Translation & Subtitles: thoseguiltyeyes | By the way, this recently came out. It's a product called "Mustang Micro." If you plug this into the output jack, you can hear full-fledged amp sounds via headphones. So since you can actually hear the sounds with headphones, you can play full-fledged sounds by yourself at home. -It's so small! -Right? Please play a bit. Ah, it already sounds as if it's plugged into an amp. There are controls on the side, and it has stuff like "amp" and "effects" written on it. Ah, wow! So yeah, I can't hear anything at all. I can only hear... What? I can only hear the raw guitar sounds, not the ones coming from the amp. -You really can't hear anything? -I can't! Ah, that's crazy. Mustang Micro playbackâ–¶ We've been spending a lot more time at home lately, so there are now more opportunities to practice at home. -This is really convenient for that. -Also, it'd be great to use in dressing rooms. Ah, you're right. Also, you can connect it via Bluetooth. You can send over music from your phone and then match your playing with it. That's so convenient! What does this... Oh! What's going on? Mustang Micro playbackâ–¶ Ah, that's awesome. What was that just now? That was...flanging? Or something? It modifies the atmosphere. Yes. -You can totally play around with this. -It looks like you're already having fun. It's not really being conveyed to me, though!