to the wall of the GANS, to the wall of the core. If you put enough of it in saturate the system with let's say 30, 30 % of each, look which layer starts rotating. When you bring the system together then it gives you Strength you have to start calibrating and then you find motion, no time. It's the Field charge which you have to look for. One of your reactors or bottom reactors has to become a Field charge. (JB) Has to be, what is you, what are you calling it? (MK) It's a, it's a Gravitational Magnetic Field charge of the system. There is a charge system. If you reach it the Earth will repel you. To the point where you can create Gravity. Many times when you want to take off from a ground point, from the zero point you don't need to change because you have nothing to compare to lift, you have to create a Field charge. Which means you use your top core as a Field charge in comparison to the three base and your surrounding rotating cores. And then at that point because the Field... in a way, if you look at it, your bottom three becomes the negative, and your top one becomes positive which is a giver then you have to create a Strength Field, which in respect to the Earth Gravitational Magnetic Field Gravitational Magnetic Field of the Earth catapults you off, and then the system settles itself for a Space position. The Space travel, take off from the zero point usually can be done it's one of the easiest way to do it is, is creating that condition of Field discharge or potential difference in positive and negative in respect within your system and Earth Gravitational Magnetic Field system. Where for example your system becomes the Proton and... sorry Electron and the Earth is the Proton where irr.. As I just explained, it pushes away to a point, at that point, you even travel with a sp.. build up to the speed of light, and then at a point when the inertia Field Forces of the Earth with Gravitational Magnetic Field of the Earth become Balance with the atmosphere, then you build into the speed of light to travel. Within the Earth you can, it's very hard to travel within the speed of light, because the atmosphere is so thin, it's only few 100, 10-50 kilometers, 100 kilometers maximum. So, try to look inside, and I've said this many time to see how the core rotates, and then you can spell step up into motion and lift. Because when you handle you've gone into the Matter-State you are dealing with the inertia Field forces Gravitational Magnetic Field. You have to push yourself away from inertia Gravitational Magnetic Field by catapulting yourself off the ground in a positive negative direction if you understand, and then you pick up your speed and your position. (JB) Okay. One other question ... So, if we ... are... Well one of the things we're trying to do also is to build a Spaceship with our thoughts ... and during the week it was mentioned, and I found it very odd that when Entities go aboard an... another Spaceship, that their Soul is ... given over to the Spaceship that they might all travel jointly. So ... (MK) Not given to the Spaceship you give it to another Soul to carry. This is a very well practiced system. You become passenger. It's just like you give your body to a pilot to take you to a place. (JB) But ... for me it's like I don't know how you would continue operate without your Soul but ... (MK) No you can operate very easy you have a Soul because the Physicality can't operate if there is no Soul. You speak on the Soul level not on a Physical, depends how much you go into the understanding of the Totality of the knowledge. (JB) Well, this is this is where my question comes up. So, are we able to take an aspect of our Soul, and load it into... I'll call it 'reactors', that we create in our, in our mind and put one aspect ... (MK) Can I, can I just before you go further, explain? Is your reactor carries the Strength of your Soul, or you think it does? (JB) ... So, if we're creating it, yes it can. I don't know, that's my thinking. (MK) So, you have no problem. (JB) So we can create, we can put an aspect of our Soul, not just Emotions into these imaginary reactors and ... that ... (MK) You go to, can I, can I answer you Jon, can I, can I just say something? (JB) Yes. (MK) Is your Soul imaginary? (JB) No, it's not! (MK) So, you don't put it somewhere imaginary. You have to, to understand this is part of where I put it. (JB) So I'm talking about an aspect of our Soul, of part of our Soul. A... (MK) Yeah. Why you want to send an Electron instead of the whole package of the Neutron? (JB) ... What I'm trying to do is to get, (MK) (laughing) (JB) To get my Spaceship, my quote, "imaginary Spaceship", to be able to light up, and carry, carry ... the energy of, of all. (MK) Yeah, then ... it would only light up within you at the level you understand. Do you understand what I mean? Nobody else will see it, but you understand it. And accordingly you understand the Space you have created for its elev... what I call, 'Elevation'. (JB) Okay ... I'll think on it. (MK) Try the system you understand, try your system till you see the Field Force interaction. I made a system with Armen ... past couple of weeks, and ... ... past week or so. It's very nice but haven't managed to show how it operates hopefully the next week when we are together we can show him. Where you can rotate dynamic reactors from Fields, and if you position it further or closer to certain number of magnets, you will see that the magnets will start rotating. We have already built it, Armen just finished it ... Then we see we don't need the motors. We need the Field Forces what we call let's say the Soul of the system from one reactor, that in the Strength reduces enough that rotates the magnets, in a Matter-State. This is how the Field Forces of the Sun creates the rotation within the structure of the Field Forces of the Gravitational Magnetic Field of the Earth itself. Where the Gravitational Magnetic Field of the Earth interaction leads the, to rotation of the body of the Planet, where the interaction of the Fields of the system of the Earth, what we call 'atmosphere', with the Sun, creates the rotation of this Earth around the Sun. The interaction of Gravitational Magnetic Field of the Fields, internal Fields of the Earth, creates the rotation of the Earth. Then the interaction, the balance interaction of between these two and the Sun creates the rotation of the motion of the Earth within the Solar System. Then the interaction of Gravitational Magnetic Field of our Sun with the Galaxy dictates the rotation of the Sun, the Solar System in the Galaxy. This is how motion is Created. You have to have another one to dictates the motion of the other while itself has its own rotation, this is what has not been understood. and I've been trying to teach this so hard for years. Then you'll find you can move in any dimension, according to the strength you create within the system internally. That its interaction with the other creates it. This is how many times in the teachings we explain. They said Venus is rotating clockwise because a Meteorite hit it. No! The Venus rotates clockwise because the internal Gravitational Magnetic Field of itself has got a Balance which dictates positive rotation, your clockwise rotation. Or the Field-Strength from outside which enforces on it because of the closeness to the strong Field of the Sun has dictate the Field Force intrusion, which means, the Field Force between the Sun and the Venus not only has allowed the rotation,