0:00:00.000,0:00:05.620 ♪ [music] ♪ 0:00:09.090,0:00:13.210 - [Alex] We turn now to the second[br]of our invisible hand properties, 0:00:13.390,0:00:20.160 the balance of industries. 0:00:20.160,0:00:21.160 We're also going to look 0:00:21.160,0:00:23.160 at the gales[br]of creative destruction. 0:00:23.160,0:00:24.580 Invisible hand property[br]number one says 0:00:24.580,0:00:27.580 that the production[br]of any given quantity of a good 0:00:27.580,0:00:32.479 will be allocated[br]across the firms in that industry 0:00:32.659,0:00:35.750 in a way that minimizes[br]total costs. 0:00:35.750,0:00:38.750 But the question is,[br]how much should be produced 0:00:38.750,0:00:39.750 in each industry? 0:00:39.750,0:00:42.420 So invisible hand property[br]number one says, 0:00:42.420,0:00:43.670 if we're going to be producing[br]200 bushels of wheat 0:00:43.670,0:00:46.820 then we could be rest assured 0:00:46.820,0:00:49.010 that if we have[br]a competitive market -- 0:00:49.010,0:00:52.010 those 200 bushels will be allocated[br]across the different firms 0:00:52.010,0:00:54.980 in a way that minimizes[br]total industry cost. 0:00:54.980,0:00:55.980 But should we be producing[br]200 bushels of wheat, 0:00:55.980,0:00:57.980 or 500 or 1000? 0:00:57.980,0:01:04.110 How should wheat be compared[br]with corn or automobiles or books? 0:01:04.290,0:01:07.950 It's the second question 0:01:07.950,0:01:10.950 about how the production of goods[br]are balanced across industries 0:01:10.950,0:01:17.230 that invisible hand property[br]number two is all about. 0:01:17.410,0:01:19.340 In order to maximize[br]the value of resources, 0:01:19.340,0:01:22.340 we want each industry[br]to produce the right quantity, 0:01:22.340,0:01:25.670 not too much wheat[br]and not too little wheat, 0:01:25.670,0:01:28.670 but just the right amount. 0:01:28.670,0:01:32.970 And entry or exit is what ensures 0:01:32.970,0:01:35.970 that labor and capital[br]move across industries 0:01:35.970,0:01:37.540 so the production[br]is optimally balanced 0:01:37.540,0:01:40.540 and the greatest use[br]is made of our limited resources. 0:01:40.540,0:01:45.870 And here to show this[br]we actually don't need to use 0:01:46.050,0:01:47.240 any more techniques, 0:01:47.240,0:01:50.240 we just need to sort of reinterpret[br]some of the things 0:01:50.240,0:01:53.090 which we've already done. 0:01:53.090,0:01:54.090 Let's take a look. 0:01:54.090,0:01:56.090 Profit is the signal that allocates[br]capital and labor across industries 0:01:56.090,0:02:03.440 in just such a way[br]that maximizes total value. 0:02:03.620,0:02:04.930 So remember, if price is bigger[br]than average cost, 0:02:04.930,0:02:07.930 that means that profits[br]are above normal. 0:02:07.930,0:02:10.400 Now what does[br]above normal profit mean? 0:02:10.400,0:02:13.400 It means that the output[br]of this industry 0:02:13.400,0:02:15.362 is worth more than the inputs. 0:02:15.362,0:02:18.362 The profit signal is saying[br]we want more of this good. 0:02:18.362,0:02:22.312 This good is worth more[br]than the labor and capital 0:02:22.312,0:02:26.441 being used to create this good,[br]therefore produce more of it. 0:02:26.441,0:02:32.120 So the profit signals[br]and incentivizes capital and labor 0:02:32.300,0:02:36.040 to enter this industry, 0:02:36.040,0:02:39.040 that is to move[br]from a low value industry 0:02:39.040,0:02:41.600 to a high value industry. 0:02:41.600,0:02:44.600 Similarly, if price[br]is less than average cost, 0:02:44.600,0:02:46.570 that means profits[br]are below normal. 0:02:46.570,0:02:49.570 That means that[br]output in this industry 0:02:49.570,0:02:54.960 is worth less than the inputs. 0:02:54.960,0:02:57.960 So the loss signal is saying:[br]we want less of this good. 0:02:57.960,0:03:01.570 Loss signals and incentivizes[br]capital and labor 0:03:01.570,0:03:02.570 to exit the industry, 0:03:02.570,0:03:04.570 that is to move[br]from a low value industry 0:03:04.570,0:03:09.460 where there are losses 0:03:09.460,0:03:12.460 to a high[br]or a higher value industry. 0:03:12.460,0:03:15.800 Because of this entering[br]and exiting, 0:03:15.800,0:03:18.800 the profit rate[br]in all competitive industries 0:03:18.800,0:03:22.360 tends towards the same level. 0:03:22.360,0:03:25.360 And that is what balances production[br]across all industries 0:03:25.360,0:03:28.590 to maximize the total value[br]of production. 0:03:28.590,0:03:31.590 If profit were higher[br]in one industry than in another, 0:03:31.590,0:03:36.020 that says that the output[br]of that industry is worth more, 0:03:36.200,0:03:39.130 therefore we should have[br]more of that good. 0:03:39.130,0:03:42.130 And that's exactly[br]what the entry signal does 0:03:42.130,0:03:45.010 and the same thing[br]is true for exit. 0:03:45.010,0:03:48.010 Let's discuss some implications 0:03:48.010,0:03:49.400 of following these[br]profit and loss signals. 0:03:49.400,0:03:52.400 First, the elimination principle. 0:03:52.400,0:03:58.295 Above normal profits[br]are eliminated by entry 0:03:58.295,0:04:00.000 and below normal profits[br]are eliminated by exit. 0:04:00.000,0:04:03.000 So resources are always[br]tending to move 0:04:03.000,0:04:05.768 towards an increase[br]in the value of production 0:04:05.768,0:04:08.180 and entrepreneurs here are key. 0:04:08.180,0:04:11.180 It's entrepreneurs[br]who move resources 0:04:11.180,0:04:14.790 from unprofitable industries[br]towards profitable industries. 0:04:14.790,0:04:17.790 Another implication of this[br]is that above normal profits 0:04:17.790,0:04:20.962 are always temporary. 0:04:20.962,0:04:23.962 To earn above normal profits, 0:04:23.962,0:04:25.635 you've got to do[br]something different. 0:04:25.635,0:04:28.635 You have to innovate. 0:04:28.635,0:04:33.110 Joseph Schumpeter,[br]the great Austrian economist, 0:04:33.110,0:04:34.110 was very eloquent[br]on the importance of innovation 0:04:34.110,0:04:36.800 in a capitalist economy. 0:04:36.800,0:04:40.050 He said in the textbooks[br]we say what competition is. 0:04:40.230,0:04:42.420 It's all about pushing prices[br]down to average cost 0:04:42.420,0:04:45.420 and creating normal profits. 0:04:45.420,0:04:47.630 But, “In capitalist reality 0:04:47.630,0:04:50.630 as distinguished[br]from its textbook picture, 0:04:50.630,0:04:52.310 the kind of competition that counts 0:04:52.310,0:04:55.310 is competition[br]from the new commodity, 0:04:55.310,0:04:57.460 the new technology,[br]the new source of supply, 0:04:57.460,0:05:00.460 the new type of organization… 0:05:00.460,0:05:02.270 [competition] which strikes[br]not at the margins 0:05:02.270,0:05:05.270 of the profits and the outputs[br]of the existing firms 0:05:05.270,0:05:11.720 but at their very foundations[br]and their very lives. 0:05:11.900,0:05:15.210 This process of creative destruction 0:05:15.210,0:05:18.210 is the essential fact[br]about capitalism.” 0:05:18.210,0:05:22.010 Great statement[br]from Joseph Schumpeter. 0:05:22.010,0:05:25.010 Now the invisible hand is marvelous[br]but it's not miraculous. 0:05:25.010,0:05:27.820 The invisible hand works[br]when we have certain institutions. 0:05:27.820,0:05:30.820 It doesn't always work. 0:05:30.820,0:05:34.170 In particular,[br]the invisible hand will not work 0:05:34.170,0:05:37.170 if prices do not accurately[br]signal cost and benefits. 0:05:37.170,0:05:41.570 If prices don't accurately[br]signal cost and benefits, 0:05:41.750,0:05:46.010 we won't get an optimal balance[br]between industries. 0:05:46.190,0:05:48.730 And later on when we come[br]to talk about externalities, 0:05:48.730,0:05:51.730 we'll present certain situations 0:05:51.730,0:05:54.860 when prices aren't going[br]to be signaling accurately. 0:05:54.860,0:05:57.860 Second, the invisible hand[br]works best 0:05:57.860,0:05:59.550 when markets are competitive. 0:05:59.550,0:06:02.550 When markets are not competitive, 0:06:02.550,0:06:03.720 when we have monopoly[br]and oligopoly, 0:06:03.720,0:06:06.720 this isn't going to work as well. 0:06:06.720,0:06:10.090 And we'll be talking more[br]about this in future chapters 0:06:10.270,0:06:15.270 but you can get the right idea[br]by thinking about the following. 0:06:15.270,0:06:18.270 Monopolists and oligopolists[br]will earn above normal profits 0:06:18.270,0:06:19.960 but entry won't[br]push those profits down. 0:06:19.960,0:06:22.960 That's why they're monopolists[br]and oligopolists -- 0:06:22.960,0:06:26.210 because entry isn't working. 0:06:26.210,0:06:29.210 Because those profits[br]aren't pushed down, 0:06:29.210,0:06:34.380 we'll have too little[br]of that profitable good produced. 0:06:34.560,0:06:39.500 We'll be talking more about this[br]in future chapters. 0:06:39.680,0:06:41.900 Again this is just[br]a little bit of a reminder 0:06:41.900,0:06:42.900 that the invisible hand requires[br]a certain set of institutions 0:06:42.900,0:06:44.900 in order for it to work. 0:06:44.900,0:06:47.530 So just to summarize, 0:06:47.530,0:06:50.530 invisible hand property one says[br]that the P = MC condition 0:06:50.530,0:06:54.720 results in the minimization[br]of total industry costs. 0:06:54.900,0:06:58.550 Invisible hand property two[br]is that entry and exits result 0:06:58.550,0:07:01.550 in the best use[br]of our limited resources. 0:07:01.550,0:07:06.900 The elimination principle says that[br]above normal profits are temporary, 0:07:07.080,0:07:08.620 and indeed to earn[br]above normal profits 0:07:08.620,0:07:09.620 a firm must innovate. 0:07:09.620,0:07:11.620 And this is where the importance[br]of creative destruction 0:07:11.620,0:07:16.460 for a capitalist economy comes from. 0:07:16.640,0:07:18.090 If you really want to profit a lot 0:07:18.090,0:07:21.090 you've got to do[br]something different. 0:07:21.090,0:07:22.090 You've got to bring[br]something new to the table. 0:07:22.090,0:07:24.400 You have to bring in innovation. 0:07:24.400,0:07:26.000 - [Narrator] If you want[br]to test yourself, 0:07:26.000,0:07:29.000 click “Practice Questions.” 0:07:29.000,0:07:35.700 Or, if you're ready to move on,[br]just click “Next Video.” 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 ♪ [music] ♪