examples that 179 00:08:37,589 --> 00:08:42,360 you need to write down in a test right 180 00:08:38,760 --> 00:08:48,780 that's it then you get to the vocabulary 181 00:08:42,360 --> 00:08:49,860 and it's vast it's often exotic unless 182 00:08:48,780 --> 00:08:54,720 you're talking about French and then 183 00:08:49,860 --> 00:08:55,770 it's basically 60% of English ok and 184 00:08:54,720 --> 00:08:59,370 this is my picture that I took in 185 00:08:55,770 --> 00:09:02,880 Albania just want to show you and such 186 00:08:59,370 --> 00:09:04,800 an attention [ __ ] that's terrible but 187 00:09:02,880 --> 00:09:07,800 it there the idea is the vastness you 188 00:09:04,800 --> 00:09:10,230 get me yet the imagery right but it is 189 00:09:07,800 --> 00:09:12,990 its vast I mean if you look at language 190 00:09:10,230 --> 00:09:14,490 and who has had people come up to you 191 00:09:12,990 --> 00:09:19,230 say ok I speak French or I speak German 192 00:09:14,490 --> 00:09:21,839 they go oh so you know everything right 193 00:09:19,230 --> 00:09:23,520 I get that all the time so so what's the 194 00:09:21,839 --> 00:09:26,730 word for this and then they'd like to 195 00:09:23,520 --> 00:09:27,810 test you so you can translate it but 196 00:09:26,730 --> 00:09:29,190 actually what they don't realize and 197 00:09:27,810 --> 00:09:31,100 what you don't realize yourself as a 198 00:09:29,190 --> 00:09:33,270 native speaker of a language is that 199 00:09:31,100 --> 00:09:35,130 sometimes what you need to do is a sort 200 00:09:33,270 --> 00:09:37,589 of a mind flip when you talk about 201 00:09:35,130 --> 00:09:39,030 vocabulary so you don't always have the 202 00:09:37,589 --> 00:09:40,459 words in the language that you're 203 00:09:39,030 --> 00:09:42,959 learning or language you're speaking 204 00:09:40,459 --> 00:09:45,060 just to give you an example I live in 205 00:09:42,959 --> 00:09:48,030 the Republic of Macedonia Macedonian is 206 00:09:45,060 --> 00:09:52,400 my home language but there's no word for 207 00:09:48,030 --> 00:09:55,380 bookmark they sell them they have them 208 00:09:52,400 --> 00:09:58,500 but there's no real word that people 209 00:09:55,380 --> 00:10:01,550 that use for bookmark there's no real 210 00:09:58,500 --> 00:10:03,810 word that everybody uses for chives 211 00:10:01,550 --> 00:10:05,550 there are these kind of bits of 212 00:10:03,810 --> 00:10:09,060 vocabulary that you want to say and then 213 00:10:05,550 --> 00:10:13,200 you don't really have a word so you have 214 00:10:09,060 --> 00:10:14,790 to bend your mind to express things in a 215 00:10:13,200 --> 00:10:18,000 way that the natives will understand and 216 00:10:14,790 --> 00:10:20,130 that is one of the big stumbling blocks 217 00:10:18,000 --> 00:10:22,470 for native English speakers because 218 00:10:20,130 --> 00:10:24,660 we're used to dominating with exact 219 00:10:22,470 --> 00:10:26,430 precision what we want to say and how we 220 00:10:24,660 --> 00:10:30,360 want to say it and you can't always do 221 00:10:26,430 --> 00:10:33,750 it the exotic thing relates to the 222 00:10:30,360 --> 00:10:35,520 sounds or how the word is made and and 223 00:10:33,750 --> 00:10:37,050 and whether it trips off the tongue 224 00:10:35,520 --> 00:10:39,089 whether it's easy to pronounce it can 225 00:10:37,050 --> 00:10:41,370 just sound weird to native English 226 00:10:39,089 --> 00:10:44,400 speakers and it can be confusing because 227 00:10:41,370 --> 00:10:46,680 sometimes very small change 228 00:10:44,400 --> 00:10:48,320 in a word means something completely 229 00:10:46,680 --> 00:10:50,670 different 230 00:10:48,320 --> 00:10:52,500 there's anyone got any good examples of 231 00:10:50,670 --> 00:10:54,450 words that they've heard there's a word 232 00:10:52,500 --> 00:10:55,710 for Cheers in Hungarian and a word that 233 00:10:54,450 --> 00:11:01,470 means something very different that's 234 00:10:55,710 --> 00:11:04,500 very close yes what is it come over and 235 00:11:01,470 --> 00:11:06,360 speak a con come on I take I take active 236 00:11:04,500 --> 00:11:09,210 volunteers you can come up you've just 237 00:11:06,360 --> 00:11:16,710 volunteered by saying it now here we go 238 00:11:09,210 --> 00:11:19,860 I know you love this I guess you gather 239 00:11:16,710 --> 00:11:22,940 - eggy zeg editor I guess sugar is 240 00:11:19,860 --> 00:11:22,940 choosing their gates check out those 241 00:11:23,210 --> 00:11:36,660 like to spank your ass person like that 242 00:11:28,070 --> 00:11:38,040 so look that's one Thank You Vlad okay 243 00:11:36,660 --> 00:11:41,940 thank you very much kissing him seven 244 00:11:38,040 --> 00:11:43,800 and one of the typical things I used to 245 00:11:41,940 --> 00:11:47,490 hear when I was at school as a school 246 00:11:43,800 --> 00:11:51,990 boy and in French was merci beaucoup 247 00:11:47,490 --> 00:11:55,620 instead of merci beaucoup so one is 248 00:11:51,990 --> 00:11:59,250 thank you beautiful bum and this leads 249 00:11:55,620 --> 00:12:01,730 me on to accent to pronunciation so 250 00:11:59,250 --> 00:12:05,310 especially for native English speakers 251 00:12:01,730 --> 00:12:08,310 but also again for other speakers of 252 00:12:05,310 --> 00:12:10,920 other languages this is true and there's 253 00:12:08,310 --> 00:12:13,110 kind of a sounding weird saying these 254 00:12:10,920 --> 00:12:16,410 things like saying these weird sounds 255 00:12:13,110 --> 00:12:18,839 that you sound it sounds a bit strange 256 00:12:16,410 --> 00:12:20,459 and to go and get it into the right word 257 00:12:18,839 --> 00:12:22,940 at the right time and then not 258 00:12:20,459 --> 00:12:25,890 overcompensate and say Mel C book you is 259 00:12:22,940 --> 00:12:28,680 not always easy for for a native English 260 00:12:25,890 --> 00:12:31,650 speaker because they don't always relate 261 00:12:28,680 --> 00:12:34,920 to okay how do I actually use this and 262 00:12:31,650 --> 00:12:35,670 make it sound normal and then when 263 00:12:34,920 --> 00:12:37,560 you're in a classroom environment 264 00:12:35,670 --> 00:12:40,800 especially at school you can be seen as 265 00:12:37,560 --> 00:12:43,260 putting on the talk so if you're the 266 00:12:40,800 --> 00:12:45,270 only child well where I grew up there's 267 00:12:43,260 --> 00:12:46,920 kind of a mix of accents but if you 268 00:12:45,270 --> 00:12:49,200 imagine a school in Liverpool with a 269 00:12:46,920 --> 00:12:51,900 learning French and they say yeah 270 00:12:49,200 --> 00:12:54,279 bonjour je m'appelle Richards and just 271 00:12:51,900 --> 00:12:57,519 SWE's to Liverpool 272 00:12:54,279 --> 00:12:58,720 your pal fronts area beyond and I've 273 00:12:57,519 --> 00:13:01,089 just gone over to Yorkshire by the way 274 00:12:58,720 --> 00:13:02,920 sorry but then the point is you've got 275 00:13:01,089 --> 00:13:04,959 this local accent and then you're the 276 00:13:02,920 --> 00:13:07,569 only kid that goes boardroom a perfect 277 00:13:04,959 --> 00:13:09,999 shot and the other kids can start 278 00:13:07,569 --> 00:13:12,430 laughing at you because they think oh my 279 00:13:09,999 --> 00:13:15,370 god what are you doing it's it's like 280 00:13:12,430 --> 00:13:17,559 you're giving up your identity so when I 281 00:13:15,370 --> 00:13:18,309 talk about prestige accents and keeping 282 00:13:17,559 --> 00:13:20,740 your identity 283 00:13:18,309 --> 00:13:22,629 it doesn't mean you sound posh and you 284 00:13:20,740 --> 00:13:24,579 sounds sort of all highfalutin in your 285 00:13:22,629 --> 00:13:26,879 language what it actually refers to is 286 00:13:24,579 --> 00:13:30,430 the group language the pack language and 287 00:13:26,879 --> 00:13:32,079 that is the accent and that's the 288 00:13:30,430 --> 00:13:33,999 vocabulary that you use so as soon as 289 00:13:32,079 --> 00:13:36,879 you move away from that especially in a 290 00:13:33,999 --> 00:13:40,360 language society like the English 291 00:13:36,879 --> 00:13:42,339 language in the world where we very much 292 00:13:40,360 --> 00:13:46,240 judge people on their accents from the 293 00:13:42,339 --> 00:13:48,370 standard to where they're from it can 294 00:13:46,240 --> 00:13:50,559 take you away from that group and it can 295 00:13:48,370 --> 00:13:52,360 it can make you feel isolated or people 296 00:13:50,559 --> 00:13:55,120 can make you feel isolated because of it 297 00:13:52,360 --> 00:13:58,629 so sometimes it's a badge that you wear 298 00:13:55,120 --> 00:14:01,240 with pride this strong accent and you 299 00:13:58,629 --> 00:14:04,120 think it's fun to do it especially as 300 00:14:01,240 --> 00:14:06,759 kids when we will learn the numbers in 301 00:14:04,120 --> 00:14:08,589 French I remember I had to go through 302 00:14:06,759 --> 00:14:11,050 the basics of French even though I'd 303 00:14:08,589 --> 00:14:12,670 studied it as a smaller child I had to 304 00:14:11,050 --> 00:14:15,189 go through it with with my peers and 305 00:14:12,670 --> 00:14:17,819 they were they got through the numbers 306 00:14:15,189 --> 00:14:23,370 and they were going on dicks twice, 307 00:14:17,819 --> 00:14:23,370 Quattro Cinque six 308 00:14:23,630 --> 00:14:36,740 tweet nerf dicks and that was hilarious 309 00:14:31,569 --> 00:14:38,509 still is actually my mum came over to 310 00:14:36,740 --> 00:14:41,240 actually talking on this my mum came 311 00:14:38,509 --> 00:14:44,300 over to visit me in Poland when I was 312 00:14:41,240 --> 00:14:45,649 staying there in Poznan and I've got 313 00:14:44,300 --> 00:14:47,449 into this really weird mindset if I 314 00:14:45,649 --> 00:14:50,600 don't see the natural English link 315 00:14:47,449 --> 00:14:54,199 always straight away so who here knows 316 00:14:50,600 --> 00:14:56,779 polish okay so it was a place where you 317 00:14:54,199 --> 00:14:59,089 sell alcohol in Poland and it will have 318 00:14:56,779 --> 00:15:06,110 written alcohol oh yeah 319 00:14:59,089 --> 00:15:08,120 in Polish my 24 alcoholic yeah and my 320 00:15:06,110 --> 00:15:11,480 mum came over he's a native speaker of 321 00:15:08,120 --> 00:15:12,860 English too and monolingual and she said 322 00:15:11,480 --> 00:15:22,519 I wasn't that really clever they've 323 00:15:12,860 --> 00:15:24,199 called it the alcohol so then practicing 324 00:15:22,519 --> 00:15:25,880 the language so you know this is a thing 325 00:15:24,199 --> 00:15:29,269 that native English speakers have a real 326 00:15:25,880 --> 00:15:31,639 issue with everybody speaks English 327 00:15:29,269 --> 00:15:34,310 everyone I mean that they want to speak 328 00:15:31,639 --> 00:15:37,819 it they want to practice and this can be 329 00:15:34,310 --> 00:15:41,259 an issue and the level of English in the 330 00:15:37,819 --> 00:15:45,500 target languages language etiquette and 331 00:15:41,259 --> 00:15:49,130 reactions so just to explain some of 332 00:15:45,500 --> 00:15:51,380 what I've written on on here and who 333 00:15:49,130 --> 00:15:53,000 here has been in a situation where you 334 00:15:51,380 --> 00:15:56,750 want to learn the language you go to the 335 00:15:53,000 --> 00:15:59,509 country and then it goes and yeah you 336 00:15:56,750 --> 00:16:01,550 get your your Dutch is very good sir 337 00:15:59,509 --> 00:16:03,920 sure it's really where were you from in 338 00:16:01,550 --> 00:16:07,040 England I 339 00:16:03,920 --> 00:16:10,639 okay explain a longsword this curve a 340 00:16:07,040 --> 00:16:13,189 fairly man a Lanza and the but they look 341 00:16:10,639 --> 00:16:15,529 in the game yes but I think is probably 342 00:16:13,189 --> 00:16:20,630 easier in English right 343 00:16:15,529 --> 00:16:22,759 and then it's not that they always want 344 00:16:20,630 --> 00:16:24,860 to force you to speak English it's that 345 00:16:22,759 --> 00:16:26,930 they enjoy it and sometimes it's native 346 00:16:24,860 --> 00:16:28,639 English because we forget this and you 347 00:16:26,930 --> 00:16:30,680 can get offended as I need to English 348 00:16:28,639 --> 00:16:33,199 speaker as well because you think oh god 349 00:16:30,680 --> 00:16:35,449 they won't even let me speak but it's 350 00:16:33,199 --> 00:16:37,370 not always the case so from the one side 351 00:16:35,449 --> 00:16:38,900 they're trying to make your life easier 352 00:16:37,370 --> 00:16:41,540 by speaking English because they know 353 00:16:38,900 --> 00:16:44,060 that you're not going to stress but from 354 00:16:41,540 --> 00:16:46,520 the other side you're seeing is Wow is 355 00:16:44,060 --> 00:16:48,110 it really that bad that I can't even 356 00:16:46,520 --> 00:16:49,520 speak to you for more than five minutes 357 00:16:48,110 --> 00:16:53,210 without you turning this conversation 358 00:16:49,520 --> 00:16:56,180 into English and it leaves the English 359 00:16:53,210 --> 00:17:01,070 speaker feeling very sad disappointed 360 00:16:56,180 --> 00:17:03,200 and bit embarrassed and oh dear maybe I 361 00:17:01,070 --> 00:17:06,290 should just not bother everyone speaks 362 00:17:03,200 --> 00:17:07,610 English and the level of English does 363 00:17:06,290 --> 00:17:10,550 play a part because sometimes when you 364 00:17:07,610 --> 00:17:13,670 go when I went to Poland the level of 365 00:17:10,550 --> 00:17:15,260 English is generally quite low compared 366 00:17:13,670 --> 00:17:17,270 to say the Netherlands or Sweden or 367 00:17:15,260 --> 00:17:20,140 Norway or Iceland or somewhere like that 368 00:17:17,270 --> 00:17:23,120 where I'd say the average level is a b2 369 00:17:20,140 --> 00:17:24,890 upper echelons of a b2 whereas in 370 00:17:23,120 --> 00:17:27,020 somewhere like Poland it's probably an 371 00:17:24,890 --> 00:17:29,240 a2 level the functional they get by is 372 00:17:27,020 --> 00:17:31,490 you can go to Poland n' and talk to 373 00:17:29,240 --> 00:17:34,130 people generally but you can quite 374 00:17:31,490 --> 00:17:36,110 quickly overcome like Alex was talking 375 00:17:34,130 --> 00:17:37,790 about yesterday you know when you get to 376 00:17:36,110 --> 00:17:39,980 that level you can then quite easily 377 00:17:37,790 --> 00:17:41,510 just speak in the target language that's 378 00:17:39,980 --> 00:17:45,770 more difficult for some languages than 379 00:17:41,510 --> 00:17:47,030 others and that can be intimidating but 380 00:17:45,770 --> 00:17:48,500 as a native English speaker as well 381 00:17:47,030 --> 00:17:51,170 we're always very used to having the 382 00:17:48,500 --> 00:17:54,170 upper hand and we use this to our 383 00:17:51,170 --> 00:17:55,460 advantage of course because you can 384 00:17:54,170 --> 00:17:57,940 dominate a conversation very easily 385 00:17:55,460 --> 00:18:00,110 because you have a rich vocabulary 386 00:17:57,940 --> 00:18:02,480 automatically because you is you're an 387 00:18:00,110 --> 00:18:04,700 educated native speaker of English you 388 00:18:02,480 --> 00:18:07,010 know you you're used to learning how to 389 00:18:04,700 --> 00:18:10,820 debate or or talk or put your points 390 00:18:07,010 --> 00:18:12,020 across in a very eloquent way whereas if 391 00:18:10,820 --> 00:18:14,420 you've learned English as a foreign 392 00:18:12,020 --> 00:18:16,610 language then naturally it's more of a 393 00:18:14,420 --> 00:18:18,410 struggle to get to that stage so as a 394 00:18:16,610 --> 00:18:20,570 native English speaker you can get 395 00:18:18,410 --> 00:18:22,520 complacent with this ability to express 396 00:18:20,570 --> 00:18:25,250 yourself without any boundaries and 397 00:18:22,520 --> 00:18:28,150 sometimes actually the practicing the 398 00:18:25,250 --> 00:18:30,770 language is an issue internally because 399 00:18:28,150 --> 00:18:32,510 you feel restricted for all the reasons 400 00:18:30,770 --> 00:18:34,960 we talked about before of grammar 401 00:18:32,510 --> 00:18:36,830 vocabulary that you don't have the same 402 00:18:34,960 --> 00:18:40,310 domination of the language that you do 403 00:18:36,830 --> 00:18:42,380 in English but then also some of the 404 00:18:40,310 --> 00:18:43,910 things come into place language 405 00:18:42,380 --> 00:18:47,559 etiquette has anybody heard me talk 406 00:18:43,910 --> 00:18:49,749 about language etiquette before no 407 00:18:47,559 --> 00:18:53,110 for me there is a real strict language 408 00:18:49,749 --> 00:18:54,580 etiquette that goes on with learning a 409 00:18:53,110 --> 00:18:57,159 language or speaking a language and 410 00:18:54,580 --> 00:18:59,470 practicing a language and it relates to 411 00:18:57,159 --> 00:18:59,950 where you are and what you're doing in 412 00:18:59,470 --> 00:19:03,220 who it's with 413 00:18:59,950 --> 00:19:06,340 so for me personally if I'm sitting at 414 00:19:03,220 --> 00:19:09,279 home in the United Kingdom and a German 415 00:19:06,340 --> 00:19:13,120 or a Spaniard or whoever else walks up 416 00:19:09,279 --> 00:19:16,570 to me and speaks to me in English maybe 417 00:19:13,120 --> 00:19:17,679 a low level of English but my instant 418 00:19:16,570 --> 00:19:19,899 reaction is not to go 419 00:19:17,679 --> 00:19:22,509 I had vamos vamos all learn it but 420 00:19:19,899 --> 00:19:25,960 you're not because I know how that feels 421 00:19:22,509 --> 00:19:28,389 from the other side so I sit there and I 422 00:19:25,960 --> 00:19:29,889 okay let's speak slowly take this slowly 423 00:19:28,389 --> 00:19:33,070 and help them out because they're making 424 00:19:29,889 --> 00:19:34,360 an effort to speak my language so this 425 00:19:33,070 --> 00:19:36,850 is the thing that native English 426 00:19:34,360 --> 00:19:38,379 speakers don't always get abroad because 427 00:19:36,850 --> 00:19:41,759 the reactions are what the hell are you 428 00:19:38,379 --> 00:19:47,769 learning my language for this is Iceland 429 00:19:41,759 --> 00:19:49,600 well the people is I want 300,000 you 430 00:19:47,769 --> 00:19:51,039 get it in all sorts of places waiting 431 00:19:49,600 --> 00:19:52,720 whales as well sometimes you'll get it 432 00:19:51,039 --> 00:19:55,869 where people you know a native English 433 00:19:52,720 --> 00:19:58,240 we call them Welsh and it's like why 434 00:19:55,869 --> 00:20:00,789 you're speaking Welsh it's like you can 435 00:19:58,240 --> 00:20:03,059 just be English in Wales some people are 436 00:20:00,789 --> 00:20:05,049 now the attitudes are changing slightly 437 00:20:03,059 --> 00:20:06,249 especially because of immigration and 438 00:20:05,049 --> 00:20:08,019 people wanting people to immigrate to 439 00:20:06,249 --> 00:20:11,529 assimilate into the culture so they 440 00:20:08,019 --> 00:20:13,779 don't know always but the the language 441 00:20:11,529 --> 00:20:15,639 etiquette of speaking the language of 442 00:20:13,779 --> 00:20:19,029 the country you're in I think should 443 00:20:15,639 --> 00:20:20,980 hold true so when I'm abroad I don't 444 00:20:19,029 --> 00:20:22,840 feel the need to have to speak English 445 00:20:20,980 --> 00:20:25,440 to accommodate somebody if they want to 446 00:20:22,840 --> 00:20:28,960 just practice their English but I can 447 00:20:25,440 --> 00:20:30,789 compromise I can be nice about it yeah 448 00:20:28,960 --> 00:20:31,330 visit Yeti and Iceland each kind of toy 449 00:20:30,789 --> 00:20:34,269 train 450 00:20:31,330 --> 00:20:38,019 you must be linked nor English bleedin 451 00:20:34,269 --> 00:20:40,450 either your masters I need NICs hours 452 00:20:38,019 --> 00:20:42,340 each mine explosions or weasel fish pond 453 00:20:40,450 --> 00:20:45,820 to house on does this me you have kind 454 00:20:42,340 --> 00:20:48,820 image manage can often low English so I 455 00:20:45,820 --> 00:20:51,369 don't really worry so much personally 456 00:20:48,820 --> 00:20:52,960 anymore I used to when I was learning 457 00:20:51,369 --> 00:20:54,940 the languages but now I live in in 458 00:20:52,960 --> 00:20:56,470 Skopje with my with my wife and my 459 00:20:54,940 --> 00:20:58,149 daughter we speak five languages at home 460 00:20:56,470 --> 00:21:00,710 on a daily basis and then other 461 00:20:58,149 --> 00:21:02,480 languages outside I don't worry so much 462 00:21:00,710 --> 00:21:05,929 but I understand why people do and and 463 00:21:02,480 --> 00:21:07,130 it is important to show that support for 464 00:21:05,929 --> 00:21:12,010 people learning your language 465 00:21:07,130 --> 00:21:14,179 the reactions actually in 466 00:21:12,010 --> 00:21:16,850 english-speaking countries particularly 467 00:21:14,179 --> 00:21:18,770 the UK there is soft and very strong 468 00:21:16,850 --> 00:21:23,330 reaction against speaking a foreign 469 00:21:18,770 --> 00:21:27,110 language socially it's I'm not going to 470 00:21:23,330 --> 00:21:28,700 say unacceptable but people and do do 471 00:21:27,110 --> 00:21:31,730 have a reaction Polish people definitely 472 00:21:28,700 --> 00:21:33,320 pick up on it in the UK and a lot more 473 00:21:31,730 --> 00:21:35,510 reluctant men to speak Polish to 474 00:21:33,320 --> 00:21:37,640 somebody who's not Polish speaking in 475 00:21:35,510 --> 00:21:40,190 public as well sometimes they feel the 476 00:21:37,640 --> 00:21:42,100 eyes going to them what are you talking 477 00:21:40,190 --> 00:21:45,409 about you're talking about me aren't you 478 00:21:42,100 --> 00:21:46,039 foreigner and I've experienced this 479 00:21:45,409 --> 00:21:48,580 myself 480 00:21:46,039 --> 00:21:50,779 and as a native British person and 481 00:21:48,580 --> 00:21:53,450 you're growing up speaking English as a 482 00:21:50,779 --> 00:21:56,510 first language when my wife and I moved 483 00:21:53,450 --> 00:21:57,980 to the UK to live for 3 years and we've 484 00:21:56,510 --> 00:22:01,070 only ever spoken Macedonian at home 485 00:21:57,980 --> 00:22:02,990 we've never used English when we went 486 00:22:01,070 --> 00:22:07,190 out into the city this is my home city 487 00:22:02,990 --> 00:22:08,720 of Chester and people actually almost 488 00:22:07,190 --> 00:22:10,370 psychologically there's a psychological 489 00:22:08,720 --> 00:22:12,320 barrier to refuse to believe that I was 490 00:22:10,370 --> 00:22:16,130 really British because they heard me 491 00:22:12,320 --> 00:22:17,870 speaking Polish Slavic language it 492 00:22:16,130 --> 00:22:20,169 sounds lovak and the amount of people 493 00:22:17,870 --> 00:22:22,460 that came up to me in the UK to say 494 00:22:20,169 --> 00:22:28,039 excuse me at which language you speaking 495 00:22:22,460 --> 00:22:31,669 there and I'd say Macedonian okay you're 496 00:22:28,039 --> 00:22:35,419 not polish then I thought you polish no 497 00:22:31,669 --> 00:22:40,010 I'm actually British no and you're 498 00:22:35,419 --> 00:22:43,190 speaking Macedonian because and people 499 00:22:40,010 --> 00:22:46,390 actually did this to me it's been in the 500 00:22:43,190 --> 00:22:50,029 curious realms to the blatant rude 501 00:22:46,390 --> 00:22:52,059 realms and it's it's a strange it's a 502 00:22:50,029 --> 00:22:55,460 strange thing to see of your own country 503 00:22:52,059 --> 00:22:56,720 so you think you know people have these 504 00:22:55,460 --> 00:22:58,940 great reactions all you speak all these 505 00:22:56,720 --> 00:23:00,649 languages fantastic but sometimes the 506 00:22:58,940 --> 00:23:02,630 reality of speaking all these languages 507 00:23:00,649 --> 00:23:05,090 it actually makes people a bit 508 00:23:02,630 --> 00:23:06,799 suspicious sometimes and why would you 509 00:23:05,090 --> 00:23:08,029 do it why would you actually speak all 510 00:23:06,799 --> 00:23:10,559 these languages why would you speak it 511 00:23:08,029 --> 00:23:13,049 in front of me when I can't understand 512 00:23:10,559 --> 00:23:15,419 and and it goes back to the language 513 00:23:13,049 --> 00:23:19,740 etiquette as well it's like hmm there's 514 00:23:15,419 --> 00:23:23,610 a tight sort of line to tread with with 515 00:23:19,740 --> 00:23:25,769 these kinds of things and you know I've 516 00:23:23,610 --> 00:23:27,539 had people say all sorts all sorts of 517 00:23:25,769 --> 00:23:29,820 things the only language in the UK that 518 00:23:27,539 --> 00:23:32,999 I found got really positive reactions 519 00:23:29,820 --> 00:23:35,340 generally was French because it's seen 520 00:23:32,999 --> 00:23:40,440 as a as either a cultural equal or 521 00:23:35,340 --> 00:23:43,440 slightly posh still but and the other 522 00:23:40,440 --> 00:23:45,419 language is Spanish and German so so but 523 00:23:43,440 --> 00:23:47,759 but speaking a Slavic language was 524 00:23:45,419 --> 00:23:51,240 definitely I got more negative reactions 525 00:23:47,759 --> 00:23:52,919 and positive unfortunately so that comes 526 00:23:51,240 --> 00:23:54,539 takes me to picking languages so how do 527 00:23:52,919 --> 00:23:56,879 you actually pick the languages you want 528 00:23:54,539 --> 00:23:57,749 to speak bearing in mind all of this you 529 00:23:56,879 --> 00:24:00,360 know the thing that we're talking about 530 00:23:57,749 --> 00:24:02,220 a you know pronunciation how easy it is 531 00:24:00,360 --> 00:24:04,950 for you to actually learn the vocabulary 532 00:24:02,220 --> 00:24:06,240 to learn the grammar to speak it for 533 00:24:04,950 --> 00:24:09,470 that to be then acceptable where you're 534 00:24:06,240 --> 00:24:12,809 living to get the practice that you need 535 00:24:09,470 --> 00:24:16,230 well sometimes the languages are picked 536 00:24:12,809 --> 00:24:18,980 for you so you go to school you start 537 00:24:16,230 --> 00:24:21,629 and you have in the UK French German 538 00:24:18,980 --> 00:24:24,179 possibly Spanish or some other language 539 00:24:21,629 --> 00:24:26,039 that's quite commonly used and they're 540 00:24:24,179 --> 00:24:28,049 picked for four good reasons there 541 00:24:26,039 --> 00:24:29,970 they're quite you know well spoken 542 00:24:28,049 --> 00:24:32,460 languages in the world and are useful 543 00:24:29,970 --> 00:24:37,110 for the job market later on so there is 544 00:24:32,460 --> 00:24:39,330 some some method to the madness but 545 00:24:37,110 --> 00:24:40,470 there are also these prestige languages 546 00:24:39,330 --> 00:24:42,059 that you think of you know people will 547 00:24:40,470 --> 00:24:43,769 talk about I want my child to speak this 548 00:24:42,059 --> 00:24:45,570 really good rationale or you get these 549 00:24:43,769 --> 00:24:47,669 you know posh private schools that will 550 00:24:45,570 --> 00:24:50,730 teach Japanese or Chinese because it's 551 00:24:47,669 --> 00:24:53,659 seen as a prestige language in addition 552 00:24:50,730 --> 00:24:56,940 to the prestige language of French and 553 00:24:53,659 --> 00:24:59,639 then there's heritage so in places like 554 00:24:56,940 --> 00:25:01,799 Wales you have to learn Welsh to some 555 00:24:59,639 --> 00:25:04,559 degree if it's is the first language or 556 00:25:01,799 --> 00:25:05,850 a second language its I think now 557 00:25:04,559 --> 00:25:07,080 they've changed it so you only learn it 558 00:25:05,850 --> 00:25:09,440 till about fourteen or something like 559 00:25:07,080 --> 00:25:11,940 that but you you have to do some Welsh 560 00:25:09,440 --> 00:25:15,200 because it's obviously with the official 561 00:25:11,940 --> 00:25:18,659 language of the country next English and 562 00:25:15,200 --> 00:25:19,710 but there's often a lot of stigma 563 00:25:18,659 --> 00:25:21,779 attached to some of these heritage 564 00:25:19,710 --> 00:25:24,809 language languages 565 00:25:21,779 --> 00:25:27,809 people don't want to seem different so 566 00:25:24,809 --> 00:25:29,309 I've met people who are either from 567 00:25:27,809 --> 00:25:32,639 Welsh extraction who are actually very 568 00:25:29,309 --> 00:25:36,509 against and the Welsh language I've met 569 00:25:32,639 --> 00:25:38,429 people who who speak languages from from 570 00:25:36,509 --> 00:25:41,099 India or penguin Bangladesh or Pakistan 571 00:25:38,429 --> 00:25:42,269 and their parents spoke them at home but 572 00:25:41,099 --> 00:25:45,509 they speak them with a very strong 573 00:25:42,269 --> 00:25:47,999 Yorkshire accent or but other regional 574 00:25:45,509 --> 00:25:50,489 accents and they become very British and 575 00:25:47,999 --> 00:25:51,690 it's it's not it's not that they shun 576 00:25:50,489 --> 00:25:54,059 the language because they use it at home 577 00:25:51,690 --> 00:25:56,279 but you you get these reactions of 578 00:25:54,059 --> 00:25:58,830 wanting to fit in so anyone seen East is 579 00:25:56,279 --> 00:26:01,589 East it's a really good film in the UK 580 00:25:58,830 --> 00:26:03,869 British film that demonstrates this this 581 00:26:01,589 --> 00:26:09,960 struggle between a Pakistani father and 582 00:26:03,869 --> 00:26:12,029 a Yorkshire nun who and the children are 583 00:26:09,960 --> 00:26:14,249 sort of caught between the two cultures 584 00:26:12,029 --> 00:26:16,080 I like what they're speaking and they go 585 00:26:14,249 --> 00:26:18,719 to they go and they read the Koran and 586 00:26:16,080 --> 00:26:20,609 they learn Arabic and they but they 587 00:26:18,719 --> 00:26:23,009 don't take the language so seriously 588 00:26:20,609 --> 00:26:25,259 because then I suppose the scene being 589 00:26:23,009 --> 00:26:27,779 seen is different to the local community 590 00:26:25,259 --> 00:26:30,929 and these are things that I find really 591 00:26:27,779 --> 00:26:32,879 quite sad because that the diversity and 592 00:26:30,929 --> 00:26:34,679 and actually having these these 593 00:26:32,879 --> 00:26:38,879 additional heritage things are really 594 00:26:34,679 --> 00:26:41,759 nice and and quite quite good for myself 595 00:26:38,879 --> 00:26:45,149 personally I actually I heard Welsh as a 596 00:26:41,759 --> 00:26:47,519 child and nun and I always knew I grew 597 00:26:45,149 --> 00:26:50,279 up with speaking English but there were 598 00:26:47,519 --> 00:26:51,839 always sort of elements of Welsh put 599 00:26:50,279 --> 00:26:55,710 into the English as well like we knew 600 00:26:51,839 --> 00:26:57,440 Qaeda gag shut your mouth you know 601 00:26:55,710 --> 00:26:59,849 lovely lovely little things like that 602 00:26:57,440 --> 00:27:04,320 like the Irish people that learn point 603 00:26:59,849 --> 00:27:05,429 Mahorn yeah gets my bum but they learn 604 00:27:04,320 --> 00:27:06,450 all it's one of the first things that 605 00:27:05,429 --> 00:27:10,769 you learn right how'd you learn Irish 606 00:27:06,450 --> 00:27:12,149 and but the there are other things that 607 00:27:10,769 --> 00:27:14,969 motivate you learning languages I mean 608 00:27:12,149 --> 00:27:16,979 you know even in my later stages of 609 00:27:14,969 --> 00:27:19,249 language learning when I had who has 610 00:27:16,979 --> 00:27:21,599 language lists that they want to learn 611 00:27:19,249 --> 00:27:23,669 all right [ __ ] room isn't it's a 612 00:27:21,599 --> 00:27:25,919 great audience for this and you've got 613 00:27:23,669 --> 00:27:27,559 like Burmese you got more so just 614 00:27:25,919 --> 00:27:30,029 because you can say it 615 00:27:27,559 --> 00:27:32,369 Zulu all these fantastic languages that 616 00:27:30,029 --> 00:27:35,750 you'll probably not learn but you dream 617 00:27:32,369 --> 00:27:39,370 of it and never in my wildest dream 618 00:27:35,750 --> 00:27:43,130 did I ever put Macedonia on the list and 619 00:27:39,370 --> 00:27:45,380 because of this this last reason it's 620 00:27:43,130 --> 00:27:49,160 like one of the best languages that I 621 00:27:45,380 --> 00:27:53,150 speak and just because yeah not now my 622 00:27:49,160 --> 00:27:55,510 family is half Macedonian and and we use 623 00:27:53,150 --> 00:28:00,080 it at home and we use it all the time 624 00:27:55,510 --> 00:28:01,520 the road ahead so the first one is the 625 00:28:00,080 --> 00:28:03,800 hardest the first language so anybody 626 00:28:01,520 --> 00:28:05,030 out there are notes like in this room 627 00:28:03,800 --> 00:28:07,160 it's like preaching to the converted 628 00:28:05,030 --> 00:28:08,630 right but there are people that look on 629 00:28:07,160 --> 00:28:10,250 this on YouTube look at the video and 630 00:28:08,630 --> 00:28:13,310 they're struggling with the first 631 00:28:10,250 --> 00:28:14,900 language and I think bear in mind the 632 00:28:13,310 --> 00:28:16,820 first one is is often the hardest one to 633 00:28:14,900 --> 00:28:18,320 learn and people often come to you and 634 00:28:16,820 --> 00:28:24,020 say well isn't it really easy after that 635 00:28:18,320 --> 00:28:26,000 and yes it is no it isn't it is because 636 00:28:24,020 --> 00:28:27,050 once you've learned one you can imagine 637 00:28:26,000 --> 00:28:30,320 what it's like to speak another language 638 00:28:27,050 --> 00:28:32,690 and I think that mindset and that 639 00:28:30,320 --> 00:28:34,850 ability to to consider what it is to 640 00:28:32,690 --> 00:28:39,020 speak another language stays with you 641 00:28:34,850 --> 00:28:40,190 then for further learning and the other 642 00:28:39,020 --> 00:28:41,570 thing that's really important when you 643 00:28:40,190 --> 00:28:43,970 learn a language is language bridges 644 00:28:41,570 --> 00:28:47,420 created so when you go through the 645 00:28:43,970 --> 00:28:49,940 process again grammatical terms often 646 00:28:47,420 --> 00:28:51,980 repeat themselves or have similarities 647 00:28:49,940 --> 00:28:54,530 you can you can sort of associate things 648 00:28:51,980 --> 00:28:56,360 better we go back to the vocabulary it 649 00:28:54,530 --> 00:28:59,150 doesn't seem as vast anymore I've learnt 650 00:28:56,360 --> 00:29:00,950 French now I'm going to Spanish oh okay 651 00:28:59,150 --> 00:29:04,040 it's quite a lot of words here are the 652 00:29:00,950 --> 00:29:06,230 same or even if you go to Turkish and I 653 00:29:04,040 --> 00:29:11,420 found lots and lots of French words in 654 00:29:06,230 --> 00:29:12,230 Turkish so what the hell and the same in 655 00:29:11,420 --> 00:29:14,600 Russian you know you get all these 656 00:29:12,230 --> 00:29:17,440 French words that go through because 657 00:29:14,600 --> 00:29:21,740 it's it was a it was the English of 658 00:29:17,440 --> 00:29:23,990 before English times right it was French 659 00:29:21,740 --> 00:29:26,240 so it's permeated all of these different 660 00:29:23,990 --> 00:29:29,120 societies in different ways and and it 661 00:29:26,240 --> 00:29:30,440 really helps my advice is always if 662 00:29:29,120 --> 00:29:32,780 you're a native English speaker learn 663 00:29:30,440 --> 00:29:34,280 French it helps you with English it 664 00:29:32,780 --> 00:29:37,010 helps you understand English literature 665 00:29:34,280 --> 00:29:39,260 it helps you to expand your vocabulary 666 00:29:37,010 --> 00:29:40,580 without having to work very hard because 667 00:29:39,260 --> 00:29:42,230 you have French and you have a better 668 00:29:40,580 --> 00:29:43,910 vocabulary in your own native tongue and 669 00:29:42,230 --> 00:29:45,800 it's one of the reasons I chose French 670 00:29:43,910 --> 00:29:47,900 as a native language for my daughter as 671 00:29:45,800 --> 00:29:49,020 well because I knew that it would be 672 00:29:47,900 --> 00:29:53,520 really important 673 00:29:49,020 --> 00:29:54,809 and taking on new languages so when you 674 00:29:53,520 --> 00:29:56,100 when you've got all of this you've got 675 00:29:54,809 --> 00:29:58,890 this new mindset you've got all these 676 00:29:56,100 --> 00:30:00,570 links and bridges from the new language 677 00:29:58,890 --> 00:30:02,750 that you've learned then you don't feel 678 00:30:00,570 --> 00:30:05,340 so scared to take on a new language and 679 00:30:02,750 --> 00:30:08,390 you can also pretend that you're no 680 00:30:05,340 --> 00:30:08,390 longer a native English speaker 681 00:30:08,420 --> 00:30:14,880 an interesting thing actually on this 682 00:30:10,970 --> 00:30:17,429 link to some of the cultural things we 683 00:30:14,880 --> 00:30:20,490 talked about in the UK my wife and I 684 00:30:17,429 --> 00:30:23,640 were in Scotland I was working on the 685 00:30:20,490 --> 00:30:28,410 Antarctic Treaty and we went to a 686 00:30:23,640 --> 00:30:30,000 restaurant and the the the guy working 687 00:30:28,410 --> 00:30:32,790 there I came over to take our order and 688 00:30:30,000 --> 00:30:34,170 he had he had a strong accent and at 689 00:30:32,790 --> 00:30:36,270 that time Polish people only started 690 00:30:34,170 --> 00:30:37,950 arriving into the UK so we weren't 691 00:30:36,270 --> 00:30:40,740 really clear we hadn't really been 692 00:30:37,950 --> 00:30:43,920 following you know the immigration that 693 00:30:40,740 --> 00:30:45,330 was to follow and I think Poland only 694 00:30:43,920 --> 00:30:48,050 been here for a little bit of time so it 695 00:30:45,330 --> 00:30:50,910 was anything possible to come over and 696 00:30:48,050 --> 00:30:52,890 the guy was speaking this Slavic accent 697 00:30:50,910 --> 00:30:55,710 my wife and I was speaking in Macedonian 698 00:30:52,890 --> 00:30:57,600 and we said excuse me where are you from 699 00:30:55,710 --> 00:31:00,090 because we thought maybe there's a 700 00:30:57,600 --> 00:31:04,200 chance he's from the Balkans and he went 701 00:31:00,090 --> 00:31:06,540 and from Croatia had thought of Brad 702 00:31:04,200 --> 00:31:08,490 there modulo the Givaudan joaquina 703 00:31:06,540 --> 00:31:13,530 janosh gone we can speak our language 704 00:31:08,490 --> 00:31:18,090 and he just looked horrified as Annie 705 00:31:13,530 --> 00:31:20,070 went and then Alan had also mish-mosh 706 00:31:18,090 --> 00:31:21,090 died over well caught you what we 707 00:31:20,070 --> 00:31:23,220 couldn't understand why didn't 708 00:31:21,090 --> 00:31:24,630 understand this Croatian guy was like we 709 00:31:23,220 --> 00:31:26,490 were speaking in the language why can't 710 00:31:24,630 --> 00:31:27,870 you understand us and at first we 711 00:31:26,490 --> 00:31:32,520 thought maybe we were standing too 712 00:31:27,870 --> 00:31:34,470 serbian so we know have we crossed some 713 00:31:32,520 --> 00:31:37,050 sort of line etiquette boundary here 714 00:31:34,470 --> 00:31:40,860 that we shouldn't be doing with okay we 715 00:31:37,050 --> 00:31:43,440 didn't use the infinitive sorry and but 716 00:31:40,860 --> 00:31:44,820 we we had soon started to realize this 717 00:31:43,440 --> 00:31:49,610 guy didn't understand the word we were 718 00:31:44,820 --> 00:31:49,610 saying anywhere actually I'm from Poland 719 00:31:49,690 --> 00:31:54,679 and then it clicked and we went why did 720 00:31:52,669 --> 00:31:56,719 you say you were from Croatia because 721 00:31:54,679 --> 00:32:00,979 because I get less negative reactions if 722 00:31:56,719 --> 00:32:03,589 I say I'm from Croatia than Poland yeah 723 00:32:00,979 --> 00:32:04,909 and you can you can use this trick but 724 00:32:03,589 --> 00:32:07,909 make sure you speak the language that's 725 00:32:04,909 --> 00:32:09,559 kind of the moral of story so if you go 726 00:32:07,909 --> 00:32:11,440 to a new country and you want to say I 727 00:32:09,559 --> 00:32:13,729 don't speak English you want to pretend 728 00:32:11,440 --> 00:32:17,959 just what one of my tricks 729 00:32:13,729 --> 00:32:19,489 was always I'd go I don't understand and 730 00:32:17,959 --> 00:32:20,719 then they just get they got to get 731 00:32:19,489 --> 00:32:21,979 nervous about their own level of English 732 00:32:20,719 --> 00:32:25,070 and then turn back to their native 733 00:32:21,979 --> 00:32:27,099 language there's a really good trick by 734 00:32:25,070 --> 00:32:29,269 the way it works really well you go 735 00:32:27,099 --> 00:32:30,289 strain and then they may repeat it once 736 00:32:29,269 --> 00:32:35,329 or twice now if you do it three times 737 00:32:30,289 --> 00:32:36,950 ago oh my god my English is crap should 738 00:32:35,329 --> 00:32:39,649 maybe stay with the language that he's 739 00:32:36,950 --> 00:32:42,109 trying to speak to me instead but make 740 00:32:39,649 --> 00:32:43,579 sure you can speak hit me if you can and 741 00:32:42,109 --> 00:32:52,419 they happen to speak the language that 742 00:32:43,579 --> 00:32:54,559 you claim to be a native of ich and so 743 00:32:52,419 --> 00:32:56,149 if this is going to go for there we go 744 00:32:54,559 --> 00:32:58,429 there's a lovely little thing I like 745 00:32:56,149 --> 00:32:59,749 this I like bridges there they're a nice 746 00:32:58,429 --> 00:33:01,159 little thing to add on 747 00:32:59,749 --> 00:33:02,719 I thought pictures would make you 748 00:33:01,159 --> 00:33:07,359 interested in what I was saying was 749 00:33:02,719 --> 00:33:09,619 boring okay so multilingual vs. polyglot 750 00:33:07,359 --> 00:33:11,599 does anybody else make this distinction 751 00:33:09,619 --> 00:33:13,190 nowadays for me these has changed in my 752 00:33:11,599 --> 00:33:14,929 head so anybody else make the 753 00:33:13,190 --> 00:33:18,950 distinction anymore you make 754 00:33:14,929 --> 00:33:21,079 distinctions yeah for me the 755 00:33:18,950 --> 00:33:24,109 multilingual is the Luxembourgish person 756 00:33:21,079 --> 00:33:26,690 who has had to speak three four 757 00:33:24,109 --> 00:33:28,099 languages through necessity they go to 758 00:33:26,690 --> 00:33:29,809 kindergarten in Luxembourgish than they 759 00:33:28,099 --> 00:33:31,159 do primary secondary school in French 760 00:33:29,809 --> 00:33:32,899 German German French whichever way 761 00:33:31,159 --> 00:33:34,459 around the duets and they learn English 762 00:33:32,899 --> 00:33:35,809 because everyone learns English and they 763 00:33:34,459 --> 00:33:37,429 may learn a foreign language like 764 00:33:35,809 --> 00:33:39,769 they've got the largest number of 765 00:33:37,429 --> 00:33:42,019 immigrants from Portugal in anywhere 766 00:33:39,769 --> 00:33:43,729 else in Europe outside Portugal and in 767 00:33:42,019 --> 00:33:45,200 Luxembourg I believe that wasn't a 768 00:33:43,729 --> 00:33:47,539 statistic ten years ago when I first 769 00:33:45,200 --> 00:33:49,459 learnt it and I'm sticking with it it's 770 00:33:47,539 --> 00:33:51,619 a good one so they may have a home 771 00:33:49,459 --> 00:33:52,729 language like Portuguese or Serbian 772 00:33:51,619 --> 00:33:56,389 there's quite a lot of Serbian speakers 773 00:33:52,729 --> 00:33:58,159 that moved over during the war and so 774 00:33:56,389 --> 00:33:59,839 they have four or five languages just 775 00:33:58,159 --> 00:34:02,179 without starting but does that make them 776 00:33:59,839 --> 00:34:03,650 particularly a polyglot in the way we 777 00:34:02,179 --> 00:34:06,410 think of polyglots in all 778 00:34:03,650 --> 00:34:08,120 online community well the question I 779 00:34:06,410 --> 00:34:13,310 asked a minute ago who hears from 780 00:34:08,120 --> 00:34:14,810 Luxembourg no one answered and I think 781 00:34:13,310 --> 00:34:16,399 there is one there's one person that I 782 00:34:14,810 --> 00:34:18,950 have met called Christine I think her 783 00:34:16,399 --> 00:34:20,330 name is who is from Luxembourg and is in 784 00:34:18,950 --> 00:34:22,970 the community but I don't come across 785 00:34:20,330 --> 00:34:25,070 them very often and I think because for 786 00:34:22,970 --> 00:34:26,990 me polyglot doesn't just mean speaking 787 00:34:25,070 --> 00:34:29,300 languages and people often ask how many 788 00:34:26,990 --> 00:34:31,000 languages is it for me it's not the 789 00:34:29,300 --> 00:34:33,500 amount of languages per se 790 00:34:31,000 --> 00:34:35,450 yes it's speaking more than maybe one or 791 00:34:33,500 --> 00:34:37,970 two but beyond that is it really 792 00:34:35,450 --> 00:34:41,060 important no it's actually this 793 00:34:37,970 --> 00:34:43,760 deliberate action going forward and 794 00:34:41,060 --> 00:34:46,220 picking languages and learning them that 795 00:34:43,760 --> 00:34:48,700 is what a polyglot is for me it's 796 00:34:46,220 --> 00:34:52,240 somebody who does this deliberately and 797 00:34:48,700 --> 00:34:52,240 for no apparent reason 798 00:34:53,050 --> 00:35:04,760 yeah am I right or am i right 799 00:34:56,380 --> 00:35:07,360 haha so we see people like these you 800 00:35:04,760 --> 00:35:12,470 know natural multi linguist from America 801 00:35:07,360 --> 00:35:13,750 you know professor aguas our very own 802 00:35:12,470 --> 00:35:19,940 Alex 803 00:35:13,750 --> 00:35:20,390 Benny Inman ola you did because Germany 804 00:35:19,940 --> 00:35:21,890 as well 805 00:35:20,390 --> 00:35:23,600 pretty monolingual country you learn a 806 00:35:21,890 --> 00:35:24,890 bit of English but you don't always 807 00:35:23,600 --> 00:35:26,810 learn the languages so for me these like 808 00:35:24,890 --> 00:35:29,120 all these countries count it's not just 809 00:35:26,810 --> 00:35:31,270 about english-speaking countries who 810 00:35:29,120 --> 00:35:34,130 knows who that is 811 00:35:31,270 --> 00:35:37,760 yeah Hungarian Katherine yeah 812 00:35:34,130 --> 00:35:39,020 hunger Hungaria hungry is also one of 813 00:35:37,760 --> 00:35:42,230 those countries where they tend just to 814 00:35:39,020 --> 00:35:46,670 speak Hungarian right but these are the 815 00:35:42,230 --> 00:35:52,090 people err Tim yeah there we go she's 816 00:35:46,670 --> 00:36:00,010 there at the back Lindsey at Lucca noses 817 00:35:52,090 --> 00:36:04,430 Steve Suzanna David its - Jay yeah oli 818 00:36:00,010 --> 00:36:06,380 Mike Campbell and Donovan and these are 819 00:36:04,430 --> 00:36:10,330 all people from pretty monolingual 820 00:36:06,380 --> 00:36:11,740 backgrounds and yeah they may have 821 00:36:10,330 --> 00:36:14,770 had languages a little bit younger they 822 00:36:11,740 --> 00:36:16,150 may not but these people all went on to 823 00:36:14,770 --> 00:36:17,320 do something incredible with learning 824 00:36:16,150 --> 00:36:19,570 lots and lots of languages these are 825 00:36:17,320 --> 00:36:22,150 just examples that I chose randomly 826 00:36:19,570 --> 00:36:24,460 because of you know they're known in the 827 00:36:22,150 --> 00:36:26,470 community and they're their faces that 828 00:36:24,460 --> 00:36:29,770 you will instantly recognize and maybe 829 00:36:26,470 --> 00:36:31,090 attach a meaning to straightaway but I 830 00:36:29,770 --> 00:36:33,940 could equally have used a number of 831 00:36:31,090 --> 00:36:43,270 faces in this room and have the same 832 00:36:33,940 --> 00:36:45,900 effect so really that is me and I'm 833 00:36:43,270 --> 00:36:45,900 happy yes 834 00:37:12,880 --> 00:37:17,420 okay let's take another country as an 835 00:37:15,829 --> 00:37:19,279 idea instead of Luxembourg because they 836 00:37:17,420 --> 00:37:21,439 do education in in a number of languages 837 00:37:19,279 --> 00:37:22,999 so if anybody didn't hear that the 838 00:37:21,439 --> 00:37:24,160 argument was whether or not there are 839 00:37:22,999 --> 00:37:26,930 differences in levels between 840 00:37:24,160 --> 00:37:28,489 multilingual and polyglot so whether or 841 00:37:26,930 --> 00:37:30,529 not you would have a bilingual as a 842 00:37:28,489 --> 00:37:32,299 perfect bilingual I'm guessing you mean 843 00:37:30,529 --> 00:37:33,650 by this or a trilingual perfect 844 00:37:32,299 --> 00:37:35,660 trilingual or multilingual 845 00:37:33,650 --> 00:37:39,799 and extension of that beyond these three 846 00:37:35,660 --> 00:37:41,689 languages and I think probably a better 847 00:37:39,799 --> 00:37:44,089 maybe maybe a better country to pick 848 00:37:41,689 --> 00:37:45,920 would be somewhere like India or some 849 00:37:44,089 --> 00:37:47,959 African countries as well where they 850 00:37:45,920 --> 00:37:49,130 will learn languages of people around 851 00:37:47,959 --> 00:37:52,549 but they'll learn them for different 852 00:37:49,130 --> 00:37:54,349 reasons it will be for business for just 853 00:37:52,549 --> 00:37:56,269 having a coffee trade whatever they 854 00:37:54,349 --> 00:37:57,529 doing they'll do it for different 855 00:37:56,269 --> 00:37:59,989 reasons so they don't need the same 856 00:37:57,529 --> 00:38:01,519 level in the language and they didn't 857 00:37:59,989 --> 00:38:02,929 means necessarily they can't necessarily 858 00:38:01,519 --> 00:38:05,539 say the same things in all of the 859 00:38:02,929 --> 00:38:08,900 languages either they may not even have 860 00:38:05,539 --> 00:38:12,229 one mother tongue that's very strong it 861 00:38:08,900 --> 00:38:13,609 may be a mixture of languages and this 862 00:38:12,229 --> 00:38:16,789 happens in a lot of places outside 863 00:38:13,609 --> 00:38:18,199 Europe and even in Europe as well I know 864 00:38:16,789 --> 00:38:20,660 people in in the Republic of Macedonia 865 00:38:18,199 --> 00:38:23,539 who who just go in a conversation 866 00:38:20,660 --> 00:38:25,429 between five languages and they do it 867 00:38:23,539 --> 00:38:27,199 because that's just the way they talk 868 00:38:25,429 --> 00:38:28,939 where they live because they'll mix 869 00:38:27,199 --> 00:38:30,619 Turkish in with Albanian with Macedonian 870 00:38:28,939 --> 00:38:32,719 with Serbian and then they may know a 871 00:38:30,619 --> 00:38:36,949 smattering of German and whatever else 872 00:38:32,719 --> 00:38:37,999 and but it's it's it's that's why I 873 00:38:36,949 --> 00:38:39,469 would say they were they are 874 00:38:37,999 --> 00:38:41,749 multilingual for me and there are 875 00:38:39,469 --> 00:38:45,019 different levels so I wouldn't make that 876 00:38:41,749 --> 00:38:47,029 distinction myself and if you talk about 877 00:38:45,019 --> 00:38:48,589 other languages like French Belanger 878 00:38:47,029 --> 00:38:50,119 everyone's belonging French if they 879 00:38:48,589 --> 00:38:53,509 speak about in three words of English 880 00:38:50,119 --> 00:38:55,069 they belong who I mean I remember people 881 00:38:53,509 --> 00:38:58,240 saying that all the time I teach younger 882 00:38:55,069 --> 00:39:01,010 let go my OC yeah 883 00:38:58,240 --> 00:39:05,320 okay so which one of your parents is 884 00:39:01,010 --> 00:39:08,240 from is from the UK oh no more clearly : 885 00:39:05,320 --> 00:39:12,680 okay so your you'll be lying you'll 886 00:39:08,240 --> 00:39:14,030 that'd be lying you and it's nothing 887 00:39:12,680 --> 00:39:16,850 nothing wrong with being belong in that 888 00:39:14,030 --> 00:39:19,010 way but it's a it's not all in English 889 00:39:16,850 --> 00:39:21,020 term bilingual it's not what we 890 00:39:19,010 --> 00:39:23,150 understand we understand and assume that 891 00:39:21,020 --> 00:39:25,160 it's a perfect bilingualism but actually 892 00:39:23,150 --> 00:39:26,360 even in even in these countries where it 893 00:39:25,160 --> 00:39:29,990 seems like a very good bilingualism 894 00:39:26,360 --> 00:39:32,540 almost perfect it doesn't take long to 895 00:39:29,990 --> 00:39:34,820 scratch the surface as a very competent 896 00:39:32,540 --> 00:39:38,480 fluent speaker of a language to see that 897 00:39:34,820 --> 00:39:40,670 it's not quite the reality even for the 898 00:39:38,480 --> 00:39:42,890 people that seem very very very 899 00:39:40,670 --> 00:39:45,380 bilingual there is often a stronger 900 00:39:42,890 --> 00:39:47,210 language in areas and it will it will do 901 00:39:45,380 --> 00:39:48,800 the same thing as happening in India or 902 00:39:47,210 --> 00:39:50,990 African countries where where this is 903 00:39:48,800 --> 00:39:54,320 the norm between tribes or between 904 00:39:50,990 --> 00:39:56,270 regions of the country for just general 905 00:39:54,320 --> 00:39:58,130 conversation but it will be be maybe a 906 00:39:56,270 --> 00:40:01,850 high educated level because they've 907 00:39:58,130 --> 00:40:06,800 studied maybe in all the languages okay 908 00:40:01,850 --> 00:40:09,070 I'm open to other questions as well yeah 909 00:40:06,800 --> 00:40:09,070 please 910 00:40:11,380 --> 00:40:20,990 hello hello and you said that mmm 911 00:40:18,170 --> 00:40:23,870 do you mind the second language was the 912 00:40:20,990 --> 00:40:25,430 most difficult and then after that it 913 00:40:23,870 --> 00:40:27,680 got easier 914 00:40:25,430 --> 00:40:29,930 I actually thought perhaps the third 915 00:40:27,680 --> 00:40:31,880 language was the challenge because this 916 00:40:29,930 --> 00:40:34,570 is the point at which you consolidate 917 00:40:31,880 --> 00:40:37,040 how to learn a language 918 00:40:34,570 --> 00:40:39,740 yeah I know what you're talking about 919 00:40:37,040 --> 00:40:43,160 and it's kind of went up when I said I 920 00:40:39,740 --> 00:40:46,310 kind of went ish and sort of winced a 921 00:40:43,160 --> 00:40:47,900 little bit because it's true that it's 922 00:40:46,310 --> 00:40:50,600 the first is the hardest in terms of 923 00:40:47,900 --> 00:40:52,160 that mental barrier of understanding how 924 00:40:50,600 --> 00:40:53,990 to speak and communicate in a different 925 00:40:52,160 --> 00:40:57,160 language and that's the one thing that 926 00:40:53,990 --> 00:41:01,400 you do you do once in terms of that 927 00:40:57,160 --> 00:41:02,960 mental flip but you're right and this 928 00:41:01,400 --> 00:41:05,120 happened to me when I started off with 929 00:41:02,960 --> 00:41:07,340 the Romance languages and that was my 930 00:41:05,120 --> 00:41:08,960 first group of languages and when I 931 00:41:07,340 --> 00:41:10,640 started learning Germanic languages I 932 00:41:08,960 --> 00:41:11,440 started Swedish from my first Germanic 933 00:41:10,640 --> 00:41:17,330 language 934 00:41:11,440 --> 00:41:18,800 naturally so I I had Swedish at 935 00:41:17,330 --> 00:41:19,550 university but I didn't have German at 936 00:41:18,800 --> 00:41:24,310 school at all 937 00:41:19,550 --> 00:41:27,920 I spoke no German until I was 22 and 938 00:41:24,310 --> 00:41:30,320 never studied it but Swedish I found 939 00:41:27,920 --> 00:41:32,200 more similar to English because of the 940 00:41:30,320 --> 00:41:34,610 structure and the way it was flowing and 941 00:41:32,200 --> 00:41:36,590 the the putting different article the 942 00:41:34,610 --> 00:41:39,380 end was a bit weird but it was more or 943 00:41:36,590 --> 00:41:41,869 less okay when I got to German and this 944 00:41:39,380 --> 00:41:43,940 whole flippin Lee the sentence round and 945 00:41:41,869 --> 00:41:45,170 putting verbs at the end of the sentence 946 00:41:43,940 --> 00:41:47,869 yeah we do it in English as well 947 00:41:45,170 --> 00:41:49,460 sometimes but in German the way of doing 948 00:41:47,869 --> 00:41:52,700 it was a bit of a mind flip 949 00:41:49,460 --> 00:41:54,470 and for me there was a real I felt I 950 00:41:52,700 --> 00:41:56,960 would describe it as a physiological 951 00:41:54,470 --> 00:42:00,200 change in my brain from the the Romance 952 00:41:56,960 --> 00:42:01,490 language set to the Germanic and once 953 00:42:00,200 --> 00:42:02,150 you go through that change there's no 954 00:42:01,490 --> 00:42:05,270 going back 955 00:42:02,150 --> 00:42:06,350 and so that's that's kind of what I'm 956 00:42:05,270 --> 00:42:08,720 getting out with the first ones the 957 00:42:06,350 --> 00:42:09,920 hardest because that going forwards and 958 00:42:08,720 --> 00:42:11,869 then not being able to go back from 959 00:42:09,920 --> 00:42:13,850 understanding that and and visualizing 960 00:42:11,869 --> 00:42:15,470 speaking in a language that's why I say 961 00:42:13,850 --> 00:42:17,720 it's the hardest but there's definitely 962 00:42:15,470 --> 00:42:19,520 struggles with each new family because 963 00:42:17,720 --> 00:42:23,359 there are new grow new ways of thinking 964 00:42:19,520 --> 00:42:25,400 that that change completely and you have 965 00:42:23,359 --> 00:42:26,660 to make that flip again interesting that 966 00:42:25,400 --> 00:42:28,220 you should mention German I think 967 00:42:26,660 --> 00:42:29,810 because that was actually my third 968 00:42:28,220 --> 00:42:31,760 language it's sort of like tasting from 969 00:42:29,810 --> 00:42:34,670 the tree of knowledge mm-hmm yeah yeah 970 00:42:31,760 --> 00:42:43,490 exactly yep 971 00:42:34,670 --> 00:42:46,040 thank you great presentation loved it 972 00:42:43,490 --> 00:42:47,780 thank you I wanted to ask you I'm not 973 00:42:46,040 --> 00:42:52,330 I'm definitely I'm Italian not a native 974 00:42:47,780 --> 00:42:54,830 English speaker and not Anna but I've 975 00:42:52,330 --> 00:42:56,660 lived there before I lived in Finland 976 00:42:54,830 --> 00:43:00,140 and now I've been living in Lavinia and 977 00:42:56,660 --> 00:43:02,090 I like this the concept of dominance 978 00:43:00,140 --> 00:43:03,859 that I use English you know to dominate 979 00:43:02,090 --> 00:43:05,840 conversation because both literally and 980 00:43:03,859 --> 00:43:08,540 finish are never strong but I also found 981 00:43:05,840 --> 00:43:11,150 out that Lithuanian and Finnish they're 982 00:43:08,540 --> 00:43:13,310 not used to people speaking their 983 00:43:11,150 --> 00:43:15,080 language as a second language so for 984 00:43:13,310 --> 00:43:17,780 them it's very awkward and when I try to 985 00:43:15,080 --> 00:43:19,820 learn Russian in Lithuanian for me was 986 00:43:17,780 --> 00:43:22,130 way easier to practice Russian because 987 00:43:19,820 --> 00:43:25,180 Russian as Italian I think they're used 988 00:43:22,130 --> 00:43:27,819 maybe to see other people 989 00:43:25,180 --> 00:43:30,790 struggling so themselves they're used to 990 00:43:27,819 --> 00:43:32,349 adapt in a way to somebody speaking 991 00:43:30,790 --> 00:43:36,040 their language as a second language so 992 00:43:32,349 --> 00:43:38,530 my question is what can we how can we 993 00:43:36,040 --> 00:43:40,450 help these societies maybe to open their 994 00:43:38,530 --> 00:43:42,190 eyes and to realize that look there are 995 00:43:40,450 --> 00:43:43,690 lots of people that would love to speak 996 00:43:42,190 --> 00:43:49,210 your language and what can you do 997 00:43:43,690 --> 00:43:51,809 natives - yeah this is really true as an 998 00:43:49,210 --> 00:43:55,839 English language native we're used to a 999 00:43:51,809 --> 00:43:57,099 huge wide variety of different accents 1000 00:43:55,839 --> 00:43:59,380 and people from different cultures 1001 00:43:57,099 --> 00:44:01,480 speaking our language so our air can 1002 00:43:59,380 --> 00:44:03,369 tune in and can adapt quite quickly and 1003 00:44:01,480 --> 00:44:04,480 a lot of other smaller countries where 1004 00:44:03,369 --> 00:44:06,460 they're not used to people learning the 1005 00:44:04,480 --> 00:44:08,589 language and I live in a country exactly 1006 00:44:06,460 --> 00:44:10,990 the same you know in the Republic of 1007 00:44:08,589 --> 00:44:13,240 Macedonia people didn't really study 1008 00:44:10,990 --> 00:44:15,490 Macedonian and it's it's there aren't 1009 00:44:13,240 --> 00:44:19,420 many that speak it well you know now 1010 00:44:15,490 --> 00:44:21,670 from abroad that come in and I remember 1011 00:44:19,420 --> 00:44:23,530 when I first went there and they that I 1012 00:44:21,670 --> 00:44:25,900 went to the school to try and learn 1013 00:44:23,530 --> 00:44:27,609 Macedonian that way to have proper 1014 00:44:25,900 --> 00:44:28,900 lessons and they went yeah we've we've 1015 00:44:27,609 --> 00:44:30,670 taught really successfully beyond the 1016 00:44:28,900 --> 00:44:33,040 basics we've got this American guys been 1017 00:44:30,670 --> 00:44:36,309 over two years he's fantastic but he 1018 00:44:33,040 --> 00:44:38,260 calls we don't stand a word he says but 1019 00:44:36,309 --> 00:44:42,069 it's because it's because of the accent 1020 00:44:38,260 --> 00:44:43,540 how you can combat that it's tough it's 1021 00:44:42,069 --> 00:44:45,220 this is one of the reasons why I wanted 1022 00:44:43,540 --> 00:44:46,450 to make this presentation because I know 1023 00:44:45,220 --> 00:44:49,240 it will go on YouTube but I know that 1024 00:44:46,450 --> 00:44:50,500 within the community people will see it 1025 00:44:49,240 --> 00:44:52,480 and they'll understand this struggle and 1026 00:44:50,500 --> 00:44:55,630 it's taking the time to be patient and 1027 00:44:52,480 --> 00:44:58,329 listening to it and sometimes I find it 1028 00:44:55,630 --> 00:45:00,549 quite hard to understand why a native 1029 00:44:58,329 --> 00:45:02,890 can't bend their ear a little bit to 1030 00:45:00,549 --> 00:45:07,329 understand but it's it does seem to be 1031 00:45:02,890 --> 00:45:08,829 something that's pre-programmed and how 1032 00:45:07,329 --> 00:45:11,500 you would do it I think is just with 1033 00:45:08,829 --> 00:45:13,990 with actually making people more aware 1034 00:45:11,500 --> 00:45:15,609 that this is okay to do and and and 1035 00:45:13,990 --> 00:45:17,440 getting more used to people learning the 1036 00:45:15,609 --> 00:45:20,049 minority languages and you as a 1037 00:45:17,440 --> 00:45:21,880 foreigner living in Lithuania speaking 1038 00:45:20,049 --> 00:45:23,710 to more people in Lithuanian so that 1039 00:45:21,880 --> 00:45:25,630 then because you are an ambassador for 1040 00:45:23,710 --> 00:45:27,400 foreigner speaking Lithuanian when you 1041 00:45:25,630 --> 00:45:29,799 learn any language you will then an 1042 00:45:27,400 --> 00:45:31,660 ambassador for a foreigner learning that 1043 00:45:29,799 --> 00:45:34,420 language and that's how you need to see 1044 00:45:31,660 --> 00:45:35,799 yourself so don't get scared when they 1045 00:45:34,420 --> 00:45:36,359 reply to you in English or in another 1046 00:45:35,799 --> 00:45:41,299 language 1047 00:45:36,359 --> 00:45:44,249 that you may speak just you know be 1048 00:45:41,299 --> 00:45:47,730 important as you say just carry on and 1049 00:45:44,249 --> 00:45:49,039 and and and you know and actually stand 1050 00:45:47,730 --> 00:45:55,589 by what you're trying to do and 1051 00:45:49,039 --> 00:45:57,239 represent represent so hi 1052 00:45:55,589 --> 00:45:59,670 Richard thank you for the go talk I 1053 00:45:57,239 --> 00:46:01,559 would like to dig into a little bit 1054 00:45:59,670 --> 00:46:03,269 about this distinction between Multi 1055 00:46:01,559 --> 00:46:05,130 multi lingual and polyglots 1056 00:46:03,269 --> 00:46:08,009 and we've had this conversation before I 1057 00:46:05,130 --> 00:46:11,609 self identify as a multi lingual I call 1058 00:46:08,009 --> 00:46:14,249 it accident or polyglots but I like it 1059 00:46:11,609 --> 00:46:18,150 but for the sake of clarity I would call 1060 00:46:14,249 --> 00:46:20,700 them circumstantial language or 1061 00:46:18,150 --> 00:46:24,180 circumstantial polyglot or intentional 1062 00:46:20,700 --> 00:46:27,480 polyglot and I find as a circumstantial 1063 00:46:24,180 --> 00:46:30,390 polyglot I would love to be intentional 1064 00:46:27,480 --> 00:46:32,609 polyglot and from from what I've heard 1065 00:46:30,390 --> 00:46:35,640 from many intentional polyglots how they 1066 00:46:32,609 --> 00:46:37,079 managed to become poly or how sorry how 1067 00:46:35,640 --> 00:46:38,759 intentional polyglots managed to become 1068 00:46:37,079 --> 00:46:41,309 in terms of public polyglots is they 1069 00:46:38,759 --> 00:46:42,839 check themselves into being 1070 00:46:41,309 --> 00:46:45,210 circumstantial polyglots you know they 1071 00:46:42,839 --> 00:46:47,940 create environment but they create this 1072 00:46:45,210 --> 00:46:49,259 as it includes the the things that you 1073 00:46:47,940 --> 00:46:51,029 mentioned yourself you know these are 1074 00:46:49,259 --> 00:46:54,359 all the different reasons people learn 1075 00:46:51,029 --> 00:46:55,950 languages so I think maybe the the 1076 00:46:54,359 --> 00:46:57,829 distinction really isn't that clear and 1077 00:46:55,950 --> 00:47:00,869 there's a lot of back and forth between 1078 00:46:57,829 --> 00:47:02,730 yeah the two domains oh I agree that 1079 00:47:00,869 --> 00:47:05,249 this isn't a clear distinction it's just 1080 00:47:02,730 --> 00:47:08,819 something I perceive and I wanted to 1081 00:47:05,249 --> 00:47:11,130 express in a public way because I this 1082 00:47:08,819 --> 00:47:12,869 is a shift in in my thinking 1083 00:47:11,130 --> 00:47:14,819 more recently actually a process in the 1084 00:47:12,869 --> 00:47:16,559 last year or so I started making this 1085 00:47:14,819 --> 00:47:19,079 distinction in my head and I think it 1086 00:47:16,559 --> 00:47:22,109 comes from people asking am i a polyglot 1087 00:47:19,079 --> 00:47:24,029 and probably yeah there's probably a 1088 00:47:22,109 --> 00:47:25,829 crossover it's like when people talk 1089 00:47:24,029 --> 00:47:28,859 about being as agnostic theist and 1090 00:47:25,829 --> 00:47:32,690 atheist you can actually be an agnostic 1091 00:47:28,859 --> 00:47:32,690 theist and an agnostic atheist 1092 00:47:32,930 --> 00:47:38,940 it's not it's not one of the other it's 1093 00:47:36,299 --> 00:47:41,430 it's all and I think probably this may 1094 00:47:38,940 --> 00:47:43,170 fit into that kind of category of you 1095 00:47:41,430 --> 00:47:47,160 could be a polyglot multilingual 1096 00:47:43,170 --> 00:47:48,239 polyglot why not you I said there's one 1097 00:47:47,160 --> 00:47:49,980 person from Luxembourg who would 1098 00:47:48,239 --> 00:47:52,530 probably I would define as that 1099 00:47:49,980 --> 00:47:55,830 a natural multilingual because of 1100 00:47:52,530 --> 00:47:59,400 environment because of heritage who then 1101 00:47:55,830 --> 00:47:59,880 also went on to learn other languages hi 1102 00:47:59,400 --> 00:48:02,700 Richard 1103 00:47:59,880 --> 00:48:04,140 hello this behind him thank you so much 1104 00:48:02,700 --> 00:48:07,260 for this presentation I wanted to ask 1105 00:48:04,140 --> 00:48:09,150 you since I'm a native English speaker 1106 00:48:07,260 --> 00:48:11,520 from America and there's several of us 1107 00:48:09,150 --> 00:48:14,700 in the room now which is great I think 1108 00:48:11,520 --> 00:48:17,160 it's amazing I was wondering if you have 1109 00:48:14,700 --> 00:48:19,470 experienced or if you'd like could share 1110 00:48:17,160 --> 00:48:21,930 with us any psychological boundaries or 1111 00:48:19,470 --> 00:48:23,490 like obstacles you faced being a native 1112 00:48:21,930 --> 00:48:26,940 English speaker because I know for 1113 00:48:23,490 --> 00:48:28,859 Americans there's a reputation around 1114 00:48:26,940 --> 00:48:30,510 the world for being either unable or 1115 00:48:28,859 --> 00:48:32,850 unwilling to learn other languages and 1116 00:48:30,510 --> 00:48:34,350 so it kind of comes to my mind every now 1117 00:48:32,850 --> 00:48:35,730 and then like while you're American so 1118 00:48:34,350 --> 00:48:37,440 you're supposed to have these problems 1119 00:48:35,730 --> 00:48:42,450 have you experienced anything like that 1120 00:48:37,440 --> 00:48:44,460 um yeah kind of I suffer the thing that 1121 00:48:42,450 --> 00:48:46,980 I think many of us native English 1122 00:48:44,460 --> 00:48:48,450 speakers suffer and that you take this 1123 00:48:46,980 --> 00:48:50,730 time and you make this effort to learn 1124 00:48:48,450 --> 00:48:52,650 languages but actually the picking the 1125 00:48:50,730 --> 00:48:55,470 language is very difficult because 1126 00:48:52,650 --> 00:48:58,740 there's not always a natural language to 1127 00:48:55,470 --> 00:49:00,990 pick and it doesn't matter how many you 1128 00:48:58,740 --> 00:49:02,190 pick you'll still learn a native English 1129 00:49:00,990 --> 00:49:04,530 speaker when you go to the country that 1130 00:49:02,190 --> 00:49:06,810 you don't speak the language of and you 1131 00:49:04,530 --> 00:49:09,960 still feel lazy and you still feel that 1132 00:49:06,810 --> 00:49:11,640 you're representing a stereotype and I 1133 00:49:09,960 --> 00:49:13,830 definitely feel that as well when I go 1134 00:49:11,640 --> 00:49:16,800 to like when I go to hungry and I just 1135 00:49:13,830 --> 00:49:19,350 know like you know a few words and I 1136 00:49:16,800 --> 00:49:21,119 feel are why can't I just become Gareth 1137 00:49:19,350 --> 00:49:22,170 but then you think like I can't do this 1138 00:49:21,119 --> 00:49:25,200 in every single country in the world 1139 00:49:22,170 --> 00:49:26,760 either that's to me one psychological 1140 00:49:25,200 --> 00:49:29,310 barrier potentially not what you were 1141 00:49:26,760 --> 00:49:30,660 getting out with your question but one 1142 00:49:29,310 --> 00:49:33,300 of the things that for me is is an 1143 00:49:30,660 --> 00:49:36,210 important thing sort of linked to that 1144 00:49:33,300 --> 00:49:36,780 idea in terms of people people's 1145 00:49:36,210 --> 00:49:39,630 reactions 1146 00:49:36,780 --> 00:49:41,400 yeah I've certainly had like in the 1147 00:49:39,630 --> 00:49:43,980 Netherlands when I lived there first six 1148 00:49:41,400 --> 00:49:46,530 months were very hard for speaking Dutch 1149 00:49:43,980 --> 00:49:49,410 because I didn't have the vocabulary to 1150 00:49:46,530 --> 00:49:50,820 say everything I wanted and I didn't 1151 00:49:49,410 --> 00:49:53,070 have maybe the right grammar and maybe 1152 00:49:50,820 --> 00:49:55,680 maxint was a bit off and I don't know I 1153 00:49:53,070 --> 00:49:58,140 mean I don't worry too much of accent to 1154 00:49:55,680 --> 00:50:01,349 be honest I like to go to be clear in my 1155 00:49:58,140 --> 00:50:05,420 pronunciation if I can and 1156 00:50:01,349 --> 00:50:08,539 but after the six-month period of people 1157 00:50:05,420 --> 00:50:13,170 constantly turning back to English and 1158 00:50:08,539 --> 00:50:15,839 it started to ease off but if ever I got 1159 00:50:13,170 --> 00:50:16,890 to a point where I went to buy tickets 1160 00:50:15,839 --> 00:50:19,470 or anything that I had to show my 1161 00:50:16,890 --> 00:50:22,229 passport to write my passport thing they 1162 00:50:19,470 --> 00:50:23,670 go oh yeah we're speaking in Dutch for 1163 00:50:22,229 --> 00:50:25,349 like half an hour about where I'm going 1164 00:50:23,670 --> 00:50:28,049 to fly to what I'm going to do and why 1165 00:50:25,349 --> 00:50:31,589 need it and they go oh show her you're 1166 00:50:28,049 --> 00:50:33,390 from United Kingdom yeah and they only 1167 00:50:31,589 --> 00:50:36,239 give manator long side leg needs the 1168 00:50:33,390 --> 00:50:37,739 hater and I can still speak Dutch 1169 00:50:36,239 --> 00:50:39,299 haven't forgot met just because I gave 1170 00:50:37,739 --> 00:50:41,190 you a passport and it says I'm British 1171 00:50:39,299 --> 00:50:46,319 does not mean I can no longer speak 1172 00:50:41,190 --> 00:50:48,239 Dutch and they went our sorry old so but 1173 00:50:46,319 --> 00:50:50,519 it's a natural thing that you get as a 1174 00:50:48,239 --> 00:50:52,559 native English speaker people like to 1175 00:50:50,519 --> 00:50:55,410 speak to native speakers it's just the 1176 00:50:52,559 --> 00:50:57,059 way it is I mean it's it's a rare thing 1177 00:50:55,410 --> 00:51:00,119 for a lot of people a lot of communities 1178 00:50:57,059 --> 00:51:01,859 so they go oh you're from the US or 1179 00:51:00,119 --> 00:51:02,940 you're from the UK you're from Australia 1180 00:51:01,859 --> 00:51:05,369 Wow we can practice English with 1181 00:51:02,940 --> 00:51:08,400 somebody who speaks it really well and 1182 00:51:05,369 --> 00:51:11,849 you know don't judge me on that could be 1183 00:51:08,400 --> 00:51:14,279 awful but it's it is an issue and I 1184 00:51:11,849 --> 00:51:16,529 think it's being polite and saying you 1185 00:51:14,279 --> 00:51:17,640 know yeah if you you know it's really 1186 00:51:16,529 --> 00:51:19,410 good you want to speak English it's 1187 00:51:17,640 --> 00:51:20,999 great you know what I really like your 1188 00:51:19,410 --> 00:51:22,950 language and I really like your culture 1189 00:51:20,999 --> 00:51:25,559 and I'd love to speak to you and 1190 00:51:22,950 --> 00:51:27,150 actually improve and most people are 1191 00:51:25,559 --> 00:51:28,799 actually quite nice when you say that 1192 00:51:27,150 --> 00:51:30,839 you know I've taken the time to come 1193 00:51:28,799 --> 00:51:32,579 here it's really nice if you could carry 1194 00:51:30,839 --> 00:51:35,369 on in your language that I can improve 1195 00:51:32,579 --> 00:51:37,890 and that's kind of what I do that's my 1196 00:51:35,369 --> 00:51:39,450 trick when I first go to a country even 1197 00:51:37,890 --> 00:51:43,079 if I know they speak better English than 1198 00:51:39,450 --> 00:51:44,219 I speak their language I don't think 1199 00:51:43,079 --> 00:51:46,680 that should be an issue I think it 1200 00:51:44,219 --> 00:51:47,489 should be a language etiquette thing and 1201 00:51:46,680 --> 00:51:49,499 that takes me back to the language 1202 00:51:47,489 --> 00:51:51,930 etiquette because I think that even if 1203 00:51:49,499 --> 00:51:56,279 people unaware of that to themselves you 1204 00:51:51,930 --> 00:51:57,299 can you know sort of passively show that 1205 00:51:56,279 --> 00:51:58,710 there's a language there to get here 1206 00:51:57,299 --> 00:52:01,499 this is the boundary I've come to your 1207 00:51:58,710 --> 00:52:03,960 country and and I've come for the for 1208 00:52:01,499 --> 00:52:06,869 the reason of learning your language so 1209 00:52:03,960 --> 00:52:11,309 therefore please do me that favor and 1210 00:52:06,869 --> 00:52:13,650 speak to me in your language hello hello 1211 00:52:11,309 --> 00:52:15,510 um this is relating to what you said 1212 00:52:13,650 --> 00:52:17,670 about language etiquette 1213 00:52:15,510 --> 00:52:20,390 one situation that always feels really 1214 00:52:17,670 --> 00:52:23,100 awkward to me is being on an airplane 1215 00:52:20,390 --> 00:52:25,800 especially if it's like a Japanese or 1216 00:52:23,100 --> 00:52:28,380 Chinese airline and everybody around me 1217 00:52:25,800 --> 00:52:30,240 is Asian and so of course the flight 1218 00:52:28,380 --> 00:52:33,150 attendants take one look at my face and 1219 00:52:30,240 --> 00:52:34,590 they speak to me in English this always 1220 00:52:33,150 --> 00:52:36,300 makes me feel just really awkward 1221 00:52:34,590 --> 00:52:38,370 because I don't want to be like you know 1222 00:52:36,300 --> 00:52:40,500 the foreigner on the plane 1223 00:52:38,370 --> 00:52:44,370 who needs to be spoken to in English and 1224 00:52:40,500 --> 00:52:47,670 my ex my instinct is to reply to them in 1225 00:52:44,370 --> 00:52:49,470 their language but at the same time I 1226 00:52:47,670 --> 00:52:51,360 don't want to make this person feel bad 1227 00:52:49,470 --> 00:52:52,980 you know feel like maybe their English 1228 00:52:51,360 --> 00:52:55,200 isn't good enough and I know you know 1229 00:52:52,980 --> 00:52:57,270 they're only doing their job it's only 1230 00:52:55,200 --> 00:52:59,190 natural for them to think that you know 1231 00:52:57,270 --> 00:53:02,550 I would prefer to speak English and so 1232 00:52:59,190 --> 00:53:04,580 I'm just wondering if you have any sort 1233 00:53:02,550 --> 00:53:07,410 of protocol for this type of situation 1234 00:53:04,580 --> 00:53:08,820 okay a good question I think of the very 1235 00:53:07,410 --> 00:53:10,080 short interactions and you know that 1236 00:53:08,820 --> 00:53:12,480 it's not going to be a comic become a 1237 00:53:10,080 --> 00:53:15,090 conversation depending on how confident 1238 00:53:12,480 --> 00:53:17,670 you feel or how uneasy you feel about 1239 00:53:15,090 --> 00:53:20,640 the situation you could do one of two 1240 00:53:17,670 --> 00:53:22,410 things just say okay I'm just going to 1241 00:53:20,640 --> 00:53:22,980 say something back in English and be 1242 00:53:22,410 --> 00:53:27,000 done with it 1243 00:53:22,980 --> 00:53:29,460 or you could say in English and then say 1244 00:53:27,000 --> 00:53:31,710 something nice like thank you or just a 1245 00:53:29,460 --> 00:53:34,800 couple of words in that language after 1246 00:53:31,710 --> 00:53:35,880 the English to show that you have an 1247 00:53:34,800 --> 00:53:39,900 awareness of their culture in their 1248 00:53:35,880 --> 00:53:42,090 language and that night spark and a 1249 00:53:39,900 --> 00:53:44,100 reaction in return that they say oh 1250 00:53:42,090 --> 00:53:46,350 you've learned some some Japanese or 1251 00:53:44,100 --> 00:53:48,450 you've learned some Chinese and that's 1252 00:53:46,350 --> 00:53:50,130 really nice and then you go then you say 1253 00:53:48,450 --> 00:53:51,870 oh yeah I studied it over Beauvoir and 1254 00:53:50,130 --> 00:53:53,820 they may it may spark a tiny 1255 00:53:51,870 --> 00:53:56,460 conversation in those situations it's 1256 00:53:53,820 --> 00:53:58,650 unlikely to spark a huge dialogue 1257 00:53:56,460 --> 00:53:59,970 because it's it's a plane ride right and 1258 00:53:58,650 --> 00:54:01,260 they've got a job to do and they're 1259 00:53:59,970 --> 00:54:03,450 doing their job to the best of their 1260 00:54:01,260 --> 00:54:05,670 ability and if they went up to some 1261 00:54:03,450 --> 00:54:09,120 every every every person on the plane 1262 00:54:05,670 --> 00:54:10,680 white who was white or or black and just 1263 00:54:09,120 --> 00:54:13,440 randomly spoke to them in Chinese or 1264 00:54:10,680 --> 00:54:15,170 Japanese they probably make more enemies 1265 00:54:13,440 --> 00:54:18,630 than friends 1266 00:54:15,170 --> 00:54:20,760 do you like what the hell you know and 1267 00:54:18,630 --> 00:54:23,160 it is the language of the sky English is 1268 00:54:20,760 --> 00:54:25,350 used in the sky so they're trained to 1269 00:54:23,160 --> 00:54:27,390 make the announcements in English so 1270 00:54:25,350 --> 00:54:28,280 there's kind of that mindset going on in 1271 00:54:27,390 --> 00:54:33,830 that space 1272 00:54:28,280 --> 00:54:35,660 pick environment but that's what I yeah 1273 00:54:33,830 --> 00:54:39,260 but that's not I mean it's a natural 1274 00:54:35,660 --> 00:54:40,430 thing to do right I mean were the only 1275 00:54:39,260 --> 00:54:42,680 sort of language is where you wouldn't 1276 00:54:40,430 --> 00:54:45,140 do that as English because anyone can be 1277 00:54:42,680 --> 00:54:47,510 British anyone can be American 1278 00:54:45,140 --> 00:54:50,450 it doesn't really depend on your outward 1279 00:54:47,510 --> 00:54:53,660 appearance because we're all mixed right 1280 00:54:50,450 --> 00:54:57,170 but but how many white Japanese people 1281 00:54:53,660 --> 00:55:00,470 do you see you just don't you just don't 1282 00:54:57,170 --> 00:55:01,880 come across them it's it's not it's not 1283 00:55:00,470 --> 00:55:06,020 them yeah there we go got one in the 1284 00:55:01,880 --> 00:55:09,890 back there but you you don't get that 1285 00:55:06,020 --> 00:55:11,330 many and and so it's it's fair it's fair 1286 00:55:09,890 --> 00:55:14,090 enough today I mean I get that every day 1287 00:55:11,330 --> 00:55:16,060 pretty much in the Balkans people look 1288 00:55:14,090 --> 00:55:19,010 at me and I'm too white to be Balkan I 1289 00:55:16,060 --> 00:55:21,500 am I mean you know it's like I went 1290 00:55:19,010 --> 00:55:23,330 round with and I'm sure Danny won't mind 1291 00:55:21,500 --> 00:55:24,800 me saying this but I went round Skokie 1292 00:55:23,330 --> 00:55:28,340 with Danny Ferguson and Danny Ferguson 1293 00:55:24,800 --> 00:55:30,020 as as black as I am white and and we 1294 00:55:28,340 --> 00:55:33,770 went round and it was like the circus 1295 00:55:30,020 --> 00:55:35,750 had come to town ha ha ha everyone's 1296 00:55:33,770 --> 00:55:39,980 heads were turning who are these people 1297 00:55:35,750 --> 00:55:41,870 and then you know we started speaking in 1298 00:55:39,980 --> 00:55:46,190 Serbian which freaked them out even more 1299 00:55:41,870 --> 00:55:49,520 ha ha these policemen went speaking 1300 00:55:46,190 --> 00:55:53,810 Serbian what's going on the world's gone 1301 00:55:49,520 --> 00:55:56,210 crazy but it was late time's up returned 1302 00:55:53,810 --> 00:55:59,510 yeah sorry yeah we have to finish oh 1303 00:55:56,210 --> 00:56:02,290 sorry ok I can't see where you are okay 1304 00:55:59,510 --> 00:56:02,290 okay 1305 00:56:04,690 --> 00:56:07,900 thank you