CORONAVIRUS APOCALYPSE NOW ALREADY TOILET PAPER URGENT Hey, how is it in isolation? Sanitizer, yeah So, I'm in Indonesia right now I'm tired a little bit of all of this... Don't even know what's worse like coronavirus itself or panic around it I'm a person with a good sense of humour... Bismillah! M-m-m M-m-m They say we need to work on immune system This is starfruit, you know? Well, here are my thoughts on all of this you are free to share yours You obviously have some thoughts What irritates me the most, Chinese are always to blame. Rising discrimination against Asian people. Not nice, yeah Next thing to talk about. There were 20 Ukrainians coming from Wuhan. 20 Ukrainians,huh straight from the epicentre. Fuck, guys, right from the epicentre! All negative. But only one fantastic tourist coming back from Italy and first case for Ukraine How come? Immune system, folks! Coronavirus treatment. No jokes! Watching CNN these days sometimes feels disgusting Like, come on. Well friends I also have this kind of bun. It's Indonesian pastry Manado cake Spread around... Just a sec. Where is Manado? Sulawesi Oh yes So Sulawesi Sulawesi island and there is Manado city? This is the food of Manado Called Panado Panada. Panada! So, Sulawesi island bun Crazy thing with fish filling. Eating fish and zinc now for all the good things, you know Friends, I'm from, Odessa and frankly speaking need to use humorous approach it's my duty, it's a must for me That's who I am, born this way What's that bullshit: stay home? I was shocked subway shut down Thankful I'm not in Kyiv now How is it? What do we have? Ukraine confirms 7 cases but the panic is like, all Ukraine is done First of all Second is Don't even think of CNN. Seriously I've got nothing to watch here, so I go with CNN. I'm forced to You know? Forced participant Haven't seen anything like that Trump is constantly exaggerating "We've lost 50 people", "We've lost 60 people". Man, how many do you lose due to gun politics which is crazy in USA Your teenagers are free to use shotguns Hallo! Since when is he so devoted democrat? taking care of American population Well. okay, no problems Even USA doesn't close all aviation borders Like whoever Oh! The thing is... Lord, I'm so full again but the bun, m-m-m, trust me well, to make it clear, I have another bun you know yeah... Seriously, I'm not ruling out virus exists, okay? Moreover I think it does Is this kind of response to virus suitable? that is the question Lockdown the whole world, stay quarantined. Exactly in the times of, the fall of a stock market I think except virus there are something authorities only know Panic is huge Another think I love- speculation on country development Kind of African continent, South-East Asia or elsewhere have low degree of cases, cause not being tested properly No doubts, but Wait a sec, then why Canada has only 600 cases, and America, sorry USA - 6.5 k? 10 times difference neighbouring countries! They are neighbouring countries This coronavirus makes me unstable and eat more What the hell? Ukrainians are stuck in Dubai, we are stuck here. not that stuck Our embassies are trying, their best. trying to prolong... permit, opportunity to prolong... You know: "Just be back in 3 days". Dude, you know how much money I need to give? My ticket to Indonesia is 1 grand Imagine me running home in 2 days to get into quarantine. Mr. Zelenskiy, you are funny for sure, but what the hell? All USA citizens are free to be back home, no problems I think Ukraine condition is not at that point to take so strict precautions It is needed no doubts Quarantine is quarantine, stay home, jerk off home, no doubts. but damn there must be some limit or how? My favourite myth about coronavirus, the most favourite summer is coming virus is dying Guys, I'm dying here, it's 35 Celsius, hallo! Indonesia gains everyday 30 new cases. Imagine that Malaysia lockdown Guys, 35 degrees. Do you realize what it is? Isn't it summer? Is it fucking spring? I'm dying here day by day Heat kills me Summer time? Summer starts Virus ends? Don't count on that If it exists, of course If coronavirus exists, of course Ohhh boy! I'm done. Just done here Hey, here are some statistics needed for a starter There is a good website, Worldometer, Worldometers info coronavirus So here we go Coronavirus cases are 202'259 Death cases count, 8 k and some. 8 thousand Fuck, losing my breath. About to die now Will count as coronavirus, cause using mask! That's it, understand? Panic, anxiety I'm bitten by mosquitos all over.. you see, nature real shit beauty surrounds me tho no words to describe Death rate of Seasonal flu according to Health line site and also according to WHO ranges between 250 thousand people to 600 thousand. If we divide the average 400 thousand within 12 months we have 33 thousand people per month dies every month of seasonal flu Not bad, yeah? Not bad at all But why is this forgotten? why death of a seasonal flu doesn’t lead, to lockdowns Nobody speculates on, face masks or sanitizers? or other bullshit for sure What is about Easter? Easter coming Easter vigil: are we in? How is it? It's time to think about it Ramadan is coming Are we about to do smth? Stay at home and wait for instructions. Need to think what to do. Whats popping? Subway is closed, flights suspended. Staying home. Masks are out of stock, sanitizers also. Hope everyone did buy toilet paper? Guys, that's important! The most important thing to fight virus is toilet paper! How? Suits me well? I call it Corona Fashion Week. My last message: Wash hands, really keep distancing especially next to those who cough Follow all the precautions. Eat healthy: ginger, curcuma, all these things But don't lose your mind, please Don't do that! Ohh getting used to it, living on the edge half robot half human I go to bed with sanitizer, I wake up also with it The end! Bye!