♪ theme music ♪ (Derek) Welcome to Hope Sabbath School, an in-depth, interactive study of the Word of God. We're in the middle of a series on Ezra and Nehemiah, an ancient Jewish priest and a government official in Persia. And you say, "Derek, what could that have to do with us today?" God and the covenant today, but God wants to make a covenant with us, too. It's a new covenant and an everlasting covenant, that will change us, not only today but forever; so I'm excited about Hope Sabbath School today, God and the Covenant. I'm glad you joined us. And this has been a great series, hasn't it? (Team) Yes. (Derek) Fifth century B.C., a Jewish priest, inspired by the Holy Spirit, named Ezra, and a government official living in Persia - he was a Jew in exile by the name of Nehemiah, also guided by the Holy Spirit - write a record for us by the Holy Spirit today. It's exciting to know what God can do. And we're happy you're part of our Hope Sabbath School family wherever you are around the world. Here's a note from Mutale in Zambia. Lots of Hope Sabbath School members there. "Hi, Hope Sabbath School team." (Team) Hello! (Derek) "My name is Mutale. I've always enjoyed the discussions every day at my office before I start work in the morning." Begin the day with God, right? "May the good Lord Jesus continue to grant you good health so that you can reach many people around the world, even as God also helps you in your Christian journey." (Team) Amen. (Derek) "Let's be prayerful in these Last Days as believers. Pray for everyone so that God can take control. Amen." (Team) Amen. (Derek) Mutale, thanks for writing to us from Zambia, and I know there are many Hope Sabbath School members there. Carlos writes from Chile. I don't remember one from Chile, but I'm sure we've had some. Carlos says, "I just want to thank you, Hope Sabbath School team, for being there. I'm an English teacher in Chile," South America. "Let me tell you, watching Hope Sabbath School every Friday night has been a double blessing for me. I can study the Bible, listening to your beautiful English. Greetings to everyone, from Chile." Well, Carlos, thanks for writing to us, and I'm sure you're a great English teacher, but even more, to be a great man of God, right, a great woman of God, that you can bless students. Here's a note from Marcia in Jamaica. Long live Jamaica, Nicole. (Nicole) Long live. (Derek) All right. "Thank you, Hope Sabbath School. I watch your show to help me understand more about the Bible. Keep teaching and sharing God's Word so that Jesus can come soon." (Team) Amen. (Derek) Well, Marcia, a simple message from Jamaica, but we believe with all of our hearts what you said. Jesus is coming soon, and He wants us all to be ready. A donor writes from Oklahoma in the U.S., and I just want to say thank you to all of our donors; Hope Channel is a donor-supported ministry. "I love the program," the donor writes. "Young people are inspiring to me." They must be talking about the folks sitting there and not me, but I just want to say that we are excited to see young leaders taking their place in this ministry. "I'm 90 years old," writes the donor, "and I want you to know that you are an inspiration." Somebody smile and say Amen. (Team) Amen! (Derek) All right, praise God. You know, I know this donor. By the way, a gift for 20 dollars, and that may be a major donation when you're 90 years old. Thanks for being part of our ministry and for each one of you that supports this ministry. Last note, from Justina in the Bahamas. Justina writes and says, "Thank you, Hope Sabbath School team, for your explanation of the Word of God. I listen during the week so that I can receive a clear understanding of the Bible. Hope Sabbath School uplifts me and allows me more and more to understand God's faithfulness and His grace to me. I love you all. I look forward to the day when all of God's people will meet in His Kingdom. Please do not get weary in well-doing. Keep up the excellent work. I'm sure that God has a special reward for each one of you." And you know what the reward will be? To see each other there and to be with Jesus. (Team) Amen. (Derek) So, thanks, Justina, for writing to us from the Bahamas. And we'd love to hear from you. You can write to us at sshope@hopetv.org. And those email testimonies really do encourage us. Right now, though, we have a Scripture song to sing, taken from Psalm 25, a 3,000-year-old Scripture song. My wife put a happy tune to it, and we're going to sing it together right now. ♪ music ♪ (Derek) You know, as we were singing that song, it suddenly hit me that Jesus, as a young lad in Nazareth, might have sung those words. It was a thousand-year-old Scripture song written by the psalmist at that time, but Jesus memorized Scripture in song. He had these beautiful Psalms. Now, you say, "It's a different tune." I know; Maybe He'll hear us, "To You, O Lord," and He'll pause and say, "I know the words. Who wrote the tune?" But the Word of God is so powerful, isn't it? And I'm glad that you can sing along with us wherever you are around the world, that we can sing Scripture together, and we can be blessed. But right now we want to pray that God will guide us in our study. God and the Covenant is the title. God wants to make a covenant with us. Let's pray; Father in Heaven, we thank You that from these ancient writings of Ezra and Nehemiah, we can learn practical lessons for our lives today. And I pray that we would catch a glimpse of Your immeasurable and unfailing love, that we would catch a glimpse of all that You want to do for us, in us and through us. May lives be blessed today. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen. (Team) Amen. (Derek) Before we begin reading from the Scripture about God and the Covenant, someone give me a simple explanation, what is a covenant? Anybody. Brittany. (Brittany) It's an agreement between two or more people. (Derek) Okay, an agreement between two or more people. Jason, you want to add to that? (Jason) It often has a lot of emotional significance related to a relationship. (Derek) Certainly a well-known covenant in today's culture is? (Derek, Team) Marriage. (Derek) And unfortunately those covenants are not always kept, right? But it's an agreement. So, both people are consenting. Are they equal, the two parties? Sometimes, that's right; that's a good answer. Sometimes they're equal. Other times, for example, if a monarch and people are making decisions. Certainly God and us making a covenant together, we're not equal are we? But we're both agreeing, a covenant that is made. Let's go to Nehemiah, chapter 9, beginning with verse 36. And, Nicole, would you begin our study today? Verses 36 to 38. What is the setting for the people of God here during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah when they say, "We're going to renew our covenant with God"? (Nicole) So the New King James Version of Nehemiah 9:36-38 says: (Derek) So, what's the setting of making this new covenant? Where are we history-wise? Anybody? Travis? (Travis) They're prisoners in their own land. (Derek) That's an interesting way of describing it because they're not really prisoners in a jail, right? But they're in a very difficult situation. John? (John) So, this is shortly after the completion of the city walls of Jerusalem. They had been restored and rebuilt, but they were still under Persian rule at the time. (Derek) And how did all of that happen? Give me a little history, Stephanie. How did they end up in exile, and now they've come back from exile? Why do they go, "We need to renew our commitment to God"? (Stephanie) When they've gone away, when they were taken into captivity, it was because of their disobedience. (Derek) They had abandoned the covenant with God, right? Okay, and how long were they there? (Derek, Team) Seventy years. (Derek) And we're going to study about that because then they go, "You know, God promised we could come back." But as Travis pointed out, the first wave comes back under Zerubbabel. Another wave comes back under Ezra and Nehemiah, but things are not all well, right? So they are saying to themselves, "You know, we know what got our forefathers into trouble," abandoning the agreement with God, the covenant with God, "let's renew our covenant." Now, in chapter 10, you've got your Bible there, you'll notice in verses 1 through 27 what do you see, anybody? (Derek, Team) A list of names. (Derek) And I am not going to ask for you, Adison, to read that list. I'm sure you could, but why do you think the Holy Spirit inspired Nehemiah to write down all of those names? What do you think, Adison? (Adison) I think it was important because this covenant was not only for one individual and God, but it was a community thing. So, here we have an example of all these names being listed down, and so you can see that it was a community covenant between God and His people. (Derek) You've got Nehemiah there, certainly, right, and then you've got Zedekiah and Seraiah. I'm assuming, as the list is being written, that someone says...? (Team) "Me, too." (Derek) "Me, too," right, "add my name," right? Travis? (Travis) You know, when we sign agreements nowadays, we do that so there's accountability, so they can't go back and say, "Well, you know, I never said that." When you put something in writing, you know, it's an accountability, it's official. (Derek) So, back to the marriage or courting relationship, if someone says, "Well, I'd like to move in with you, but I'm not ready to make a formal agreement... (Evelyn) Commitment. (Derek) What would you say to them, Evelyn? (Evelyn) I would say you guys need to do it the way the Lord commands us to, I mean, to show commitment to one another. (Derek) That's true. Yes, Jason. (Jason) I would say that's kind of like cheating. You're trying to get the benefits of the situation without the commitment. (Derek) And the truth is, it won't work because there's no...? (Team) Commitment. (Derek) There's no commitment, right? Now, having listed these primary signers, I mean, we can think of other primary documents where there are the signers whose names are on there, let's take a look, Gladys, at verses 28 and 29, something that Nehemiah adds after that list of names. (Gladys) I'm reading from the New International Version, Nehemiah, chapter 10, verses 28 and 29: (Derek) So, what's the significance of that little add-on to the list of names? (Harold) Total commitment. (Derek) Total commitment. (Harold) It wasn't just the leaders because we can't forget the names listed in verses 1 through 27; these were the leaders, which actually they were supposed to teach and impart this message. But at the same time, the people, were like, "We want to be followers, too." (Derek) Right? The rest of the people. In fact, we find that phrase toward the end of verse 29, or verse 28, excuse me, "everyone who had knowledge and understanding." What does that mean? We had that when Ezra was reading, too, the Word, right? What does that mean? Even the little ones who could understand, right? They said, "Me, too, papa," "Me, too, mama, add my name to that list. I want to be named with the people of God who are making this covenant with God." So, like Harold said, it's, like, a total commitment, a total commitment. Now, how did the witness of the leaders influence the rest of the people? We don't know, do we? Is there a correlation sometimes, John, between the leader, even in a family, and where the family goes? (John) They often set the example, and they set the tone for the family or those that they are leading. (Derek) So, you've got two key leaders, namely Ezra and...? (Team) Nehemiah. (Derek) who are saying, "We're going to follow God. This is what God wants us to do. They both sacrificed in order to do that. Now the other leaders are coming, and now all of the people, a total commitment, "Let's make a covenant," make an agreement, "with God." Stephanie. (Stephanie) I guess, what came to my mind was that each person has to make their own individual commitment. So, even though the leaders are making the commitment, each individual also had to make their own commitment. (Derek) Now, it said, "those who have understanding." What about the tiny ones? How is their destiny determined, the ones without understanding yet? (Team) The parents. (Derek) It was the same in the time of Noah. It was the same, you know, you think of other times when people had decisions to make. The Exodus, you know, "Are we going to go out?" The little ones, they don't make that choice, do they? At that point, their destiny is very much impacted by the decision of their parents. It's a solemn responsibility, right? So, we're going to pause for a moment now. We've seen this important juncture, crossroads, for the people of God there in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, "We're going to renew our commitment, our covenant, with God." But there had been times down through sacred history when God has made covenants, or agreements, with people, and we're just going to take a moment to look at some of those. Some of them might seem massive, and some are rather small, but there are at least two people in the agreement, and they're both agreeing to it, and it has implications. So, anybody, give me some examples of other covenants. Anybody? Yes, Evelyn? (Evelyn) There's the covenant God had with Adam. (Derek) All right, let's look at that in the book of Genesis, chapter 3, a covenant with Adam. Again, a covenant is a what? (Team) An agreement. (Derek) It's an agreement, okay. So let's see, the words spoken in verse 15 are actually spoken to the serpent, but it is describing a covenant with the human family. So would you read verse 15 for us, and then also if you would add verse 21. (Evelyn) And I will be reading from the New Living Translation; it says: Verse 21 says: (Derek) So, what does that promise in verse 15, that God is not going to abandon the human family - He's making a promise to them, right, that He's going to provide a way of salvation for them - and verse 21, why are those two related? Help me, someone. John? (John) These are linked because verse 15 gives the promise of the Messiah to come, and here you have that they are clothed with skin. That means that there was a sacrifice that took place for them to receive skins or covering. (Derek) And that's not described there in chapter 3. In chapter 4, you've got Abel bringing the lamb. Cain, in rebellion, bringing some fruit from his garden. So obviously this idea of a lamb pointing forward all the way to the Lamb of God, Jesus, who will take away the sin of the world, had been explained to them. Now, did you ever think (my wife was sharing this with me just a few days ago), does that mean that God offered the first sacrifice to show them the cost and also the sign of looking forward? And if that's true, was that the first time in eternity that God had caused any form of death? That's a solemn thought, isn't it? And yet, the agreement is, if you trust My promise, I will save you, right? And not just you but your children. Well, we could spend a lot of time there. We may get a thousand emails; you go, "Really?" Or did God just tell Adam, "You kill the lamb'"? Maybe God told Adam? We'll hear from you. What do you think, by the way? It was certainly not within the heart of God to witness any death, was it? God wanted all things to be in perfect harmony. We'll get some emails, I'm sure. Yeah, I see you thinking. Gladys? (Gladys) Yes, the covenant that God made with Noah. (Derek) Okay, let's take a look at that. Of course, you know the story of Noah starts in Genesis 6, but let's take a look at Genesis 9. Perhaps you could read that for us, Gladys, verses 8 through 11. (Gladys) Sure, I'll be reading from the New International Version, Genesis 9, verses 8 to 11: (Derek) So, that's God part of the covenant, a promise, and He gives the sign of that with what? (Team) A rainbow. (Derek) So, what's their part of the covenant? What does He ask them to do to enter into it? (John) Trust Him. (Derek) To just trust Him, that's right. You say, "That's not very much," but actually it's the very essence, isn't it, of trusting in the immeasurable and unfailing love of God. One more, another covenant. Brittany. (Brittany) I think of Abraham when he was called Abram. God promised him that He would make his descendants like the stars of the sky. (Derek) When his name was Abram, and I'll have you read chapter 12 for us, of Genesis, 1 to 3, when his name was Abram, how many children did he have? (Team) None. (Derek) And how old was he at that time? Oh, can you remember that? Was he...? Seventy-five years old, right? Well, let's take a look, Brittany, in chapter 12, verses 1 to 3. And then we could look at many others, but I'm going to ask you what you've noticed they all have in common so far. (Brittany) I'll be reading from the New King James Version, Genesis, chapter 12, verses 1 through 3: (Derek) Now, that's a beautiful promise. By the way, if you look at the family tree of Jesus, get to Matthew, He's a son of Abraham, right? Because the, "In you, all the families of the earth will be blessed," is also...? A prophecy pointing forward to Messiah just like the lamb is a prophecy pointing forward to Messiah, right? "In you all the nations..." We have to look at one more, Moses, the covenant made with Moses and Israel. If someone could look in Exodus 19, verses 4 through 6. Exodus 19, Jason, if you could read verses 4 through 6, what does the Word say there? (Jason) I'll be reading from the New King James Version, Exodus, chapter 19, verses 4 through 6: (Derek) So, now God's making a covenant with Moses and...? All of Israel. What do you see that all of these covenants have in common? We could look at more, too, but what do you see that they have in common, Harold? (Harold) God is the Initiator. (Derek) Okay. (Harold) He starts the covenant. (Derek) Very important, God is the Initiator, and what's motivating Him? (Team) Love. (Derek) That's right. He doesn't need, like, "And I really need your help to build this city of...," whatever," you know, like the Egyptians, right. No, it's just motivated by love. He's like, "I want to bless you. Can we make an agreement?" In fact, all of the sacrifice is coming from Him. Anything else that you're noticing? John? (John) It appears that in each of the covenants, it's based on what God has done or will do, so, based on His actions and His doing. (Derek) So, trusting Him because we've seen what He's done in the past, maybe? Abram must have had some confidence in God's leading in his past. Nicole? (Nicole) It's all based on us trusting. He doesn't ask us to do anything. He said, "I'm going to do everything for you, if you can just trust Me and accept it, then that's the covenant." (Derek) It's almost like they're about to set off this nuclear explosion, "Here's the shelter; just come in," right? "My love has provided for you, just enter in." Harold? (Harold) I wanted to add that all these covenants have to do with a relationship. It's always about this relationship, entering this harmonious relationship with God, because the part, as it's been mentioned, is the trust. When you trust, you're willing to obey. You're like, "Oh, yes, I love You. I want to do this," because, again, I believe John said that we love Him because He first loved us. (Derek) That's right. So, we're going to go now to a beautiful statement of what is called the New Covenant, but it's another revelation of the immeasurable and unfailing love of God in Jeremiah, chapter 31, verses 31 to 34. Stephanie, if you could read that for us. (Stephanie) And I'll be reading from the King James Version: (Derek) Now, that expression, "They shall all know Me," what does that mean? Anybody know? The Hebrew understanding of that "knowing." Yes, Gladys. (Gladys) It's an intimate relationship. (Derek) That's right; it's actually the same word where Adam knew his wife, Eve, and she conceived and bore a child, right? So it's that close, intimate relationship, and that's God's ideal, for how many? (Team) For all of us. (Derek) Yeah, that everyone (we won't need to go and say...), that all will experience that intimate relationship. What do you hear different... The Lord Himself says, "This is not like the covenant I made with their fathers the day I brought them out of Egypt." What's different in this covenant, the wording of this New Covenant? Jason? (Jason) There is some description about putting the Law in their hearts and in their minds. And in the sort of previous covenant, there was a lot of external activity written down. And so there's something kind of happening more internal here, it seems. (Derek) Okay, yes, you're absolutely right. Let's expand on that a little. Travis? (Travis) I'd like to say that this New Covenant was based on God's promise to change us internally, like you said, but the first covenant was, "I promise, if you do this," and this promise was based just on God's promise, which never fails. Man failed in keeping the covenant, and God says, "I'm going to do something within you so that you can keep this covenant with me. (Derek) All right, so, again, more internal. Were there any other covenants that talked about, "I will forgive their iniquities and remember their sins no more"? (Team) No. (Derek) I suppose you could go back to Genesis and say that by trusting in the sacrifice. This is much more explicit, though, isn't it? "And I'm going to do something..."? "...in their hearts," right? "I'm going to change their hearts." So, what are your thoughts about God wanting to do that for you? Because that's not just written in the time of Jeremiah, right? That covenant is a covenant He wants to make with each one of us, right? Give me a new heart, forgive my sins, give me a new start, what are your thoughts about that? Yes, Alex. (Alex) It's just really humbling to me. I think of all the things that I've done to hurt Him, the things I still do to hurt Him, and that He wants to have a covenant with me, that He still wants to reach out to me to have it. (Derek) So, back to what we said earlier. Again, He's taking the initiative (always, right), and it's based on His...? (Team) Love. (Derek) His immeasurable, unfailing love. And Alex says that's kind of humbling because He knows me, right? Nicole? (Nicole) It's encouraging also, that, even when I fall, He's still there to pick me up, and He still wants to be with me. It's kind of self-esteem booster that this God of the universe wants little 'ole me to be in the covenant with Him. (Derek) And if it was a human being, you might say, "Well, that's because they don't really know me," right? But He does! John? (John) The terms of the covenant, and there are terms of agreement, and God says that He will complete them, so He's fulfilling those terms in our lives, and it's to us to receive and believe in. (Derek) All right. Adison? (Adison) I just love this concept, in part because that same Law that was written on the tables of stone, the Holy Spirit takes it, and He engraves it upon the tables of our hearts. And we find Christ's righteousness, not our own; He puts His righteousness on us. And I just think it's a tremendous gift. (Derek) And it's important to "rememberize," to remember ("rememberize," that's not an English word), to remember what Jesus said, that all of that Law He wants to write on our hearts is summarized in two great commandments, right? Because, remember, this is all about wanting an intimate love relationship with us, and those two great commandments, Jesus said, are...? (Team) Love God. (Derek) Love God how? With all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And love your neighbor...? (Team) As yourself. (Derek) It's in the context of that relationship. All right, Travis, how do you feel about, God's like, "I want to make this covenant with you"? (Travis) I just think that, when we look at the new covenant, it just shows how relentless God is, because He's doing something in us that we couldn't do ourselves. What God is doing to us is He's enabling us to be a part of His Kingdom, something that was just absolutely impossible within ourselves. And we got to see that through the Old Testament Scriptures. (Derek) I've been told that that's something about Judeo-Christian faith that is unique, because many religions have us trying to earn God's favor. You know, we beat ourselves, we walk on hot rocks, or put fish hooks in our back, or whatever, you know, to try to...or we offer chickens... to try to placate God or earn His favor. Here, we're seeing God take the initiative. And He loves us with an everlasting love. Now, one other aspect of covenant before we move on. The Bible also speaks about God wanting to make an everlasting covenant. Is that different from this new covenant we're talking about? Well, let's read two verses, and then you can give me the answer to that question. Hebrews 13, verses 20 and 21, Malaina, if you have that, you could read it for us, Hebrews, chapter 13, verses 20 and 21, and then someone could find Isaiah 55 and verse 3. (Malaina) I will be reading from the New King James Version, Hebrews, chapter 13, verses 20 through 21: (Derek) Amen. All right, "through the blood of the eternal covenant." Isaiah 55 and verse 3, someone have that already? Alex, do you have it already? Verse 3. (Alex) Okay, and I'll be reading from the King James Version: (Derek) So, is this the same covenant, or is it "Oh, that's a different one." The everlasting one is different from Jeremiah 31. What do you think? (Team) Same. (Derek) Same. So, why does God go out of His way to say "everlasting covenant," Stephanie? (Stephanie) That's really important because it is forever; it's down through the ages. It's His covenant that is sure. We know that it will be accomplished. (Derek) Because we said He takes the initiative, and it's based on what He...? (Team) Has promised. (Derek) And so by saying it's an everlasting covenant, He's saying, "I am the Lord, and I..."? (Stephanie) Change not. (Derek) "I change not." "I am the same..."? (Derek, Team) Yesterday, today and forever. (Derek) So, that gives us comfort. We ought to get a little happy, right? Praise God! He's not going to say, "You know, I thought about this, Alex. You're right; you don't deserve this covenant I'm making with you because I've noticed, in fact, I have a record of all of your failings." And you say, "Lord, have mercy." You say, "No, they've been washed away." But you know, to think that God is never going to come there and go, "I've changed My mind about this agreement with you." Everlasting covenant, someone says? (Team) Amen! (Derek) Gladys? (Gladys) I've been struggling with this, with the fact that, yes, God is love; He doesn't change, but what happened with Noah? He said that He regretted or resented making man? My husband asked me that this morning when we were reviewing this... (Derek) Okay. Well, how do you think God feels when we reject His offer of immeasurable and unfailing love and throw dirt in His face, so to speak? How does He feel about that? (Team) Hurt. It's painful. (Derek) It's heartbreaking for Him, right? I don't think He stopped loving those when He regretted. I think He wept over those who refused to come into the Ark, right? But He wants to make this everlasting covenant with us. He wants us to know that even when we are not trustworthy, He is trustworthy. Travis? (Travis) If anyone's ever had a child who has rebelled, I think that verse is really explained in that term, you know? Once you've experienced that, of course you love that child, but, boy, it just really brings sorrow to your heart, and it just tears you up inside. And you just get that feeling inside like, why? You know? But you would do anything for that child even yet, you know. (Derek) Sure. Sure. So, I have a question for you, and I want you to look with me in Joshua 24, [verses] 14 and 15. Can you make a decision for someone else to accept that immeasurable and unfailing offer of God's love? Well, before you say no, let's look at Joshua 24, 14 and 15, and maybe you're absolutely right. Maybe he talked to the family, and they said, "Me, too." And so he comes and says... Well, let's see what the text says. Joshua 24, Evelyn, do you have it there, verses 14 and 15. (Evelyn) I will be reading from the New Living Translation: (Derek) Amen? By the way, that is capitalized in my Bible; that's the name, Yahweh. That's the name of the Lord God, Creator of heaven and the earth. (John) His covenant name. (Derek) His covenant name, that's right. That's the agreement He's made with us. Now, Joshua says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." But you're saying you can't make that decision for your spouse, or, if you have children, for your children, for your siblings. So, what, what do you think, Jason? (Jason) Well, when you're a family relationship, particularly the marriage one, is a covenant, so when you have that covenant, you aren't making the individual choice for the person, but you're kind of setting the tone, like we said with the leaders, you're kind of setting the direction for the person. Ultimately, each of the individual family members have to make their own choice, but you can kind of set the stage which way it will go. (Derek) Yes. Remember that phrase, "those who have understanding," so, for all those that do, this would be a good time for a family council, right, and say, "As the mother," or, "As the father," "As the parent," some families only have one parent, some have two, "but this is my decision, and here's why I'm making my decision," and they say, "Mommy, we see that," or, "Daddy, we see that," or, "Mommy and daddy, we see that. Me, too!" So, no matter how young they are, if they have understanding, like it says in the text, they can say, "Me, too." And I think that's helpful. It's not like, you know, Joshua's dragging his family kicking and screaming, but they thought it through together, and he can come and say, "The decision of me and my family is we will serve the Lord." Anybody want to respond to that. Yes, Gladys? (Gladys) In a family, usually... I will say, for my family it's like that. When we were little, he always said, "In the morning, in my house we will have worship." So everyone who will come and visit, that's what we do in my house. So, I think that that's what the Lord represents. This is what He wants, to have that relationship, and the leader of the home, or the representative of the home, makes the decision, not forcing it on the family member, but kind of like being the representative of God in the home and bringing his family along. (Derek) Okay, and back to what we've talked about earlier, that list of names, and then it said, "and the..."? "Rest of the people," right? So it became a total commitment. But leadership is not unimportant, is it? That can have an influence. Well, let's talk about some of the promises now. We'll go back to Ezra and Nehemiah's time. They said, "We need to renew our covenant with God." Let's look at some of the promises that they made. John, would you read for us in Nehemiah, chapter 10, beginning with verse 29 through verse 38. And while John reads that, are they getting the most important things here? Maybe what is the most important promise that we make, let's think about that. But let's hear how they respond now. They're renewing their covenant with God. (John) From the New King James Version, it says: (Derek) So, that seems like a lot of details, yes? But it's all part of a ceremonial system which points to what? (Brittany) The Lamb of God. (Derek) To the Lamb of God who's coming and reflects the immeasurable and unfailing love of God. If, when we're doing all of that, we don't forget what it's pointing to and that God wants what kind of relationship with us? (Team) Intimate. (Derek) An intimate, loving, personal relationship with us, then it's okay. If we lose sight of that, then we're in trouble, right? Could that happen even in the twenty-first century? You know, we don't bring lambs and have grain offerings, right? We typically, when we come to worship, what are some things that we do when we come to worship? (Team) Praise. Sing. (Derek) We sing praise to God and we...? (Team Member) Pray. (Derek) And we pray, and...? (Nicole) Read the Bible. (Team Member) Give offering. (Derek) We give offerings, that's right; We read the Bible. We listen to someone teaching from the Scriptures, right? So there are things that we do, but we always need to remember when we come that it's all about what? (Team) Jesus. (Derek) It's all about God who loves us with a...? An immeasurable and unfailing love, wanting a...? (Team) Relationship. (Derek) A relationship with us. And, of course, as someone mentioned, He showed that most vividly and perfectly...? (Team) At the cross. (Derek) Through the coming of Jesus, who lived, died on the cross, rose again the third day, and has ascended to Heaven. He's ministering there in the heavenly sanctuary, and He's coming back soon. (Team) Amen! (Derek) We forget that if we think, "I went to church this week, did you?" We could miss the whole point, right? Promises are not bad. The Bible does tell us we should be careful about making promises to God. And so I'm going to read that, have someone read it from Ecclesiastes 5, and then I have an important question for you, and that is, what is the most important promise anyone can ever make to God? Okay? But let's look first in Ecclesiastes, which basically says, "Don't be careless in making promises to God." Ecclesiastes, chapter 5, and, Adison, could you read the first five verses, Ecclesiastes 5:1-5? (Adison) And I'll be reading from the King James Version: (Derek) So, what's the sacrifice of fools? Making rash promises without any intention of keeping them. Better not to say anything, right? So, we don't want to be careless, but there's at least one promise that God really wants us to make. What's the most important promise He wants us to make to Him? I don't know; is there a right answer to that? Or most important decision, I don't know. What do you think, Brittany? (Brittany) I think He wants us to give Him our whole heart and to promise to give it to Him every day the rest of our lives. (Derek) Can we do that? (Brittany) Only with His help. (Derek) Or can I promise to at least allow Him to enable me to do that? (Team) Yes. (Derek) You know, isn't there... I remember a prayer, "Take my heart, I cannot give it," you know? (Adison) Keep it pure. (Derek) Yeah, keep it pure. I mean, it's like, "God, here I am. I promise to be..."? (Team) Willing. (Derek) Willing. "I promise to be..."? (Derek, Team) Open. (Derek) "...to Your immeasurable and unfailing love. Your covenant with me. You know me, God," but can I promise that, "I will, by Your grace, never close myself up to You"? Yeah, "I promise to be open to You," most important promise. Can anybody think, either of that promise, a time when you made that promise to God, or an important promise you made to God? Anybody think of a time you made an important promise? Travis? (Travis) Yeah, it was a few years ago. I was in a tree reading a book... (Derek) What were you doing in a tree, Travis? (Travis) I was actually... (Derek) You mean, like Zacchaeus? (Travis) Actually that's the story that got my attention in the book I was reading, and I realized then and there that I wanted to live the rest of my life in ministry, working for Jesus. And I told Him, that's what I'll do. And I've had bumps along the way, but still going. (Derek) So, that promise was to just say, "God, take my heart, I cannot give it." I mean, "Here I am. I give myself to You; hold onto Me." Bumps along the way. Anybody else have a testimony? Jason and then John. (Jason) Towards the end of my collegiate experience, I was trying to figure out where I should go in life, and I was struggling with different opportunities and paths. And during that time, I had a conversation with God, and the conclusion of it was, "All right, Lord, I promise that whatever direction You show me, I'm going to go; do You want me to go to this school? Do you want me to go to this job?" And He ended up sending me to be a student missionary for a year before sending me on a career, and I know I needed to make that promise. I needed to open myself to God's will so that He could put me where He wanted to put me along the path that He had for my life. (Derek) And maybe you hadn't thought about the student missionary for a year, but God says, "As part of the plan, I need you to go here," which was where, by the way? (Jason) In Central America. (Derek) In Central America. All right. John. (John) In 2013 my wife was involved in an accident while she was jogging. A vehicle struck her from behind. She had been life-flighted to the nearest trauma center. A policeman showed up at my door with the police chaplain and told me about it. And during the hour-and-a-half drive to the hospital, not knowing her condition other than she was flown, and all these things going through my mind, I had made a promise to God that I will never doubt His goodness and love, regardless of the outcome. The promise was, "I'm going to serve You still." And I can praise God that she's restored fully, but I was going to serve God regardless. (Derek) Powerful. That's a Holy-Spirit-enabled promise, right, because the enemy says, "Curse God and die." But, "No, I will trust You still." That's kind of Job, isn't it? "No matter what happens, I'll trust in You." Well, God wants us to enter into that promise. What do you do... Maybe someone comes to you, and we don't have a lot of time, you're just going to have to quote the text for me, someone comes to you and says, "Derek, I made that promise up in the tree, but I had a bump along the way, and I feel like I broke my promise. I went out and I did something stupid after I had made a promise. I just wanted to follow Jesus no matter what." What would you say to that friend if she came to you and said, "I guess it didn't work out for me," Brittany? (Brittany) I think about the story of Peter and how he promised he would never leave Christ, and then Jesus said to him, "I'll pray for you, that even after your faith fails you, that you will come and return to Me." And Jesus said that to Him even before he failed. He said, "I'll be praying for you." And so that's something that we can remember. Jesus knows when we're going to fail; He knows when we're going to stumble, but He's still praying for us. He knows that we'll come back; He's giving us the opportunity to come back. (Derek) So there are stories, there are promises. Someone else in the Scripture that gives us hope? Gladys? (Gladys) Yes, I love the story of David when he fell, and in Psalm 51 he said, "A broken and contrite heart, You will not despise." So even when we fail, God doesn't. (Derek) I love those words in Psalm 51, verse 10, "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, or take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me..." (Derek, Team) "... the joy of Your salvation." (Derek) So it's coming back into that intimate relationship with a God who loves us how? With an immeasurable and unfailing love. You know, we cannot fail when we fall into the arms of a loving Savior; we can't. There's one last thought in our study. We've just got a couple of minutes left. Did you notice, talking about caring for the house of God. Go back to Nehemiah 10 and verse 39, at the end of this renewing of the covenant. Nehemiah makes this interesting record in chapter 10, Nehemiah, chapter 10, and verse 39. Brittany, would you read that verse for us? (Brittany) I'll be reading from the New King James Version, Nehemiah, chapter 10 and verse 39: (Derek) Why is that last phrase so important? Why is it important today, too, but let's go back there, "We will not neglect the house of our God"? Why is that important? God doesn't need that house, or does He? Why is it important that they said, "We're not going to neglect the house of our God"? Short answer, Travis. (Travis) Because that was the picture of salvation of the land that was going to be... (Derek) That is telling the story about a God who loves us with an immeasurable and unfailing love. Hyperspace forward to our time. What does that mean for us today? We'd say, "Okay, we're followers of Jesus, preparing for His soon return." How many does Jesus want to be saved in His Kingdom? (Team) All. (Derek) "We will not neglect the house of our God." What does that mean for us today? Stephanie? (Stephanie) I think it means showing up and being presently active. (Derek) Okay, so you'd say it's very physical, actually going and being active in what? (Stephanie) In ministry. (Derek) In, in...? (Stephanie) The ministry of the church. (Derek) In the ministry of the church, which is what, Harold? What is the ministry of the church? (Harold) To share the gospel. (Derek) That's right, to share the good news about a God who loves us with an immeasurable and unfailing love. Now, back then it took sacrifice, right? They brought their tithes; they brought their offerings. Does it require sacrifice today? (Team) Yes! (Derek) What kind of sacrifices? (Team Member) A living sacrifice. (Derek) A living sacrifice because, actually, while God does want us to return our faithful tithes and to honor Him with praise and prayer, what He wants more than anything is...? (Team) Our hearts. (Derek) He wants us, that living sacrifice that will love Him with all of our hearts and will go out and...? (Team) Share... (Derek) Share the good news about a God who loves us with an immeasurable and unfailing love. What we'll discover is that when we do that, out of the context of an intimate relationship with God, what's going to happen when we go out to share with people about a God who loves them? Out of the context of a life-changing relationship with God, what's going to happen? (Team) We'll be changed. (Derek) It's going to change lives, including...? (Team) Ours. (Derek) That's right. You know, when God asks us to do something, it's not just because He can't find anybody else. He could ask angels, but He wants us to experience his immeasurable and unfailing love as we join Him in His harvest work. We will not let it be said of us in this last generation, we will not neglect the house of our God. And that covenant that He initiated, that He will put His love in our hearts, right, His law in our hearts, embrace us in an intimate, life-changing relationship. Do you want that today? Every day that's a choice we can make. Every day, "Lord, I'm here, open to You." Let's pray; Father in Heaven, let that be each of our prayers, that we may see clearer and yet clearer revelations of your immeasurable and unfailing love, and that through us that love would be revealed to those around us. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen. (Team) Amen. (Derek) Someone else needs to konw that God loves her with an immeasurable and unfailing love. Someone else, maybe that you work with, needs to know that God loves him with an immeasurable and unfailing love. Take that good news and be a blessing to those around you. ♪ theme music ♪