Translation & Subtitles: thoseguiltyeyes | Rehearsals start today. MAMI came to pick me up and now we're heading to rehearsals. The usual. You've been picking me up for a long time now. I'm grateful. We've basically always lived close to each other. [I've been picking you up] ever since I got my license. -It's kind of scary if I don't have someone riding with me. -I see. You got your license a while ago. Yeah. Six years? I think. When MAMI and the others got their licenses, I remember writing "Onegai Navigation." -That's how I remember that. -Ah, you did say that. I didn't get one but everyone else did, and I thought we should write a song relating to cars. This is completely changing the subject, but I watched that scary anime. -Ah, you did? -I did! -Isn't it great? -What was it called again? -"Jujutsu Kaisen." -Ah, that's right. -It's so interesting! -Right? It is! It's really good. The ending theme is super stylish, so it's popular on YouTube. -It's really nice that it's properly scary. -Yeah, that's true. -Aren't the curses drawn pretty cute? -Yeah. They're cool. It's really good. The sensei is really cool. -Gojou-sensei? -Yeah. -He's really strong. -Eh, have you already watched them all? No, I haven't yet. I'm still midway through. The story's really interesting. Like, how should I put this... Those Techniques, those Cursed Techniques, they're a little unrealistic, but people's grudges and such, those feelings are realistic. The series will probably keep going for a while. I'm looking forward to it. Since we're spending a lot of time at home, I've been watching a lot of stuff I don't normally watch. I also recommend "Tower of God." You did tell me about "Tower of God." I only watch anime, but I've been reading that series on LINE Manga for about 10 years now. -It's been that long? -Yeah. -There are hundreds of chapters. -That's crazy. That's nice. I wonder if more scary series will be released. I want them to be released. What? Scary series? Like ones about monsters or kaiju. That's why I also really like "The Promised Neverland." I like series that are kind of scary. -They're kind of cool. -Ah, I see. \ You will be guided to your original route / It keeps talking. -The weather's really nice. -Right~? It's warm during the day but freezing at night. Recently, the sunlight has felt really nice in my place, so it gets hot during the day and I open the windows. I can wear relatively light clothing inside. But it's of course cold at night and I need to turn on the ventilation. I wear a lot of layers at home. I'm imagining you wearing a lot of layers. When you lived in your previous place, you lived a little closer to me than you do now. So sometimes I would go over to your place to hang out or write songs. During one of those times in winter, your place was colder than it was outside! Seriously. It was freezing, but when you go to other people's places, you can't tell them to turn on the heating, -Were you frozen? -I was so cold! Seriously! -I don't turn on the heating. -Well, it is drying. I'll learn from that for when people come over. -I'll turn on the heating. -That's what it made you think? Yeah, it did. Then I'm glad I mentioned it. Do you turn it on now? -I don't. -You still don't? You move quite often. I love moving. It's because I longed to move when I was little. I originally lived in an apartment complex. So, well, my elementary and middle school were both close by, -so we didn't have a reason to move. -I see. When you're in your hometown, there's a lot you can't do. So, I really longed for a single-family house or a big apartment. I see. So when we came here, the four of us all started out living in a single-family house. We did. I felt the same when we lived there. -I thought there'd be stairs inside. -I see. The four of us lived together. -Yeah, that's so nostalgic. -It really is. But, I've talked about this with friends. I've often talked about how the four of us living together in the beginning, and how we lived at that house. Talking about those times makes me so excited. even when talking about it with friends. You know, the thing I remember most clearly... -You like melons-- -Ah, there it is! So, before we went on tour, you ate melon. I did. You threw away the seeds in the sink, washed the plate, and we all headed out on tour. Several weeks passed, and when we got back, Melons were growing from the sink! Buds were sprouting. That was so scary! -We were like, "Eh!?" -We were. There was a stopper in the sink, and the buds were sprouting from it. I was like, "Eh?" I didn't know that melon seeds would get like that. -They're kind of cute. -Yeah. -They're like melon babies. -Yeah. We grew a few of them. Really sorry about that. We've mentioned this before, but since we all lived together when we were just becoming adults, there were a lot of things we couldn't do or did for the first time. On the whiteboard on the fridge, -there would be a little-- -We did do that. -If someone cooked something, they'd write things on the board like, "Eat this stew!" -Yeah, we did. I was the only one attending high school, and when I'd get up early and look in the fridge, you guys would write, "RINA-chan, have a good day!" We did do that. That was nice. Yeah. That's so nostalgic. Those times were interesting yet so trivial. Seriously. But it kind of makes me go, "What if we had done things more properly?" A lot of things happened. -But I'm glad that we all lived together. -Me too. We don't seem like a band who's done something like that, though. It's surprising. -Yeah. -We kept at it. -Yeah. Surprisingly, during our time in Osaka too, at live houses, we kind of felt out of place compared to everyone else. Yeah. When we came to Tokyo, I don't know why but I thought we had to live in the Shimokitazawa area. -Ah, since we're in a band. -Yeah. You thought that we'd be trapped in Shimokita. Like, "Shimokita's so expensive; we can't live there." Yeah, I had no idea what I misunderstood. That's so cute. I thought that we could only live there. -I was totally wrong about that. -Yeah. We had freedom. -We'll arrive at the studio soon. -Yeah. -At any rate, shall we work hard for the first day of rehearsals? -Yeah! -Nothing's started yet. -Yeah. I wonder what it'll be like. But the other day when we met with the NAKED team, it looks like it'll turn out so good that it'll be super emotional. -That's awesome. -It's going to make us cry. -Let's tour the world in support of this. -Yeah. -I want to hurry up and hold our world tour. -Yeah, seriously. All rightー Heave-ho. -Good morning! -We're here! We've arrived. I'm starving. Hehehe Ehehe All right, we're off to start day 1 of rehearsals. -Thanks for driving! -Yep!