WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:15.740 34c3 intro 00:00:15.740 --> 00:00:22.800 Herald: The next talk is called "End-to- end formal ISA verification of RISC-V 00:00:22.800 --> 00:00:28.410 processors with riscv-formal". I have no idea what this means, but I'm very excited 00:00:28.410 --> 00:00:33.540 to understand what it means and Clifford promised he's going to make sure everyone 00:00:33.540 --> 00:00:39.320 will. Clifford has been very known in the open-source and free-software... free- 00:00:39.320 --> 00:00:45.219 source... oh my gosh... free-and-open- source community and especially he's known 00:00:45.219 --> 00:00:50.300 for the project IceStorm. Please help me welcome Clifford! 00:00:50.300 --> 00:00:57.260 applause 00:00:57.260 --> 00:01:12.170 inaudible Clifford: RISC-V is an open instruction 00:01:12.170 --> 00:01:17.189 set architecture. It's an open ISA, so it's not a processor, but it's a processor 00:01:17.189 --> 00:01:22.860 specification -- an ISA specification -- that is free to use for everyone and if 00:01:22.860 --> 00:01:26.789 you happen to have already implemented your own processor at one point in time, 00:01:26.789 --> 00:01:30.880 you might know that it's actually much easier to implement a processor than to 00:01:30.880 --> 00:01:35.560 implement all the tools that you need to compile programs for your processor. And 00:01:35.560 --> 00:01:39.750 if you use something like RISC-V, then you can reuse the tools that are already out 00:01:39.750 --> 00:01:45.170 there, so that's a great benefit. However, for this endeavor we need processors that 00:01:45.170 --> 00:01:50.280 actually really compatible to each other: Processors that implement the RISC-V ISA 00:01:50.280 --> 00:01:54.970 correctly. So, with many other ISAs, we start with one processor and we say "Oh, 00:01:54.970 --> 00:01:59.660 that's the processor" and later on, we figure out there was a bug, and what 00:01:59.660 --> 00:02:03.049 people sometimes do is, they just change the specification, so that the 00:02:03.049 --> 00:02:06.770 specification all fits the hardware they actually have. We can't do something like 00:02:06.770 --> 00:02:09.860 that with RISC-V, but there are many implementations out there, all being 00:02:09.860 --> 00:02:14.440 developed in parallel to fit the same specification, so we want to have some 00:02:14.440 --> 00:02:20.670 kind of means to make sure that all these processors actually agree about what the 00:02:20.670 --> 00:02:27.081 ISA specification is. So, what's formal verification? Formal verification is a 00:02:27.081 --> 00:02:32.960 super-broad term. In the context of this talk, I'm talking about hardware model 00:02:32.960 --> 00:02:38.230 checking. More specifically, I'm talking about checking of so-called "safety 00:02:38.230 --> 00:02:43.161 properties". So, we have some hardware design and we have an initial state and we 00:02:43.161 --> 00:02:48.540 would like to know if this hardware design can reach a bad state from the initial 00:02:48.540 --> 00:02:55.280 state. That's formally the problem that we are trying to solve here. And there are 00:02:55.280 --> 00:03:00.180 two means to do that, two different categories of proofs that are bounded and 00:03:00.180 --> 00:03:05.090 unbounded proofs, and with the bounded proofs we only prove that it's impossible 00:03:05.090 --> 00:03:07.720 to reach a bad state within a certain number of cycles. 00:03:07.720 --> 00:03:12.410 So, we give a maximum bound for the length of a counterexample and with unbounded 00:03:12.410 --> 00:03:18.240 proofs, we prove that a bad state can actually never be reached. So, unbounded 00:03:18.240 --> 00:03:23.060 proofs are, of course, better -- if you can make an unbounded proof -- but in many 00:03:23.060 --> 00:03:28.560 cases, this is very hard to achieve, but bounded proofs is something that we can 00:03:28.560 --> 00:03:35.880 do, so I'm talking about bounded proofs here for the most part. So, what's end-to- 00:03:35.880 --> 00:03:40.530 end formal verification? Because that's also in my title. So, historically when 00:03:40.530 --> 00:03:45.110 you formally verify something like a processor, you break down the processor in 00:03:45.110 --> 00:03:49.550 many small components and then you write properties for each component and prove 00:03:49.550 --> 00:03:54.510 for each component individually that they adhere to the properties and then you make 00:03:54.510 --> 00:03:59.290 a more abstract proof, that if you put in system together from components that have 00:03:59.290 --> 00:04:04.230 this property, then this system will have the properties that you want. With end-to- 00:04:04.230 --> 00:04:10.340 end verification, we treat the processors one huge black box and just ask the 00:04:10.340 --> 00:04:15.710 question "Does this one huge thing fit our specification? Have the properties that we 00:04:15.710 --> 00:04:22.190 want?" That has a couple of advantages: It's much, much easier this way to take 00:04:22.190 --> 00:04:26.460 one specification and port it from one processor to another, because we don't 00:04:26.460 --> 00:04:31.850 care about how the processor is built internally, and it's much easier to take 00:04:31.850 --> 00:04:35.970 the specification that we have and actually match it to other specifications 00:04:35.970 --> 00:04:39.520 of the ISA, because we have a specification that says, what is the 00:04:39.520 --> 00:04:45.190 overall behavior we expect from our processor. But the big disadvantage, of 00:04:45.190 --> 00:04:49.700 cause, is that it's computationally much more expensive to do end-to-end formal 00:04:49.700 --> 00:04:55.240 verifications and doing this end-to-end verification of a processor against an ISA 00:04:55.240 --> 00:04:59.140 specification is something that historically was always fueled as the 00:04:59.140 --> 00:05:03.550 textbook example of things that you can't do with formal methods, but fortunately 00:05:03.550 --> 00:05:08.670 the solvers... they became much better in the last couple of years and now if we use 00:05:08.670 --> 00:05:14.480 the right tricks, we can do stuff like that with the solvers we have nowadays. 00:05:14.480 --> 00:05:19.570 So, that's riscv-formal. riscv-formal is a framework that allows us to do end-to-end 00:05:19.570 --> 00:05:24.460 formal verification of RISC-V processors against a formal version of the ISA 00:05:24.460 --> 00:05:29.850 specification. So, riscv-formal is not a formally verified processor. Instead, if 00:05:29.850 --> 00:05:35.230 you happen to have a RISC-V processor, you can use riscv-formal to prove that your 00:05:35.230 --> 00:05:40.980 processor confirms to the ISA specification. For the most part, this is 00:05:40.980 --> 00:05:46.120 using bounded methods. Theoretically, you could do unbounded proofs with riscv- 00:05:46.120 --> 00:05:52.230 formal, but it's not the main use case. So, it's good for what we call "bug 00:05:52.230 --> 00:05:56.020 hunting", because maybe there is a counterexample that would show, that the 00:05:56.020 --> 00:06:02.510 processor could diverge from the desired behavior with 1000 or 5000 cycles, but 00:06:02.510 --> 00:06:06.669 usually, when you have something like a processor and you can't reach a bad state 00:06:06.669 --> 00:06:11.860 within the very short bounds, you have high confidence that actually your 00:06:11.860 --> 00:06:16.910 processor implements the ISA correctly. So, if you have a processor and you would 00:06:16.910 --> 00:06:22.470 like to integrate it with riscv-formal, you need to do 2 things: You need to add a 00:06:22.470 --> 00:06:27.610 special trace port to your processor; it's called the RVFI trace port -- riscv-formal 00:06:27.610 --> 00:06:31.790 interface trace port. And you have to configure riscv-formal so that riscv- 00:06:31.790 --> 00:06:39.520 formal understands the attributes of your processor. So, for example, RISC-V is 00:06:39.520 --> 00:06:44.770 available in a 32-bit and a 64-bit version. You have to tell riscv-formal, if 00:06:44.770 --> 00:06:51.020 you want to verify a 32-bit or 64-bit processor. RISC-V is a modular ISA, so 00:06:51.020 --> 00:06:54.120 there're a couple of extensions and you have to tell riscv-formal, which 00:06:54.120 --> 00:06:59.350 extensions your processor actually implements. 00:06:59.350 --> 00:07:04.510 And then there're a couple of other things that are transparent for a userland 00:07:04.510 --> 00:07:12.630 process, like if unaligned loads or stores are supported by the hardware natively, 00:07:12.630 --> 00:07:18.010 because RISC-V... the spec only says, that when you do an unaligned load or store, 00:07:18.010 --> 00:07:23.980 then a userspace program can expect this load or store to succeed, but it might 00:07:23.980 --> 00:07:28.400 take a long time, because there might be a machine interrupt handler that is 00:07:28.400 --> 00:07:34.949 emulating an unaligned load store by doing alligned loads and stores, but if we do 00:07:34.949 --> 00:07:40.850 this formal verification of the processor, then the riscv-formal framework must be 00:07:40.850 --> 00:07:44.990 aware: "What is the expected behavior for your course?", "Should it trap when it 00:07:44.990 --> 00:07:50.960 sees an unaligned load store or should it just perform the load store unaligned?" 00:07:50.960 --> 00:07:54.250 So, what does this interface look like that you need to implement in your 00:07:54.250 --> 00:07:59.490 processor if you would like to use riscv- formal? This is the current version of the 00:07:59.490 --> 00:08:03.930 riscv-formal interface. Right now, there is no support for floating-point 00:08:03.930 --> 00:08:09.150 instructions and there is no support for CSRs, but this is on the to-do list, so 00:08:09.150 --> 00:08:14.321 this interface will grow larger and larger when we add these additional features, but 00:08:14.321 --> 00:08:18.139 all these additional features will be optional. And one of the reasons is that 00:08:18.139 --> 00:08:22.400 some might implement just small microcontrollers that actually don't have 00:08:22.400 --> 00:08:29.510 floating-point cores or that don't have support for the privileged specification, 00:08:29.510 --> 00:08:35.328 so they don't have CSRs. Through this interface, whenever the core retires an 00:08:35.328 --> 00:08:40.750 instruction, it documents which instruction it retired; so it tells us 00:08:40.750 --> 00:08:45.829 "This is the instruction where I retired; this was the program counter where I found 00:08:45.829 --> 00:08:49.939 the instruction; this is the program counter for the next instruction; these 00:08:49.939 --> 00:08:53.809 are the registers that I read and these are the values that I've observed in the 00:08:53.809 --> 00:08:58.029 register file; this is the register that I've written and this is the value that I 00:08:58.029 --> 00:09:00.639 have written to the register file" All that stuff. 00:09:00.639 --> 00:09:06.949 So, in short, what we document through the riscv-formal interface, is the part of the 00:09:06.949 --> 00:09:12.269 processor state that is observed by an instruction and the change to the state of 00:09:12.269 --> 00:09:16.980 the processor that is performed by an instruction -- like changes to the 00:09:16.980 --> 00:09:24.309 register file or changes to the program counter. And of course, most processors 00:09:24.309 --> 00:09:28.980 actually are superscalar, even those processors that say they're non- 00:09:28.980 --> 00:09:33.579 superscalar. In-order pipelines usually can do stuff like retire memory load 00:09:33.579 --> 00:09:38.079 instructions out of order, in parallel to another instruction that does not write 00:09:38.079 --> 00:09:43.670 the register, things like that. So, even with processors we usually don't think of 00:09:43.670 --> 00:09:48.680 as superscalar processors, even with those processors, we need the capability to 00:09:48.680 --> 00:09:53.712 retire more than one instruction each cycle and this can be done with this 00:09:53.712 --> 00:10:03.839 "NRET" parameter. And we see all the ports 5 times wider if NRET is 5. Okay, so then 00:10:03.839 --> 00:10:07.850 we have a processor that implements this interface. What is the verification 00:10:07.850 --> 00:10:14.269 strategy that riscv-formal follows in order to do this proof to formally verify 00:10:14.269 --> 00:10:20.720 that our processor's actually correct? So, there is not one big proof that we run. 00:10:20.720 --> 00:10:26.990 Instead, there is a large number of very small proofs that we run. This is the most 00:10:26.990 --> 00:10:32.559 important trick when it comes to this and there are 2 categories of proofs: One 00:10:32.559 --> 00:10:37.619 category is what I call the "instruction checks". We have one of those proofs for 00:10:37.619 --> 00:10:42.880 each instruction in the ISA specification and each of the channels in the riscv- 00:10:42.880 --> 00:10:48.470 formal interface. So, this is easily a couple of hundred proofs right there 00:10:48.470 --> 00:10:52.120 because you easily have 100 instructions and if you have 2 channels, you already 00:10:52.120 --> 00:10:58.470 have 200 proofs that you have to run. And what this instruction checks do, they 00:10:58.470 --> 00:11:04.079 reset the processor or they started a symbolic state, if you would like to run a 00:11:04.079 --> 00:11:09.199 unbounded proof, let the process run for a certain number of cycles and then it 00:11:09.199 --> 00:11:14.540 assumes that in the last cycle, the processor will retire a certain 00:11:14.540 --> 00:11:16.769 instruction. So, if this check checks if the "add" 00:11:16.769 --> 00:11:21.410 instruction works correctly, it assumes that the last instruction retired in the 00:11:21.410 --> 00:11:27.809 last cycle of this bounder checked will be an "add" instruction and then it looks at 00:11:27.809 --> 00:11:33.550 all the interfaces on the riscv-formal interface, to make sure that this is 00:11:33.550 --> 00:11:37.269 compliant with an "add" instruction. It checks if the instruction has been decoded 00:11:37.269 --> 00:11:42.220 correctly; it checks if the register value we write to the register file is actually 00:11:42.220 --> 00:11:47.479 the sum of the values we read from the register file. All that kind of stuff. 00:11:47.479 --> 00:11:51.030 But, of course, if you just have these instruction checks, there is still a 00:11:51.030 --> 00:11:56.410 certain verification gap, because the core might lie to us: The core might say "Oh, I 00:11:56.410 --> 00:12:00.019 write this value to the register file", but then not write the value to the 00:12:00.019 --> 00:12:06.160 register file, so we have to have a separate set of proofs that do not look at 00:12:06.160 --> 00:12:11.249 the entire riscv-formal interface in one cycle, but look at only a small fraction 00:12:11.249 --> 00:12:15.850 of the riscv- formal interface, but over a span of cycles. So, for example, there is 00:12:15.850 --> 00:12:20.199 one check that says "If I write the register and then later I read the 00:12:20.199 --> 00:12:24.930 register, I better read back the value that I've written to the register file" 00:12:24.930 --> 00:12:33.899 and this I call "consistency checks". So, that's I think what I said already... So 00:12:33.899 --> 00:12:40.170 for each instruction with riscv-formal, we have a instruction model that looks like 00:12:40.170 --> 00:12:45.920 that. So, these are 2 slides: The first slides is just the interface there we have 00:12:45.920 --> 00:12:51.939 a couple of signals from this riscv-formal interface that we read like the 00:12:51.939 --> 00:12:58.189 instruction that we are executing, the program counter where we found this 00:12:58.189 --> 00:13:04.079 instruction, the register values we read, and then we have a couple of signals that 00:13:04.079 --> 00:13:09.899 are generated by our specification that are output of this specification module. 00:13:09.899 --> 00:13:17.601 Like, which registers should we read? Which registers should we write? What 00:13:17.601 --> 00:13:22.129 values should we write to that register? Stuff like that. So, that's the interface. 00:13:22.129 --> 00:13:26.739 It's the same all the instructions and then we have a body that looks more 00:13:26.739 --> 00:13:31.190 like that. For all the instructions that just decodes the instruction, checks if 00:13:31.190 --> 00:13:34.780 this is actually the instruction the check is for. So, in this case it's an "add 00:13:34.780 --> 00:13:42.030 immediate" instruction. And then you have things like the line near the bottom above 00:13:42.030 --> 00:13:46.290 "default assignments": "assign spec_pc_wdata", for example, says "Okay, 00:13:46.290 --> 00:13:54.680 the next PC must be 4 bytes later than the PC for this instruction. We must increment 00:13:54.680 --> 00:13:58.860 the program counter by a value of 4 when we execute this instruction." Things like 00:13:58.860 --> 00:14:09.509 that. So, you might see, there is no assert here, there are no assertions, 00:14:09.509 --> 00:14:13.639 because this is just the model of what kind of behavior we would expect. And then 00:14:13.639 --> 00:14:17.769 there is a wrapper that instantiates this and instantiates the call and builds the 00:14:17.769 --> 00:14:23.079 proof and there are the assertions. The main reason why we don't have assertions 00:14:23.079 --> 00:14:27.819 here, but instead we output the desired behavior here, is because I can also 00:14:27.819 --> 00:14:32.749 generate monitor cores that can run alongside your core and check in 00:14:32.749 --> 00:14:38.160 simulation or an emulation, an FPGA, if your core is doing the right thing. That 00:14:38.160 --> 00:14:43.939 can be very, very helpful if you have a situation where you run your core for 00:14:43.939 --> 00:14:49.940 maybe days and then you have some observable behavior that's not right, but 00:14:49.940 --> 00:14:53.709 maybe there are thousands, even million, cycles between the point where you can 00:14:53.709 --> 00:14:58.139 observe that something is wrong and the point where the process actually started 00:14:58.139 --> 00:15:03.379 diverging from what the specification said and if you can use a monitor core like 00:15:03.379 --> 00:15:10.230 that, then it's much easier to find bugs like this. Okay, so some examples of those 00:15:10.230 --> 00:15:15.410 consistency checks.; the list is actually not complete and it varies a little bit 00:15:15.410 --> 00:15:20.079 from processor to processor what kind of consistency checks we can actually run 00:15:20.079 --> 00:15:26.480 with the processor we are looking at. There is a check if the program counter 00:15:26.480 --> 00:15:30.100 for one instruction - so I have an instruction it says "This is the program 00:15:30.100 --> 00:15:32.339 counter for the instruction and this is the program counter for the next 00:15:32.339 --> 00:15:37.329 instruction" -- and then we can look at the next instruction and we can see is... 00:15:37.329 --> 00:15:40.920 the program counter for that instruction actually approved the next program counter 00:15:40.920 --> 00:15:46.369 value for the previous instruction and they must link together like that, but the 00:15:46.369 --> 00:15:52.129 core might retire instructions out of order. So it might be, that we see the 00:15:52.129 --> 00:15:55.649 first instruction for us and then the second instruction later, but it's also 00:15:55.649 --> 00:15:58.670 possible that we will see the second instruction first and then the first 00:15:58.670 --> 00:16:03.579 instruction later and because of that, there're 2 different checks: One for a 00:16:03.579 --> 00:16:08.939 pair in the non-reversed order and for a pair of instruction in the reversed order. 00:16:08.939 --> 00:16:13.480 There is one check that checks, if register value reads and writes are 00:16:13.480 --> 00:16:21.049 consistent. There is one check that sees, if the processor is alive, so when I give 00:16:21.049 --> 00:16:29.139 the processor certain fairness constrains, that the memory will always return, memory 00:16:29.139 --> 00:16:32.600 reads at number of cycles, things like that, then I can use this to prove that 00:16:32.600 --> 00:16:37.459 the process will not just suddenly freeze. This is very important and this will also 00:16:37.459 --> 00:16:41.459 prove that the processor is not skipping instruction indices, which is very 00:16:41.459 --> 00:16:45.620 important, because some of the other checks actually depend on the processor 00:16:45.620 --> 00:16:51.100 behaving in this way. And so forth. So, there are couple of these consistency 00:16:51.100 --> 00:16:55.379 checks and it's a nice exercise to sit down in a group of people and go through 00:16:55.379 --> 00:17:00.679 the list of consistency checks and see which which set of them actually is 00:17:00.679 --> 00:17:05.799 meaningful or which set of them actually leaves an interesting verification gap and 00:17:05.799 --> 00:17:11.789 we still need to add checks for this or that processor then. Okay, so what kind of 00:17:11.789 --> 00:17:19.949 bugs can it find? That's a super-hard question, because it's really hard to give 00:17:19.949 --> 00:17:26.209 a complete list. It can definitely find incorrect single-threaded instruction 00:17:26.209 --> 00:17:28.880 semantics. So, if you just implement a instruction 00:17:28.880 --> 00:17:34.350 incorrectly in your core, then this will find it; no question about it. It can find 00:17:34.350 --> 00:17:38.740 a lot of bugs and things like bypassing and forwarding and pipeline interlocks, 00:17:38.740 --> 00:17:46.600 things like that. Things where you reorder stuff in a way you shouldn't reorder them, 00:17:46.600 --> 00:17:51.950 freezes if you have this lifeness check, some bugs related to memory interfaces and 00:17:51.950 --> 00:17:58.610 load/store consistency and things like that, but that depends on things like the 00:17:58.610 --> 00:18:04.110 size of your cache lines, if this is a feasible proof or not. Bugs that we can't 00:18:04.110 --> 00:18:09.280 find yet with riscv-formal are things that are not yet covered with the riscv-formal 00:18:09.280 --> 00:18:13.179 interface, like the floating-point stuff or CSRs, but this is all on the to-do 00:18:13.179 --> 00:18:18.280 list, so they are actively working on that and a year from now, this stuff will be 00:18:18.280 --> 00:18:24.650 included. And anything related to concurrency between multiple heats. So 00:18:24.650 --> 00:18:28.210 far, my excuse for that was, that the RISC-V memory model is not completely 00:18:28.210 --> 00:18:33.789 specified yet, so I would not actually know what to check exactly, but right now 00:18:33.789 --> 00:18:38.559 the RISC-V memory model is in the process of being finalized, so I won't have this 00:18:38.559 --> 00:18:45.740 excuse for much, much longer. So, the processors currently supported PicoRV32, 00:18:45.740 --> 00:18:50.740 which is my own processor, then RISC-V Rocket, which is probably the most famous 00:18:50.740 --> 00:18:56.519 RISC-V implementation, and VexRiscv. And there are also a couple of others, but 00:18:56.519 --> 00:19:04.039 they are not part of the open source release of riscv-formal. So, if you would 00:19:04.039 --> 00:19:11.159 like to add support to riscv-formal for your RISC-V processor, then just check out 00:19:11.159 --> 00:19:15.950 the riscv-formal repository, look at the "cores" directory, see which of the 00:19:15.950 --> 00:19:20.210 supported cores's most closely to the code that you actually have and then just copy 00:19:20.210 --> 00:19:27.800 that directory and make a couple of small modifications. So, I have a few minutes 00:19:27.800 --> 00:19:33.980 left to talk about things like cut-points and blackboxes and other abstractions. So, 00:19:33.980 --> 00:19:37.919 the title of this slide could just be "abstractions", because cut-points and 00:19:37.919 --> 00:19:41.760 blackboxes are just abstractions. The idea behind an abstraction and formal 00:19:41.760 --> 00:19:48.221 methods is that I switch out part of my design with a different part with a 00:19:48.221 --> 00:19:54.639 different circuit that is less constrained, it includes the behavior of 00:19:54.639 --> 00:19:59.040 the original circuit, but might do other stuff as well. So, the textbook example 00:19:59.040 --> 00:20:03.340 would be, I have a design with a counter and usually the counter would just 00:20:03.340 --> 00:20:08.610 increment in steps of 1, but now I create an abstraction that can skip numbers and 00:20:08.610 --> 00:20:15.860 will just increment in strictly increasing steps. And this, of course, includes the 00:20:15.860 --> 00:20:20.039 behavior of the original design, so if I can prove a property with this abstraction 00:20:20.039 --> 00:20:24.889 in place instead of the just-increment- by-1 counter, then we have proven even a 00:20:24.889 --> 00:20:29.620 stronger property and that includes the same property for the thing in the 00:20:29.620 --> 00:20:35.690 original design. And actually this idea of abstractions works very well with riscv- 00:20:35.690 --> 00:20:40.950 formal. So, the main reason why we do abstractions is because it leads to easier 00:20:40.950 --> 00:20:46.540 proofs. So, for example, consider an instruction checker that just checks if 00:20:46.540 --> 00:20:52.280 the core implements the "add" instruction correctly. For this checker, we don't 00:20:52.280 --> 00:20:56.020 actually need a register file that's working. We could replace the register 00:20:56.020 --> 00:21:00.580 file by something that just ignores all writes to it and whenever we read 00:21:00.580 --> 00:21:04.289 something from the register file, it returns an arbitrary value. That would 00:21:04.289 --> 00:21:09.870 still include the behavior of a core with a functional register file, but, because 00:21:09.870 --> 00:21:13.610 the instruction checker does not care about consistency between register file 00:21:13.610 --> 00:21:17.929 writes and register file reads, we can still prove that the instruction is 00:21:17.929 --> 00:21:22.889 implemented correctly, and therefore we get an easier proof. Of course, we can't 00:21:22.889 --> 00:21:27.100 use this abstraction for all those proofs, because the other proofs that actually 00:21:27.100 --> 00:21:33.330 check if my register file works as I would expect it to work, but if we go through 00:21:33.330 --> 00:21:37.429 the list of proofs and we run all these proofs independently, then you will see 00:21:37.429 --> 00:21:41.960 that for each of them, it's possible to abstract away a large portion of your 00:21:41.960 --> 00:21:47.380 processor and therefore yield and an easier proof. 00:21:47.380 --> 00:21:51.169 Depending on what kind of solvers you use, some solvers're actually very capable of 00:21:51.169 --> 00:21:54.779 finding these kind of abstractions themselves. So in that cases, it doesn't 00:21:54.779 --> 00:21:59.470 really help by adding these abstractions manually, but just realizing that the 00:21:59.470 --> 00:22:04.490 potential for these abstractions is there, is something that's very useful when 00:22:04.490 --> 00:22:09.020 guiding your decisions how to split up a large verification problem into smaller 00:22:09.020 --> 00:22:12.610 verification problems, because you would like to split up the problem in a way so 00:22:12.610 --> 00:22:17.100 that the solver is always capable of finding useful abstractions that actually 00:22:17.100 --> 00:22:27.700 lead to easier circuits to prove. With a bounded check, we also have the questions 00:22:27.700 --> 00:22:32.850 of what bounds do we use. Of course, larger bounds are better, but larger 00:22:32.850 --> 00:22:41.860 bounds also yield something that is harder to compute, and if you have a small bound, 00:22:41.860 --> 00:22:45.340 then you have a proof that runs very, very quickly, but maybe you're not very 00:22:45.340 --> 00:22:49.970 confident that it actually has proven something that's relevant for you. So, I 00:22:49.970 --> 00:22:57.350 propose 2 solutions for this: The first solution is, you can use the same solvers 00:22:57.350 --> 00:23:02.490 to find traces that cover certain events and you could write a list and say "I 00:23:02.490 --> 00:23:07.409 would like to see 1 memory read and 1 memory write and at least one ALU 00:23:07.409 --> 00:23:10.690 instruction executed" and things like that. And then, you can ask the solver 00:23:10.690 --> 00:23:18.830 "What is the shortest trace that would actually satisfy all this stuff?" And when 00:23:18.830 --> 00:23:24.570 that's a trace of, say 25 cycles, then you know "Okay, when I look at a prove that's 00:23:24.570 --> 00:23:29.789 25 cyclic deep, I know at least these are the cases that are going to be covered." 00:23:29.789 --> 00:23:34.730 But more important, I think, is: Usually when you have a processor, you already 00:23:34.730 --> 00:23:41.269 found bugs and it's a good idea to not just fix the bugs and forget about them, 00:23:41.269 --> 00:23:46.610 but preserve some way of re-introducing the bugs, just to see if your testing 00:23:46.610 --> 00:23:51.509 framework works. So, if you have already a couple of bugs 00:23:51.509 --> 00:23:55.120 and you know "It took me a week to find that and took me a month to find that", 00:23:55.120 --> 00:24:00.549 the best thing is to just add the bugs to your design again and see "What are the 00:24:00.549 --> 00:24:04.610 bounds that are necessary for riscv-formal to actually discover those bugs" and then 00:24:04.610 --> 00:24:09.009 you will have some degree of confidence that other similar bugs would also have 00:24:09.009 --> 00:24:15.779 been found with the same bounds. So, "Results": I have found bugs in pretty much 00:24:15.779 --> 00:24:23.029 every implementation I looked at; I found bugs in all 3 processors; we found bugs in 00:24:23.029 --> 00:24:28.139 Spike, which is the official implementation of RISC-V in C and I found 00:24:28.139 --> 00:24:33.760 a way to formally verify my specification against Spike and in some cases where I found 00:24:33.760 --> 00:24:37.250 the difference between my specification and Spike, it turned out, it 00:24:37.250 --> 00:24:41.830 was actually a bug in the English language specification. So, because of that, I also 00:24:41.830 --> 00:24:47.950 found bugs in the English language specification with riscv-formal. "Future 00:24:47.950 --> 00:24:53.519 work": Multipliers already supported, floating-point is still on the to-do list, 00:24:53.519 --> 00:25:01.600 64-bit is half done. We would like to add support for CSRs. We would like to add 00:25:01.600 --> 00:25:06.120 support for more cores, but this is something that I would like to do slowly, 00:25:06.120 --> 00:25:10.649 because adding more cores also means we have less flexibility with changing 00:25:10.649 --> 00:25:17.970 things. And better integration with non- free tools, because right now all of that 00:25:17.970 --> 00:25:22.600 runs with open source tools that I also happen to write -- so, I wrote those 00:25:22.600 --> 00:25:27.580 tools, but some people actually don't want to use my open source tools; they would 00:25:27.580 --> 00:25:31.260 like to use the commercial tools -- and it's the to-do list that I have better 00:25:31.260 --> 00:25:35.750 integration with those tools. Maybe, because I don't get licenses to those 00:25:35.750 --> 00:25:41.049 tools, so we will see how this works. That's it. Do we have still time for 00:25:41.049 --> 00:26:02.709 questions? applause 00:26:02.709 --> 00:26:05.380 Clifford: So, I'd say we start with questions at 1. 00:26:05.380 --> 00:26:11.240 Herald: I'm sorry; here we go. We have 2 questions; we have time for 2 questions 00:26:11.240 --> 00:26:15.720 and we're going to start with microphone number 1, please. 00:26:15.720 --> 00:26:22.779 M1: Hello, thanks for your talk and for your work. First question: You told about 00:26:22.779 --> 00:26:26.690 riscv-formal interface. Clifford: Yes. 00:26:26.690 --> 00:26:34.199 M1: So, does vendor ship the final processor with this interface available? 00:26:34.199 --> 00:26:39.529 Clifford: Oh, that's a great question, thank you. This interface has only output 00:26:39.529 --> 00:26:45.290 ports and actually when you implement this interface, you should not add something to 00:26:45.290 --> 00:26:49.230 your design that's not needed to generate those output ports. So, what you can do 00:26:49.230 --> 00:26:53.510 is, you can take the version of your core with that interface, the version of the 00:26:53.510 --> 00:26:58.480 core without that interface. Then, in your synthesis script, just remove those output 00:26:58.480 --> 00:27:03.720 ports and then run a formal equivalence check between that version and the version 00:27:03.720 --> 00:27:10.820 that you actually deploy on your ASIC. M1: Thanks; and one short question: When 00:27:10.820 --> 00:27:17.381 people say formal verification, usually others think "Oh, if it is verified, it is 00:27:17.381 --> 00:27:26.220 excellent, absolutely excellent. Do you plan to say that it will find all the 00:27:26.220 --> 00:27:30.649 erato for the processor? Clifford: Well, it depends on what kind of 00:27:30.649 --> 00:27:35.990 proof you run. The most work I do is with bounded proofs and there you only get a 00:27:35.990 --> 00:27:40.830 certain degree of confidence, because you only see bugs that can occur within a 00:27:40.830 --> 00:27:46.160 certain number of cycles from reset, but if you want, you can also run a complete 00:27:46.160 --> 00:27:52.539 proof, where you start with a symbolic state instead of a reset state and then 00:27:52.539 --> 00:27:57.510 you can can make sure that you actually check the entire reachable state space, 00:27:57.510 --> 00:28:01.509 but that's a very, very hard thing to do So, that's not a weekend project. Just 00:28:01.509 --> 00:28:05.730 adding the riscv-formal interface and running some bounded proofs is probably a 00:28:05.730 --> 00:28:10.560 weekend project if you already have your RISC-V processor. 00:28:10.560 --> 00:28:13.400 M1: Thank you. Herald: Thank you. We actually do not have 00:28:13.400 --> 00:28:17.919 time for any more questions, but there will be time after the talk to ask you 00:28:17.919 --> 00:28:22.130 questions... maybe? Clifford: Yeah. So, maybe you can find me 00:28:22.130 --> 00:28:27.390 at the open FPGA assembly, which is part of the hardware hacking area. 00:28:27.390 --> 00:28:32.740 Herald: Super. Very great job to put that much information into 30 minutes. Please 00:28:32.740 --> 00:28:35.830 help me thank Cliff for his wonderful talk. 00:28:35.830 --> 00:28:44.232 applause 00:28:44.232 --> 00:28:49.447 34c3 outro 00:28:49.447 --> 00:29:06.000 subtitles created by c3subtitles.de in the year 2018. Join, and help us!