0:00:00.789,0:00:03.524 From early spring down to the autumn of the year, 0:00:03.524,0:00:05.438 A very sedate and contemplative man 0:00:05.438,0:00:07.568 had been accustomed to call upon me 0:00:07.568,0:00:10.912 in respect to his religious thoughts and anxieties. 0:00:10.912,0:00:14.160 At first, he seemed to have thoughts only, 0:00:14.160,0:00:17.471 but they ripened by degrees into anxieties. 0:00:17.471,0:00:20.347 He began by asking about theories or doctrines 0:00:20.347,0:00:22.711 apparently without any idea of 0:00:22.711,0:00:25.711 making an application of the truth to himself. 0:00:25.711,0:00:29.304 He had points of difficulty which he wished to have explained. 0:00:29.304,0:00:31.203 And then he found other points, 0:00:31.203,0:00:33.553 and these gradually changed in character 0:00:33.553,0:00:38.002 from abstract questions to those of the application of the truth. 0:00:38.002,0:00:42.389 From the first, I tried to lead him on to the personal application. 0:00:42.389,0:00:44.144 But months passed away before 0:00:44.144,0:00:46.394 he appeared to have much sense of his sin 0:00:46.394,0:00:49.506 or much anxiety about himself. 0:00:49.506,0:00:51.694 But he came to this, and after quite 0:00:51.694,0:00:54.124 a struggle of mind as it appeared to me, 0:00:54.124,0:00:57.770 to lead himself to believe in salvation by personal merit, 0:00:57.770,0:01:00.411 he gave that up. He said to me, 0:01:00.411,0:01:03.411 "I had become convinced that sinners are saved 0:01:03.411,0:01:05.459 not by their own goodness, 0:01:05.459,0:01:08.959 but because they are pardoned on account of Jesus Christ. 0:01:08.959,0:01:12.501 Faith in Him is the only way for them." 0:01:12.501,0:01:15.262 After this, I conversed with him several times 0:01:15.262,0:01:18.682 when he appeared to me to be not far from the Kingdom of God. 0:01:18.682,0:01:21.041 But, I was as often disappointed, 0:01:21.041,0:01:23.491 for he would come back to me again 0:01:23.491,0:01:26.648 in as much trouble and unbelief as before. 0:01:26.648,0:01:30.439 Again and again, I had answered all his inquiries, 0:01:30.439,0:01:32.757 teaching him out of the Scriptures, 0:01:32.757,0:01:35.917 had brought up to his mind all the doctrines of truth, 0:01:35.917,0:01:38.136 the divine promises and directions, 0:01:38.136,0:01:41.906 sin and salvation, but all in vain. 0:01:41.906,0:01:43.855 He had become very solemn 0:01:43.855,0:01:47.775 and seemed to be entirely candid and really in earnest. 0:01:47.775,0:01:50.550 His Bible had become his constant study. 0:01:50.550,0:01:52.500 He was a man of prayer. 0:01:52.500,0:01:57.102 He attended upon all our religious services with manifest interest. 0:01:57.102,0:02:01.251 He appeared to have a deep sense of his sin and danger, 0:02:01.251,0:02:04.195 but he had no hope in Christ. 0:02:04.195,0:02:08.478 I finally said to him one evening, "I do not know, my dear sir, 0:02:08.478,0:02:10.603 what more can be said to you. 0:02:10.603,0:02:12.993 I have told you all that I know. 0:02:12.993,0:02:14.828 Your state as a sinner lost, 0:02:14.828,0:02:17.828 exposed to the righteous penalty of God's law, 0:02:17.828,0:02:20.123 and having a heart alienated from God, 0:02:20.123,0:02:23.123 and the free offer of redemption by Christ, 0:02:23.123,0:02:25.678 and your instant duty to repent of sin 0:02:25.678,0:02:28.678 and give up the world and give God your heart, 0:02:28.678,0:02:29.909 and the source of your help 0:02:29.909,0:02:32.909 through the power of the Holy Spirit assured to you, 0:02:32.909,0:02:36.560 if you will receive Christ, all these things have become 0:02:36.560,0:02:39.560 as familiar to you as household words. 0:02:39.560,0:02:41.643 What more can I say? 0:02:41.643,0:02:44.643 I know not what more there is to be said. 0:02:44.643,0:02:50.409 I cannot read your heart. God can. And you can by His aid. 0:02:50.409,0:02:54.699 Some things you have said almost made me think you a Christian, 0:02:54.699,0:02:57.656 and others again have destroyed that hope. 0:02:57.656,0:03:00.226 I now put it to your own heart. 0:03:00.226,0:03:04.456 If you are not a Christian, what hinders you?" 0:03:04.456,0:03:09.426 He thought a moment. Said he, "I can't feel." 0:03:09.426,0:03:12.123 "Why didn't you tell me this before?" 0:03:12.123,0:03:14.753 "I never thought of it before, sir." 0:03:14.753,0:03:17.845 "How do you know this hinders you?"[br] 0:03:17.845,0:03:20.754 "I can think of nothing else, but I am sure 0:03:20.754,0:03:23.344 I shall never be converted to God 0:03:23.344,0:03:25.716 if I have no more feeling than I have now. 0:03:25.716,0:03:28.716 But that is my own fault. 0:03:28.716,0:03:30.999 I know you cannot help me." 0:03:30.999,0:03:35.227 "No, sir, I cannot. Nor can you help yourself. 0:03:35.227,0:03:38.817 Your heart will not feel at your bidding." 0:03:38.817,0:03:42.478 "What then can I do?" said he with much anxiety. 0:03:42.478,0:03:47.010 "Come to Christ now. Trust Him. Give up your darling world. 0:03:47.010,0:03:51.904 Repent, so iniquity shall not be your ruin." 0:03:51.904,0:03:55.152 He seemed perplexed, annoyed, vexed. 0:03:55.152,0:03:57.082 And with an accent of impatience, 0:03:57.082,0:04:00.569 such as I had never witnessed in him before, he replied, [br] 0:04:00.569,0:04:02.855 "That is impossible. I want the feeling 0:04:02.855,0:04:06.595 to bring me to that, and I can't feel." 0:04:06.595,0:04:10.231 "Hear me, sir," said I, "and heed well what I say. 0:04:10.231,0:04:12.231 I have several points: 0:04:12.231,0:04:17.013 One, the Bible never tells you that you must feel, 0:04:17.013,0:04:20.263 but that you must repent and believe. 0:04:20.263,0:04:23.937 Two, your complaint that you can't feel 0:04:23.937,0:04:26.937 is just an excuse by which your wicked heart 0:04:26.937,0:04:31.881 would justify you for not coming to Christ now. 0:04:31.881,0:04:35.891 Three, this complaint that you can't feel 0:04:35.891,0:04:38.891 is the complaint of a self-righteous spirit." 0:04:38.891,0:04:41.131 "How is it?" said he. 0:04:41.131,0:04:45.414 "Because you look to the desired feeling to commend you to God, 0:04:45.414,0:04:50.674 or to make you fit to come, or to enable you to come." 0:04:50.674,0:04:53.275 "Yes, to enable me," said he. 0:04:53.275,0:04:56.755 "Well, that is self-righteousness in the shape of 0:04:56.755,0:05:00.946 self-justification for not coming. 0:05:00.946,0:05:03.946 Or in the shape of self-reliance if you attempt to come. 0:05:03.946,0:05:08.761 That is all legalism and not the acceptance of gracious Christianity. 0:05:08.761,0:05:12.110 You cannot be saved by the Law. 0:05:12.110,0:05:17.300 Four, your complaint is the language of the most profound ignorance. 0:05:17.300,0:05:20.204 To feel would do you no good. 0:05:20.204,0:05:24.324 Devils feel. Lost spirits feel. 0:05:24.324,0:05:27.899 Five, your complaint that you can't feel 0:05:27.899,0:05:30.899 tends to lead you to a false religion. 0:05:30.899,0:05:34.310 A religion of mere self-righteous feeling. 0:05:34.310,0:05:36.360 Religion is duty. 0:05:36.360,0:05:40.166 "But sir," said he, "there is feeling in religion." 0:05:40.166,0:05:45.859 "But sir," said I, "there is duty in religion, and which shall come first? 0:05:45.859,0:05:47.988 You ought to feel. 0:05:47.988,0:05:49.668 You ought to love God 0:05:49.668,0:05:52.828 and grieve that you are such a senseless sinner." 0:05:52.828,0:05:55.212 "I know I am a sinner, but I can't feel 0:05:55.212,0:05:59.602 any confidence to turn to God, to draw me to Him." 0:05:59.602,0:06:02.371 "You are like the prodigal in the 15th of Luke 0:06:02.371,0:06:05.021 when he thought of saying to his father, 0:06:05.021,0:06:07.725 'make me as one of the hired servants.'" 0:06:07.725,0:06:11.114 "Poor fool, to say that to his father, 0:06:11.114,0:06:14.634 why the very idea is a libel on his father's heart. 0:06:14.634,0:06:18.841 But he didn't think so. Poor fool, he knew no better. 0:06:18.841,0:06:21.841 And you are a greater fool than he. 0:06:21.841,0:06:24.032 He went home. 0:06:24.032,0:06:27.032 And where he met his father, he found his heart. 0:06:27.032,0:06:30.613 He could feel when he found his father's arms around him 0:06:30.613,0:06:33.913 and felt the strong beatings of his father's heart. 0:06:33.913,0:06:36.359 Do as he did. Go home. 0:06:36.359,0:06:40.239 And you will feel, if you've never felt before. 0:06:40.239,0:06:44.825 You will starve where you are. Your husks will not save you." 0:06:44.825,0:06:49.387 As I was uttering this, he hung his head, cast his eyes upon the floor 0:06:49.387,0:06:51.904 and stood like a statue of stone. 0:06:51.904,0:06:53.958 I let him think. 0:06:53.958,0:06:58.526 There he stood for some minutes. Then, turning suddenly to me, 0:06:58.526,0:07:01.096 reaching to me his hand, he said, 0:07:01.096,0:07:04.556 "I'm very much obliged to you. Good night." 0:07:04.556,0:07:06.610 I let him go. 0:07:06.610,0:07:10.202 About a month afterwards, I met him riding alone in his wagon, 0:07:10.202,0:07:12.588 and he insisted upon my taking a seat with him, 0:07:12.588,0:07:15.588 for he had something to say to me. 0:07:15.588,0:07:18.607 And he would drive wherever I wanted to go. 0:07:18.607,0:07:22.507 I was no sooner seated in the wagon than he said to me, 0:07:22.507,0:07:26.247 "the human heart is the greatest mystery in the world, 0:07:26.247,0:07:31.673 inexplicable, contradictory to itself. It is absurd. 0:07:31.673,0:07:35.137 The sinner says, as I said to you that last night, 0:07:35.137,0:07:38.137 'I can't feel' as an excuse 0:07:38.137,0:07:40.100 for holding on to the world. 0:07:40.100,0:07:43.100 I found as soon as I was willing to 'go home' 0:07:43.100,0:07:47.132 as you called it, the road was plain enough." 0:07:47.132,0:07:50.289 "Were you hindered long with that want of feeling?" 0:07:50.289,0:07:52.911 "No. I never thought of it till that night. 0:07:52.911,0:07:55.911 It came upon me like a flash. 0:07:55.911,0:07:59.976 And then just as I was thinking it was a good reason in my favor, 0:07:59.976,0:08:03.687 you dashed it all into shivers." 0:08:03.687,0:08:05.612 "And can you feel now?" 0:08:05.612,0:08:08.572 "Oh, yes. I have no trouble about that. 0:08:08.572,0:08:11.572 I find that if a poor creature will turn to God, 0:08:11.572,0:08:17.998 in the name of Jesus, he will learn to feel as he never felt before." 0:08:17.998,0:08:20.772 Sinners not willing to give up the world 0:08:20.772,0:08:24.842 and wanting an excuse for their irreligion exclaim, 0:08:24.842,0:08:27.390 "I can't feel." 0:08:27.390,0:08:33.849 This chapter is from "A Pastor's Sketches: Conversations with Anxious Souls Concerning the Way of Salvation." 0:08:33.849,0:08:37.736 by Ichabod Spencer, originally published in the mid-19th century.