Mayday, mayday, mayday! Bravo 160 to heavy, emergency descent! We have as humans We have something that no animal has And what it's called is Imagination And what imagination allows you to do It allows you to see it Before it actually happens What I mean by that is I need you to go 10 years into the future 20 years into the future And I need you to see yourself Actually becoming the person you want to be You gotta live in the forward Block the whole world out Put some music on Some classical music Right, the piano if you need to I don't know what you need to listen to But I want you to take 30 minutes Go in the closet, go in the basement Go in the library, go into a room alone And I want you to take 30 minutes And I want you to live in the forward See the problem is I'm talking to some of you guys The problem that you're having is You're living in the future And you're living in the present And you keep talking about the mistakes And you keep talking about the past And you keep talking about your trials And you keep talking about your situation And I want you to know That everybody that has ever been great Everybody has had a obstacle to overcome They had a barrier that they had to climb There is no individual who's ever reached success And he didn't have to go through A obstacle or a barrier to get there I need you to live in the future I need you to go in your future every single day I need you to go in your future I need you to see what you're going to be Listen to me What you are to be, you are now becoming So you gotta use your imagination And your imagination has to take you beyond the pain Your imagination has to take you beyond the trouble Your imagination has to take you to the next level We have to see ourselves there long before it happens The second tool is We've gotta embrace faith I had to have faith And believe that the thing that I see 10 years from now 20 years from now That one day that thing is gonna be successful When I was homeless at 16 I could have quit When I was homeless I could have given up There were many a day that I thought about Committing suicide But I said to myself "E., just keep imagining, keep thinking, keep seeing" Keep seeing what you're not now But what you're going to be Sometimes it's gonna be hard Sometimes you gonna look all around you And nowhere do you see success Nowhere do you see anything that Remotely looks like success But you gotta embrace Number 2 You gotta embrace the faith You gotta believe that Although it's not happening right now If you keep pressing If you keep pushing, guess what? One day is gonna be your day That's right I need you to say that with me One day is gonna be your day Embrace the faith You gotta be able to see it and believe it When there is no evidence around you When there is no evidence around you When you got pain in your life When you are tired When you feel like giving up And you feel like quitting When you look around you And you don't see anything that looks anything like success You gotta embrace the faith And believe that one day is gonna be my day But one day can't be your day if you give up If you quit If you quit, no day will ever be your day I want you to fail forward That's right I said it Fail forward I want you to get to a place in your life That every mistake you make Every setback you get Right, every obstacle that you don't overcome Every barrier you can't climb I don't want you to give up But I want you to fail forward You gotta learn from your mistakes That every mistake you make You failed that class? Get back up and try again! You lose a job? Get back up and try again! You put all your money in an investment? Get back and try again! If you start a business and it don't work Don't stop, don't quit! Fail forward Learn from each and every one of your mistakes Don't quit Don't give up Listen to me Don't quit Don't give up If it gets hard You tie a knot around yourself You double tie it if you have to But you hold on But I want you to know You'll never reach your goal You'll never reach your dreams If you don't use your imagination So when you failed that class Don't drop it When you failed that class Don't just stop going You're going to the end of that class And you're going to the end of that class And you're going to the end of that class And you're going to the end of that class