0:00:01.034,0:00:02.378 (tranquil music) 0:00:04.121,0:00:06.165 - [Voiceover] Consider the following game. 0:00:06.165,0:00:09.626 Eve instructs Bob to go into[br]a room. (door creaks shut) 0:00:09.626,0:00:12.838 Bob finds the room empty,[br]except for some locks, 0:00:12.838,0:00:16.508 an empty box, and a single deck of cards. 0:00:16.508,0:00:18.511 Eve tells Bob to select a card 0:00:18.511,0:00:22.800 from the deck and hide it as best he can. 0:00:22.800,0:00:24.891 The rules are simple. 0:00:24.891,0:00:27.060 Bob cannot leave the room with anything, 0:00:27.060,0:00:30.021 cards and keys all stay in the room, 0:00:30.021,0:00:34.735 and he can put, at most,[br]one card in the box. 0:00:34.735,0:00:38.363 Eve agrees that she has[br]never seen the locks. 0:00:38.363,0:00:42.784 He wins the game if Eve is[br]unable to determine his card. 0:00:42.784,0:00:45.120 So what is his best strategy? 0:00:45.120,0:00:48.123 Well, Bob selected a[br]card, six of diamonds, 0:00:48.123,0:00:50.834 and threw it in the box. (box clicks shut) 0:00:50.834,0:00:53.628 First he considered the[br]different types of locks. 0:00:53.628,0:00:58.133 Maybe he should lock the[br]card in the box with the key. 0:00:58.133,0:01:00.636 Though, she could pick locks, so he 0:01:00.636,0:01:03.180 considers the combination lock. 0:01:03.180,0:01:05.223 The key is on the back, so if he locks it 0:01:05.223,0:01:08.977 and scratches it off, it[br]seems like the best choice. 0:01:08.977,0:01:12.063 But suddenly he realizes the problem. 0:01:12.063,0:01:13.815 The remaining cards on the table 0:01:13.815,0:01:15.984 leak information about his choice, 0:01:15.984,0:01:18.487 since it's now missing from the deck. 0:01:18.487,0:01:20.989 The locks are a decoy. (metal jangles) 0:01:20.989,0:01:23.992 He shouldn't separate[br]his card from the deck. 0:01:23.992,0:01:25.494 He returns his card to the deck 0:01:25.494,0:01:28.123 but can't remember the[br]position of his card. 0:01:28.123,0:01:31.998 So he shuffles the deck to randomize it. 0:01:32.244,0:01:34.711 Shuffling is the best[br]lock, because it leaves 0:01:34.711,0:01:37.631 no information about his choice. 0:01:37.631,0:01:42.631 His card is now equally likely[br]to be any card in the deck. 0:01:42.678,0:01:47.402 He can now leave the cards[br]openly, in confidence. 0:01:48.183,0:01:51.061 Bob wins the game, because[br]the best Eve can do 0:01:51.061,0:01:53.731 is simply guess, as he has left 0:01:53.731,0:01:56.942 no information about his choice. 0:01:56.942,0:01:58.998 Most importantly, even if we give Eve 0:01:58.998,0:02:01.405 unlimited computational power, 0:02:01.405,0:02:04.200 she can't do any better than a guess. 0:02:04.200,0:02:08.502 This defines what we[br]call "perfect secrecy." 0:02:08.662,0:02:13.500 On September first, 1945,[br]29-year-old Claude Shannon 0:02:13.500,0:02:17.504 published a classified paper on this idea. 0:02:17.504,0:02:20.215 Shannon gave the first mathematical proof 0:02:20.215,0:02:24.719 for how and why the one time[br]pad is perfectly secret. 0:02:24.719,0:02:27.430 Shannon thinks about encryption schemes 0:02:27.430,0:02:29.850 in the following way. 0:02:29.850,0:02:33.104 Imagine Alice writes a message[br]to Bob, 20 letters long. 0:02:33.104,0:02:34.021 (paper ruffling) 0:02:34.021,0:02:35.522 This is equivalent to picking 0:02:35.522,0:02:40.110 one specific page from the message space. 0:02:40.110,0:02:42.863 The message space can be[br]thought of as a complete 0:02:42.863,0:02:47.117 collection of all possible[br]20 letter messages. 0:02:47.117,0:02:47.826 (paper ruffling) 0:02:47.826,0:02:49.119 Anything you can think of that's 0:02:49.119,0:02:52.497 20 letters long is a page in this stack. 0:02:52.497,0:02:55.792 Next, Alice applies a[br]shared key, which is a list 0:02:55.792,0:03:00.380 of 20 randomly generated[br]shifts between one and 26. 0:03:00.380,0:03:02.675 The key space is the complete collection 0:03:02.675,0:03:06.511 of all possible outcomes,[br]so generating a key is 0:03:06.511,0:03:10.765 equivalent to selecting a page[br]from this stack at random. 0:03:10.765,0:03:13.810 When she applies the shift[br]to encrypt the message, 0:03:13.810,0:03:16.479 she ends up with a cipher text. 0:03:16.479,0:03:18.607 The cipher text space represents 0:03:18.607,0:03:22.697 all possible results of an encryption. 0:03:22.697,0:03:25.030 When she applies the key, it maps 0:03:25.030,0:03:28.617 to a unique page in this stack. 0:03:28.617,0:03:30.785 Notice that the size of the message space 0:03:30.785,0:03:32.537 equals the size of the key space 0:03:32.537,0:03:35.790 equals the size of the cipher text space. 0:03:35.790,0:03:38.501 This defines what we[br]call "perfect secrecy," 0:03:38.501,0:03:42.506 for if someone has access to[br]a page of cipher text only, 0:03:42.506,0:03:44.883 the only thing that they know is that 0:03:44.883,0:03:48.387 every message is equally likely. 0:03:48.387,0:03:50.555 So no amount of computational power 0:03:50.555,0:03:54.017 could ever help improve a blind guess. 0:03:54.017,0:03:56.636 Now the big problem, you're[br]wondering, with the time pad, 0:03:56.645,0:04:00.231 is we have to share these[br]long keys in advance. 0:04:00.231,0:04:03.360 To solve this problem, we[br]need to relax our definition 0:04:03.360,0:04:07.656 of secrecy by developing a[br]definition of pseudo-randomness. 0:04:07.656,0:04:09.123 (white noise)