Translation & Subtitles: thoseguiltyeyes | Hello, RINA here. Today, as you can tell by the title ("Talking About Something I've Always Wanted to Do"), I have a happy announcement to make. For three days from July 23-25, I will be holding my first solo exhibition! Yay! I had always wanted to hold a solo exhibition someday, and I finally get to do it. My first video on YouTube was of me making a zine, and I've been posting videos on a regular basis relating to making stuff. What I will be exhibiting will be the original works of my "22Grrrls" zine I released last year. That zine was made when the first state of emergency in Japan was declared. I made one work per day over the course of 22 days. The inside features 22 pages of collages. A lot of people picked that up, and they've become important works to me. I thought that I'd be great if seeing the original works in person would give a different experience than from when they're viewed in the zine, so I decided to hold this. It'll be held at "gem," a gallery in Nakameguro. It's a gallery that opened fairly recently, but since our managing office ROOFTOP is in Nakameguro, making it a city I often commute to, it's also a place that I'm extremely familiar with. I found it by narrowing down spots and searching online, but I thought that its atmosphere and warmth was awesome, so I decided to go with it. It's close to the Nitori furniture store in Nakameguro. It's only about a 5-minute walk from the station, which makes it a location that's pretty easy to get to. As for the title of this exhibition... It's called "22Grrrls +1." It includes the 22 works I made last year, plus one collage that I recently made, so I will be exhibiting a total of 23 works. The original works will also be sold, but I think I'll be keeping the 23rd one. I'm so happy! It feels like it's finally happening. Since these are things that I truly did make on my own by hand, I went to Sekaido in Shinjuku and picked out every single frame to decorate my works. So... I'm attached to all of the works, and it would make me happy if they make it to people who will enjoy them with care. Given what's going on right now, we came up with a way to prevent a large number of people from gathering all at once. If anyone's interested, please check out the description box. I'll be making a new zine that has a new arrangement. I like to go see works of art myself, and it definitely is fun when you see something in person made by hand. I'd be happy if it feels like a fun space for everyone. I hope it'll be a 3-day exhibition where you can share that feeling. I'll now be showing a video of me going over the renewed zine. I'll give it a try. Today, we're working on arrangements for the zine. Let's try it. How big should it be? That looks cute. This is endless. This work is endless. Maybe the cloth should be a little smaller. Ah, this might be cute. Something like this. We'll go with this. I got it. Maybe I'll cut the fabric to an extent and then just put it together. -It's really cute. -It is. It's great. For the fabric, I was introduced to a trader, went to go see the fabric, and chose these two out of the thousands there. This lace, and this thin, natural-like fabric. In a girls' movie from long ago, there was a tattered piece of fabric hanging from the wall or ceiling of the attic. The fabric had a girly-yet-dishelved look to it. I looked for the same kind, and I chose this dull blue lace, as well as this natural-colored fabric. And... I'm printing out the exhibition's name on tracing paper, cutting out pieces of both fabrics about this size, crumpling the paper like this with my hand, putting it on top of the fabrics, and stapling it onto the zine. The completed zine is put into a clear bag, and then it's ready to go. The front of each zine will be slightly different. That's what I'll be doing today. For about five minutes, is it okay if the sound of the coffee maker is heard? Yeah, that's fine. I'm in our office as usual, but... In the room on the other side, which is in sight of me, everyone else is working hard. Like... It feels kind of weird. That's why I'm talking softly. This work might go on forever. I've gotten used to it. I really like the rough, not-clean look. It's going really well. My camera battery ran out. I'll film with my phone now. I'm done! Wow. Wow! Really, wow. I got it done in one day! I feel really accomplished. So this is what I did today. I'm done doing arrangements for the zines! I really thought that I'd be splitting the work into two days, but... I did it all in one day. I think they're really cute. I'm really satisfied. I can't wait until you guys get it. I'll do my best to create a space so that it'll be an exhibition you can enjoy. Thanks so much for watching until the end! See you in my next video! Bye bye!