My name is Shinta Ratri I'm from Islamic Boarding for transgender the name is Al-Fatah I'm 56 years old and I'm from Yogyakarta Our activities are Uphold the right to worship For transgender friends And we struggle Conduct inclusion activities The aim is to expand acceptance Transgender in the society all this time two years ago we have received persecution From fundamentalist groups which is Forced closure To our boarding 4 months later we struggled And dare to rebuild Even though transgender are also human Who has the right to worship We then network with KBB It's Victims of Religious Freedom Consist of Minority groups From Ahmadiyah, Shia, Christian, Catholic Buddhists, Hindus and Devotees (Penghayat) Which one is each of them Have received the same treatment Like us That is a violation of rights To do worship Which is religious freedom So.. That is the function Minority groups are indeed Need to unite To conduct joint advocacy Against human rights violations What we receive as a minority My hope is the government To take firm action This means that it does not do omission To those groups Which is the occurrence of intolerance Then it became increasingly widespread in Yogyakarta Thank you Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi (and grace of God May the salvation) Wabarakatuh (and blessings be abundant to you)