What are some of the most subtle pitfalls and attacks from the devil that you can warn others about? Kevin: Well, of course, the devil's crafty. I think one of the pitfalls is taking Christians to an extreme. They go from one extreme to another all the time. As Lloyd-Jones said, it doesn't matter what extreme you're on, the devil's always at the end of it. People think a church is too big, so they go another extreme of: well, we're going to meet in a house. (incomplete thought) The other pitfall of the devil is "only-isms." What I mean is it has to do with getting out of balance. It's when they make minor things major things. Being a Christian or the essential thing is you've got to be home schooling, or you've got to be doing street evangelism, or it can be so many things, but it's not centered upon Christ. So I think definitely taking people to extremes; getting people out of balance is the big problem. Question: And personally, yourself, when you were saved - we're all fighting to be balanced - are there times you felt like you got off balance? And what happened to make you see you were getting off balance? Kevin: One thing that the Lord's always shown me and has been faithful when I have got off balance, normally by seeing people who are obviously Christians; godly men who have a different opinion from me and they're not off balance like me. And you start to realize, hang on a minute, there's maybe something wrong with me here. We've got to have that humility. I think of the examples when Jesus was exhausted by the well in John's Gospel there, and of course, His disciples went to get Him something to eat. And He's talking to that woman there and it led to her salvation and many others. But when His disciples came back, it says they couldn't understand why He was talking to a woman, let alone a Samaritan woman. But it also says they dared not question Him. You see, their conscience was going off, saying He shouldn't be doing that! Why is He doing that? But I think they'd learned enough about holiness to say, well, this guy's maybe a little more holy than me. I better keep my mouth quiet here. And that has really helped me when I'm with other brothers more mature over the years, and to realize maybe they know a bit more about holiness than me. (incomplete thought)