Translation & Subtitles: thoseguiltyeyes | Hello, RINA here! It's already the end of the year! So fast! Good work this year, everyone! I'll be taking it easy at home and talking while reading comments from you guys. Today's video will be a laid-back one. "I got married on Christmas. I'm grateful to have met my partner, and I want to build a happy family with them." Congrats! It makes me really happy to hear your guys' happy news. Congrats! "My boyfriend won a set of your drumsticks at BEST Xmas. We split them up and each have one. Thank you for making us happy!" Oh, they came as a couple! So they're one of the winners. We have a gift-giving segment during our Christmas concerts, and we usually give out all kinds of things. All of the band members give out gifts as well. My present was a pair of drumsticks I used during that concert. I just now learned who won it. They split them up - That's so cute! Thank you, too! I'm glad it made you guys happy. "I love the music that SCANDAL makes. The MC during BEST Xmas made me cry. I really can't wait for the new album!" That makes me happy. Thank you for coming to the concert! Our Christmas concert was a lot of fun, wasn't it? Among SCANDAL's concerts, it's our most popular one. When it comes to applicant-to-acceptance ratio for tickets, that is. It's pretty crazy every year. We play songs that we don't usually play on tours. We're a band that hails from a dance and vocal training school, and every year for BEST Xmas we do a bit of singing while dancing. There are a lot of variety show-like elements in it. It's a lot of fun. "I've been a fan since I was in middle school, and now I'm a hairdresser. My dream is to one day do your hair, RINA." That makes me happy to hear! First, congrats! That's awesome. You worked really hard. It would make me happy if that could happen one day. "I've been thinking about changing up my look. RINA, when you want to change your look, what do you start with?" For that, isn't the first thing your hairstyle? I think that changing your hair is the easiest way to show it. Change your hair color, or cut it short. Things like that. "I love SCANDAL, who always affirms who I am in the given moment." Thank you! The messages that girls send make me happy. I also remember the things they tell us. One had always attended our concerts with her friends, but those friends all suddenly got married or changed their lifestyles. She said that she ended up attending a concert by herself. She was like, "Is this okay?" She came out to the venue feeling excited but a little lonely. She watched our concert and then said that she was glad she went alone. That made me really happy. That was one of the messages that left an impression on me. There really are times when a person's friends all start getting married at the same time. The time frames all overlap. That's why I'm sure there are times when it feels like you're being left behind. What is fulfilling for someone differs for everyone, so I want you guys to cherish what you feel happy about now. Having you guys watch our concerts and listen to our music makes us really happy. "If I happen to see you on the street, is it okay to say hi?" That's totally fine! I want you guys to say hi. I might be a little shy about being spotted, though. If the timing's right and you see me, please say hi. "Please tell us what you're glad you bought this year, or your favorite items." Recently... I bought these rings. I've had this one for a long time, but I just got these two. I got new accessories. For winter. All three of them are accessories from the brand GAGAN. I had talked about this brand in a previous video about my accessories. I really like these. They're distinctive and cute. They also have jewelry for men. "I want to know why you went with 'urarina.'" This is in regards to my Instagram username. My IG username is "urarina821." When I first started IG, I thought I'd post a ton of things aside from the band or our music. If I consider my job in the band as my "front side" (omote), then everything else that's personal would be the "back side" (ura). That's why I went with "urarina." "I have to take action in order for my goals (dreams) to come true, but I can't really do so easily. What should I do?" Like... I'd wonder how serious I am about my dream. When a dream grows to the point where it's moving on its own before you think you need to act on it, you're already taking action before you know it, right? That's what I think. That's the type of person I am. You realize you're already doing everything you can. There may be many other things you want to do now. "When you guys record 'Catch up,' are you all wearing casual outfits? I'm interested since your clothes are really cute, RINA." Thank you very much. The four of us have a podcast/radio program that comes out every Monday night. When we record for radio, we always wear casual outfits. "When you look back on this year, is there anything in particular that was memorable? This year... Yeah, starting to be able to put on concerts again and getting to see everyone again made us really happy. Also, we worked super hard to write an album. We've completed our 10th album, which is coming out next month on January 26th. Maybe the most memorable is that we worked on the album the whole year. Like... In the past, we generally wrote songs while on tour. The way we play concerts has also changed. There were also times when production did not proceed as usual. We weren't able to write songs. We didn't know how we could make songs without having any concerts planned. We found ourselves running up against things we've never considered before. This production period was unlike any we had before. Because we were able to come to a halt forcibly, this past year and a half was one where we were able to be honest with ourselves and the band. If we never had that period, we wouldn't have been able to write any of these songs. The album is titled "MIRROR." All of these songs reflect us exactly as we are. We'd been thinking about ideas to take on all sorts of things, respond to them, and strike back at what's around us, which made the album turn out to be very unique and interesting. That's why we're wondering what you guys will think of it. You guys might think it's cool and fun. So, being able to complete this album is such a huge thing for us. It was something profound for me. Yeah. Those are some of the questions that I selected to talk about. How was it? Did you enjoy it? It was a lot of fun for me. Thank you so much to everyone who left a comment. Thank you so much for supporting us this year, too. Let's have fun spending next year together as well. I think my YouTube upload schedule will get a little irregular again. When I want to film I will do so, so best regards in 2022 as well! Thank you so much for watching to the end! See you in my next video! Bye bye! I wish you a Happy New Year!