WEBVTT 00:00:00.294 --> 00:00:02.747 The moons of Mars explained. 00:00:03.497 --> 00:00:06.693 Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. 00:00:07.246 --> 00:00:10.448 They are really tiny. How tiny? 00:00:11.018 --> 00:00:13.066 Compared to Mars or our own Moon, 00:00:13.576 --> 00:00:14.366 pretty tiny. 00:00:15.196 --> 00:00:17.958 Although ‘tiny’ is a matter of opinion. 00:00:19.014 --> 00:00:22.146 Their surface area is up close to some of the smallest states on Earth, 00:00:22.146 --> 00:00:23.992 like Luxembourg and Malta. 00:00:24.666 --> 00:00:28.000 Although Phobos and Deimos are in no way lightweight, 00:00:28.000 --> 00:00:31.057 in reality, their gravitational pull isn’t even strong enough 00:00:31.057 --> 00:00:32.734 to bring them into spherical form. 00:00:33.004 --> 00:00:36.032 So they look more like huge potatoes than moons. 00:00:37.038 --> 00:00:39.160 The most popular theory of their origin 00:00:39.160 --> 00:00:41.812 is that they were once part of the asteroid belt, 00:00:41.812 --> 00:00:45.434 until Jupiter’s massive gravity kicked them out of it, 00:00:45.434 --> 00:00:47.490 so Mars could catch them. 00:00:49.574 --> 00:00:56.038 Phobos orbits Mars at a average distance of 9,400 kilometres, once every 7½ hours. 00:00:56.532 --> 00:01:00.713 It’s on a collision course, and gets 2 metres closer to Mars every year. 00:01:01.372 --> 00:01:07.264 In 50 to 100 million years, it will either be ripped to pieces by Mars’s gravity 00:01:07.264 --> 00:01:10.268 and be transformed into a beautiful ring, 00:01:10.268 --> 00:01:12.473 or it will crash into Mars. 00:01:12.833 --> 00:01:16.567 The energy released in this collision would kill everything on the small planet. 00:01:16.853 --> 00:01:22.068 So, if there are humans on Mars by then, they should build very strong bunkers. 00:01:22.698 --> 00:01:26.424 Smaller Deimos, on the other hand, is slowly escaping Mars. 00:01:26.733 --> 00:01:31.737 Eventually, it will fly off into space and leave a lonely red planet behind. 00:01:32.474 --> 00:01:37.202 So, in a few hundred million years, Mars will be moonless and on its own. 00:01:38.008 --> 00:01:41.662 Unless it manages to catch itself another asteroid.