WEBVTT 00:00:00.753 --> 00:00:03.024 (Question from the audience) 00:00:03.024 --> 00:00:04.915 If you have a youth group 00:00:04.915 --> 00:00:06.401 with a lot of single people; 00:00:06.401 --> 00:00:08.225 they're not married or anything. 00:00:08.225 --> 00:00:10.954 Let's say one of the girls visits one of the boys 00:00:10.954 --> 00:00:13.526 and she sees that he's a professing Christian, 00:00:13.526 --> 00:00:14.912 but she accidentally sees that 00:00:14.912 --> 00:00:17.060 he has porn on his computer, 00:00:17.060 --> 00:00:18.158 for example. 00:00:18.158 --> 00:00:19.905 Would it be wrong for her to confront him 00:00:19.905 --> 00:00:21.751 and say I've seen this sin in your life; 00:00:21.751 --> 00:00:25.087 that's wrong - repent from it? 00:00:25.087 --> 00:00:28.099 (Charles speaking) Well, it would not be wrong 00:00:28.099 --> 00:00:30.256 for her to confront him with his sin. 00:00:30.256 --> 00:00:33.276 Usually, if you're dealing about something like that, 00:00:33.276 --> 00:00:35.211 that's getting into an area 00:00:35.211 --> 00:00:36.813 where it's more appropriate for a brother 00:00:36.813 --> 00:00:38.814 to take care of that. 00:00:38.814 --> 00:00:46.100 A girl that really wants to minister to a guy, 00:00:46.100 --> 00:00:47.999 one of the best things she can do is 00:00:47.999 --> 00:00:51.519 say you know this guy over here is a real Christian, 00:00:51.519 --> 00:00:53.195 you ought to go and talk to him. 00:00:53.195 --> 00:00:56.481 That's one of the best things she can do. 00:00:56.481 --> 00:00:59.862 (from the audience) Is it the other way around for a guy? 00:00:59.862 --> 00:01:02.243 (Charles) Absolutely. 00:01:02.243 --> 00:01:05.495 He ought to direct that girl to Christian girls. 00:01:05.495 --> 00:01:11.887 One of the worst things a girl can do 00:01:11.887 --> 00:01:14.301 is say to a non-Christian guy is, 00:01:14.301 --> 00:01:17.415 "I'm a Christian and I can't really have time with 00:01:17.415 --> 00:01:19.266 you unless you're a Christian." 00:01:19.266 --> 00:01:21.592 What she's doing is setting him up 00:01:21.592 --> 00:01:24.335 to make a false profession. 00:01:24.335 --> 00:01:27.324 To try to use God to get something that he wants, 00:01:27.324 --> 00:01:28.690 which is her. 00:01:28.690 --> 00:01:31.516 And that keeps him from true faith 00:01:31.516 --> 00:01:32.988 and true repentance. 00:01:32.988 --> 00:01:36.376 Most of the things that take place between 00:01:36.376 --> 00:01:39.885 girls and guys where they're supposedly 00:01:39.885 --> 00:01:41.925 witnessing or ministering - 00:01:41.925 --> 00:01:45.065 most of it is worthless. 00:01:45.065 --> 00:01:48.811 It's worse than nothing.