0:00:00.709,0:00:02.319 What is the intersection 0:00:02.319,0:00:06.636 between technology, art and science? 0:00:06.636,0:00:08.733 Curiosity and wonder, 0:00:08.733,0:00:11.646 because it drives us to explore, 0:00:11.646,0:00:15.110 because we're surrounded by things we can't see. 0:00:15.110,0:00:16.724 And I love to use film 0:00:16.724,0:00:18.060 to take us on a journey 0:00:18.060,0:00:20.940 through portals of time and space, 0:00:20.940,0:00:23.314 to make the invisible visible, 0:00:23.314,0:00:24.964 because what that does, 0:00:24.964,0:00:26.887 it expands our horizons, 0:00:26.887,0:00:29.348 it transforms our perception, 0:00:29.348,0:00:31.678 it opens our minds 0:00:31.678,0:00:33.642 and it touches our heart. 0:00:33.642,0:00:35.081 So here are some scenes 0:00:35.081,0:00:36.900 from my 3D IMAX film, 0:00:36.900,0:00:39.679 "Mysteries of the Unseen World." 0:00:39.679,0:00:42.193 (Music) 0:00:42.193,0:00:43.777 There is movement which is too slow 0:00:43.777,0:00:46.192 for our eyes to detect, 0:00:46.192,0:00:49.082 and time lapse makes us discover 0:00:49.082,0:00:51.790 and broaden our perspective of life. 0:00:51.790,0:00:55.930 We can see how organisms emerge and grow, 0:00:55.930,0:00:59.615 how a vine survives by creeping from the forest floor 0:00:59.615,0:01:02.534 to look at the sunlight. 0:01:03.943,0:01:05.803 And at the grand scale, 0:01:05.803,0:01:10.736 time lapse allows us to see our planet in motion. 0:01:10.736,0:01:13.513 We can view not only the vast sweep of nature, 0:01:13.513,0:01:17.198 but the restless movement of humanity. 0:01:17.198,0:01:20.650 Each streaking dot represents a passenger plane, 0:01:20.650,0:01:22.490 and by turning air traffic data 0:01:22.490,0:01:23.992 into time-lapse imagery, 0:01:23.992,0:01:26.560 we can see something that's above us constantly 0:01:26.560,0:01:28.111 but invisible: 0:01:28.111,0:01:33.655 the vast network of air travel over the United States. 0:01:33.655,0:01:36.826 We can do the same thing with ships at sea. 0:01:36.826,0:01:39.138 We can turn data into a time-lapse view 0:01:39.138,0:01:44.261 of a global economy in motion. 0:01:49.549,0:01:51.123 And decades of data 0:01:51.123,0:01:53.364 give us the view of our entire planet 0:01:53.364,0:01:55.245 as a single organism 0:01:55.245,0:01:58.425 sustained by currents circulating[br]throughout the oceans 0:01:58.425,0:02:02.580 and by clouds swirling through the atmosphere, 0:02:02.580,0:02:04.849 pulsing with lightning, 0:02:04.849,0:02:07.800 crowned by the aurora borealis. 0:02:07.800,0:02:11.830 It may be the ultimate time-lapse image: 0:02:11.830,0:02:15.862 the anatomy of Earth brought to life. 0:02:19.441,0:02:21.133 At the other extreme, 0:02:21.133,0:02:24.702 there are things that move too fast for our eyes, 0:02:24.702,0:02:26.850 but we have technology that can look into that world 0:02:26.850,0:02:29.703 as well. 0:02:31.763,0:02:32.863 With high-speed cameras, 0:02:32.863,0:02:34.819 we can do the opposite of time lapse. 0:02:34.819,0:02:36.995 We can shoot images that are thousands of times 0:02:36.995,0:02:40.801 faster than our vision. 0:02:40.801,0:02:44.985 And we can see how nature's [br]ingenious devices work, 0:02:44.985,0:02:48.215 and perhaps we can even imitate them. 0:02:50.275,0:02:52.665 When a dragonfly flutters by, 0:02:52.665,0:02:54.462 you may not realize, 0:02:54.462,0:02:57.120 but it's the greatest flier in nature. 0:02:57.120,0:03:01.151 It can hover, fly backwards, 0:03:01.151,0:03:04.476 even upside down. 0:03:04.476,0:03:07.577 And by tracking markers on an insect's wings, 0:03:07.577,0:03:11.252 we can visualize the air flow that they produce. 0:03:11.252,0:03:12.594 Nobody knew the secret, 0:03:12.594,0:03:15.143 but high speed shows that a dragonfly 0:03:15.143,0:03:17.370 can move all four wings in different directions 0:03:17.370,0:03:19.680 at the same time. 0:03:19.680,0:03:21.258 And what we learn can lead us 0:03:21.258,0:03:23.292 to new kinds of robotic flyers 0:03:23.292,0:03:25.110 that can expand our vision 0:03:25.110,0:03:30.924 of important and remote places. 0:03:32.138,0:03:34.296 We're giants, and we're unaware 0:03:34.296,0:03:36.746 of things that are too small for us to see. 0:03:36.746,0:03:39.722 The electron microscope fires electrons 0:03:39.722,0:03:41.369 which creates images 0:03:41.369,0:03:43.050 which can magnify things by as much 0:03:43.050,0:03:45.496 as a million times. 0:03:45.496,0:03:49.210 This is the egg of a butterfly. 0:03:49.210,0:03:52.544 And there are unseen creatures[br]living all over your body, 0:03:52.544,0:03:55.259 including mites that spend their entire lives 0:03:55.259,0:03:57.290 dwelling on your eyelashes, 0:03:57.290,0:04:00.722 crawling over your skin at night. 0:04:00.722,0:04:03.750 Can you guess what this is? 0:04:03.750,0:04:06.224 Shark skin. 0:04:07.960,0:04:10.864 A caterpillar's mouth. 0:04:12.170,0:04:15.367 The eye of a fruit fly. 0:04:17.283,0:04:20.247 An eggshell. 0:04:22.070,0:04:24.775 A flea. 0:04:27.293,0:04:31.207 A snail's tongue. 0:04:31.995,0:04:34.473 We think we know most of the animal kingdom, 0:04:34.473,0:04:36.885 but there may be millions of tiny species 0:04:36.885,0:04:40.503 waiting to be discovered. 0:04:43.151,0:04:45.779 A spider also has great secrets, 0:04:45.779,0:04:47.931 because spider's silk thread is pound for pound 0:04:47.931,0:04:49.683 stronger than steel 0:04:49.683,0:04:51.744 but completely elastic. 0:04:51.744,0:04:53.855 This journey will take us all the way down 0:04:53.855,0:04:55.987 to the nano world. 0:04:55.987,0:04:58.771 The silk is 100 times thinner 0:04:58.771,0:05:02.293 than human hair. 0:05:02.293,0:05:05.020 On there is bacteria, 0:05:05.020,0:05:08.221 and near that bacteria, 10 times smaller, 0:05:08.221,0:05:11.145 a virus. 0:05:11.145,0:05:14.647 Inside of that, 10 times smaller, 0:05:14.647,0:05:17.507 three strands of DNA, 0:05:17.507,0:05:20.897 and nearing the limit of our[br]most powerful microscopes, 0:05:20.897,0:05:25.859 single carbon atoms. 0:05:25.859,0:05:27.935 With the tip of a powerful microscope, 0:05:27.935,0:05:29.939 we can actually move atoms 0:05:29.939,0:05:35.827 and begin to create amazing nano devices. 0:05:35.827,0:05:37.819 Some could one day patrol our body 0:05:37.819,0:05:40.050 for all kinds of diseases 0:05:40.050,0:05:44.100 and clean out clogged arteries along the way. 0:05:44.100,0:05:46.945 Tiny chemical machines of the future 0:05:46.945,0:05:50.943 can one day, perhaps, repair DNA. 0:05:50.943,0:05:54.151 We are on the threshold of extraordinary advances, 0:05:54.151,0:05:55.901 born of our drive 0:05:55.901,0:05:59.558 to unveil the mysteries of life. 0:06:00.618,0:06:03.482 So under an endless rain of cosmic dust, 0:06:03.482,0:06:05.679 the air is full of pollen, 0:06:05.679,0:06:08.753 micro-diamonds and jewels from other planets, 0:06:08.753,0:06:11.478 and supernova explosions. 0:06:11.478,0:06:13.487 People go about their lives 0:06:13.487,0:06:18.641 surrounded by the unseeable. 0:06:18.641,0:06:20.384 Knowing that there's so much around us 0:06:20.384,0:06:21.760 we can see 0:06:21.760,0:06:24.816 forever changes our understanding of the world, 0:06:24.816,0:06:27.205 and by looking at unseen worlds, we recognize 0:06:27.205,0:06:29.264 that we exist in the living universe, 0:06:29.264,0:06:32.312 and this new perspective creates wonder 0:06:32.312,0:06:34.915 and inspires us to become explorers 0:06:34.915,0:06:38.235 in our own backyards. 0:06:38.235,0:06:40.796 Who knows what awaits to be seen 0:06:40.796,0:06:44.554 and what new wonders will transform our lives. 0:06:44.554,0:06:50.048 We'll just have to see. 0:06:50.048,0:06:54.952 (Applause) 0:06:54.952,0:07:02.140 Thank you. (Applause)