Andrew Ng, in shirt sleeves, sits in an armchair in a modern building "Professor Andrew Ng - Director, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab" A dancing gray robot with blue articulations and red balls, described as HONDA - Stanford Project. A four-legged sundial moves on a board with small objects A car with Stanford University on the back window and Powered by Diesel on the rear bumper moves backwards. Andrew Ng, wearing a jacket and standing, giving a lecture. Clouds of steam billow on a meadow. "Stanford University Autonomous Helicopter" The helicopter takes off. "Takeoff" - "Inverted takeoff" Andrew Ng in shirt sleeves, as at the beginning. A Google search page, with "machine learning" being written in the search box. Search results are shown. Andrew Ng in shirt sleeves, as at the beginning. iPhoto '11 web page. Facebook's page about Photo tagging for Pages. Andrew Ng in shirt sleeves, as at the beginning. "Machine learning is the science of getting computers to learn, without being explicitly programmed." A robot is sweeping a room, then vacuuming. Another robot picks up toys and puts them on a table. The 2nd robot tidies cushions on a couch. It tidies books and reviews on the table, puts dishes in a dishwasher. It dusts the doors of a wall cupboard. Andrew Ng in shirt sleeves, as at the beginning. A 3rd robot turns pancakes over in a frying pan. A robot looking like a 4-legged beetle climbs on a log stack. The claw of a robot spoon-feeds a man. Andrew Ng in shirt sleeves, as at the beginning. 3rd robot is now playing chess. Andrew Ng in shirt sleeves, as at the beginning. "Machine Learning at Stanford - Visit to enrol."